
Comments by CJKent_band (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The surprisingly complex power dynamics of sugar dating
    Sex is and has never been “free” in our country/society. There has always been a “price” to pay; economically, legally, physically, emotionally etc etc etc. “The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.” ~ Brendan Behan ~ Irish poet ~ 9 February 1923 – 20 March 1964)
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass
    @5footguy What is questionable about a hard working girl in the rain?
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Tijuana Loving
    @blahblahblah23 I will play along and comment on your discussion: Q: If I go to TJ can I pay a naked woman to just cuddle me for an hour lmfao 🤣🤣🤣 no homo A: Yes, you can, because the escorts, bar girls, street walkers and all the women who work in the adult industry are being paid for their time. Anything that happens between two consenting adults is up to them. You just have to make it clear that that cuddling is your main goal. I am sure once you are comfortable with each other after a couple of sessions you might want to do more or less. Some of the women that work in the adult industry are really nice people who can help others with their “psycho”-logical issues. Just behave like a lady and you will be treated like a lady. And remember be careful out there, don’t fall in love with her. And of course Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass
    @ilbbaicnl Not a trick question. She is a natural “blond”.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Why do h8rs call my dream men betas?
    @blahblahblah23 If you accept me; I would provide and protect you and spoil you the way you deserve to be treated… I would “mow your lawn” into a heart shape and also cut the grass in your front and back yards, or get you a lawn mower roomba if you prefer. I would fix your car or take it to my mechanic if necessary. And definitely I would make love to you until you are happily satisfied. :D
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass
    @shadowcat Pics and Vids of “your type” or it isn’t so. :D
  • article comment
    8 months ago
    In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
    The odds are there is some upside
    @Sgrayeff Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. What are the odds of a baby Shrayeff out there from all the unprotected activities? Good Times, Good Times. :D
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Rainy Day in TJ
    @Powerman02 I will play along and answer your question. Q: Will escorts be able to get to my Zona Rio Hotel or should I ride the storm out in Zona Norte where I can walk to find entertainment? A: Every individual is in a unique situation to be able to get to your hotel, best way to find out is to call the escort and verify with her about the date. I am sure some will be able to get to see you because they need the money. You can walk to the Happiest Place on Earth, the Hong Kong Gentlemen’s Club or Chicago Club. Some of the street walkers (paraditas) will be working despite the rain, ☔️ they will use umbrellas and transparent raincoats. Just be careful out there, don’t drink too much and remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    OK People another YES or NO question: Is Jeffrey Epstein Still Alive?
    @Ronjax2 Believe or not; deep within the CIA and other American “Secret Intelligence Agencies” exist many “black operations” that are tasked to do some of the most high-stakes (for profit) “missions” imaginable. Black Ops are supposed to be secret and not “attributable” to the country/organization carrying it out, however everyone outside the USA are aware about the USA/CIA because it is the largest, more powerful terrorist organization in the history of the world. Members of Bkack Ops units say with pride: “We are a black ops unit. Meaning, nothing you see here ever happened.” The reason why Epstein may still be alive is because according to Acosta’s statement “he belongs to intelligence” and was “untouchable”, above Acosta’s pay grade. Epstein got an unbelievable deal and didn’t even spent time in jail at the time. This time around there was more public knowledge and “pressure” to do something about his “crimes”. So faking his death is the easiest way to try to make things go away.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    Feature Request: Hyperlinks
    @Ronjax2 I just keep things simple and type my comments in the Notes app copy the Internet links there and when I am done copy it here. Like when I sat that according to Krusty the Happiest Place on Earth is Tijuana! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3SzOUvB1WSg&pp=ygUia3J1c3R5IHRoZSBoYXBwaWVzdCBwbGFjZSBvbiBlYXJ0aA%3D%3D Just be careful out there and keep things simple in here :D
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    Is an FMM still necesary to cross into Mexico?
