For as long as there have been establishments offering live nude girls, groups of men have found their way in. But what about the solo hound and the stigma of going to the strip club alone? If you're thinking about flying solo at the strip club and have never done so, you're in luck, because I often fly solo to these establishments and would like to share twenty-one tips from my experience with you. And I hope they make your solo experience a very good one.
(Note: The strip club I'm referencing is Sensations Cabaret in Stuart, FL)
1. You're not a loser for going to strip club alone.
If a store sold video games, and you liked video games and you went by yourself and bought a game or two, does that make you a loser? Of course not. You just like video games and they sell them there. And if you like live and attractive naked girls in person, well then, you go to the strip club because that's where they have them! Plenty of guys with girlfriends and wives (love 'em or cheaper to keep 'er) go to the strip club, they just go in groups, but they are there for the same reason you are. You're just flying solo, and trust me, management is not treating you any differently. You will probably be approached heavy by strippers, but carry an air of confidence and maintain your focus and you'll have no sweat dealing with them (we go over this later, gentlemen). You're not a loser. You're a hound flying solo. Don't ever forget that.
2. You shouldn't count on more than one hand the number of times you go to the strip club solo in a year.
Bet you though I was going to tell you how to do this on the regs? Nope. Strip club visiting isn't something you should do consistently. Not every week, not every month, like every three months. You want to go reeeeeally fucking bad, but just wait. Rub one out to some porn, play Halo, do something to calm your itch long enough to not, fucking, go! Strip clubs are places where good financial sense goes to die a sudden and spectacular death (Think Gordon Smiley hitting the wall. Google that shit and you'll understand).
It's also good not good to go often because strip clubs have very high turnover. To keep your erection you need a new girl, and the management knows this. But if you go every week you will run into the same girls and then you'll be walking around with a giant "REGULAR" sign hanging above your head. But go every three months (you get a pass for your birthday) and you'll have a new batch of freshman honeys roaming the halls.
3. Day shift sucks. Spring for the night shift.
At the club I go to, the cover on day shift is free and a beer is $3. But the girls are either...
A: Tatted like sailors B: Aging like milk with freakish fake tits. C: Pretty, but playing with their phones while smoking at the bar wearing their tops AND bottoms
It's a graveyard. I've done both shifts man. You can hear the buzzards circling above the main stage. Remember how (not) often we go to the strip club? So cover is $10 and a beer is now $6. But the standard of currency is STILL a $1 bill and the girls on night shift are more plenty and much hotter, with the chance of an outlier (stripper way too hot for the area) yours for the taking.
4. Avoid UFC and Boxing Pay-Per-Views.
Yes, the strip club will have the fight, and yes, the price of everything will be jacked up and there will be a ton of road-raging alpha-males wearing Tapout and looking for a fight. Go on a night during a sexy NFL or college game (don't know about going during the Super Bowl, honestly. Never have), or NBA Finals. The turnout is better but without the machismo bullshit and the prices should be the usual at night. They may even have gameday specials but those are catered more to groups, not the solo flyer, so I tend avoid them when going solo.
5. Leave your card(s) at home.
In fact, while we're sitting here, forget you have a bank account. Make like a drug dealer and consider yourself a cash only entity.
Once you do the responsible grown-up thing and cover your bills, now you have the money you saved for the night. So you...
1. Get your card(s) 2. Hit up the ATM 3. Take out only what you planned to spend 4. Drop your card(s) back off at your pad 5. Leave without your card(s)
In my county strip club (which is pretty nice given the area) night cover is $10, the two beers is $6 each and a dance is usually a two-for-one at $25. Your prices will be higher if you're in a bigger city so plan accordingly, but with those prices and knowing what you'e doing just $120 can lead to a wonderful night at this strip club. You do have to bring your wallet, just without your card(s) in it (the wallet will come in handy later, it also has your ID in it, which you have to have when you drive anyway). But of course...
6. Once in, once out.
That dream lap dance you just got? Her tits were HOW big???!!! Glad you enjoyed it. But don't go home and visit the ATM for another round of cash for a return trip. Then you're just a sucker. And if you left WITH the card(s) then there's no help for you.
7. Hide your valuables in the glove box or out of plain view in your ride.
There's a bridge that runs up to the strip club in my county. One night, me and some amigos went for a night run on the bridge and stopped at the end across from the club parking lot. We were then approached by a cop who asked if we saw anyone "break into a car". Some dude busted a car window and took a girl's purse. Lock your shit up and out of sight.
