Golf Season Myrtle beach - best dates?? best club??
Hey everyone, can anyone help me with the busiest time in the spring golf season at myrtle beach, im planning to go for 4 weeks and want to make sure there the busiest! also any good club suggestion??
Thanks!! xxxx
Thanks!! xxxx
Also Golf season will probably have lower ratings this year because no Tiger Woods. The last time Tiger Woods was out of golf season the tv ratings and attendance was way down. You still will probably make good money during golf season but just not as much as before when Tiger Woods was attracting his fans.
Also considering how well Platinum Plus is ranked, you should do good there all year around.
And Sam, you tip-toed all around it, but didn't say it: strip club business is likely to be WAY OFF because Tiger and his large wallet likely won't be in the clubs due to his effort now to "save his marriage."
As for as clubs... The Masters Club is one of the nicest in my opinion and caters to the Golfers. There's several down there though and they all run the gamit.
Shadowcat is talking about the masters golf tournament in Augusta. That is April 7-11 and during that week Platinum -Columbia is packed with guys that come in at night after watching golf during the day. Dancers figured it out and lots of out of town girls ahow up that week then head to Myrtle.