Getting Attention From Girls At A Regulars Club

avatar for ZacMC333
I have some experience visiting a few strip clubs that are known as regulars clubs (albeit not enough experience to be a regular myself). If you're not familiar with the term, when I say regulars club, I'm talking about clubs where the most popular girls seem to spend most of their time when not on stage sitting at tables with regular customers who they've gotten to know instead of working the room, trying to solicit dances from random patrons.

Navigating the environment of a strip club can be a delicate dance, and regulars clubs add another element to navigate if you’re trying to get a dance from a particular girl who catches your eye. Here are some tips I've learned that you may be able to apply if you find yourself in a similar situation.

Be Respectful
It can be frustrating to be ignored by a girl whose attention you can’t seem to get. Don’t let that frustration manifest. Strippers are professionals who are there to perform and entertain, not to be harassed or treated disrespectfully. If you want a dance from a girl who’s not paying attention to you, you still want to be giving off a cool demeanor, not an annoyed one.

Body Language Matters
Pay attention to your body language. Are you smiling and having friendly interactions with other strippers or the wait staff? Try to make eye contact with the girl you’re interested in. You can let it linger longer than you would in pretty much any place that’s not a strip club. A few good non-verbal cues could help your girl realize that you want to spend some time (and money!) with her.

Flash Some Cash
You don’t have to go crazy, what I like to do is spend about $20 in singles, $2 or $3 at a time tipping at the rail. And not just with the girl you’d like a dance from. Girls will notice if you’re spending money. You don’t have to make it rain, but consistently tipping, and doing it with more than a single dollar sends the right message. But also, yes, definitely tip the girl you’d like a dance from when she’s on stage. A $5 with a quick, “hey I’d love a dance when you’re free!” can work wonders at coaxing a girl away from her typical table. (I’m in the Midwest, your dollar amounts could vary).

Don’t Do A Drive-By
I’ll admit, I’ve had a little too much liquid confidence and attempted to take the eye-contact suggestion to the next level. By making sure my route to the men’s room or the bar goes past the table where the girl has been camped out, I thought I could make some clear, unmistakable eye contact. Sadly, you have to be smoother than I am to pull this one off. In my experience she still doesn’t notice you or worse you come off as weird, over-assertive or desperate. And as they say, desperation is a stinky cologne. You're much better off reminding yourself to be patient, smile and to commit yourself to the tips above.

Good luck out there!


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avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a year ago
You know what helped me? Small talk. At the bar at a regulars club I chatted up the security/barback and regulars there. Learned a lot about what to expect, who to accept dances from and who to avoid
avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
Remember this:

It's okay to beg for pussy.

Its okay to pay for pussy.

BUT.....It is NOT okay to beg to pay for pussy.

If a simple smile and eye contact doesn't work, move on.
avatar for playfulsteve
a year ago
Another option to try if you see someone just sitting with someone that you are interested in, is to speak to a waitress and ask her to find out if the person you are interested in is willing to step away.
avatar for wildRover
a year ago
If she’s with a regular it’s going to take more than 2 or 3 bucks to get her attention. At least that’s the case at the clubs I frequent.
avatar for wildRover
a year ago
“Another option to try if you see someone just sitting with someone that you are interested in, is to speak to a waitress and ask her to find out if the person you are interested in is willing to step away.”

I think this is the best way to handle it. It lets the dancer know you’re interested and it’s relatively non-intrusive.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
I've been lucky a few times where I've had a glass in my hand in the club and just happened to establish eye contact with the girl of interest and raise the glass as a toast to her.
avatar for Manuellabore
a year ago
Never tried asking a bartender to put in a word with a dancer sitting with a regular, but it seems like a good strategy. There are probably plenty of times the dancer would welcome the interruption, especially if the regular has already spent his wad for the visit and is no longer generating revenue. The dancer can either break it off gently with the regular or tell him it's time to piss or get off the pot with the VIP session because a line is forming.
avatar for blahblahblahs
a year ago
A small tip and "I'd like to buy a dance" during her stage set has never failed me. Of course, this won't work if she's skipping stage sets.
avatar for etsutwigg222
a year ago
I have tried using the wise strategy of the great "DesertScrub". Walk up to the stage or her table with a $20 hanging out my zipper !!! Gets 'em 1/2 the time !!!
avatar for aham5
a year ago
2 to 3 $ isn't sufficient.

I would also advise against tipping every dancer at the rail. I rarely sit at the rail.

I usually sit away from the stage a comfortable ways. I typically have a preference for the young athletic hotties. In most of the high end clubs I've found $20 bill is a good tip to get a girls attention while they are on stage.