8. Turn your phone on silent and make sure it won't do anything funny before you go in the club.
So you don't want to leave your phone in your ride and risk getting it stolen (and you need your phone on you; shit happens), unless you have an on call job (some guys do) put it on silent and make sure it won't do any funny business. I read a post tell a story of how a guy had his phone out and set to flash when he got a text message, and a girl though he was snapping a picture of her, grabbed it, and threw it against the back wall. Strippers are as predictable as the stock market. Don't take any chances. You can address any missed calls later and you shouldn't be playing with your phone anyway with all that eye candy prancing around. Or watching ESPN on the TV for that matter.
9. Carry your singles in your hand, and leave larger denominations in your wallet.
She's beautiful and she's doing an amazing trick. You reach into your wallet of singles to reward her for her effort with an extra dollar and find out, to your horror, that you just tipped her a $10 bill. OUCH!
The girl before you walk in will take your cover and then change you out how many singles you need. You can get the whole stack in singles if you want,, but if you're going to walk around with larger bills keep them in your wallet and your singles in your hand, so when you tip from your hand you know you are only giving away a single, and when you run out of singles and want to get more or buy a beer, you can go into your wallet, pay the barkeep with the big bills and/or ask for the change in singles, if they have it it in the till. (The bar also works as a change-out, management moves the money around so don't worry about it. It's a standard industry practice.)
10. Don't make it rain.
Are you a starter in the NBA? Do you have a net worth? If you answered yes to any of these questions feel free to pass on this one but, I know I'm not, soooo...I don't do this. Tipping every staff member $20, hyper-flicking singles on top of girls during their second song and keeping bottle service coming makes you feel like a rap mogul but really makes you look like an ass. Like my Dad always says, "There's what you need, there's what you want, and there's what you can't afford." It's already bad enough you're in the biggest money vacuum in your county, try to remain calm. Which leads to my next finding...
11. You're money goes pretty far for what you're doing, as long as you stay focused and out of the "sucker fantasy" zone.
A girl dances for three songs. The first song is top and bottoms, the second song the top comes off, and the third song, the bottoms come off. Since you're here on a night shift there are more tipping customers on the rail so she won't be coming back to you over and over like a piggy bank (which happens during the dead day shift). You tip a single per song (sometimes I tip two singles for the final song if I really like the girl or she does a cool trick). $3-4 for a full stage performance. If you see her out and about and she talks to you a little, tip her a single as she goes on her way. Using this method you can get a full performance out of a lot of girls and quality time with one here and there and still have some left over for a dance.
The sucker zone is a slippery slope. If you forget that she's just a saleswoman and you're just a mark you can see your stack blown faster than Gordon Smiley's car (still haven't Googled it?). You're trying to make your money last (without being a rock, of course, which we'll also address later).
And if she comes around and clam traps you, see the next piece of advice.
12. When telling a girl you don't want a dance, thank her for her time, leave it up in the air, and leave her with a tip.
Clam trapping is real, especially with the Thai strippers. If this happens remain calm. She wants a dance, not your autobiography. So cut her to the chase. Ask her how much for a dance. She'll tell you, and then say "Well, maybe I'll get a dance from you later, but I'm good for right now.", and pull out a tip to go in her g-string. She should get up and walk away. If she continues to clam trap you, just ignore her. She'll get the message. And if she STILL clam traps you...
13. As long as you aren't an asshole, management is in your corner.
You are a customer. The girls are not. As long as you're polite and you really tried everything to resolve a situation yourself, state your case to one of the male staffers and they'll usually fix it on your behalf or get management to talk with you about it. Be calm, respectful and polite, and they'll usually fix it for you. You don't have to tip them, but you can always offer. But don't insist, if they pass on the tip just let them be on their way.
14. The three big rules (as told by a bouncer)...
The first time I was done at one of these (it was a smaller, titty bar in another town) I said to myself, "Ya' know, I may wanna' come back to this kind of place someday." I didn't know proper etiquette so I searched for the bouncer. I found an older man, slightly-shorter-than-average that looked like he could stomp the holy piss out of me (he also had the club logo on his shirt). I remember the conversation...
Me: Are you the bouncer?
Bouncer: (pause and facial gesture) When I have to be.
