
Why I Talk About Tipping

I'd live this way again
We all have seen comments or reviews on this site or other ones that a club sucks when you have a good time there or a dancer is a ROB that when the name is dropped you actually had a good time with. Often the club doesn't suck and the dancer isn't a ROB, its just you treated club staff or the dancer differently than someone else on the board did or does and that's why they got different treatment.

What makes the difference for me? Basics like freshening up before entrance, talking before touching, getting a quick convo in with non dancer staff so we have a understanding of each other and for intel and just following the Golden Star Pussy Rule (whoops typo) pretty much never fail. But to me treating others the way you want to be treated includes spending money in a manner that helps out people you like in the club that do a good job and that means a nice tip f(and also possibly buying some other things) for their effort and my benefit. I have to talk about it so you know why I had the time I had. This is basically how I conduct myself.

Dealing With Bartenders
I probably look out for bartenders the most. A number of them make little to nothing hourly and depend on tips. I was talking to an excellent dayshift bartender via IG DMs recently and she pointed out that if the 200 or so guys that come into her club on average day all tipped her 2 bucks ONCE, hey you do the math. That's a pretty good living. And I've heard some bartenders say they'd even consider giving up there hourly for the right club and bet on themselves. Anyone who strives to do a good job like that probably should be encouraged with a couple singles in the hand per drink.

I consistently get my drink poured before I even say hello in my fav clubs (I got to a club with a 2 drink minimum.) Some guys think that if they ordered a more expensive drink they should get priority. There are some guys who act like I get to skip the line, but yeah, I kinda paid to skip the line. It's not that hard to understand.

Dealing With Bouncers
I also look out for security, especially the door guy, the parking lot guy and the VIP bouncer if there is one. The door guy pretty much takes shit as a normal part of the day. Most altercations I've seen started by drunks, pimps or morons involved the door guy on some level. Being nice to the door man gets me an inclined ear with who I might be having an issue with.

The parking guy is cut off from all the hot action, is stuck outside in the elements, has the least help while having to cover the most ground and the least margin for error because of the lack of help and is the least noticed and the first blamed. Being nice to the parking man gets me an unofficial VIP parking spot. and some knowledge about if the area has been hectic lately. Shit, that second part is useful OTC.

If a club has a dedicated VIP bouncer, lets be honest, he's got to hear all kinds of, uh, activity and all kinds of lies from dancers and PLs all day. He also has to deal with loud music and a goofy yelling DJ and hype man in his face. You might get your 30 minute VIP extended to 45 or get to do something most people think you can't do in certain clubs if the dancer is down with a nice tip before you partake. They are also the most likely to warn you about a ROB dancer. There is usually a return here.

Dealing With Bathroom Attendants
The bathroom guy tends to have to buy his own stock of things to sell, sometimes even the actual soap and mints, is possibly the most disrespected guy in the club by the patrons but has to sit outside a often gross bathroom for 8-12 hours, tend to be the most polite despite the lack of notice they get and also tend to have alot of intel about dancers and patrons. 5 bucks will not kill me. Sometimes the guy will get me to try some of his items even if that isn't what I tipped for. They also tend to warn you about dancers.

Dealing With Waitresses
The waitresses can be touch and go as far as quality, but they also tend to get touched the most without consent in my experience, also have to cover alot of ground and navigate a crowd in heals and skimpy outfits, and have to deal with a sometimes off bartender to get the food/drinks/hookah out. They also might not make anything hourly. If they do a good job, they get tipped like the bartenders. So I get my shit first even if the sparkler bottle folks are waiting. I also sometimes get to touch with consent.

Dealing With Dancers
No shock, this is the big one. I don't and will never know what its like to give sexual attention to someone I'm almost certainly not into. So if I can make that easier I'll have more fun. I want my fav strippers to get to me first, and remain in a state where I'll patronize them. So some sweeteners keep them in a spot that I like.

