
How I Popped my OTC Cherry

layin low but staying high
I've been going to strip clubs regularly for about the last 20 years. I've been getting extras in the clubs for probably the last six or seven years. However, until last week, I had never done OTC (Outside the Club). There are several reasons for this, but the primary reason is simply one of timing. I go to clubs when I travel, I usually stay in a particular town only for a couple of days, and by the time I build a relationship with a girl it's time to leave town and too late to play. I've discussed OTC with many girls, gotten quite a few numbers, but have never been able to work it out. That all changed last week.

I was in a nude west coast club that has extraordinarily beautiful girls. Some of the hottest women that I have ever seen naked work in this club. After about an hour, my dream girl hits the stage. Beautiful face, great body, not overly skinny but not by any means overweight, big natural breasts, sweet friendly smile, not a single tattoo, and putting on quite a show. Easily a 9.5. I tipped her 10 times what the other guys at the tip rail did, and we got a table after the stage dances.

It turns out she is smart, articulate, fun, and we hit it off. So far at least, there is not the slightest hint of the usual SS. We go back for some dances, and she is extremely hands-on. We start kissing, which this club doesn't allow, so she is trying to bend the rules for me. She tells me some of the clubs that she has previously worked at, which quickly made it clear to me that she had to be an extras girl. She couldn't have survived long in some of the clubs she listed without some extras on the side. I asked about having some fun tonight, and she explained to me that this club doesn't allow what I am willing to pay for. I know she's telling the truth since I've been here several times before.

She does another special stage show for me, we go back for some more dances, and I casually ask her if she ever is available for a date outside the club. She says that she has done that occasionally in the past, but it's not a regular practice. I asked what an evening with her would cost, and she quotes an insane price. I make it clear that despite how beautiful she is, that price is ridiculous. I suggest a counter price, we negotiate briefly, and agree upon a price that is on the high side but not outrageous. Just so there are no misunderstandings, I briefly list some of the things that I would like to do during our date. She readily agrees to everything.

We go back to a table, talk a little while, and I get her number. We arrange a tentative time and place for the date, with the details to be established by text tomorrow. I have read enough stories about OTC from you PLs to know that I should expect a lot of SS between now and tomorrow. Based upon of what I've heard from you guys, I expect that she either will not communicate with me, will not show up, will be 2 to 3 hours late, will bring her kids with her, will start doing drugs when she gets there, will want to run errands, will want me to go pay her rent first, or some other kind of SS. I am therefore somewhat shocked when none of that happens, and she is extraordinarily professional and sexy.

We trade several texts in the late afternoon and evening to set up the details. She is flirty, sexy, and says she's looking forward to the date. She shows up at the agreed-upon location within five minutes of the time agreed, and apologizes for being five minutes late. She is wearing super short shorts, with a very loose fitting top that generously displays her breasts. This is a very casual outfit that I find very sexy.

We sit outside and have drinks and dinner. She leans close to me, kisses me on the cheek periodically, leans over to make sure I can see her breasts, rubs my leg, and does the whole girlfriend experience thing. She is a great conversationalist, funny and smart. She is a little older than your average dancer, maybe late 20s or early 30s, so maybe that maturity has something to do with it, but it really is a great time. From all appearances she really seems to have her shit together.

There are some young guys sitting at the table next to us, and they can't help but stare the whole time. Clearly they are trying to figure out how the older guy at the next table got this cute young woman who is clearly planning to fuck him after dinner, while they sit there with their youth and good looks, all alone. Their problem is that I'm the one with the money and the experience, and that's what gets the girl.

After a nice dinner, we take a short walk to my hotel, holding hands and stopping to kiss along the way. In my room, we brush our teeth, kiss for a short while, and the show begins. To make a long story somewhat shorter, in the next half hour or so we did everything sexual that I would ever want to do to a woman. I filled every hole she had that I was interested in, in every position that I wanted, and I came when it was over where and how I wanted. There was absolutely nothing I wanted to do that she did not fully and enthusiastically allow. In summary, it was fucking awesome.