Me: I really liked it here. What do I do to not get thrown out of a place like this?
Bouncer: (another pause and facial gesture) One, don't be rude. Two, don't touch the girls. And three, have a good time.
It's not finding her G-spot guys. It's really that simple.
15. Before asking for a dance, specifically ask if what you really want to do is OK.
I'm a natural boob guy. More than a handful is a must and they can never be too big. So when I see a girl with tig ol' natural bitties, I ask about a dance. We talk for a second and then I go into her ear and ask, "Can I play with your boobs?" If I get a "No", I pass. If I get a "Yes", my stack becomes lighter. But no matter what your thing is during a dance you have to ask for your thing spec-if-ic-al-ly, unless it's way out of the question. Don't be vague because then you'll pay for a dance and if it's not cool with her, then you don't get what you paid for.
16. Enjoy the fantasy, but don't act in an unnatural way.
Strip clubs are the ultimate fantasy. As long as you have money you have lovely naked ladies on your every word, and as long as the money is it for her she gives you the GFE minus the V. And sure, you can act any way you want, but letting it all go to your head and acting in a way that isn't yourself is just going to make you look like you're swinging at cheese outside of the strike zone. The best way to be at a strip club is genuine. Smile back when they smile at you, tip them if they hug you, wink after they say bye. It's all a game. Play the game. Just don't be a sucker.
17. DO tip your bartender and bathroom guy.
Yep. There's a bartender. And yep. There's a bathroom guy. But if you make use of their services, DO tip. Just a single or two will do. I mean, the bathroom guy DID hand your wet hands a dry towel, ya' know.
18. Have a beer in your hand, but stay away from the liquor drinks.
If you are a guy (and you are), and you drink (and you do), then you can drink a beer no problem. You have acquired the taste and can actually enjoy it. Please do so. They are less expensive than liquor drinks, and liquor drinks are packed with extra liquor to make it easier to separate you from your money (remember, the house gets a slice of the dancer's take). It also makes you appear as if you are spending money and, c'mon, who doesn't like beer with their titties? And the stronger liquor drinks lead to my next point...
19. Be way more fucking careful about drunk driving than usual.
Your BAC is not your tolerance. You drank and you don't feel drunk. You really don't. But your tolerance can lead you to think you're OK when your BAC will come up as above the limit when you blow. It's night and cops love to hang out near the strip club. It's a great place to catch drunk drivers. If you feel you aren't safe to drive, take a walk, take a nap in the backseat if you feel safe, call a friend, get an uber; whatever it takes to get you back to a safe level. A DUI costs $10,000 in jail and bail (provided someone can spring you out, which isn't "always" a possibility), legal fees, and increased insurance costs (but on the bright side, it will come off of your record in 75 years). Be responsible.
20. Someone else will pump money into her. Let that guy do it.
Stripper shit. It's real. "My car broke down" (she has no car), "My boyfriend dumped me" (she has a boyfriend), "My dog just died" (it didn't), "I am a single mom, and it's hard". (well, that one's probably true). She is a saleswoman and will use every page of her playbook to get a string of lap dances out of you. Some guy will do it. Trust me on that. Let HIM be the sucker. Speaking of lap dances.
21. Watch for dirty hustles.
Management wants you to enjoy your visit. Strippers want your money, and some less scrupulous girls have a number of dirty tricks to get that money out of you.
One of the most common is getting you to pay for extra dances by not ending the dance themselves, you don't catch it, and they charge you for extra dances for the extra songs she performed. A lap dance is for ONE song UNLESS specified over the big speaker by the DJ (i.e. "Get your money out fellas...TWO SONGS FOR $25!). A song is three-and-a-half minutes and you really should have enough self awareness to know when the song changes. He's just playing one song at a time off of a computer, not blending them seamlessly like a House DJ.
Check the boards where more seasoned hounds have posted other dirty hustles. Although I have yet to encounter any personally, they are still out there...
Have fun and be safe out there, fellow solo hounds!
This is pretty solid advice in general, though I disagree with at least three of your points:
2. You shouldn't count on more than one hand the number of times you go to the strip club solo in a year.
*Five* or fewer solo SC visits in a year? Strictly arbitrary! Usually I go solo more often than that in a month, and it almost never gets old, though currently I'm on a break of three weeks or so for reasons of health, money, and ennui. Being known at a club and being the "regular" of one or more dancers there can be a good thing :)
3. Day shift sucks. Spring for the night shift.
This may be true for Sensations. It's certainly not a general truth. As an older guy who likes high mileage and a laid-back atmosphere, I almost always prefer day shift. Activity in the VIP room, and even in the lap dance area, tends to be *much* looser in the afternoon -- for less money.
