
Comments by Thick-5-Incher (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    When have you felt pure terror?
    Back in 2012 I raw-dogged an escort named Cherry who also worked as a dancer at a local club. So anyway, about a month after I fucked this girl, I went to the club and met another dancer and we hit it off and I asked her if she knew Cherry and she says "I havent seen her for awhile. I hope you know she has AIDS". So immediately I turned white and remembered how I barebacked this girl and we exchanged bodily fluids. So anyway, fast forward like a year and I got my annual STD screening and my doctor orders an HIV test and a week later I log into my health plan patient portal and check the results and there is this weird "contact health provider" message and my heart starts to go into palpitations. I'm convinced I'm positive for HIV at this point! So I call my doctor's office with a nervous stutter in my voice and a few minutes later they tell me my HIV test is negative and the reason the health plan portal can't report the results if because of some HIPAA law or something. Needless to say, it was the most scared (and then happy) I been in my entire life. I celebrated the good news by raw-dogging another cute escort.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    When you get called a n*gga but you're white
    "University of Florida revoked their scholarship offer this week to a Caucasian high school quarterback for filming himself rapping to a song on the car radio that contained a lyric using the word “nigga” Might seem harmless but this clip will get replayed thousands of times while he was on-campus and he'd be catching flack for it every damn day. It's unfair but the ramifications are real. White people just can't use the word "nigga" in public. It's a golden rule.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New York
    Customer Appreciation Holiday Party
    "especially the one about the 70’s and 80’s style inflation" Inflation was only really high (18-20%) from the late 70's to around 1982 or so. After that, it was a very normal 3-4% and even lower some years during the glorious 80's.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    just looking for a little human contact along the way
    Thanksgiving Wednesday: Busy, or slow?
    I never been to a strip club on Thanksgiving eve. Back in the 90's when I was a bar rat, it was always packed at the watering holes on that night, mostly because all the college kids were home on break and bored outta they minds. I would think most dancers wouldnt wanna work that night since they have family commitments the next day and dont wanna be tired or hungover.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What's on the menu for Thanksgiving for you ?
    It'll be the same ole, same ole for me. Turkey dinner at my parents house, and my sister and her kids will stop over and talk about all the stupid shit happening in their lives, which bores me to tears. I wouldn't mind doing something fun with my nephews like toss a football around or play some video games on my Dad's big screen, but they are the lamest teen boys I ever met. They will just sit there and text for hours. Drives me nuts. Back in the late 90's I could log into an AOL chat room and find a girl to fuck for that night. I think Thanksgiving weekend in 1997 I fucked three different women that I met in AOL chat rooms. For some reason, it was like shooting fish in a barrel it was so easy to score pussy from those chat rooms back then. They kinda dried up around 2002, but for awhile there it was Poontang City.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Greatest Thanksgiving movie of all time?
    "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles...and it isn't even debatable" It's pretty much untouchable. Seen it almost every year since 1987, and I never grow tired of it. I saw "Dutch" a couple time and it never grew on me. The kid actor in it is so annoying that I have a hard time rooting for him in the end.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Greatest Thanksgiving movie of all time?
    "Friends the one with the football game and Phoebe flashes her boobs at Chandler for a touchdown" Didnt Friends have a few good Thanksgiving episodes? I remember the one where Brad Pitt guested as the former high school enemy of Rachel.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Greatest Thanksgiving movie of all time?
    "Laila Robins was the actress that played Steve Martin’s wife in PTA. She was a very fine looking MILF" She was great but too sexy to be the wife of a boring ad exec --- based on the women I seen in Chicago the past 10 years BTW, why couldn't Neal call home at least once or twice to let his wife know what was going on? It was the 80's so no cellies or internet, but pay phones everywhere!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Greatest Thanksgiving movie of all time?
