
Ways Social Media is Changing the Club

I'd live this way again
Times change. We know this. I don’t have much time for grousing about how it was back in the day, something’s are better others are worse. This is about actual shifts that are driven by the rise of social media in my opinion. It’s effected strip clubs negatively in ways more subtly than those of us who have fond memories of not having to keep a phone on you at all times to be normal may notice.

I think the stuff about IG models and Onlyfans are more like the tip of the iceberg than what might really sink the titanic. I’m more into how it changes how clubs operate and more importantly how dancers and customers think. From reading reviews I get the vibe this isn’t only an issue in my part of the country. As most of us are dayshifters, I’ll be largely engaging this from that angle.

How Social Media Effects Club Operations:.
1.) Irrelevant Promo - This is especially bad for dayshifters. All club promo is built for influencers. Goofy viral crap, remaking Ice Spice TikTok’s with club staff to trap songs and stock photos of models on your IG story shouldn’t be the end all and be all of your advertising. Let me give these 4 things I’d at least like to see TRIED by clubs online to promo other than just telling us a reality star we’ve never heard of will be walking through in 2 weeks.

* Tell Us the Lineup - Dayshifters want consistency. You can post a list of dancer names without faces on a story and that might bring in there regulars because there’s no guess work.
* Run a Drink Special or Lunch Special- Again we care about value. Make me want to be here on lunch breaks. Make me bring a coworker.
* A “You Pick The Songs” Day - Because many of us are too old to care about most of the new stuff. Engage us!
* Try To Engage Traditional Media - My fav club still does a collab with the radio station for example. Doing that maybe once every quarter won’t kill you.

2.) Phone Wars Pt. 1 - We don’t like R.A.P. (Reckless Ass Posting). This is a multi part deal but I’ll address the dancers and dollar spenders later. The clubs can’t control the dancers but they can control themselves. I’ve read reviews of a club in Atlanta that’s now falling apart that regularly posted the faces of club patrons and there cars on IG for the world to see. What a foolish idea. No wonder that didn’t work.

Again, big spending dayshift crusties (more on this later) are there to get drinks, dances and VIP. We aren’t there to be seen. I actually don’t want to be seen. I don’t meet PLs from Tuscl in person. Why would I want the net to see me in my dad pants with a busty Latina gripping my jimbrowski. (I do like that rap).

3.) Different Players for Different Sounds - Why the heck do clubs run the same on days as they do at night now? Because the sparklers look better on a Facebook page that’s why. But it’s a total disconnect for those of us who spend most of the time.

Get rid of the hype man and hire more security or a extra bartender and waitress. Most of us don’t give a fuck about the DJ playing the latest SoundCloud wonder. Get a playlist and hire another bartender. Or let us pick records as I said before. Like Miles Davis you need a different band for a different approach.

4.) Strip School Online Pt. 1 - So here’s the story. I’m a regular in 1 and a half clubs, you can check my reviews of course. One in particular is hiring new dancers regularly as some of there stalwarts are aging out and/or leaving. It’s a Friday early on day shift and I, a 350-800 dollar per week regular, comes in.

An experienced dancer probably picks up on a couple of things as I walk in even if they never worked the club or met me before: everyone on staff greets me and knows the name I go by. The bartender has my drink ready before I actually ask for it. And dancers gravitate toward me without me actually approaching anyone. That means I’m a spender. If you want those Gucci bags filled, I’m the guy you at least should introduce yourself too. Any dancer that has been trained how to work club would do that.

Many were on the phone (more on this coming.) A few others curtly asked maybe one guy for dances and if they got a no or even a want a drink they just shut down. The new dancers never asked me a thing.

If the club wants to keep girls why don’t they actually teach them something. I don’t think they think they have to. All they have to do is post WE HAVE BITCHES and the rest will take care of itself. I’m sorry but a ton of them are going to think the biz is dying and turn to escorting. Training matters in every business.

How Social Media Effects Present and Future Dancers -

1.) Viral Temperament: I debated putting this on the club or the dancers. Over the top extras can lead to bad management because the club the staff have a nuke they can drop. But I’m leaning toward the dancers because while it’s the clubs choice to allow extras it’s the dancers choice to choose to do them.

Due to the microwave nature of the internet and the way that effects the next generations mindset they just want the bag right now. Bleed him slow is over, impatience rules. Which is fine if your an extras guy but the flip side is that impatience spills over into a weird rudeness. Less small talk or even common sense, just beat and bust or I have no time for your. Your chasing off a chance at a regular that way.

A couple of them baby strippers left my home club after around 45 minutes because they hadn’t made shit and about 20 minutes after they left money was all over the stage and all on the floor. Again they won’t wait. The only place I see dancers being encouraged to act like that is on social media. You don’t learn the game on IG.