9. Carry your singles in your hand, and leave larger denominations in your wallet.
This is also arbitrary. I tend to hide and lock my wallet in my car and carry 1's in my shirt pocket (for easy access at the stage) and larger bills in a pants pocket. This system has worked well for over 20 years.
Thanks for the article! Despite any disagreement, no offense intended -- just my opinions, many of which I have exactly the opposite advice as you... I feel like I can divide your article up into:
1. **Mom and apple pie good advice**: Watch for dirty hustles. Don't drive drunk. Tip your bartender. Fuckin-A, I'm with you.
2. **Things that work for you, but are otherwise completely arbitrary and it's total personal choice on whether it will make anyone's trip better**: You shouldn't go more than 3 times a year. Drink beer but not liquor. Leave your cards at home. There's no general rule about these things, they are personal choice: for me, going more than 3 times a year and drinking liquor is EXACTLY what makes trips better. Leave your cards at home if you know you're weak and might raid them -- I've brought my wallet to every trip I"ve made for over 2 decades, and do not ever raid the kitty, and am often happy I have a credit card to grab something to eat afterwards, pay my parking bill, etc. These things are completely, totally personal choice, not advice that should be considered good advice generally.
3. **Things that apparently apply to your particular club, but you seem unaware that they may be exactly the opposite at other clubs**. Day shift sucks. Avoid pay-per-views. I've found several clubs where day shift is pretty damn not, and the hottest day shift girls would also be standout nightshift girls. I get nightshift hotness at dayshift hustle -- the value is so much better than any nightshift. And, while my club doesn't show pay-per-views, I LOVE going when they play big sports games on TV... the customers rarely do dances when they're there for the game, but I do, and the girls notice and reward me handsomely for it.
4. **Things that are just plain bullshit**. You're on a forum full of guys who are getting full service, OTC, BBBJTC, and telling them they can't touch the girls? When you turn a girl down, tip her? This isn't stripperweb fantasy site, we know what happens in strip clubs, son. Worst advice ever.
I have some advice that works for me, but I realize might not work for everyone: Be friendly with everyone in the club. I don't mean be a disingenuous suck up. I mean just be a decent person. In particular, the bouncers and management are just people. Some are interminable dicks, but a lot just need to have some light defensive shields up. I find some light conversation while I'm waiting for my girls -- talking about sports, especially fighting, is always a hit -- and now the guys remember me. Sometimes I'll buy us a shot. And these guys not just remember you and have your back, but they are VERY sloppy on enforcing the rules when I"m in the back. I have not paid the entrance fee at my fave club in years. And meanwhile, I'm not really putting in much effort ... I LIKE having a guy to talk sports with when my girl has disappeared for 20 minutes.
This is one of those personal things, I know some of you guys would rather put a sharp stick in your eye than talk to anyone but the strippers, and that's fine. If you're the friendlier type, this delivers serious dividends, and gets the club on your side, all the time
Rule two is silly but to each his own. I always club solo since I travel solo. Clubbing solo I am free to get a VIP or not and I do not have to worry about someone else having a good time or running their mouth later! I have a few simple rules. 1} cash only, leave the cards outside 2} never use my real name or information 3} lock your phone 4} be polite 5} no means no 6} don't be a cheapskate... tip when appropriate 7} drink very little booze if any 8} be aware of your surroundings (watch to see if you are welcome,if not leave, if there is a hint of trouble) 9} tip the parking attendant if there is one and the door man 10} tip your waitress, usually she will bother you less, same with the booth attendant
Good discussion back and forth here. However, most of the rules presented really have little to do specifically with the topic of "Going Alone to a Strip Club" -- they're just good clubbing advice in general, although, obviously, reasonable people can disagree on the particulars. I like Tiredtraveler's list of 10 simple rules a lot, which are all pretty much different ways of saying "Don't be stupid, don't be an asshole, and most importantly, don't be a stupid asshole." Good words to live by in any situation.