    @Ronjax2 Google says: “Source: U.S. Department of State INTERNATIONAL TRAVELER'S VISA REQUIREMENTS Passport holders from countries on Mexico's no visa required list do not need to apply for a formal visa to visit Mexico. The maximum period of time that a visitor may stay in Mexico without a formal visa is six months. Pedestrians crossing into Tijuana at the San Ysidro crossing need to complete a Mexico Visitor's Permit (FMM ‒ FREE if the trip is 7 days or less and you cross by land) and present a passport. This form will be provided by the airline or at the port of entry. You can also complete this form online. If you travel beyond the 22 miles/35 km "free zone" after crossing a land border into Mexico you will need to pay a fee of around US $22. Your USA tourism visa is enough to return to the United States after visiting Mexico.” As far as I know Mexico is phasing out the FMM and will require passport and stamp it accordingly, but it is going to be a long time before it is fully phased out. At the end of the day is going to be up to the Mexican border agent that you get, some are honest and some are just trying to get money from those they think they can. Best be prepared and informed, just be patient and cordial. In my limited experience and humble opinion, if you behave like a gentleman you will be tea like a gentleman. Let’s just be careful out there. And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Why do h8rs call my dream men betas?
    @blahblahblah23 Let us know if you agree with this quote: “The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes. ~ C. Joybell C And this definition: Dominant: (n) damenent/ One who guides and protects another.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Why do h8rs call my dream men betas?
    @blahblahblah23 I will play along and comment on your discussion: From TUSCL: Criteria For A Dream Stripper by: JohnSmith69 D$ <3 Luva MON SEP 28 2015 What would your dream stripper be like? Understanding that nobody can ever be perfect at anything, a dream stripper is as close as a dancer could realistically come to perfection for a particular PL in three categories: 1) physical appearance, 2) personality, and 3) sex OTC (or if you don't do OTC, then whatever kind of ITC fun you are into). How the concept plays out in practice is different for each PL. What would your dream stripper be like in each of these three categories? For me, my two dream strippers were as follows: Looks: a girl who is white, young (preferably 21 or under) with natural red or blond hair, pale skin, natural breasts at least a B cup, gorgeous face, pretty eyes, friendly smile, and a normal, healthy weight that fits her body, either no tats or very few tats. Big meaty pussy lips are a plus but not required. In short, she must be a girl that I honestly feel is at least a 9.5. Personality. Minimal SS is essential, which in my two cases has meant brand new dancers. I like a girl who is chill, laid back, and willing to go on fun dates or trips together. I want a dancer who is smart or at least not dumb. I also want one who is reliable, meaning she is either on time or some close approximation to that, and she is willing to do what she says she will do. She also needs to be willing to see me on my schedule whenever possible. And she needs to be able to carry on an interesting and intelligent conversation. She needs to have realistic goals in life beyond making money as a stripper. Finally, she needs to be a reluctant OTC participant -- willing to be talked into it for a very safe guy who pays substantially above market rates, but not willing to fuck lots of customers. In other words, she is a lower mileage dancer except for guys who pay enough for her to do otherwise. Sex. She must be willing to date me OTC and give me a complete GFE sexually every time. This means we kiss, we fuck bareback, and we excel at giving one another oral love. She also must be willing to submit to my fairly elaborate worship of her body as foreplay. There must be no time limits, we just go for as long as I want to as many times as I want to. She must be turned on by having her breasts sucked, and by DATY. She must not fake excitement, and she must have at least one orgasm per date (the only exception being if she's having her period). Often this orgasm should be mutual and simultaneous, although obviously this isn't possible every time. So a DS to me is not, as has been suggested, every hot dancer. It means much, much more. What criteria would a dancer need to meet to be your DS? So @blahblahblah23 please let us know in your own words; What criteria would a man need to meet to be your Dream Man? Pics and Vids would be appreciated too. Thank you.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    OK People another YES or NO question: Is Jeffrey Epstein Still Alive?
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just Answer The God Damn Question!
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Please answer if the following factual statement is either TRUE Or FALSE:
    @rattdog FYI the Factual Statement is part of questions 2 and 3 in the VERDICT FORM of the Carroll VS Trump case and I quote: “2. In making the June 21, 2019 statement, Mr. Trump acted maliciously, out of hatred, ill will, or spite, vindictively, or in wanton, reckless, or willful disregard of Ms. Carroll's rights?” “3. In making the June 22, 2019 statement, Mr. Trump acted maliciously, out of hatred, ill will, or spite, vindictively, or in wanton, reckless, or willful disregard of Ms. Carroll’s rights?” The Pics of the Verdict Form are here; so it did happen… Carroll VS Trump Verdict Form 1 Of 2 https://tuscl.net/photo/13718 Carroll VS Trump Verdict Form 2 Of 2 https://tuscl.net/photo/13719 :D
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Never Gets Old
    @ilbbaicnl Are you going to make her an offer she can refuse? Or you already did? :D
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    A multiple-choice question (MCQ) for you people, select the best answer:
    Please let me know if you can see the picture of the Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) I think @founder finally fixed-updated some things… https://tuscl.net/photo/9867 :D
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Please answer if the following factual statement is either TRUE Or FALSE:
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just Answer The God Damn Question!
