The Case for Younger Strippers

avatar for gawker
After spending the large majority of my “spare time” and money on my ATF for more than 9 years, she’s sobered up from a serious drug habit and is engaged to get married. She’s seeing a therapist who I’m sure has painted me as the devil incarnate for enabling her drug habit and using her for my own purposes. So, needless to say, I’m now looking at other strippers to find another regular “go to” dancer. My ATF was 23 when we met and the majority of our meetings were outside the club at hotels. We literally have fucked our way across the state and every time I drive past one of the many, many points of assignation which we frequented, I’m reminded of the great times. But as many others here have told me, it’s time to move on. I’m now 72 years old, a widower and have enough income to get out to the clubs on a regular basis.

Three weeks ago I tried an “arrangement” with a young woman from SA. She was a cow. Huge pendulous breasts; layers of excess folds of skin at her hard to define waist; a great cocksucker with obviously years of experience in the world’s oldest profession. The week before I had a former dancer overnight at my house. She’s only 27 years old and was so very attractive when she was 20, but between some skin problems and a re-occurring drug habit, her luster has diminished and while she’ll remain a friend, she lacks what I’m willing to spend too much money on.

Last week I went to my favorite club and was enthralled by a new dancer. I tipped heavily when she was on stage, putting a $20 bill out on the tip rail amongst the many $1 bills which got her attention. She came to me after getting off stage and we did a couple of very nice totally nude lap dances. She is slim, has breasts which fit her size but are probably “b-cup” sized. When she danced and raised her arms above her head there was no discernible under-boob crease; just smooth alabaster skin. Her areoleas were the size of a quarter and the nipples stood out just begging to have my lips and tongue caress them. Her shaved pussy was beautiful with small outer lips and a nice pink color. Her hips were well defied, but slim. Her ass was soft while relaxed, but firm when she tightened up.
We then went to a private Champagne Room for a 1/2 hour and continued the nude dancing. As she sat on my lap she could feel my dick harden and she came forward to allow me access to suck on her tits while reaching behind her and stroked my cock down my left leg through my pants and I fairly quickly got off, much to my surprise. Frankly getting off has increasingly been difficult for me, but this young woman turned me on so much that it was over quite quickly.
The following week I saw her again and we went right to a one hour Champagne Room. We talked; she stripped, I asked her if she minded if I took out my dick. Her answer was to undo my belt and unzip my pants. She unhesitatingly knelt before me and started stroking me. Without going into detail, I can say there was a happy ending without intercourse. She and I left the CR and sat on a couch in a private area, I tipped our waitress $20 and she “neglected” to put her back in the stage rotation.

She just turned 22 and the first time I saw her was her second night working as a dancer. She had gotten her hairdresser’s license right out of high school. She lives in a rural area a solid 3 hour drive away, is living with Mom & Step-Dad, works as a hairdresser M to F as many hours a week as she can, but isn’t making enough to break out on her own. She’s had 2 boy friends ( had sex with one of them) and is a little bit naive but not prudish by any means. Her girlfriend and she drove the 3 hours to audition, both were hired and are currently just working weekends. She is a 9 in my view and holds great potential in my eyes. She’s drug free (occasionally a little weed), got a little tipsy on 2 drinks, and I’m replaying in my mind a scene where she was kneeling before with one hand stroking my dick and the other cupping my balls and she looked up at me and said, “You know, I’ve never been with an older man, but I think I like it. You’re really a great guy.”
Fresh, unsullied, beautiful, and holding great potential to be a great lover - isn’t that much better than the alternative.


last comment
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
7 years ago
Thanks for this update, it is of course too old, because it took for ever to post.

A person may go from your lfe.
But memories will stay with you forever.
Sorry to hear you lost your wife and your ATF.
Please stay strong.

I don't know what the alternative is in your case, but you looking for a new ATF is, in my opinion, the best way to move on.

Just one thing to remember regardin this potential new ATF; "Don't bet more than you can afford to lose".

Make sure you clarify the arrangement and your and her expectations. I hope you can teach her and she can teach you how to make each other happy OTC.

Good luck to you on your quest to find a new ATF. Please let us know the details as much as you can.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
good times sir!!!
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
Sounds like you're rolling again; RIL
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
I will admit, there is nothing like that 20 something pussy ..... its just magical....and the smell of youth, ah the intoxication!
avatar for Bavarian
7 years ago
Gawker, I’m glad you have moved on from your longtime CF. It was a toxic and destructive relationship for both of you.
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
The planets aligned and cjkent received his gawker fix but how long will it last? Lol

Gawker, that chick sounds like an excellent replacement, I hope she works out for you.
Actually I'd like to find one like her for myself. :D
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Beautiful love story

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I can understand the attraction of a young firm woman, but even as a kid I've always been more attracted to women that look like women vs young girlish looking women
avatar for gawker
7 years ago
And that's why they're out there. Short, tall, skinny, heavy, and on and on. We all have different taste in what the ideal woman looks like. Sometimes our ideal is based on women we've known while growing up, family members (mothers) and hundreds of other factors. And society's image of beauty varies widely from one culture to another.
I look at some dancers and wonder how they make pay-out. Then I see them trotting off for lap dances and realize we've all got different images of beauty.
avatar for benbob
7 years ago
I agree. There is nothing as magical as a young beautiful woman.
avatar for Roadworrier
7 years ago
Gawker you hold out hope for all of us. I have to admit I’m jaded. Several clubs in a row I’ve gone to without really connecting or enjoying the company (other than Chelsea from Baltimore who remains my ATF no matter where she is dancing in the USA). Too many girls want the quick buck now, not the long game (which may or may not pay off for her).
avatar for JimOsterberg
7 years ago
Cheers! The essence of life.
avatar for Player11
7 years ago
Thanks for sharing like y philosophy. I have been doing atf 10 years since she was 26 yo stripper and engaged. Fucked her thru 5 yr 3rd marriage. Super gal, level headed, fantastic fuk, good deal on pop. Stopped stripping in 2010. Keeper girl but have wondered what do if it ends. Had a number off SA but they not really competitive w strippers.
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
Nicely written. Worthy of being an article.
Did you write it Gawker? ... or cut and paste from some place?

