Playhouse Lounge (Burlington NJ) vs Johnny As (Paterson NJ)

I've been to PH Lounge many times, and have been reading some good reviews of Johnny As.
For those who have been to both, I'm curious about the key differences and pros/cons of each.
I will most certainly scope out Johnny As regardless, but am curious about peoples' thoughts, so that I can prepare myself for potential disappointment if Johnny As does not live up to PH reputation.
last commentOne key difference I think is that HP seems to bring in newer girls more often. There are still the old time regulars, but I always see some new faces when I visit. I haven't been to PL that often but from the reviews I get the impression the same girls have been working there for years.
But when it comes to extras, I think PL takes the win. You might get some action in HP, but I've also had dances from girls that wouldn't even let me touch their ass.
Also, bring lots of singles because the dollar parade in HP can get pretty crazy especially on a busy night. But on the plus side, lap-dance prices are cheaper at $20, and there is no cover fee. But being a go-go, the girls keep their top and bottom on. I have never seen nudity on HP's stage.
I like both clubs, but each for different reasons. I live closer to HP so that's my go-to if I had to choose between them.
Exactly what Mr. Rotch said. I second that motion ))
Place to hang out if you don't mind spending a bunch of ones, Johnny A's. Place to have fun, Playhouse Lounge.
Thanks, guys. Reviews seem to highlight the key points that you have mentioned, as well. Good summaries. Good to have these solid but different clubs as options, depending on goal of the day.
I know both places well, having been to PL dozens of times and HP hundreds of times. I am a regular now at HP and have to chuckle at the comments on mileage here.
If you have a decent budget and become a regular, HP can be like Disneyland. More hot chicks than you can keep up with. The back booths and the VIP offer two levels of options, both private with no cameras. No cover but the tip parade will run you about 40/hour. The key is the shift. Daytime, most dancers are up for fun. Night time, far less. Not all do VIP, those that don't will decline or throw out very high numbers.
I still like PL and find it more relaxed. The quality is lower (though still adequate), and the cameras are a bit of a factor. There is no alcohol (bring your own). The girls put more effort on the stage and have more available time off-stage. The cost is not very different between the two clubs, probably a slight premium at HP especially when it gets to the VIP.
These are two of the top clubs in the state. It's good to have both around. I would go to PL more often but it's a longer drive for me. Distance aside, overall I would still give the edge to HP. For an infrequent visitor in the evenings though, PL probably has the edge.
take my review with a grain of salt because I havent been to playhouse in years, it was fun as a newbie, but when you get used to FS with a young brazilian its hard to go back to handshakes with MILFS
Similarities: Less turnover of girls because the customers are regulars who are willing to spend. Girls all need to have a menu as the regulars can cut them off quickly
Differences: Playhouse is a handshake type of place, nothing more. johnnys is much more extensive. The girls are generally hotter because of its proximity to ironbound newark. I havent been in a few years, but my feeling is the older girls move to playhouse when they dont make as much in north jersey clubs.
The only positive of playhouse over johnnys is there isnt as much strategy involved at playhouse. The girls arent there for conversation and the guys arent really there for that too. A girl finishes her dance and she goes back with a customer. If you missed your chance with her when she comes off stage, like a train she will be ready for you in about 10 minutes. You can walk in with 220 and can leave with 2 handshakes in an hour with no problem. Its very different at johnnys. A lot of the guys there are I hate to say it losers who own small construction companies and come to the club to puff thier chest. They require girls sit with them for 30 minutes before dropping 200-300 or more for a high mileage dance. The girls put up with it because these guys come in like clockwork every week and concerns about LE makes them hesistant about newbies. If you are a newbie be prepared to see your girl held hostage or if you do get her attention watch her eyes as she will try to get some cash out of you before running to one of her regulars who will cut her off from the $200 or so a week he gives her because he got a little jealous.
My advice is go to PH at opening which can be as early as noon. you can get an hour of relative quiet if that as most guys get there really early. I dont go there mainly because of the mindgames and a bed is a lot more comfortable than a wooden booth
^That is all true as well. On many occasions I've asked a girl for a dance while she is getting her tips, she agrees, and then she disappears. Probably to sit with her regular. And since the stage is very long, depending where you sit, the girl you're eyeing might not even walk by the whole time she's on stage. So be prepared to change seats if that's the case.
Thanks and I meant to say go to johnnys at opening. My advice would always be johnnys over playhouse because of talent, but if I lived closed to playhouse and could only visit johnny's once a month 2 hours after opening Id go to playhouse because the chess game at johnnys can be annoying.
I’ve been to HP many times and I’ve written many favorable reviews.
I find the variety of new talent to be a real draw - as I’m not a guy who wants to see the same girls on every club outing.
