
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 76)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    PPP and other loan fraud
    I heard they are actually investigating fraud with the PUA and grant programs though? PPP is a little different because the rules of the program allowed abuse. Some people claimed to have employees, or exaggerated the number of employees.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    "Thick-5-Incher" is Trucidos
    The way icee and 5 incher talk is unfortunately how a lot of people talk on reddit, twitter, etc. But it is hilarious icee said cops are racist, white supremacist, evil etc but then complained to them about skibum
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Lines that shouldn't be crossed
    Net-net, i dont think ive ever seen you call someone son before, Rick!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Flight Club..... GPS warning
    3131 i dont know, for a regular discounts can be offered.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    5 incher, damage is estimated via amount of monetary losses whether via theft or property damage, and amount of lives lost or injured. Of course, January 6 was only one event. Just about the only other right wing protest event we had was that 2017 unite the right rally where I think one person died. So you have right wing rallies which barely occur and when they do occur they’re exaggerated and constantly talked about. In comparison look at blm and antifa, they caused billions in damage and have killed hundreds of people. All because of racism or greed or other nonsense. Most cops arent going out of their way to patrol minority neighborhoods, and actually these arent minority neighborhoods, these are just often neighborhoods in poor parts of the city with poorer black and white people. Its laughable you believe cops should be hanging out in millionaire neighborhoods where crimes barely occur, not poorer neighborhoods where crimes are constantly occurring all becsuse of some twisted idea of equality. And don’t try bringing “minorities” into it, minorities have nothing to do with the discussion. Asians and Indians and Jews and probably other middle easterners are living in nice neighborhoods. How often do you see cops abusing or even arresting those four minority groups? Basically never. So obviously it has nothing to do with minorities. Those minorities are the richest in the country, even higher average incomes than white people.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    Thick 5 incher might be icees alt account. The situation you describe has already happened with that woman who was shot on the January 6 riots. And as usual blm and many leftists were hypocritically cheering the situation, they even put out snippets of black police officers at the capitol and talked about how they were being oppressed by the white trump extremists. Your formula is all the same, it’s based around hating some or all races besides one or two. And 5 incher the irony is the january 6 events were relatively peaceful compared to blm riots which had all kinds of explosions, looting and more. Blm actually went after random businesses to loot and destroy which is laughable and insane if your problem is with cops or government. Imagine if some random guy attacks your family member then you in response go around looting random stores and attacking random people? I couldn’t envision doing that but its a way of life for some people, theres even some people on here who proudly looted things in the blm riots so they had money to blow at strip clubs
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    State Swings
    Angry white male syndrome? Can you describe the angry black, asian, and latino male syndromes? Or are you going to claim those races don’t get angry, they just blow things up in protests and steal money? More “educated” populations vote blue because most universities train people to be pro socialistic.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How would you handle this situation?
    He doesnt fuck for “free” he pays with commitment, slave like loyalty and embarrassment. He likely keeps it secret that his girl fucks for money, unless it’s someone he can make a sale to, or unless he can somehow twist it into pimping her even though the boyfriend pimp is nothing like actual pimps. Did real pimps even fuck the women working for them
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What is the justification for "mandatory" valet parking?
    Twentyfive what kind of car is that, that takes 3-4 years of their salary? Sounds like a supercar!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    ThatXguy85’s last worst post of naming a dancer with false info is removed
    Her posts are all going after different site users, it could be icees alt account. Cash, you have different sets of rules for males and females, or at least clients vs dancers. You apparently have an issue with rumors being spread about dancers, but not customers. You apparently have an issue with online trolls, unless it’s an online troll who’s also a dancer. And in this case, just claims to be a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    ThatXguy85’s last worst post of naming a dancer with false info is removed
    Cash man what would a strict non extras dancer be doing on pornhub? What does it even mean to “be on pornhub”, many use that site. Also there’s nothing linking pornhub users to this site, anybody can claim to be someone on pornhub. I think a troll account would be someone who calls people rapists while having smiley emojis and laughing about it, and you can look at the users entire photo gallery. It’s all memes and troll photos. I think what you meant to say is you like bubbleyums trolling style so you let him or her get away with it. It’s sad really, because you’re acting like the teenage boys who go insane as soon as they see a girl on xbox live or whatever game they’re playing. You claim to not like trolls, while simultaneously backing a troll poster, solely because of their stated gender.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Flight Club..... GPS warning
    Rick i see your point but the dancer is pretty hot, just this post from OP alone could bring this dancer thousands in revenue. Its true that its a risk but it can also bring the dancer more client attention and revenues. I would probably pay like $700 for the first time with this dancer and $400 for repeat visits. Im glad op was able to post and help us out.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Flight Club..... GPS warning
    Maybe we have different ideas of gps and high prices I think $500 is a reasonable rate for someone like her
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Flight Club..... GPS warning
    3131 that dancer is hotter than any ive seen posted here and hotter than many escorts and dancers. Is she really the hottest dancer in the detroit area? What about extras ITC? Has she had work done on her face?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
