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4 months ago
How to Make Small Talk with a Stripper Before Deciding on a Lap Dance
Congratulations. You have showered, hit the ATM, and arrived at a strip club looking for a lap dance. It's going to be a good night!
Make it an amazing night. Develop a rapport with your chosen dancer, and you will have...
Southeast USA
4 months ago
Real life otc adventures. I.e. things to watch out for.
Unlike some articles, this one will tell you about experiences i may or may not have had (because everything written here should be consodered fiction, dont ya know). But i guarantee, this will not by any means be rainbows and...
4 months ago
Your First Strip Club Visit: How to Interact with Dancers Without Being Creepy
Walking into a strip club for the first time can feel like stepping into a different world. The lights, the music, and the dancers all create a unique environment that can be both exciting and intimidating. If you're new to...
5 months ago
Hurricanes and Strip Clubs, a memoir
New Orleans had not been my home for long before it was threated by Hurricane Ivan. I went to Club Eve in Metairie the night before they declared evacuations and it was dead. The few staff there said...
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
5 months ago
Simple concepts and sure things
There is a scene early in the movie "Pretty Woman" where Richard Gere orders champagne and strawberries for Julia Roberts. Noting that he's not partaking, she tells him: I appreciate this whole seduction thing you got going, but let me...
In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
6 months ago
A Monger's Guide to Spanish, 2nd Edition
Big Tech has done amazing things for language learning. But, it's algorithms are even more prude than your High School Spanish teacher. If you're learning Spanish to communicate with the Mexicanas of Tijuana or the Cubanas of South Florida, you'll...
Strip Club Connoisseur
6 months ago
“A La recheche du temps perdu” or A Remembrance of Things Past
Remembering the time just before COVID
I had just found out that my scheduled trip to Frankfurt to speak at a conference was cancelled. I was supposed to fly out on Saturday March 14, and I got the notification from...
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2 months agoby