13 yrs ago•buzzer68reviewedThee Dollhouse Myrtle Beach3001 Hwy 17 S North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 I recently went on a little...
13 yrs ago •buzzer68commented onSex, money and 5-year sentences.inno123: Nail on the head!!! Even christian religious groups (a few, anyway) are coming around to the idea. Decriminalizing the act of two consenting adults (i.e.…
13 yrs ago •buzzer68commented onThe Penthouse Club - Phily - scary reviews - but I have to wonder?Both events took place on the night of 8/11 and tell similar stories (multiple bouncers accosting two patrons etc.) which leads me to believe these depict the same…
13 yrs ago •buzzer68commented onOne Of You Guys Ruined My Night at the Club and I Want Names!Hey, I know it's only 6 inches, but some girls like it that wide.
13 yrs ago •buzzer68commented onUpdate on Stripper and Her BrothersDylan's only bust was for weed possession? Obviously in need of some remedial instruction from his more experienced sibs! Hope they like solitary, 'cuz they'll have about…
13 yrs ago •buzzer68commented onOTC ActivitiesSiletto25 has a good observation...pissed off wife! Besides, you could not POSSIBLY pinpoint the locations of those who post here. I saw one regular who reviewed…
13 yrs ago •buzzer68commented onPremature 'you know what'And this is a problem why? Those viagara and levitra commercials warn you that you should see a doctor for erections lasting longer than 4 hours...to which I…
13 yrs ago •buzzer68commented onPolitically IncorrectGood stuff, man...peeing my pants (I'm sure you needed to know that..).
13 yrs ago •buzzer68commented onSenator Tom Coburn (R-Okla) Proposes Eliminating the Dollar BillIf he wants to save money, stop minting those damn pennies!!! The penny has to be the world's most useless unit of currency - and has been…
13 yrs ago •buzzer68commented onBeing BlackballedSometimes it's just better to suck it up and take one for the team. If the fugly amazonian gets a good tip, the 10s will probably try and…
13 yrs ago •buzzer68commented onInteresting Strip Club site...The sad part is since I have a masters in botany, I actually understand that exerpt (eRF stands for "eukaryotic release factor"). Sad, really. I would probably…