    "#1 WKRP - Turkey giveaway at Pinedale Mall" One of the funniest Thanksgiving TV episodes of all time
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    What's going to happen
    "Who besides the whiniest most useless leeches in the world ever mentions January 6" Meanwhile, Fox Fake News spent 25,000 hours in 2022 talking about Hunter's laptop LOL Ski-Fagg is crying hard after the midterms, folks. Kick a conservative piece of shit like him when he's down :-)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    What's going to happen
    "I'm concerned about the House being able to function properly in terms of day-to-day government--like the debt ceiling" With right-wing sycophant crooks like McCarthy, Gaetz, and HorseFace Margie in charge of the House, I'm afraid the most we can hope for is that Merrick Garland hangs obstruction cases on all of them for trying to stymie the independent counsel's office that will charge China Donnie with serious crimes.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Thanksgiving Countdown / CFB Comment
    "I hope you spend the day alone, wallowing in misery, eating canned soup and stale bread, and your dog runs away from home. You know who you are, so fuck you and have a shitty holiday" We all hate right wing cunts in here like Ski-Fagg and Tetra-Fagg. So yeah, fuck them to hell and hope they choke on a turkey bone.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Thanksgiving Countdown / CFB Comment
    I really no rooting interest when it comes to OSU-Michigan. I hate them both. But I will admit when it's a snowy cold day in either Ann Arbor or Columbus and a playoff spot is on the line, these two teams usually put on a great show and fight like fuckin' dogs at the last game of the season. I just like Mich better as a school and class of people, so I will be pullin for them.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ABA to drop LSAT requirement for law schools
    "Ever heard of the Mongols? The Turks? The Aztecs?" For every human the Mongols or Turks killed, ole whitey killed at least a 1000 more. We can do this all day, Tetra-Fagg. I make you look more and more foolish the harder you cling on to your Eurocentrist lies and propaganda.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    What's going to happen
    "Conservatives should follow the Constitution" Right-wing assholes don't believe in the Constitution or otherwise January 6th never woulda happened. These are the same scumbags who want red state legislators to choose their own slate of Electors every four years and subvert free and fair elections by the people. The worst thing any Democrat or independent can do in 2022 and beyond is assume a right winger actually respects the Constitution or the principles of what America stands for. They are violent fascists who think domestic terrorism is a viable method of seizing power against anything they falsely label "tyranny".
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ABA to drop LSAT requirement for law schools
    "pick up an economics textbook. But be warned, it might make a conservative out of you" Pick up any history book, Tetra-Fagg, and it will turn your stomach and then convert you into a Mighty Democrat. 99% of all the murdering and stealing of lands committed in the past 2000 years has been done by right-wing whites.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    What's going to happen
    "nobody gets everything they want, but the MAGA wing of your party is trying to override that" You seriously have to wonder how the Repukes got so retarded to think far-right stances would appeal to a country where moderates have always reigned supreme. Shanghai Donnie was too STUPID to realize he barely won 2016 because of 74,000 votes in MI, PA, and WI. If he had any political smarts, he would've moved to the center and likely secured those same 74,000 votes for 2020. But like a coked up racist chimp, he listened to all the wrong choices in his pea brain and went further right and sealed his DOOM. That's why you don't see a seasoned statesman like Mighty Joe making the same mistake for 2024.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    What's going to happen
    "Republicans go too far in trying to please social conservatives, they are likely to lose these suburban voters" You just explained why Little DeSatan will lose so badly in 2024. He just can't unhitch his Fascist Nazi Wagon from the Trump Train and talk like a normal conservative, which he has never been. He will be caught on video bragging CPAC how badly he wants to charge women with felonies for even attempting to leave a red state to get an abortion, and the Low IQ MAGA-Tards will squeal with delight like coked up chimps! The Repukes ONLY chance of winning 2024 is to nominate a true moderate like Kasich or Kinzinger, but they will never do that because the white nationalist MAGA cancer is rooted too deep in their ranks to even consider being a moderate party anymore. They're just to DUMB to see that their racist hate is killing their party.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    What's going to happen
