15 Strippers we could do without (Types 6-10)
Type 6. The professional. No matter what you do for a living, you need to be a professional. You need to have a set of rules you operate by and a code of honor. This goes for dancers. Many clubs, especially nicer ones, have a house "professional." She's the girl who treats the club like it's hers. That's fine, but she also makes a point of telling you that her club isn't the place for "extras." Her club is classy. She warns you about dancers who do "bad things." She personally tries to monitor the other girls. The rule here: Let this dummy keep talking until she identifies the girls who are bad. Then, dump her and move onto them. Odds are, these other girls offer a lot more bang for the buck and think she's a nibby bitch who needs to mind her own business. This girl usually has a number of hang ups and probably is dislike by management. She's also likely to be the lamest dancer around. Years ago, I spotted my first professional. She walked up to a regular and told him she'd dance for him but, "Don't touch me. I saw you touching that other girl." This guy waved her off, told her to "fuck off" and called her a bitch. When the manager walked over, he told him what happened. The manager said, "She's weird. Nobody likes her." Never buy dances from this girl. Eventually, she'll get the hint and move onto another club. And another club. And another club.
Type 7: The basher. This girl's the one who bashes the girls at her club and others. You may notice her giving dirty looks at other dancers. She makes nasty comments about their outfits. While sitting with a customer, she'll loudly tell one of her friends about another dancer who is "ugly," "nasty" or a "whore." Or she goes to sites like TUSCL or social media to bash dancers and competing clubs. Maybe she trolls strip club sites pretending to be someone else while propping herself and her club while bashing others. She creates rumors about other clubs/dancers being lame or full of pill heads or needle users. The rule here: STAY AWAY! Don't buy into her drama. You'll only be helping her hurt clubs and dancers you do like. FYI - if she is trolling the Web, there's a chance she could post info on you that might get back to your wife, girlfriend, friends or job.
Type 8: The bestie. She brags that she's the best stripper at her club. She claims to provide the best lapdance or VIP experience. You all know the rule here: She has to say she's the best because no one else will. The best dancers never brag. They just give you a great dance - one that makes you want another, and another and another. Don't even encourage her by wasting your money. Tell her, thanks but no.
Type 9: The pouter. Ever tell a dancer "no" and then watch her frown and walk away? This girl needs to go. She's another buzz kill stripper who doesn't realize you might not want her dancing for any number of dances, some that may not even involve her. Maybe you've already spent enough. Maybe you're waiting for a favorite dancer or a different girl you really want to try out. Maybe you just want to sober up or will be leaving soon. The rule here: If you see this girl again, tell her you didn't appreciate her attitude. If she's sorry and you do like her, try her out. Just explain that you've got enough disappointed women outside the club.
Type 10: The girlfriend. You've seen the type. She's way too happy to meet or see you. She tells you she doesn't have a boyfriend but would really a guy just like you. She thinks about you when you haven't stopped by. Someone needs to tell this dimwit this isn't Strip Club 101. No woman ever deserves to be a victim of violence or stalking. But this idiot is putting herself in the danger zone when she runs into the wrong guy, which she eventually probably will. As a customer, you're there for an erotic experience. When a dancer acts like it could turn into something more, she's playing you like you're back in the ninth grade. The rule here: Don't buy into the nonsense. You're at the club for a nice time, and not to be treated like a fool.
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Nobody in USA knows about Bubbles, do they?
Trailer Park Boys humour traveled to USA?..........damn!....I can't believe that.
I say you've got that right here in Lena.
Trying to distinguish between courtesans and prostitutes and denouncing male sexual desire!