
Comments by Mike Rotch (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Where is the picture tab?
    ^Yea I agree, there were some really beautiful strippers here that even convinced me to go visit them at their club. So it's a loss for everyone involved. I wonder if it was really some douchebag who was harassing the girls or something else. Maybe one of the dancers quit the industry and wanted all her pictures taken down and threatened legal action or something.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    When should a stripper retire from stripping?
    When their titties start touching their knees. Just kidding, GILFs need love too.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    State of the Strip Club
    Yea more and more I get the feeling the golden years of strip clubs are behind us. There will be exceptions to the rule of course, but in general clubs are on the decline. And it's not so much that young people are not interested, it's more than they can't afford it. Kids these days are so broke, but hey they got a shiny little college degree hanging on the wall.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New York
    She would need to so way more than just flash some titties if that were me. She would have to get on those knees and massage my cock with her tonsils at the very least.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I need Hefty heavy-duty bags.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    what to expect otc
    I'm probably getting ahead of myself, but let's say you do go through with the meet and everything works out fine, that's when you have to be real careful. Because it's easy to fall into the fantasy that she likes you. I've fallen for it myself dozens of times. But remember this: there is only one thing in your pants that she's after, and it ain't your dick. It's your wallet. And she'll try every trick to get you to separate you from your money. So when you eventually draw the line, and she starts giving you lip or drama for any reason, cut that bitch loose. Remember, you are the hand that feeds, and when they bite that hand, you gotta put these thots in their place. Even if it causes them to leave. Don't fucking worry about "oh she's gonna spread negative things about me now" So fucking what? There will be other clubs, and new strippers, and many more thots that gladly do OTC with you. Strippers are 100% replaceable and don't you ever forget it.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Baby Showers in a strip club.
    Oh, I thought "baby shower" was tuscl code for spraying your baby gravy all over stripper titties. I'm a bit disappointed.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The Anatomy of a Strip Club
    Doesn't this apply to everything though? It's like saying all fast food restaurants are the same. They all got burgers, fries, soda machines, cashiers, drive-throughs, bathrooms with graffiti all over the walls, homeless guy begging for change, etc. And you can say the same thing about lots of other places. In fact, name a type of business that isn't the same as all the others of it's kind.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Need Strip Clubs in Airports
    You guys must be all millionaires. Does anyone remember how expensive EVERYTHING in airports is? I can see it now.... Me: That was a great lap-dance. How much? Stripper: That was actually 2 lap-dances, so $120.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The Anatomy of a Strip Club
    ^What does an Olive Garden and a strip club have in common? For a nice tip, you can have someone toss your salad!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    LDK topic
    I got an LDK barside once. Was surrounded by other customers so I didn't want to make it awkward by moaning loudly so I bit my lip until it passed. The bartender noticed though and had a disgusted look on her face. LOL
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The Anatomy of a Strip Club
    Tits and Ass. Boobs and Booty. Breasts and Butts.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    what to expect otc
    @galabad, a few other things that I don't think have been mentioned: When getting OTC pussy, you have to negotiate 3 important things with the dancer: Price. Duration. And Rounds. The price is obvious, how much she is willing to have sex for vs how much you're willing to pay. A good range I'd say is between $200 and $300. If she demands anything over $400, she is probably overcharging. Duration. Ask her how long the fun will last. Most dancers will offer an hour or two. But depending on your schedules, you might have to shorten it to half an hour. The important thing is you don't want to rush it. And lastly is how many rounds will she give you. By rounds I mean how many times you can fire your gun. So if you have a "sensitive trigger", you should definitely ask for at least 2 rounds (or for 1 hour so if you shoot your load under 5 minutes, you'll have time to go again). But just know that some girls will charge extra for another round.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    LDK topic
    I had a great LDK last week and thanks to my super absorbent pants, she did not notice a thing and kept on grinding me. Only after I went to the men's room to take a piss I realized what a mess I did. Looked like a fight had broken out in the yogurt aisle.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    LDK topic
    ^Look it up in the glossary at the very bottom of..... aaaaand it's gone.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    LDK topic
    Ok I must be losing my freaking mind, I thought I saw the pink dancer icon next to OP's name. Then it just vanished.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    LDK topic
    Wait, are you a dancer or a customer? I'm very confused. What are your preferred pronouns?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    what to expect otc
    I think some of you guys are being a bit too critical of galabad, this is his first time doing this and instead of being supportive we are just pointing out all his mistakes. I remember my first OTC, I did a lot of dumb shit that I've never do nowadays. Thinking back, I probably took some pretty big risks and am lucky nothing bad happened. It's ok galabad, you live and learn, and there is no shame in being a little paranoid. Who knows, maybe she was an undercover cop and you just dodged a bullet.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Sure, I'll be right over.
    When they say that and go sit with another custie, I immediately lose interest, don't care how hot they are. The bare minimum they can do is tell you up front "Can you give me a moment, I was asked for a dance from another guy" or something along those lines. It's just rude when they straight up lie to your face. Not a good sign, even for a stripper. I only like it when they lie about how huge my dick is.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Mike Rotch
    When in doubt, take dick out
    Last chance to visit
    Yea I dropped by a few days ago just to scout the place. The new club looks very nice. Very modern looking. The stage is smaller and has just 1 pole. Didn't get a chance to do a lap-dance. Are they still $20?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    what to expect otc
    Ok first off, I'm drunk. Its cinco de mayo or some bullshit, but whatever. My advice (advise? Shit i forgot how to spell) would be to just go for it. I've had many OTC adventures and they all ended up good. No one jumped out behind a door while I was pumping my baby gravy deep inside the dancer who I was with. Its always a good idea to meet up at someplace neutral, like a hotel. Don't go to her place, and sure as fuck DON'T invite her to your place. Just rmember, with more time spent with her, the more trust will be gained. And the more she will be willing to do things with you. Like buttsex. If you plow the bootyhole, oh man that's the jackpot right there. GOOD LUCK!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just to clarify, a lot of my threads are not my personal opinion but based on discussions I had with other people online
    Sensitive Question: Has anyone notice more transwomen at stripclubs/sugar sites?
    Hey guys what is a trans person's favorite music genre? Trance music.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Playhouse Lounge (Burlington NJ) vs Johnny As (Paterson NJ)
    HP was the first club I reviewed, and for good reason. You won't find a girl below a 7 in that club. All of them are young, fit, curvy, and there's lots of variety. You'll see white girls, black girls, hispanic girls, asian girls, blondes, brunettes, redheads. Sometimes I go just to feast my eyes on the dancers, not even to get my dick wet or anything. Lap-dances are still affordable and private. They serve food too if you're hungry. Shit I might just go there tomorrow night.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just to clarify, a lot of my threads are not my personal opinion but based on discussions I had with other people online
    Sensitive Question: Has anyone notice more transwomen at stripclubs/sugar sites?
    ^I don't think "double whammy" means what you think it means.