As far as going alone to a strip club: Way back during college I went to a few strip clubs with my buddies and, for my very first strip club visit ever, I went with my girlfriend at the time, which was an eye-opener for *both* of us, as the dancers on stage wore only shoes. Now as an adult, I would say that 99% of my clubbing is done solo -- and I like it that way. I'm not interested in socializing with anyone except the dancers, and being alone I don't have to worry about whether anyone else is having a good time, or wants to leave when I think things are just starting to get interesting, or wants to stay when I've had enough. The only exception is the times I have met up with other TUSCLers (both male and female). I don't mind that because they know why I'm there; they aren't put off if I get up and leave for the VIP room and understand if I have to hit the road.
I usually do my clubbing alone while traveling by myself for business (or sometimes while traveling for pleasure if my wife does not happen to be with me), and I have never felt like a loser because I was alone. Ever. I mean, if you're well behaved, well groomed, and tip appropriately, you're never alone for long. At least that's been *my* experience.
I think 1/3 of your tips would be useful to newbs - 1/3 are obvious points - and 1/3 are erroneous points made by a seemingly young and infrequent and thus inexperienced SCer
Gosh! Strip clubs sound like fun! With these handy , and so detailed ,tips I can safely go out now as a single fella' and have a good time. Thanks Ashelon. If it works at your flyspeck club it will work anywhere. I gotta' ask the next bouncer I see that's brilliant.
I've got a tip for you, drive down to West Palm or Pompano Beach and try some of the clubs there. The Treasure Coast clubs are shit. If that's the extent of your experience you've got a very warped perspective. One more tip, stay out of the Miami clubs until you warm up with the Broward ones, you might lose your mind.
Shadow read it right. At least you got 4 weeks. I've been clubbing for a long time. That, and common sense, don't agree with some of your points. But this stimulates exchange of information, so at least thanks for that.
This was an okay read, but as someone else mentioned, not really geared towards going alone. This would be good for someone starting on the SC scene looking to make it a hobby.
Some good points and to each his own. Leave cards...good one, but only if you don't have discipline. Nice to staff... totally agree, but tip here and there especially if you visit often. Spreading your money out...good one. Makes for a good visit and variety if you're not there specifically for a favorite(s). No drunk driving and watching for a ROB, definitely solid advice.
Some points I disagree many times per year. I myself go anywhere from 2-6 times in a month and enjoy it each time. And as someone mentioned, it usually works in your favor being a "regular"; the girl has become comfortable being/dancing on you. Another point I disagree with is somebody else paying them. I'm not saying be a sucker nor will some other guy not pay her, but know some of these girls despite how hot they are, unless it's a lucky day/night they aren't bringing it in as outsider's looking in think (varies depending on club/location or even what girl is known for).
Some other minor disagreements are how you handle your money as far as small large bills. I myself fold mine and keep in front pocket with smaller bills on outside. I'd say as long as you're not drunk as fuck or crumbled up bills, you should be okay. The last minor is no touching... this depends/varies on location.
Good advice in general and most of which I follow when traveling.
However I often go solo during the day shift in certain cities. Just the time I'm most comfortable at clubs and have had the best experience.
Wallet gets reduced down to ID and cash. Always keep my wallet in my sock and never in my pocket. A dancer told me that after my wallet went "missing" at a club and a dancer was seen with it.
I've gone solo every time but once. I never thought it was a problem to be ashamed of. Most of the rest of the article seems to be a rehash of stuff I read a few years ago when I was clubbing much more frequently. The second rule is stupid. What one person wants, ie variety, another person might not. I say - go as often as you can afford to go.
I go solo 99% of the time. I like daytime. I only carry the cash I plan on spending. I have never once in my life asked a dancer what I can and can't do. I drink...a lot. I seldom stage tip.
Day shift FTW. I'll go at night, but I stopped buYing dances at night. Day girls will do more for the money and there are some smoking hot day girls here.
I had a club bartender teach me this: look at the BACK of your money to check the amounts. The huge numbers on the bottom corners are much easier to read in the dim light of a strip club. Mileage is usually better on day shift. DONT PAY FOR ANYTHING WITH PLASTIC. Merchants can and do add tips to the sale. There's plenty of stories written by guys who lost HUNDREDS of dollars that way, especially when drinking. Don't expect much mileage in VIP rooms with cameras. And avoid 2-for-1 deals. Most clubs offering them cut the songs short and allow much less contact compared to VIP or full-priced LDs.
