the story of my club audition. 4 years ago. <3
The night of my audition, i pulled up to the club i wanted to work at. I sat in my car for 10 minutes watching people go in and out of the club. “Am i really about to do this?” i went inside and i walked around the corner to be greeted by a man shorter than I, “can i help you?” it must have been obvious i didn’t belong. he caught me like a deer in headlights. “i was thinking about auditioning, but i wanted to feel the vibe first….” “you would make SO much money if you. but no problem, you can have a drink at the bar on me and let me know what you decide.” So i sat there in my regular clothes and had a drink. The woman on stage was an older blonde. she looked good for her age but she had to be crossing grandma territory. i didn’t think much of it, but now i’m like wow they must have been desperate for dancers at this place. that was the last time i seen her anyway. A customer sees me and tries to make small talk with me while i’m in my regular clothes. i didn’t wanna be rude so i talked to him a bouncer catches wind of what’s happening and says “HEY. you don’t even work here yet and you’re stepping on these girls toes!” he was right. i did my research, many strippers online have expressed they hated when regular women in the club talked to the club patrons. i finished my drink. full of liquid confidence and some of my own, i found the short man and told him i want to audition. he sent me upstairs to this rickety locker room to get changed. i brought the rhinestone strap victoria secret lingerie. there were a few girls in there and i spoke to one girl named scorpion who was really sweet. again, the first and only time i seen this person. i go back downstairs. “hey, give me three songs you want to dance to… and what’s your stage name?” “three songs?!?! that’s too long and too scary!!” now i was getting shy. “you won’t even realize 3 songs come and go…” in that moment i didn’t know if i could stay up there for three entire songs. “fine. you can do two but the usual is three. what’s your dancer name?” “Tasha.” i picked that name after one of the favorite Dolls growing up, a wrestler, and a famous porn star. “i’ll tell you you’re on standby, then you’ll go up when i say ‘Tasha to the stage’. You got this!” it was nice how encouraging he was. the bartender was also nice. i’m so glad it’s not like anything i’ve ever heard about clubs. i hear my name get called to the stage. i’m jittery. but i’m doing the pole tricks i’ve learned at a studio and doing floor work. i hear men and women patrons saying “she’s hot!” i get crumbled dollars thrown at me and i’m in pure ecstasy. “Tasha are you sure you haven’t done this before?” the DJ says, messing with me over the microphone. i laugh. my two songs finish, and i forget a bag to put my money in. so i just throw it in my purse i brought to the club. i swing the door open and i was BOMBARDED with customers saying “hey!! i love your stage let’s hang out” i smile and say thanks but i keep walking to the DJ booth. a dancer stops me, “hey babe come chill with us” as she’s with a customer. i get this reaction from multiple other people. it’s a high i’ve never felt before. the DJ said i was absolutely hired. i couldn’t work the rest of that night because i had to drive to New Jersey early in the morning but it was a night i’ll never forget.
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last commentsomeone thinks this is AI generated…. wow so
thoughtful ! lol this is my original writing. you can DM me on instagram @s1utmuffin
Thanks for your article! Don't hear too often from a girl about her experience in a strip club.
Fun read. Paragraphs would help make it easier 🙂
Nice article. Always interesting to hear the perspective from the dancers side of things. And pics or it didn’t happen. 😎