Unless a girl is just here to party with friends or drug dealers OR truly have a whale on the line that they are working... $20 works 90% of the time. Even a girl sitting with regulars will often excuse themselves to go make some money.
avatar for RiskA
a year ago
I like being a regular & have my tricks to break into the rotation. Hit them up at the tip rail or drink station & clearly say I’ll get a vip if they come talk when they’re available, with a tip if they’ve danced. If they then blow me off, they’re off the list. Sometimes I wait a while, but never longer than I remain otherwise entertained at the club.

I would NEVER approach a girl sitting with a customer, that’s a party foul. Any girl sitting with me who gets solicited & says “I’ll be right back” won’t find me again. But I don’t tie them up long & I tell them when you’re ready to dance say so & we’ll go. It’s a mutual respect for each other’s time thing. Talk can be fun, but I’m there for action and I’m a steady income stream if they play it right, but not if they don’t. Somehow it works.
avatar for uniquename
10 months ago
At the Pink Palace a few months back I tried the following with success after getting tired of waiting for a dancer to be done with her regular. I walked up to them and said “I’m running out of time, maybe we’ll catch up the next time I’m here.” Worked like a charm, and she ditched him like a hot potato.
avatar for dirtyburt
10 months ago
Yea…. Sometimes the Dancers like an assertive male, specially if he is known as a Baller. I remember once an ATF was at a booth with a few other dancers and 2-3 guys. I walked up to the table ,and just sat down, I had about $500 that I flashed and told her to meet me upstairs.Five minutes later she was upstairs.
Afterwards, she told me “ Don’t you ever to do that again baby”. I just laughed and told her I didn’t want to wait around all night for seconds….lol. I was short, sweet and to the point. We still joke about it.
Stay Safe
avatar for Pussylicker2
9 months ago
Popular, good-looking girls can be a challenge. I've seen a popular girl get up to do her set, and have a line of guys walk up, tip, and ask her to stop by when they're done. I wait until her last song. I walk up to tip, and I say "you sure are popular, I'd love to get some private dances and extras when you finish". She may say "what kind of extras", and I'll say "I'd like to eat your pussy and get a blowjob and cum in your mouth". She may say "$200", and I'll say "great"! This works especially well with popular girls. She's had 5 guys tip and say "stop by when you're done". She doesn't know which one to stop by. If she "stops by", the custie might want to have a drink first, chat for a few songs, then want to low-ball her, which means she wasted several songs. Or, she can step off the stage, look at me and say "you ready?" and have $200 ten minutes later. Sometimes she might say "I don't suck without a condom", or "I don't like getting eaten", in which case I saved some time.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
9 months ago
An important point to add, I think, is that the more that SHE knows she is remaining aloof, the more she may charge for less attentive service. Whether we're talking FS or just the level of attitude she gives for a lapper, if the girl is the favorite of everyone in the room, and she knows it, then her own level of assessment of her own value will go up. If you bust your butt to wheedle her away from her favorite table or from her clique of friends standing in the no-boys club in the corner, all you've done is show to her that you are desperate for her and willing to pay for it. She's more likely to not be worth the outlay of effort that it took to get her to focus on you.

This isn't always the case, there are girls who don't really realize that they're sequestering themselves into inaccessibility. They may want you to approach, they may feel bashful about it, they get super-rejected all night long and it sucks for them, it all depends on the situation and the girl. And at each particular club, what is expected or precluded differs. I recently posted a mild rant about girls who don't circulate (just a whine, really) and was rightly corrected, that I don't really have the right to demand that she do her job the way that I want her to do her job. But still, it sure would be nice to get her to do it the way that would get me into the back room with her, wouldn't it? :)
avatar for BoomerBlues
9 months ago
As a non-regular everywhere I realized that I would need to amp up my game in order to try and pull desired girls away from their regulars and out of their comfort zone. Waiting around for them to approach me was very unlikely to happen so I needed to initiate contact discreetly. Sometimes all it takes is brief eye contact while they are on stage during their rotations and raising a bottle or glass to them. Also generously tipping them on stage with a brief introduction an invitation to join me when they have time. Nothing more. If it happens, great. If not, move on. I find that dancers like it when the guy makes the first move because it shows interest and makes her feel special. Under no circumstances approach her while she is with her regular, or anyone for that matter, or stalk her in club. That comes off as creepy and may even get you kicked out of the club. Of course there will always be
undesirable girls working the floor making the rounds. Just hold out and keep yourself available when/if she happens to decide to join you. It can be frustrating, but it is what it is, at least until we ourselves become “regulars”.
avatar for stripper_friend
9 months ago
Good post. Agreed, this can be a problem, especially in "regulars" clubs. The following worked for me personally (most of which was already mentioned):

1. Wait for her to go on stage and tip her, make sure you tell her "would you like to do a dance for me after you are gone with your stage"? Not just "stop by". That way she knows money is coming for sure. I never tip a $20 (too reach for my blood). Normally $2 does the trick for me, maybe a $5 if I see the girl is really popular. Maybe say "I'd like to buy a few dances" so she knows you are planning to spend.