    "telling you simply y’all are fucking up and your message is tone deaf" These fear-mongering losers like Tetra-Fagg just don't get it do they, 25? The 2022 midterms are historic because they are the fewest seats gained by the opposition party since 1986, and the first time since 1934 that the opposition has lost BOTH Senate seats and Governor seats! Keep on crying, Trumpers --- the Mighty Dems are WIPING YOU OUT and we LOVE IT.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    What's going to happen
    "10 of those seats come in states won by Trump outright (MT, OH, WV) or are pretty purple (AZ, WI, PA, NV, MI)" ALL of Trump's goons except Vance lost bigly in 2022 and will do so again in 2024. The fear and anxiety is palpable in your post, Tetra-Fagg. You know white conservatism is dying, and white males over 55 are the fastest shrinking voter demographic in the country, and even more pronounced in the purple states where suburban women and voters under 30 are breaking HARD for the Mighty Dems.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    What's going to happen
    "aside from a lot of histrionics and 2024 campaigning from both parties, I don't think a lot is actually going to get accomplished" The Repukes literally can't get any of their legislation passed if a Democrat Senate and President are standing in their way. The only power they have is investigation but even that is toothless. We've all seen that ignoring Congressional subpoenas is easy to do, and having Merrick Garland in charge of DOJ means that not a single Democrat will ever face contempt charges for ignoring a partisan witch hunt by the Repukes. On the contrary, McCarthy will be committing party suicide with a bunch of fake inquiries because the Mighty Dems can use that against him in attack ads in 2024 to great advantage and lock up a Dem majority in the House and Senate for 2024 to 2026 and likely 2028 as well.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    What's going to happen
    They only have a 12-seat majority, and there are about 30 or 40 true moderate Republicans incoming. So a low IQ Trump Cuck like McCarthy won't be able to get much of an extremist agenda done like he thinks. The moderates in the GOP will keep him reigned in and on a very short leash, thank God. Because if we hand our government over to a Q-Kook like Horseface Margie or Bobble-Head Bobert, then you'll see a true civil war and the Democrats will be OUT FOR BLOOD. They'll try to drag Hunter Biden into a bullshit hearing but Mighty Joe will just laugh and nix that real quick!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ABA to drop LSAT requirement for law schools
    "Businesses also love mass immigration because importing loads of low-wage labor depresses wages" That's why 99% of all farmers who get busted using illegals for cheap labor are registered Republicans. Your side is the Party of Hypocrisy and Lies, and you love proving it yourself every time the Feds bust a chicken or fish processing facility and reveal the owner is a white schmuck who donated $20,000 to China Don to help "close the borders to murderers and rapists". Just like every piece of shit Repuke politician eventually gets caught paying for a mistress to get an abortion.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Good times in bad strip club towns
    Some big cities really surprise me how awful they are for strip clubs given that many millions of horny men live there. NYC and Chicago are prime examples. I don't think there is a halfway decent club in Chicago, although admittedly I've only been to like 3 or 4 of them. I was in the NYC a couple years ago and tried to find just one decent escort and it was like looking for a ruby in a pile of rocks. They should rename New York "Blue Ball East" and Chicago "Blue Ball West". On the other hand, the 90's was a great time for the strip club scene. It seemed like every small town had at least one good club where you could see young pretty girls who were clean and not hooked on some kind of junk. Plus, a lot of clubs back then were fully nude and extras were quite plentiful for reasonable prices. I remember living in Erie, PA, in the mid-90's and at some clubs you could suck on a dancers' nipples right on the floor when she was giving a stage dance. Some girls would even spread the legs and shove your face right into their pussy while they were stage dancing! It was such a wild and crazy time at the clubs in the 90's. All you younger fellas missed out on it, and I can see why you're so depressed and angry all the time now.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ABA to drop LSAT requirement for law schools
    "Founding Fathers were Christians but deists--"fundamentalism" didn't exist back then" Christian fundamentalism exists on two basic tenets --- 1) whites are superior to all races and 2) women and brown skin people are to be owned like slaves I could literally post 500 Bible quotes to support my argument, dippy.