I don't agree with the don't touch the dancers thing. I know it's an official rule but I have always at least grabed ass. In fact the very first time I went to a strip club the doorguy told one the rules was don't touch the damcers. But the n when one hit me up for a lapdance and I said yes, the first thing she did was place hands on her tits. So i think in reality it's up to the dancer.
I was catching up on the articles and came upon this doozy from last year. I agree it's like a SW post...lots of advice for alternate universes! Just a few points:
I ALWAYS have a CC...what if my car breaks down? I one doesn't have the willpower to use cash only, they shouldn't go in the first place.
I always go solo...and I'm no loser as far as my social life goes; I have g/f's and play in a rock band so I'm TOO social at times. But I'm private as well. I think I would go with my drummer as he used to work in clubs, but other than he I prefer to keep my mongering to myself. I'm becoming a night person due to my club's better dancers, but I was a day guy for 20 years. Agree it's more laid back and usually higher mileage, but also MUCH less chance for OTC as these girls have kids to go home to more often than the night shift.
Go only 4 times a year... WTF??? I go as often as my time and budget allow. I do have a civvie g/f and an escort g/f (I don't pay her) plus a g/f on the west coast. I like the SC visits as it's another way to enjoy women. I don't think my social life is suffering as a result.
idk man ... i disagree with just about everything you wrote.
for anyone who's enough of a monger to be on this site SCing likely a solo activity. who talks to bouncers at clubs? SC bouncers are the biggest POSs on the planet leave your cards at home / save up? if your cash id that tight you got no business being in a SC to begin with. you're going to get hustled in every club - whether it's montanna or manhattan ... you better be smart enough to avoid getting out right ripped off for 100's if not 1000's but better deal the shitty ld with a smile.
last comment2. You shouldn't count on more than one hand the number of times you go to the strip club solo in a year.
*Five* or fewer solo SC visits in a year? Strictly arbitrary! Usually I go solo more often than that in a month, and it almost never gets old, though currently I'm on a break of three weeks or so for reasons of health, money, and ennui. Being known at a club and being the "regular" of one or more dancers there can be a good thing :)
3. Day shift sucks. Spring for the night shift.
This may be true for Sensations. It's certainly not a general truth. As an older guy who likes high mileage and a laid-back atmosphere, I almost always prefer day shift. Activity in the VIP room, and even in the lap dance area, tends to be *much* looser in the afternoon -- for less money.
9. Carry your singles in your hand, and leave larger denominations in your wallet.
This is also arbitrary. I tend to hide and lock my wallet in my car and carry 1's in my shirt pocket (for easy access at the stage) and larger bills in a pants pocket. This system has worked well for over 20 years.
You sound like a rather inexperienced clubber.
1. **Mom and apple pie good advice**: Watch for dirty hustles. Don't drive drunk. Tip your bartender. Fuckin-A, I'm with you.
2. **Things that work for you, but are otherwise completely arbitrary and it's total personal choice on whether it will make anyone's trip better**: You shouldn't go more than 3 times a year. Drink beer but not liquor. Leave your cards at home. There's no general rule about these things, they are personal choice: for me, going more than 3 times a year and drinking liquor is EXACTLY what makes trips better. Leave your cards at home if you know you're weak and might raid them -- I've brought my wallet to every trip I"ve made for over 2 decades, and do not ever raid the kitty, and am often happy I have a credit card to grab something to eat afterwards, pay my parking bill, etc. These things are completely, totally personal choice, not advice that should be considered good advice generally.
3. **Things that apparently apply to your particular club, but you seem unaware that they may be exactly the opposite at other clubs**. Day shift sucks. Avoid pay-per-views. I've found several clubs where day shift is pretty damn not, and the hottest day shift girls would also be standout nightshift girls. I get nightshift hotness at dayshift hustle -- the value is so much better than any nightshift. And, while my club doesn't show pay-per-views, I LOVE going when they play big sports games on TV... the customers rarely do dances when they're there for the game, but I do, and the girls notice and reward me handsomely for it.
4. **Things that are just plain bullshit**. You're on a forum full of guys who are getting full service, OTC, BBBJTC, and telling them they can't touch the girls? When you turn a girl down, tip her? This isn't stripperweb fantasy site, we know what happens in strip clubs, son. Worst advice ever.