When it was over, we snuggled for a short while, talked about possible future dates, and I walked her out. She texted me when she got home to tell me that she was there safe, which I thought was a very cute ending to the entire GFE. There was not one moment of SS that I could detect the entire evening, and I can't imagine a more professional OTC experience.

I guess I made a very lucky choice for my first OTC. I imagine they all will not be this good, but I am hooked. Thanks to all of you for your comments and advice on the OTC experience which helped educate me in preparation for this evening. I plan to do it again very soon.


  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Good read
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    So you pulled this off the first time you met/saw her in the club?

    I'm far from being an OTC expert, I've never done it, but I'd assume a dancer would be more likely/ willing to hook up with a customer OTC after he's had repeat visits to the club. I'd assume that would make them (the dancer) more comfortable hanging out with a customer OTC, but who knows.

    I told myself I'd never do this, but there's this one dancer I've been getting to know the last few weeks that I'm going to try to get OTC with. It won't be anything like your story though, I'm not doing P4P.

  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Vikings, yes this was the first time I've ever seen the girl. You are probably correct that it is easier to arrange a successful OTC with a dancer that you have gotten to know. In this instance, I attribute my success to one of two possible explanations. The first explanation, which I deem by far the most likely, is that I am an incredibly sexy stud with a huge cock. The second, less likely, explanation is that I was just lucky. The stars aligned, we hit it off instantly, and we both needed the same thing at the same time. I also assume that I was able to successfully convey to her in a single meeting the fact that I'm a nice guy and no risk. She has been dancing for several years, so I imagine she's a pretty good judge of character at this point. It also didn't hurt that I was pretty generous and didn't try to talk her down in price to a great degree.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Great story!!!! It's so nice that sometimes these things actually work.
    My OTC's with my ATF don't ever go that well. She's always late when she shows up, and frequently cancels without any warning with SS excuses...which is why I now have a civi girlfriend! The ATF is fun when she's available but I no longer count on her for my jollies.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    You definitely got your passive and active game going on all fours. That's why she was attracted to you.

    What I'm trying to learn from your article is your passive and active game, which were not articulated in there. I was hoping you would describe these attributes that sealed the deal.

    As always, awesome article, thanks for sharing.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Nice story. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't but it sure is nice when it does. Most of my OTC encounters have been with girls I've met that night or just once previously.

    Your GFE made this one special with this girl I would say. Those girls around 30 or do are often much more fun than those 22 year old hotties. Age and experience are invaluable.
  • hotwheels
    10 years ago
    How much did you pay her?
  • goonster
    10 years ago
    Great story
  • lollipops
    10 years ago
    Im glad you had a good time. I guess you do get what you pay for in a way.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    I paid her too much, but it was worth every penny.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    "I paid her too much, but it was worth every penny."

    -Amen and by paying too much you may have avoided typical SS. Appears she knows you paid too much but wanted to make sure you got your moneys worth and it sounds like you make her know her efforts were greatly appreciated.

    Although you may be a well hung good looking stud, I'm guessing like you said she's probably a good judge of character and felt no threat from you. That combined with your willingness to pay a high price convinced her to meet you. The flirting a dinner makes me think she genuinely was into you a least a little, which is a plus for you and your ego.

    Most of these PLs on here don't realize you're not going to bang a chick OTC for $100 you're going to have to step up to the plate, and yes sometimes you get lucky and get to do it for free, but you'll run into SS at some point going that route.

