
Don't I Know You?

Was in the area and stopped at a club that is very much a locals type hangout, where the dancers are normally rather standoffish if you're not a known regular. I've been to the club a few times before, but not recently. I was pleasantly surprised to find a dancer there that knew me from when she worked at another club.

She gave me a big hug when she recognized me, and after her stage set came and cuddled up to me at the bar. Since this dancer had given me the seal of approval, it was like I was an “instant” regular. The other dancers were suddenly much more friendly, and my dancer even introduced me to couple of dancers she thought I would like (she was right). Made for a nice night.

Any similar experiences?


  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    I know I've kicked this story around a couple of times, but yes. There is a club down south that I like a lot. Howevr, if you are not known the girls are VERY standoffish. During my first few visits I sat there in a very nice suit with a wad, but you would have thought that I was wearing stripper repellant.

    Then I broke the ice with the bartender, followed by one of the more aggressive strippers. Since then all doors have been open. It is like two completely different clubs, one where if you are not known then it is ok at best, but if you are known then the world is your oyster (for the right price of course).

    A couple of other guys on tuscl would swear to you that there is nothing fun or special about this club, and I've even tried to help them out with pointers, but there it is.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    A few clubs in Columbus are like that. I remember when Tuscl_Brother introduced me to the girls on my first visit to the Blue Diamond (since closed). It was like I was transported through the worm hole. One moment I was a suspicious loser, the next I was getting a BBBJ on the porch!

    In my experience, it takes 3 visits. On the first, you apply cash liberally and equitably without much result. On the second, you prove to the brave girl that you are generous and open to all kinds of fun. On the third, you get introduced to her friends. Let the good times roll!
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Similar, if not identical. Dancers here tend to move around a bit, so it's not uncommon to see one I've seen before at a new club.

    The most recent wasn't a dancer that recognized me, but the bartender, whom I recognized from another club where I've gotten just about anything I asked for. A very "my type" dancer was being a bit stand-offish, and I'd about given up on her when the bartender motioned her over, whispered in her ear for a second. Suddenly this girl was *very* friendly and we had an extra good time.

    Later, I asked the bartender what she'd said to her.

    "You were giving off your cop vibe, so I told her a couple of things I've heard you like."

    Gotta work on that...
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Dang, george, I've had that problem too. Guess I'll have to stop wearing my uniform in.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    The same thing has happened to me. Getting a long-time-no-see hug by a dancer who knows you when you enter an otherwise strange club is like getting the stripper notary public to certify that you are a trustworthy customer, not LE or a perv.

    There's a club some distance across town from me that I've started visiting maybe once a month. When I started I didn't know a soul. But one day, I found two dancers who knew me from another club. They hugged me like Steve described, then we partied at my table and I took both of them to the private dance room on separate days. After those two encounters the day manager now recognizes me and shakes my hand when I show up and the other dancers are suddenly friendlier and now try to get into my wallet. I'm working on some entry myself.

  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    I've told this story before-at Dolls, there was this little spinner that wouldn't let me near her kitty (unlike the other dancers). About six months later I was at a nude joint. One dancer had approached me, and before going to VIP, offered me a menu with prices. We stopped at the ATM since I hadn't expected much going in and carried very little. While at the ATM, the little spinner ran up, "remember me ?" The dancer I was with warned her off.

    I went back the next week and sought out the spinner. We went to the back. After one dance I let her know that I wanted more than just a lapper. We moved to a more remote room and had FS.

    I asked her why she let me FS with her, but at Dolls, the waistline was off limits. "More privacy" was her answer.
  • MondoGoGo
    14 years ago
    I bumped into an old girl friend at a SC once and was surprised to learn that she was the co-owner of the club. I had just started going to this club and hadn't yet "cracked the code" so to speak. That is to say that I was tipping well and getting some attention but nothing like the attention that I got once word got around that I was cozy with the "big boss". I don't frequent that club much anymore because the quality of the dancers went down hill for some reason and I never ran into Marcy (my old girlfriend) again but the power of being vetted is an undeniable reality when it comes to scantily clad young women.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I went to a club where I am VIP to chill, c what gals they had on shift, and enjoy some non sex SC action for once as had already met fav (dances at Gold Cup) a coupla days b4. Wasn't gonna happen. This was about a coupla weeks after I did M at Centerfolds in $55 CR there. I did not even get seated then M surprised me and we hugged. She sat at my table and before long I was taking her up to VIP (for FS) to spend $200 vs the $40 I was planning. She is 20, blonde, super bod, from Miami, and was wearing a super short micro dress outfit. In VIP she will do CG style and will politely request I not get off until she does which is no problem for me. When she does she is vocal and there is no doubt she is experienceing orgasm. I have done her a number of times itc.
  • dallas702
    14 years ago
    I walked into a Houston club (for the very first time) last year and a raven haired, buxom beauty grabbed me just as I entered the main room. After a hug, a kiss, and a few "breathless" words from her, I figured out she thought I was one of her regulars from another club. By the time she realized I was not who she thought I was we were already seated in a corner. She apologized - several times - and even offered to buy me a drink - I think she was honestly embarrassed.

    This club turned out to be, much as you described, a locals place and strangers were not generally given much attention. But the obvious greeting (mistaken though it was) and the time the raven beaut spent with me DID make a difference. What would have been an unproductive SC visit turned out to be fun. And while the mistaken ID girl was not "comfortable" about extras, others (who now thought I was a regular) were more generous!
  • dw.buck
    14 years ago
    it all depends on the girls and the night and how your approach is to the club. some clubs i have sat back smoked a blount for an hour before tipping. during that time i had so many strippers come up to me and talk, once i started tipping it get better. other clubs i have walked in started tipping at the stage and stat down and strippers avoided me for a while. sometimes after i get a LD from one the rest open up. again it all depends on the club and the girls in some situations that it appears as if you dont spend money they open you up, but when your spending they stear clear
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    LOL harrydave I had a similar experience with TB there. It is nice when you get all that attention but it does not last forever if you don't keep shelling out the cash. They are there to make money. I see posts all the time on stripperweb asking "how long should I let one of my regulars go without buying dances before cutting him off of my attention"?
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    ^^I should mention the stripperweb posts do not apply to places like BD but more to the upscale places.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I remember running into a dancer who claimed she knew me from years ago. I did not remember her at all. Anyway I got talked into getting a lap dance and she was all over me. Then she worked on getting me to meet up with her away from the club. I finally agreed because she was so persistent and because she was starting to make me nervous about how far she was willing to go in the club with her lap dances. I think it was the first time I got talked into meeting up with someone because of their persistence. I had fun though. She later confided in me that she remembered the very first time she ever saw me many years earlier. That almost seemed creepy.
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