One Of You Guys Ruined My Night at the Club and I Want Names!

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
I was in my favorite club this week with one of my ATF's . We had gone to a dark corner in a semi-private part of the club for some dances.

My favorite built my excitement by doing more and more each dance. DFK, two way contact, nipple feels, and all VHM.

The last couple of dances she had her hand inside my dress pants and was perfectly stroking my equipment. I was pumped as hard as I have ever been. I couldn't stretch it another inch.

I said "let's take a break, I want this to last".

Suddenly here comes one of her girlfriend dancers to sit with us. The conversation went something like this:

GF: Isa......, you won't believe this guy I just danced for!

ATF: what happened?

GF: this guy, he had a HUGE dick.

ATF: wow! How big was it?

GF: (estimates length with hands) and chitchats about the guy.

ATF: comments on guys with HUGE dicks.

At this point the girlfriend leaves our table. My ATF turns to me and sees the look of inadequacy in my face. God Bless her, she always knows what to say to "stroke" my ego.

"Oh don't worry Pablo, you have a nice dick too."

So for all you braggers like 10inches, Staxwell, VinceMichaels, and Clubber; thanks for ruining my night at the club you lucky bastards.


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avatar for buzzer68
14 years ago
Hey, I know it's only 6 inches, but some girls like it that wide.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
Dick size doesn't matter
Hey,hey, hey, I don't think anyone of us you mention were in the club with you that night, pabloantonio. I feel your pain. Don't blame me. LOL
avatar for jerikson40
New York
14 years ago
The other day I had a black girl in a black club tell me "Wow, you've got a really nice dick". A BLACK GIRL !!

So there...
Stiletto is stroking egos too. lol. As for you white guys. I had a black dancer tell me that those stories your hear about black guys is nothing but a myth. lol. vince, you met her.
avatar for rh48hr
14 years ago
The SS is reaching a new high! LOL. JK jerikson.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
Let me rephrase so as no one thinks I'm stroking egos...dick size doesn't matter TO ME
avatar for jerikson40
New York
14 years ago
Yeah, it was pure SS. But hey, I'm shallow. And it worked.
avatar for rh48hr
14 years ago
Stiletto - There is a reason we all love you on this website.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
Women have no sensation in their vagina, save right at the entrance and on their cervix.

With that said, I only have six inches, but a very wide girth. I get pain complaints from the strippers.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I don't recall any dancers talking about someone else's dick size and I'm glad about that.

off topic, there are some hot girls at the e3 convention. The G4 channel is showing the booth girls now. If they were in a strip club, I'd be happy to visit. :)
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago
Great. I am working through my feelings of self-conscienceness and now rh48hr posts a discussion about the world record holder in dick size.

Have you guys no sensitivity?

Must .....enzyte .....

To Stiletto25: you are so sweet.
Is the SUV or pick-up truck inversely proportional to dick size?
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

Interesting point since I have neither. How would a motorcycle fit your theory? Make, country, CC, style, etc...?
Clubber - If it is, you better get rid of the Harley and buy a Honda. LOL.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

avatar for rh48hr
14 years ago
Sorry Pablo - Your thread reminded me of the show, so I had to do it. Not trying to foster any more feelings of insecurity. MY BAD!
avatar for troop
14 years ago
well it was supposed to be a secret but yes i was in houston earlier this week. lol
avatar for staxwell
14 years ago
Lol. Sorry Pablo. But it's a gift and a curse, if that helps any.
avatar for BigBillPayed
13 years ago
pop a few extends or a stiff nights before you go. That 6 inches will turn 18 again and a rock hard 8 inches.
I've discussed dick size with one of my ATFs. She said the biggest guy she ever danced with was a gay guy. I don't know how she knew and why he was getting a dance. She demonstated how large he was. She pointed more than half way down her thigh almost to her knee. She thought it must have been a dildo at first. She made me feel better when she said she felt sorrow for his boyfriend. Ouch!!!
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