2. Is the doesn't go on stage, talk to the waitress. Tip the waitress a couple of bucks and tell her which dancer you are interested in. A waitress can stop by a dancer even if she's at a table with regulars and discreetly wisper in her ear.

3. Ask another dancer to get the dancer you want. This one is a bit touchy of course. You are essentially midly offending this dancer by saying "that chick is way hotter than you, that's who I'm spending money on". So be tactful of course. I say something like "I've been waiting for that girl for a while and have my mind set on her, any chance you could get her for me? Maybe we will play after" or something like that. It does work. Even if the "messenger" girl gets pissed at you, she will more often than not will to the other dancer (unless they are enemies). Many dancers are friendly with each other and will look out for each other. So this could work.

4. If nothing else works, try to walk to / from the restroom a few times, or walk around the club, and see if you catch the girl you want getting up and going to a bar or restroom or what not. It's your chance to approach her and ask for a dance. It's my least favorite/most desperate looking move and puts you at a complete disadvantage as far as negotiating prices and services goes. But I've done it a couple of times, and find it's better than not getting a dance from a chick you think is a perfect 10.

5. I never ever approach a girl sitting with regulars at their table. It's such a bad/low class move, and could start a fight, especially if the regulars are drunk enough. If none of the above moves work, I just give up on that one and hope to catch her another time and make her my regular.

6. If you do get dances from a hot chick that likes spending time with regulars, *get her phone number*. Most dancers will give you their phone number if you promise to only text about their work schedule and what not. I think maybe 1 out of 10 refuses to give her phone number. Then next time you see her in a company of the regulars, call her or text her. Tell her you are in the club, and ready to spend money. Much better than approaching her.

Good topic, hope that helps others.
avatar for blahblahblahs
9 months ago
On two occasions I've had other PLs approach girls that were sitting with me. In both cases the girls went to do dances and then came back to sit with me. While I don't plan on ever pulling this move, I have to say, it didn't really bother me.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
9 months ago
I find it is usually possible to make my point, that I want to see her. There are several ways to do that, but ultimately, I'm pretty sure that she has heard me. I can go to stage-side while she's doing her set and tip enough that she attends to me briefly, and then I say what I'm going to say about how I want to interact with her. I might say, "we should do dances," I might say, "you're the hottest girl here, I need to get to know you," etc.. Anyway, point here is, I have made my point to her, explicitly enough that I know she has not missed my point. THEN there's the response that she engages in. If she departs never to darken my door again, then, thanks to the fact that I know I have made my point clearly, I also know that she has chosen to respond to my point in that manner. It's very helpful, therefore, to not be vague when you make your point. In fact, glad to read stripper_friend's statement, that "stop by" is probably too vague a request. I am guilty of this one. Thanks to his advice I think I'm going to start saying "we should have drinks together and see if we want to do dances" or even "can we get dances later" or similar (depending on which I intend), instead of merely asking her to "stop by later." Stripper_friend is right, the "stop by" aphorism is probably read by girls as a mere vague politeness, like "have a great trip!" or "doing fine. You?." I'm seeking clarity that goes beyond catch-phrase friendliness.
avatar for stripperlover777
9 months ago
⚡ ⚡ ⚡ Flirty Fun - Boss Talk - Cash - Yep

👄👄👄 If She A Fun Stripper For Me, She Will Agree That "We Are The Bosses"
avatar for Cucamonga
8 months ago
I don't understand the problem. I just tape several $100 bills together and wear it as a necklace.
avatar for Steveareno869
8 months ago
Depends on the club. When I used to go to the PH, there was always someone I'd like to have a dance with that stopped with a regular. But there were also plenty of other options there that I never left unhappy.
avatar for mjx01
6 months ago
IMHO, most clubs are "regulars" clubs. Outside of real touristy or real business centric locations the economics probably do not work with out frequent repeat customers. Strippers tend to be pretty good at "reading" customers. If you don't look "friendly" or come across as a creep, you are probably SOL.
avatar for Wooden007
6 months ago

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