2.) Strip School Online Pt. 2 - Know yourself know your worth ma. Various outlets online traffic is what amounts to lies about dancing. Again we’ve all seen it: name your price baby, up the charge if he breathes too hard, walk out the room, threaten to get the bouncer, your worth the world girl! We love you! It’s never hour actual behavior it’s about the poor treatment you accept from others!

And we see how this ends. Dead to all the regulars, negative shifts, bad personal habits from striking out in the club all the time. I don’t care what they say in a Facebook group, I’ve been doing this too long. The cut and burn tactics have a shelf life. I believe you can dance for 3-5 years in the same area acting like this and make bank the same way I believe the goofs who say we can get FS for 10 bucks by not propping up dancer egos.

You know how to build your worth? Make more contacts. Be honest. Do a good job. And if it’s not for you don’t try to cheat. Yes set boundaries but don’t play games. Do something else if your not going to be successful.

By the way I wonder if some online dancers are deliberately trying to hurt there younger comp (I’m also going to get into this more.) We know how catty and jealous and territorial strippers can get. Older dancers see how much Facebook, TikTok and Reddit effect new dancers. I don’t want to allege a conspiracy but I wonder.

We’ve actually seen dancers briefly try to come onto Tuscl and tell us how it’s only baby strippers that charge the club price for dances or do extras when Tuscl is filled with people who either live in places where going to the strip club is almost part of the culture or guys who’ve been slipping 1s and willies into dancers since the 70s. I’m sorry but you can’t pull the wool over our eyes but on sites outside of Tuscl this can create 2 situations: they believe you and stay out of all strip clubs or they mark you and stay away from you personally. Plus you set new dancers up to be shocked. If they try it with us who else are they trying to game?

I’m literally seeing people online encouraging dancers to be rude to “cheap” crusties. Back to the new dancers at my home club. When I told a new chick I was going to wash my hands before getting dances she said I was playing about getting dances. She said this at the bar in front of 3-5 regulars. She wrecked herself with the spenders right there over a hand washing! That’s why actually happens to rude strippers. And I know she didn’t get that plan from club management.

3.) Do You Know Who Your Dealing With? - This could also go on the clubs training but it’s more of a cultural point. I’m sorry but too many of these dancers have bought into a picture of pay for players that is actually the exact opposite of the case and that’s pushed a lot online. The image of the pushover PL that goes to strip clubs to pay for the reward of sitting beside a woman like Roginald in Family Guy because he’s a loser is hilariously off. I’m sorry I can afford to go to the strip club twice a week because I can actually handle myself in life and especially with a cute 24 year old in a place I pay money.

How have young dancers allowed themselves to think guys who get big bucks are losers? Men with money have always surrounded themselves with young women. They weren’t actually wusses and bums over history and they aren’t now. And the way they treat patrons can be effected by a flagrant lack of understanding of who they are talking too. Which are frequently successful people who typically don’t need dancers.

4.) The Phone Wars Pt. 2 - Again this whole article isn’t going to be about free online porn or any kind of porn, both of which existed before OF and twitter and didn’t kill clubs then. But to deny the reality that independent porn production has changed the landscape of sex work is nonsense.

The big way I think cheap indie porn might change the club is it might eventually end or severely curtail the existence of no touch clubs especially day shifts at no touch clubs, because OF is way cheaper for no contact and with OF it’s a video and you don’t have to deal with a bitchy entitled personality.. And there aren’t that many girls hot enough to sustain that model in most places that couldn’t do better as a IG model.

Yes the club can always be a place where women who don’t want to be online forever to do nude things for a check. But the idea the decline in strip clubs is about young customers less interested in actual physical contact is a joke, as far as clubs it’s the opposite. I need contact or extras or why not just watch Kenzie Anne. Read the amount of reviews about some far off clubs where physical contact isn’t allowed anyway. This is kind of a no brainer.

5.) The Phone Wars Pt. 3 - Get off phone ma, get off the phone. Back to the baby strippers at my home club. The new youngish dancers sat on the phone. Didn’t even look up at me. Some dancers even stay on the phone while lap dancing?! I don’t know if your taking my picture or streaming me or just ignoring me but that’s dumb. (I’ve got nuance for this but hold on).

We know it goes down in the DM, like the tagline says we the guys dancers text when they with another PL. Dancers show my stuff on there phone all the time. That’s fine with me and part of the small talk. But text messaging can damage the customer experience especially if your not a regular. I’ve actually told dancers it’s not wise for them to do that. Plus being on the phone makes approaches more awkward because i don’t know if your looking for someone or waiting on someone or what.

6.) Do We Have To Know? - Here’s the story: I know a dancer who just finished school. She’s in a private Facebook group and because she actually is using the club for her future she wants others dancers to do the same. She shows the group to me when I stop in partly because she thinks the inside look bonds us and will get me to to spend more (I really want the intel), partly because I’ll listen to her vent about work (again for intel) and partly because it really bothers her.

