How beautiful life can be
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
As I sit here, with my stomach full of Jack, a delicious ribeye and a loaded baked potato, while my balls are completely empty from a glorious encounter with a hot young woman, I am amply reminded of why I do this. This is the life, lol.
How many men will never have this exact combination of memories to savor? How many more have enjoyed brief snippets, but will never experience them again?
I can still taste that sweet young girl on my lips, as I sit here chomping on the remains of my doggie bag steak and topping off with one more Jack. Life is good. 😉
last commentEat, drink, and be merry. Don't know who said that 🤔 but it's a saying for good reason.
Me, had to give up the drink, but I got lotsa gummies; enjoy the fondling in the club, with the good lovin at home; and usually prefer a good salmon, but, heh, same fun/good life, different flavors.
Life is good. Carry on, Dude.
Rick have you left strip clubbing?
Pics and Vids of the, and I quote, “glorious encounter with a hot young woman” or it didn’t happen.
Good Times, Good Times.
Pics and videos of the steak. Yum
Give me creamed spinach in place of the baked potato, and a nice robust red wine in place of the Jack and I'm in.
Treasure these moments...
===> Rick have you left strip clubbing?
Not completely, but I'm clubbing much less now. The clubs are basically my backup plan for when a planned event falls through, which is surprisingly infrequent. For about the same money as I spent on clubbing and OTC activities in a year, my ROI has increased tremendously.
The biggest reason I started clubbing so much was to enjoy variety in a way that didn't involve high volume escorts. Now I'm doing that with girls who who actually think of themselves as civilians, or at least some type of hybrid, and behave accordingly. At least until that moment when it's time to make Daddy happy, lol.
When I have access to a seemingly endless supply of beautiful young (supposed) civilian women who don't behave like SWs, it's increasingly hard to justify navigating the hustles and sometimes spinning my wheels at the clubs.
Where are you finding them? Seeking?
Celebrating Steak and Blowjob Day early? Hopefully you will be able to repeat again on Thursday.