I have no problem spending more to do VIP at HP. However, with a willing dancer the back two lap dance booths can be a great time.
PL is a spot I’ve only experienced a couple of times, as I’m located in northern NJ, and I don’t travel far on my club outings.
The girls are great and they know how to make you happy. It’s less competitive (for certain dancers) - which is great!
If the dollar parade at HP was less of a wallet drain - that place would be even better. It should be no surprise that I’m picking HP.
PL is a dingy dump. I get that people think it’s great because of the lack of anything decent in that area but overall it’s just the best out of the terrible clubs out there. HP has it all, and isn’t a run down spot. Only downsides are the dollar parade. If you like older euros though then PL is your spot
"PL is a dingy dump."
Not for nothing, but every strip club I've seen in New Jersey was kind of a dump. Even HP is mid-range for most of the country at best, and it was the nicest club I saw. I've only seen about 5 clubs, but those ones I've seen are the ones TUSCLers have said are the ones they'd recommend.
I don't care if a club isn't the nicest place in town. I'm showing up to have a good time not to inspect the place. There's plenty of times I've tried to ram a dancer through a dirty mirror about three feet from a toilet in the seedy neighborhood club of my choice. The NJ clubs are like somebody kicked the Block bars in Baltimore up in the air and they landed all over a nearby state lol.
But I still dig the NJ clubs and thought they were underrated when I passed through last year. It's a big world out there and all things are relative when it comes to quality.
Johnny25 = JohnnyA, perhaps? :-)
Wallanon - great reference to Block clubs
Wallanon - I would find your comment (about NJ clubs being dingy dumps) offensive - if it wasn’t entirely true! Lol!
I don’t go for the ambiance either. I don’t look at the floor, as the dancers are where my eyes go.
Wallanon -- yeah, great reference to the Block where I got my first taste of B -girls. Haven't been to HP yet, but it's on my list. PL is relaxed and for me comfortable. I don't go there for full service since a simple handshake is much more economical than FS and not that much less satisfying.
HP was the first club I reviewed, and for good reason. You won't find a girl below a 7 in that club. All of them are young, fit, curvy, and there's lots of variety. You'll see white girls, black girls, hispanic girls, asian girls, blondes, brunettes, redheads. Sometimes I go just to feast my eyes on the dancers, not even to get my dick wet or anything. Lap-dances are still affordable and private. They serve food too if you're hungry. Shit I might just go there tomorrow night.
Having finally visited HP for the first time, below are my observations (mostly consistent with comments in this thread and club reviews).
To be clear, I find both clubs to offer enjoyable and pleasant experiences, so no comments should be misinterpreted as being negative on one club vs another. It's merely a matter of preference of girls/women and club layout/decor.
I can see myself frequenting both clubs, based on my mood/goal on a given day.
1 - Younger (much younger) girls/women at HP
2 - Tip parade at HP is certainly real, but as others noted, its impact is largely driven by number of girls on stage. When there were 6 girls on stage, it was a bit much, but I maintain my stance that you generally won't spend much more under the HP tip walk scenario than if you were stage-side at a more traditional club. I acknowdge, though, that PLs tipping habits vary greatly, so YMMV.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that the tip walk consisted solely of a quick handover of $1, then she's on to the next PL. At some tip walk clubs, it's "one for the other tit? One for the kitty?" nonsense....not here. I even saw one guy tell a girl "I'm waiting for {dancer name}, and she moved on without a fuss after he didn't tip her.
I actually believe you may end up tipping more at PL, due to tendency of women at PL to do some barside dancing.
3 - HP is a bit more modern and clean than PL. For some reason, I was expecting a dive bar, but HP is actually quite nice.
4 - HP is VERY small. Just a long and narrow space, with minimal distance between walls and bar/stateside seating.
5 - Due to smaller space, HP feels a bit cramped when there are many guys there. PL seems to offer a bit more space between PLs.
6 - Dances at HP are a bit more robotic than PL, with girls being a bit less playful and flirtatious/enticing. I attribute it to the demographic of the dancers. Of course, both clubs will have both cold and flirtatious just seems that HP girls are more stiff.
7 - HP LD booths are a bit small vs PL, which have spacious LD rooms.
8 - More BBLs at HP.
My preference? Playhouse Lounge, due to older dancers being a bit more flirtatious, and larger LD booths. But, I will continue to visit both.
12-20 years ago ph hands down. during that period there were 2 girls that i would consider to include on my list of top10-15 atf's. now it would be hp.
I go to Playhouse often - Johnny A’s only once/ playhouse 30 dance gets you more than Johnny’s 20 standard dance- Johnnys has a vip- I didn’t partake so not sure of the pricing or if extras offered - Johnny’s younger fitter girls- nicer club - TVs etc - no cover- but as mentioned dollar parade consistent - I would go again but out of the way for me