She tries to tell the girls how to work but she says they’ve been brainwashed by StripTok, r/stripper and other forums for bad advice. She hates when the dancers diss the customers in public! Calling is crustie broke failures aloud is unwise. They are hurting themselves when they do that. It can make a dude feel predatory as well when dancers publicly admit they don’t want us to touch them.

She says young dancers have no business sense. Your mad at who comes to just drink? You know that’s how the clubs make money right? Mad you got to tip the bar and the security 20 bucks out of 2 grand? When the bar staff makes 3 bucks and hour the security guy just got swung on by a pimp? Yes you pay club for VIP time or then you have no platform to work in relative safety. Go sugar if you don’t like it.

Yes patrons moan about dancers but we don’t need the club and they do. It’s not the same thing and smart dancers know this. One dancer posted a meme reminding strippers that there crusties lives were terrible because we have to work 5 days a week. The need to be feel better than someone, the laziness and entitlement, and the way these girls get validated for it online doesn’t help the future.

How Social Media Effect PLs -

1.) Phone Wars Pt. 5 - Creepy ass goofs sneaking pics and streams and vids should have there ass beat. That’s all I have to say. I saw this happen at my home club and security actually held the guy up and let the stripper he tried to film slap him around in the back. Could’ve been for personal use but too many are doing it for the Gram. I hope the validation he was trying to get from posting the junk was worth it.

2.) Penny Pinching On A Dime- If you don’t come with your money stop crying. Too many guys online get validated for not wanting to spend bread at the titty bar. Yes value is important but so is common sense. So many of these dudes come across as weird, angry and entitled and there are people who get online and read this shit and buy into it as a wise way to conduct yourself as a PL. You also don’t need to be cheap about hygiene.

3.) The Thot Slut Mindset - Strippers are people too. Naked people who maybe willing to pleasure you for a negotiated fee. But they are not dead inside. There is a weird PUA/manosphere streak to too many up and coming PLs that opens the door for dancer abuse and turns them into cam girls, espically with some of the younger guys. A few of them also come on here and try to gin a scam about how to work and play dancers like they're talking to pimple faced socially underdeveloped kids.

Look could I be blaming the net too much for bad management, clueless dancers and weird cuosfmers maybe. Some who frequent strip clubs are bad socially anyway and that drives some of this. But I’d argue whatever bad was there is exaggerated by the internet. This is just my perspective.


  • IWantHerOnMe
    2 days ago
    @aham5 I don’t know much about AI but if this was AI I don’t think it would be riddled with ugly typos.
  • Jascoi
    2 days ago
    good points! well said!
  • grrlgonebad
    2 days ago
    Wow! Thank you! This is what I have tried to preach in some of the online stripper communities!
    There is a lot to unpack here!
    As a stripper who has been in the business for almost 10 years (wow, is that true... checks calendar... HFS... it is!) a LOT of what you are saying is absolutely true! There is a sense of entitlement that has been built by online stripper "influencers" who seem to think they have been given a golden pussy.
    Maybe I was just raised by the last of the great strippers, but I learned to work for my money... don't be rude... but stand your ground if the situation goes bad... but don't freak out at the sight of the first peen coming your way.
    I typically work full nude clubs and I am amazed at the number of dancers who don't strip on stage... I have tried to tell these girls that what you do on stage is setting the tone for working the tables... it's a nude club... get naked... show the customers what they get... and then selling dances on the floor is SOOOOO much easier!
    That said, from the dancer POV, customers have changed as well. They want more for less.. and also bring a sense of entitlement to the club that wasn't there when i started.
    If we all just treat each other like humans, life gets better for everyone.
  • IWantHerOnMe
    2 days ago
    @Jascoi Thanks

    @grrlgonebad Thanks for the feedback. I like to hear dancers outlook on things.
  • FoCoChronic
    a day ago
    I will say, if clubs allowed customers to pick some tunes on occasion, or if you could pay for a song/set of your choosing, maybe find a dancer who’s in agreement with you and likes your taste, I would get fucking hype and spend more during my own jams. That’s a great idea, someone somewhere should implement it
  • JahnWrecked
    a day ago
    Imagining a touch tunes at a club is wild
  • grrlgonebad
    a day ago
    @FoCoChronic - if I have been sitting with a guy or wrapping up a VIP, and my stage rotation gets called up... I always ask him if he has any music he wants to see me dance to...
  • IWantHerOnMe
    19 hours ago
    @JahnWrecked I’ve heard there are places you can pay for requests
  • lurkingdog
    8 hours ago
    Thanks for a nice analysis. I have been in many clubs where the girls select their own music to dance to. Their shows tend to be much better than where the club picks the music. I've also (rarely) had a dancer ask me what songs she should dance to.
  • IWantHerOnMe
    7 hours ago
    @lurkingdog I meant more about the actual old geezers getting a chance to make a request. I've been to clubs so random that nobody in the club, dancers staff or PLs liked the music choices.
  • FoCoChronic
    3 hours ago
    That’s cool of you to do. I have a club date coming up, I’ll ask her if she’d be open to this
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