    I'd Never Felt More Safe Around a Customer than I did With This One
    Bubble, “One of the first things I tell anybody when we sit down for a dance is no penetration and do not play with my boobs or nips. And I know he understood me when I said that - he just didn't care. When we were on our way to the vip, he said that he wanted two dances, but he only ended up getting one” Do you tell them these rules before the dance is paid for or after? No penetration is a general lapdance rule, but no boob or nipple touching isnt. If you don’t tell them these rules before they pay for the dance, it can fall under robbing. I cant imagine anyone paying for a dance so restrictive, unless there is LDK involved. Rules like this may be why you are getting crazy or weirdo customers, because its going to mostly be crazy or insane customers willing to buy lapdances with no boob touching and no LDKing.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    ThatXguy85’s last worst post of naming a dancer with false info is removed
    GMD yoi made that up you dont have access to arrest records. Ive never heard of an escort or escort client being arrested, unless they say something stupid like exchanging sex for money. At that point its not an escort its a prostitute. It is a fact that famous escorts are openly advertising on social media. And like with anything else the more often you test clean the more likely you are clean...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    ThatXguy85’s last worst post of naming a dancer with false info is removed
    Fishhawk net-net what is a strict no extras dancer doing on pornhub? A user account on there means nothing
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    ThatXguy85’s last worst post of naming a dancer with false info is removed
    GMD im not sure if you followed the context, apparently he was regularly getting tested. Do you have any examples of an escort being arrested or a client being arrested for seeing one? How are the pornstars with millions of fans able to publicly post and advertise escort services?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    ThatXguy85’s last worst post of naming a dancer with false info is removed
    That user has no pics besides odd troll pics, no club posts or club details, claims to be a strict no extras dancer who doesn’t even allow boob touching in contact lapdances (extremely unlikely) , likes icees posts, and even the recent incident with thatxguy she’s claiming hes a certified rapist but for some reason can’t tell the authorities about it, and DMing him and his entire family troll messages on Facebook.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    ThatXguy85’s last worst post of naming a dancer with false info is removed
    GMD if you understood how basic logic works, and how consistency works, if someone posts on here about an otc encounter, describes details of it, mentions they tested clean and etc, you cant pick and choose which aspects of the story were true and which weren’t. The source of the info is the same.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    ThatXguy85’s last worst post of naming a dancer with false info is removed
    Pornhub and hustler is doubtful. And heaving is a newer user. With the hatred you have for random people online i would assume you’re a looter or ROB . Theres no connection with accounts so no way to confirm if you were a previous user or anything.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    ThatXguy85’s last worst post of naming a dancer with false info is removed
    Is bubbleyum a confirmed dancer? No pics or club names, only troll photos uploaded, likes lots of icees posts. The gender verification check mark can be attained just from showing an arm i think.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    ThatXguy85’s last worst post of naming a dancer with false info is removed
    What if they only consented to sex with someone they thought was a famous or wealthy millionaire? Or what if they don’t like the name Smith, or dont like certain religious views or political views, and those things play a role in consent. So if a right winger lies about being right wing so that a left wing girl will fuck him, is that rape? If it changes her consent on the sexual encounter? If the condom breaks but the person doesn’t have any STDs, and STD concern was the reason it was worn in the first place, does that still fall under sexual assault? Anyway regarding thatxguy we dont know who requested the condom and if the dancer asked him to put it back on. In his post he actually said the condom fell off entirely, so it didn’t break but was gone entirely. Wouldn’t the dancer have been able to tell the condom was missing, and ask him to put it back on? It doesnt seem conclusive enough to say he’s a rapist. It doesn’t look like he was trying to get her pregnant or spread disease
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    ThatXguy85’s last worst post of naming a dancer with false info is removed
    Bubble you keep going on about health risks, but thatxguy was already certified clean in the condom break incident, so his actions as far as not wearing the condom, are more about stupidity, because his own health was the only thing at risk. He wasnt trying to impregnate that dancer nor was he intentionally trying to spread an std. From his posts, its not even clear if he himself was the one who wanted to use the condom, or that dancer who he said had an std. You’re actually doing something much worse than even what that user did. He was expressing concerns over a dancer having an std, yoire going around making rape accusations. do you honestly think his wife is gonna consider him a rapist because the condom broke and he kept thrusting? And out of curiosity do you consider it rape if a dancer cuts holes in condoms , if a dancer lies about being on birth control or if a dancer takes a condom off and keeps riding? Is it also rape if someone says they’re a millionaire to get in someone elses pants and it turns out theyre actually broke? The way you use the term rape it can likely be applied to 30%, even 50% or more of the population.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    ThatXguy85’s last worst post of naming a dancer with false info is removed
    GMD theres many millionaires, maybe billionaires too, and also famous celebrities who are openly using escorts. Im guessing at some point an escort visit went to court and they couldnt charge the escort or john. Escorting becomes problematic if the escort has specific charges for “full service” or “bj”. If youre literally just paying for their time, you should be safe. From ny understanding even if and when it is a police sting setup, they try to catch people admitting to paying sex for money. I dont know if any legal action can be taken if someone just paid a set dollar amount for a set amount of time.