This is one of those personal things, I know some of you guys would rather put a sharp stick in your eye than talk to anyone but the strippers, and that's fine. If you're the friendlier type, this delivers serious dividends, and gets the club on your side, all the time
I have a few simple rules.
1} cash only, leave the cards outside
2} never use my real name or information
3} lock your phone
4} be polite
5} no means no
6} don't be a cheapskate... tip when appropriate
7} drink very little booze if any
8} be aware of your surroundings (watch to see if you are welcome,if not leave, if there is a hint of trouble)
9} tip the parking attendant if there is one and the door man
10} tip your waitress, usually she will bother you less, same with the booth attendant
As far as going alone to a strip club: Way back during college I went to a few strip clubs with my buddies and, for my very first strip club visit ever, I went with my girlfriend at the time, which was an eye-opener for *both* of us, as the dancers on stage wore only shoes. Now as an adult, I would say that 99% of my clubbing is done solo -- and I like it that way. I'm not interested in socializing with anyone except the dancers, and being alone I don't have to worry about whether anyone else is having a good time, or wants to leave when I think things are just starting to get interesting, or wants to stay when I've had enough. The only exception is the times I have met up with other TUSCLers (both male and female). I don't mind that because they know why I'm there; they aren't put off if I get up and leave for the VIP room and understand if I have to hit the road.
I usually do my clubbing alone while traveling by myself for business (or sometimes while traveling for pleasure if my wife does not happen to be with me), and I have never felt like a loser because I was alone. Ever. I mean, if you're well behaved, well groomed, and tip appropriately, you're never alone for long. At least that's been *my* experience.
This was an okay read, but as someone else mentioned, not really geared towards going alone. This would be good for someone starting on the SC scene looking to make it a hobby.
Some good points and to each his own. Leave cards...good one, but only if you don't have discipline. Nice to staff... totally agree, but tip here and there especially if you visit often. Spreading your money out...good one. Makes for a good visit and variety if you're not there specifically for a favorite(s). No drunk driving and watching for a ROB, definitely solid advice.
Some points I disagree many times per year. I myself go anywhere from 2-6 times in a month and enjoy it each time. And as someone mentioned, it usually works in your favor being a "regular"; the girl has become comfortable being/dancing on you. Another point I disagree with is somebody else paying them. I'm not saying be a sucker nor will some other guy not pay her, but know some of these girls despite how hot they are, unless it's a lucky day/night they aren't bringing it in as outsider's looking in think (varies depending on club/location or even what girl is known for).
Some other minor disagreements are how you handle your money as far as small large bills. I myself fold mine and keep in front pocket with smaller bills on outside. I'd say as long as you're not drunk as fuck or crumbled up bills, you should be okay. The last minor is no touching... this depends/varies on location.
However I often go solo during the day shift in certain cities. Just the time I'm most comfortable at clubs and have had the best experience.
Wallet gets reduced down to ID and cash. Always keep my wallet in my sock and never in my pocket. A dancer told me that after my wallet went "missing" at a club and a dancer was seen with it.
The second rule is stupid. What one person wants, ie variety, another person might not. I say - go as often as you can afford to go.
I go way too often and enjoy myself way too much.
I ALWAYS have a CC...what if my car breaks down? I one doesn't have the willpower to use cash only, they shouldn't go in the first place.
I always go solo...and I'm no loser as far as my social life goes; I have g/f's and play in a rock band so I'm TOO social at times. But I'm private as well. I think I would go with my drummer as he used to work in clubs, but other than he I prefer to keep my mongering to myself.
I'm becoming a night person due to my club's better dancers, but I was a day guy for 20 years. Agree it's more laid back and usually higher mileage, but also MUCH less chance for OTC as these girls have kids to go home to more often than the night shift.
Go only 4 times a year... WTF??? I go as often as my time and budget allow. I do have a civvie g/f and an escort g/f (I don't pay her) plus a g/f on the west coast. I like the SC visits as it's another way to enjoy women. I don't think my social life is suffering as a result.
The rest is really just common sense...
for anyone who's enough of a monger to be on this site SCing likely a solo activity.
who talks to bouncers at clubs? SC bouncers are the biggest POSs on the planet
leave your cards at home / save up? if your cash id that tight you got no business being in a SC to begin with. you're going to get hustled in every club - whether it's montanna or manhattan ... you better be smart enough to avoid getting out right ripped off for 100's if not 1000's but better deal the shitty ld with a smile.