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    Stripper Feedback
    @PutaTester You wrote and I quote: “In one case, the girl asked me for TLN on the way up the elevator for our first session. She was exactly my type and a 3-hole girl, so I accepted. After her shift was over, she came knocking on the door. Another actually took me out to Ensenada TLN. She paid for everything except the hotel. She was very popular in the club, so she decided to spend your money on me. I was younger then 😁🤣😁” Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. Good Times, Good Times. :D
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @blahblahblah23 FYI; the human brain because of evolution/survival divides the world into us and them categories known as in-group and out-group. An in-group is a “social group” to which a person psychologically identifies as being a member. In the other hand, an out-group is a social group with which an individual does not identify The exact membership of the in-group and out-group are socially contingent (hence vulnerable to the instruments of propaganda), and the intensity exists along a spectrum from mild to complete dehumanization of the "othered" group (such as through pseudospeciation; the treatment of different human groups as if they were different biological species.)
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    A multiple-choice question (MCQ) for you people, select the best answer:
    “Just Answer The God Damn Question” :D
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    @ilbbaicnl I will play along and comment on your discussion. Q: Are there 22 otherr blahblahblahs:? A: I think is a case of multiple personalities, like the Famous Multiple Personality Case of that lady in the seventies Sybil, but in recent years it was discovered that it was fake. I think in this case is just a dark sense of humor, and I like her for that. :D
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Recap from this week
    @TJVisitor23 I am glad that the issue with the “Crazy Dude” didn’t really cause you any trouble. like I always recommend, let’s be careful out there. In my humble opinion and limited experience becoming a “regular” customer has its benefits. You get to build a trusting relationship with the girl. You get to know how each other’s “operates” in bed and what each other’s expectations are. Keep up the good business relationships and chances are that your “arribas” will be good and better every time. Like I said you should think that “it is a pleasure to do business” with the girl and hopefully she would feel the same. Good Times, Good Times. Remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    @blahblahblah23 In my humble opinion and limited experience, I believe that your “dark sense of humor” is a coping strategy for dealing with the emotional effects from your previous relationships with some men who have disappointed you.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    @blahblahblah23 I will play along and comment on your discussion: You were not born being evil and murdery, you “learned” that behavior… From Google: The billions of human beings living today all belong to one species: Homo sapiens. As in all species that have spread worldwide since ancient times, dogs, cats, horses etc, there is variation among individual human beings, from size and shape to skin tone and eye color. We all have roots extending back 300,000 years to the emergence of the first modern humans in Africa. The human species has been able/required to spread all over the world to survive and thrive. Humans, like most living organisms, are born with a genetic/natural survival instinct, that helps them survive long enough to reproduce, and this instinct sometimes makes them to adopt selfish behaviors that would allow the individual organism to maximize their own individual chances for survival. Humans and animals of the same species often work cooperatively in order to survive as a group, but when one member is perceived as a burden for an extended period of time, the individual may either commit self-destructive behavior, or be put out of his misery by the group. This allows his “relatives” to have a better chance at survival, and if enough close relatives survive, then his genes get indirectly passed on. This cooperative behavior most times works well in modern societies. Humans are cooperative, group-loyal, altruistic, creative, etc, etc. etc, etc. However sometimes this “self preservation instinct” becomes extreme and have the potential to lead to negative behavior against other humans perceived as “enemies” and is conducive to greed, violence, discrimination, exploitation and extermination. The undeniable reality is: “Greed is the disordered desire for more than is decent or deserved, not for the greater good but for one's own selfish interest, and at the detriment of others and society at large” Most of our past and current “Economic Systems” create Poverty, Greed, Violence, Disease, and Environmental Destruction "There is enough in the world for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed." ~ Frank Buchman aka (Franklin Nathaniel Daniel Buchman) ~ Decorated by the French and German governments for his contributions to Franco-German reconciliation after World War II. ~ Born June 4, 1878 Pennsburg, Pennsylvania ~ Died August 7, 1961 Freudenstadt, West Germany