For example, I don't like drunk dancers. I've noticed that some of my favs don't drink until I get there because I'll pay for it. So she stays more sober and I get to add to the things she got off me, which opens up the good dancers. I also want to see my favs make 15-30 bucks a dance, and I look out for them on birthdays or holidays. Want that? Talk a little, keep up your hygiene like I do. Tell me a bit about the goings on, for more intel. And keep the mileage high, contact 2 ways.

I don't know what I believe about tipping for extras because no girl is doing just you anyway and I don't want to know what she's doing others at what price. Basically if she's worth it, I pay it. I always buy the stuff I use to do VIP by my own hand, some dancers are stunningly reckless with there own health or who knows what they might do so I handle it and pay for that. But trust a little bump on top of the normal VIP price gets a focus on completing the job, expanded boundaries, extended time and some fondle filled moments after the session. And it also tends to get better if you do it with the good dancers again.

The DJ and hype man (if there even is one on dayshift and I'm a dayshifter) get tipped off VIP time at clubs I got to, so that's already factored in. I make a point also to help out people that maybe didn't deal with me but that do a good job in general. Currying favor is just a smart move with the best workers in the club. I'm not trying to tell you that club staff is working on a plantation. But sometimes it can help if you kind of get what someone is going through a little to get why some club customers cash them out the way they do.

There are also 4 major ways being a tipper has protected me as opposed to just getting me something.

1a.) Don't Be A Dick To The Waitstaff -To me tipping is just common courtesy in service industries. If I want normal service I do normal shit. Common courtesy tends to get you common decency. Again the Golden Rule (there we go) tends to work out. That's it. Matter of fact..........

1b.) I Don't Love My Barber - These 2 things could be the same point but this is more of a cultural and possibly generational issue. I've literally gotten PMs from dudes mad I tip strippers on every dance. Apparently, I'm pushing up the market price (one man tipping a bar back isn't causing nationwide inflation you oaf), I'm a simp and a bitch, don't know how to get more for less and possibly in love. I do not respond and those weird mother fuckers are on my Muted List but they should probably be able to see this. Call it my answer.

I do not tip staff or dancers because I want them to marry me. I do not get that thinking. I don't love my barber, I love my hair cut. I don't love the waiter, I love my steak. So if you want to be the guy sitting and waiting 45 mintues for a chair to open for your shape up or be outside the restaurant 2 hours waiting while I'm at my table, do you. No matter what these new school viral goofs tell you no mind game can replace the dollar in a strip club. And yes, I should be getting good service "anyway" but they also should be getting the tip they need to keep working "anyway."

2.) Keeps Favs Working - Speaking of keeping working, you know strippers don't have to strip right? Want to keep your favs active or get new beautiful women to try it?Maybe create a club culture that will get that going. We all have dancers who tell us if we aren't going to be there a certain day they see no reason to come in because they know we are the ones bringing the cash in. Who knows how true that is, but the point is, if the dancers know there are a couple whales or at least some sea bass in the club they'll keep stripping.

3.) Benefit Of The Doubt - Its hard for a dancer to lie on you when you tip the bouncer, the bartender, the bathroom man, the waitress and all the other dancers, sometimes for months or years going. Yes there are some clubs who don't seen the PLs as anything other than actual PLs and that can stink if you get burned. But imagine how much it must stink to work hard for someone and get burned by not making shit. Don't pass on what pisses you off.

Why This Affects Tuscl - When I put together a review, I don't just want to lay out club basics or talk about what happened on my last few trips. I want to tell you how you might best navigate a certain clubs environment and culture if you were to ever go. It doesn't take that long to come up with a review that I'd want to read if I was headed out of town and wanted to try the clubs. I think that's what TUSCL should be about. So if I leave out what I did to get what I got then I basically wrote a shit post. And shit post will drive people who use this site to Reddit.

And it also shut down complaints or maybe creates a sort of warning. If you read a good review, you basically know what you're getting into when you hit a club, so you ought not be back on the board crying about what went down. If I tell you my tips get me something and you don't want to do that, the board shouldn't be clogged with people whining because they know better. If you don't like the layout, price point, typical lineup vibe or in this case expectations, choose a different club or if you can't afford it it, a different hobby.

