9 yrs ago •Confuciouscommented on"I'll find you later" ... horrific insult...Most people with half a brain don't sign up for a strip club website using their real name. I think you're the only person in the history of…
9 yrs ago •Confuciouscommented on"I'll find you later" ... horrific insult...You should write Nina another poem. I think she's really close to marrying you now. https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=39100 BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
9 yrs ago •Confuciouscommented onLeavingDeflect and deny. Nice try. You've been outed. Again. Deal with it. And quit being an asshat.
9 yrs ago •Confuciouscommented onLeavingDoctorPhil aka Clackport aka Missionary aka Ranukam aka P whatever... Why are you such an asshat? Afraid to post your mean comments under your main user id, so you…
9 yrs ago •Confuciouscommented onOT:How to bring appetite back after fluIf you had the flu, your body probably lost a lot of electrolytes. Soup and gatorade should help. Maybe some boiled potatoes, cabbage, and vegetables too. http://www.freedrinkingwater.com/water_health/health1/1-gatorade-or-water-for-the-flu.htm
9 yrs ago •Confuciouscommented onMerry ChristmasMerry Christmas and Happy Festivus for the rest of us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbfMmCf5-ds
9 yrs ago •Confuciouscommented onWould you buy a tuscl.com collared "Official Reviewer" shirt?No way I would wear one. I wouldn't wear any strip club related clothing in public. If the shirt came with a free lap dance, I might buy…
9 yrs ago •Confuciouscommented onAuditions to replace "brilliant"?Brilliant is good, but I agree that variety is the spice of life and makes things interesting. Why not mix it up a little? Brilliant! Smashing! Superb! Nooooice! Outstanding! Fantastic!…
9 yrs ago •Confuciouscommented onWhat do you like?Black stockings with black lace bra and panties are the hottest to me. Anything tasteful and sexy works though. I once read that clothes make the man, but women…
9 yrs ago •Confuciouscommented onKeysTie them to your shoe lace, so they rest on the top of your foot, but don't touch the floor? You won't lose them and they won't interfere…
9 yrs ago•ConfuciousreviewedDeja Vu presents Larry Flynt's Hustler Club202 Commerce St Shreveport, LA 71101Tuesday night visit
9 yrs ago •Confuciousposted inFront RoomAshley Madison users are now receiving blackmail demands in the mail