    I hope you get the chance to see her again down the road. Thanks for taking time to write the article.
  • pineconepartyliquor
    10 years ago
    Well sir, great story and you have inspired me to tell of my first OTC experience. It came from a girl I met only one night, she gave me her number, I called and she came to my hotel the next night. I was hoping for FS but didn't outright ask because she was really sweet and really hot and I didn’t want to scare her off by showing her the what a perv that I really am (which ended up being a good plan). She said she brought some outfits and she wanted to dance for me, so I gave her $300 to dance for me for 2 hours. The dancing turned into kissing and fooling around and full contact everything, she ended up giving me bbbj and spending about 4 hours with me doing anything but fucking. At the end of the night I asked her if we could have sex sometime in the future and she said she would think about it. She said she hadn't had sex in about 1.5 years since she had broken up with her ex (I assumed this to be SS, but whatever). Next time she came to my room, same thing, lots of kissing and fooling around and bbbj but no fucking. I thought it would never happen. Finally, the third time, it was New year’s eve and she’s at my room, on top of me grinding on my cock, and she’s visibly very horny, I said "I have a condom in my bag, can we have sex tonight?" She said yes and I almost fell off the bed. Anyway, we fucked, her pussy was so tight I believe that she may have been telling the truth about no sex for a year and a half. She said she really liked the sex and forgot how good it feels to get fucked. Now every time I see her, we usually hang out, get some food, smoke some cigs and then go to the room and fuck. Best thing is, that she always puts on a sexy outfit and gives me a long sexy lap dance slowly taking off everything before we get down to fucking. For whatever reason it makes it even better when we finally do fuck (good old foreplay I guess).

    I’ve been seeing her for about a year now every 2-3 weeks and the sex just keeps getting better. Sometimes we hang out during the day and go out to eat or go swimming at the hotel and stuff like that at no extra cost. Only bad thing is that the SS started to set in about 6 months ago. She started showing up very late, and although she doesn't drink, she has been visibly fucked up on pills a few times. She has also hit me up for money several times but she always deducts the loan from the price of the next OTC meeting. After she was late a few times, I just decided I would go to a club and wait for her to show up at my hotel and call me. When she calls, I say I'll be right there babe, leave the club and go meet her at the hotel. That way I can stay entertained while she is taking forever to show up and she even has to wait for me sometimes. She’s a good find, she is always available on short notice, and has no problem ditching work to come see me and usually stays all night until around 5 or 6 AM. I told her I didn't want her to be taking pills when she comes to see me and since I said that, she appears to be sober when we meet up. She never gives me attitude and is one of the sweetest nicest girls I have ever met. She isn't the smartest girl and she talks too much, but who cares about that? This was my first OTC girl and I have not found one as good as her except a recent one that somehow became my GF. That was a huge mistake, one that I am currently dealing with but that’s a story for another day....
  • hotwheels
    10 years ago
    Great post. I really want to hear about your OTC GF. I have been there too. Mine was freaking out of this world in bed but the issues outside of the bedroom were a bit much to handle.

    With you OTC hookup were you having unprotected sex?

    With your OTC GF did she show up on time? Tell me the story please.
  • TxVegas
    10 years ago
    Nice story JohnSmith69. I hope you get to see her again and see if it really is a good connection of just one of those starts aligned days.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Awesome John. In my experience, it is rare that a first time OTC hookup, based upon a single night ITC, turns out to be that excellent. I've had some pretty good same night, first time OTC experiences, but normally I have to get to know a gal over at least a couple of visits before it works out as well as your adventure did. Good for you and thanks for sharing.
  • membernumber1
    10 years ago
    Congrats! Unfortunately, now that the bar is set so high, you're going to spend the rest of your life trying to match the thrill and pleasure of that one time.

    It wasn't my first OTC, but I think it was my 3rd. I had been talking to my ATF for over 6 months before I convinced her to come to my room, where we fucked like rabbits for over 5 hours. That was almost 3 years ago and I haven't been able to replicate anything even close to that night since...even with her.
  • membernumber1
    10 years ago
    My OTC cherry was much much much less dramatic, but fun in its own way. I had set up OTC maybe a dozen times before, always having them fall through at the last minute. I met this cute 20 yo spinner and immediately hit it off. I brought up OTC early and she was game...but had to take care of some thing first. She spent the next ~2 hours running around the club like an idiot doing God knows what. I know she was trying to make as much money as she could, as fast as she could, before she left. She was also obviously nervous and kept talking to her friends and running back to me, etc. Finally we left. In my room, she tried to get away with just a BJ, but I declined. Not surprisingly, once FS begin, my stamina was about what could be expected for a guy who hasnt had sex with anyone but his ex-wife in over 15 years. Short, sweet and out the door.

    I tried to stay in touch, but a week later I got a text saying to stop texting, that she had "past away". I got the hint and began my hunting with renewed vigor!
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