By the way, if you don't like the way staff acts at a club, stay the fuck out of that club. If you don't like someone on staff, then ignore that person too. But being tightfisted, again no matter what these incel creeps tell you, does not change the actions of anybody. It may make the issue worse. It's amazing what some people think service workers "deserve". I don't know how much I believe in "deserve". You get what you earn and you get what you put out there. If you put out crap, then get crap. That's kind of on you. But don't get mad at the guys that really know how to do this.


  • Pussylicker2
    7 days ago
    When you encounter a dancer who is a ROB, it's often the case that you paid her in advance. I never pay first so it's no problem for me. Other times she may just provide little or no service but tells you that you owe her. Many guys who are afraid of confrontation, "beta males", will pay her to avoid drama. I won't, she can scream all she wants, threaten me, whatever, I just say that I don't owe her anything and leave. Tipping everyone won't help. You are much easier to replace than she is, especially if you're near an airport with a name like "flight club" or "landing strip". You could tip the bouncer $100 every time you go to the club, if there's a dispute the bouncer will always side with the dancer. In order to help their dancers rob you, some clubs require you to surrender your vehicle keys and/or check your coat. Some clubs won't let you park down the street and walk in, they want to hold your keys. You won't get your keys back unless you pay. There's a good chance the valet is looking for something in your car for him to steal, and tipping him won't prevent it. The bouncers aren't there to serve you, they should be getting tipped by the dancers.

    Waitresses and bartenders can provide useful information, and tipping can improve their service. The bathroom troll is there because it cuts down on people in the bathroom doing things they shouldn't and relieves the staff from having to clean it. I don't want some guy handing me a towel, so I never tip the troll. Often the troll will also be providing drugs and condoms. He mostly just sits there making more than many of the custies.

    Sometimes a club's vip will have different sized cubicles. Tipping the bouncer might get you the big cube. That's the only reason to tip him.
  • IWantHerOnMe
    6 days ago
    @Pussylicker2 Guys on this board have an increasingly poor definition of a ROB. I wrote about this. But I’d argue again if the club has poor service, don’t not tip, that won’t change the service either, just don’t go to that club. If the bouncers and dancers shake people down I’m not going in there. If the bouncers don’t serve the customers at a club them I’m not going to be there.

    I don’t care if the bathroom guy makes more than me, more power to him. At my fav club you can see the difference between an attendant and a lack of one because the bathroom with the attendant is far better kept up. I tip the staff because it’s the normal thing to do in my eyes not because I’ll never get burned or because the staff is going to die if I don’t.
  • Pussylicker2
    6 days ago
    If any business gives bad service, use your head and don't go there. Part of "good service" is having clean restrooms. I believe maintaining the restrooms is part of the cost of doing business. As a customer, I shouldn't be responsible for clean restrooms. Strip clubs that have extras are unique, in that they're qusi-legal. If the girls are hot enough guys will go no matter how poorly they're treated. The hottest girls like working at clubs that will always back them up.
  • IWantHerOnMe
    5 days ago
    @Pussylicker2 Where did I say or suggest that it’s our responsibility to have a clean bathroom? I said it’s best for me health of the clubs you go to and for your own personal experience at a club to compensate who works for you.

    And again some guys on this board have a questionable definition of poor treatment. The idea that if the girls are hot enough guys will keep coming is asinine. I do not think there are that many spineless pushovers in the world.

    And seeing how many guys on this board get bent out of shape over tipping, which declining to do is in and of itself poor treatment, I question whether the treatment is bad or if you just reap what you sow.
  • hotgirlsplz
    4 days ago
    "And I've heard some bartenders say they'd even consider giving up there hourly for the right club and bet on themselves."

    Those are the ones to scout for ;)
  • IWantHerOnMe
    4 days ago
    @hotgirlsplz For sure you get one of those you look out for them
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