"She is slim, has breasts which fit her size but are probably “b-cup” sized. When she danced and raised her arms above her head there was no discernible under-boob crease; just smooth alabaster skin. Her areoleas were the size of a quarter and the nipples stood out just begging to have my lips and tongue caress them. Her shaved pussy was beautiful with small outer lips and a nice pink color. Her hips were well defied, but slim. Her ass was soft while relaxed, but firm when she tightened up."

Sheer poetry. Enjoyed it !
avatar for gawker
7 years ago
Rogertex - I have two degrees in English & in literature. I generally don't plagiarize. Thanks for the compliment.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’m glad you are enjoying the bounty of beautiful and sexy young women dancing in your area.

You are a talented writer - and this article is a quick and informative read. You make a good case for the younger strippers. They can be incredibly appealing - and they can pull us in without even knowing.

I am partial to dancers and whores who have been used long and hard - and who show it. Some wear it like a badge of honor. I like that - and I crave it.

I’ve found several civilian women - who are in their 40’s - are done having kids - and who enjoy being worked like whores. They seem to crave the rough treatment that I willingly provide.

I’ve found a few p4p girls who share a similar desire. However, I’m never sure of their true desires to have their bodies ruined by an old angry man.

Thank you for writing this article. Your insights make younger dancers sound appealing. If I were to take one - and work her hard - it would feel inappropriate - as I would feel as if I was ruining someone who was too pristine.
avatar for mantown13
7 years ago
Wow, sir - you are quite the inspiration! 72 and having fun with the 21 crowd and looking for your ATF.

The sugar daddy/sugar baby route is fraught with similar perils as the stripper route. Have found about the same rate of reliability overall, and even some crossovers. You could definitely have done better on SA although hitting multiple sites would have been easier: AF, WYP, etc.

I've found that you see the personalities come out faster with an SB, and the looks/chemistry faster with the strippers.

Your insights are much appreciated since we all have different experiences, and you communicate well. Hope we see more wisdom imparted from you online.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I am trying to figure out where someone from Massachusetts would strip club that would have a dancer who lives in a rural area 3 hours away.
avatar for snowtime
7 years ago
Enjoyed your review and adventure. You always provide an interesting read. Glad you have found a winner to replace your departed ATF. Hope it continues. I am 5 years behind you and also like the 20 something spinners.
avatar for snowtime
7 years ago
Enjoyed your review and adventure. You always provide an interesting read. Glad you have found a winner to replace your departed ATF. Hope it continues. I am 5 years behind you and also like the 20 something spinners.
avatar for gawker
7 years ago
A quick update if anyone cares or is interested: shortly after I wrote this my ATF came back into the picture. She and her fiancé both relapsed, went through detox and decided to "take a break"
Now my ATF will always be just that: my all time favorite. So when she called and asked about moving into my spare room in order to have a quiet place to do her "step work" for NA and to also work on jewelry design and manufacture, I didn't extend an invitation.
To make s long story short, she wasn't ready to "settle down". Over the next few months I enjoyed the eye Candy who frequently would leave her clothes in another room and nonchalantly walk through the house naked. I collected rent about once a week and bartering have served us well.
Then another relapse and 4 detox facilities in a 5 week period, but back to her dealers as soon as she walked out. She felt she'd try to "kick the habit herself. I.bought her a 2 year old car with low mileage and she and I drove to Florida with her "kicking " all the way. There were many ups & downs throughout the week we took to meander down the Atlantic coast.
She moved in with her Dad and I flew home. She was kicking heroin, coke, crack, and benzoes and shortly after I left she had two seizures which scared the shit out of her.
It's now been a month, she has an entry level job at a coffee shop and is realizing that she can't support herself on minimum wage. She's going to an NA meeting every day and has lost the spark; the "walk on the wild side", lust for life. We talk every day and miss each other but she's made it clear that sex with me is a thing of the past. Sober, sex with a man 40 years older holds no her.
So after being away from the dancer in this article for several months I'll be tracking her down very soon.

avatar for OldWhiteGuy
7 years ago
Good luck reconnecting with the youngster.
avatar for adlist24
6 years ago
nice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
this last Tuesday I had a nice sexual encounter with an 18-year-old beautiful girl. I’ll be curious to see if she still there in hong kong two weeks from now.
avatar for gawker
6 years ago
avatar for bruno0639
6 years ago
I love this read, thank you. I’m new to the SC world and this group is amazing. I’m 50 years old and the couple times I have been to the club and I have these same feeling of enjoy the dances of a lovely twenty something, thanks again.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i’ve been back to hk five days lately and haven’t seen that young 18 girl since that first encounter.

maybe i need to spend more time there.

avatar for Estafador
6 years ago
I feel like because she's more naive, the same thing is going to happen all over again due to outside influences beyond your control. It sounds good, but that is how the honeymoon usually begins. Good luck mate.
avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)
6 years ago
Any updates on this girl?
avatar for ADList24_io
6 years ago
There are a lot of women seeking for men here -…
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