Sensitive Question: Has anyone notice more transwomen at stripclubs/sugar sites?

avatar for Beat100
Hey guys,
I don't want to get political at all in this thread. If you are a "die heart" liberal and if your "knee jerk" reaction is to "condemn" me maybe you shouldn't comment.

If you want to be a more neutral commenter and want to have more honest discussion on this topic then feel free to comment.

One experience i had a sugar site was that I was talking to woman who looked like a women. But when I met her in real life she was not a woman. I did not say anything "offensive" I excuse myself and that was the end of it.

However, after that experience I am more hesitant on using certain dating sites. The problem is some will say, "trans" explicitly I appreciate this. However, as of lately I have notice some of them will not.

Likewise at a stripclub were I used to frequent a friend who works there pointed out to me that some of the dancers were trans. To me this was not at all apparent. Given how dark the place was.

But it seems in certain stripclubs some of the dancers were trans and the others were biological females. No one will tell you anything but its a scenario in which you have figure it out for yourself.

Its likely that in the future when you go to some stripclubs half the dancers will be trans and the other half will be biological women.

If you have a preference for trans women then you are free to do as you want. What I'm saying is that if you are a straight man with a preference for biological women it will be like "walking on eggshells" which is what seems to be becoming.


last comment
When I attempted to read this all I could think about was Crocodile Dundee going into a club and doing a “nut check.”
You lost me at "die heart"...
Yes there are more trans on the seeking site...I haven't seen them in clubs (yet)
“I don't want to get political at all in this thread.”
Too late.

“If you are a "die heart" liberal and if your "knee jerk" reaction is to "condemn" me maybe you shouldn't comment.”
They say trans women are women yet won’t suck a “woman’s” dick. Yes, there are a lot of activists saying if you won’t date one, you’re a transphobe.

That out of the way, I don’t sugar, but I do online date, and there are a fair number of trans sprinkled in, but they put that they’re trans right up front. They’re probably afraid they’ll get attacked if their date finds out too late. From the sheer volume of photos I’ve viewed, I think I have some skill at pointing them out, but I’m sure I’ve missed a few in my time. Never banged anyone suspicious though. They say if all she offers is a blowjob, watch out.

Likewise, I’ve never been to a trans club, or trans night at a club. Again, wouldn’t be good for business if someone found out they got a lap dance (or more) from a tranny, even after the fact. Club owners have every incentive to be honest.

“Its likely that in the future when you go to some stripclubs half the dancers will be trans and the other half will be biological women.”
Disagree. That would be horrible for business, might even get the place sued.
On SA there's definitely trans SBs, you can tell because they put it in their profile somewhere. I suppose there might be some who don't identify themselves as trans, but I've never (knowingly) ended up on a meet with any.

I likely wouldn't go to a strip club that had trans strippers, even a single trans stripper. If it became the norm I'd likely just retire my lapdance underwear and stick to SA. At least I think that's what I'd do.

I'm surprised there's any SC with trans strippers. Which exact strip club are you saying this is? It would be a service to identify it.
avatar for Beat100
2 years ago
It's unfortunate. But I'd say its already happening. I feel the owners of this websites and clubs just let it happen. Likely to not get called, "transphobe."

On SA, there's some who are upfront but others who aren't. I had the experience of going on a date and on the date finding out the date was trans. It's something you have to watch out.

I don't know if I can say the name of the stripclub. But its one of the bigger one's. It seems they and some nightclubs also have like "burlesque" type of nights. A few times and month. They also will let trans dancers in their club during other times. In my opinion, I feel the owners, just let it happen. They are not advertising it or being upfront about it but just let it be. In the same way like SA. I feel that for guys who are straight we need to be more vigilant and careful. But in my view, the people who are avid goers already know which one's are trans and they avoid them..etc.
You can say the name of the stripclub. In fact you SHOULD, it is in the interest of us all to let other guys know
As one of the die hard liberals on this site, I’m here to say that trannies at stripclubs, unless clearly advertised as such, are BULLSHIT.

See my review of just such a situation here… but in short: whether or not someone is trans makes zero difference in any aspect of life except for one: sex, and this includes sex work. If I am paying entry to a club, I want to know beforehand if these are actual women or not. If I am getting a lap dance or getting my dick pulled, I don’t want some dude on hormones or with a fake pussy doing it. It matters to me, because dudes that are trying to pass as chicks in an sc are a big turnoff and letdown for me. Yuck. And fuck anyone who says I should just lump it.

Otherwise, trans people are people and deserve to live, love, work, and whatever else just as the rest of us.

“Its likely that in the future when you go to some stripclubs half the dancers will be trans”… I doubt it. Horny straight guys are what fuels the sc world, without us clubs would just shut down. Sure there’s 1 in 100 or 20 or whatever that swings that way and good for him, but sc’s barely make a profit as it is. Turn them into tranny markets or tranny roulette and they’ll be a thing of the past.

“Hey Dave, let’s go down to Beautiful Girls, look at tits and get out dicks pulled”

“Fuck that, Ed, that place is 1/2 trannies”

“You’re right Dave, fuck that. let’s go over to Alex’s and play some fortnight with him and Mike”

“That’s a MUCH better idea, Ed”

Just remember that if you encounter a transgender sicko in the club, do NOT name the sicko. According to white knights on here like that fool Ishmael, you'll be putting a target on his/her/its back. You'll invite the trans stalkers. Also, dont do it because you don't want to hurt the sickos business. Just because you weren't happy to see the sicko other members like sancho rg will gladly vip with a trans.
The day I find out that one of my go to places is letting trannys work as dancers is the last time I go in that club.
I’ve got nothing against anyone but they already have their own bars, they’re called gay bars they don’t belong in gentlemen’s clubs
If I ever went to the VIP and got a surprise like felt a dick under the skirt, I'd give that fruitcake the final phase of his transition surgery right there in the booth. A lot cheaper than a doctor would charge.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
I’ve seen a few girls who I wasn’t sure on. They were well built for women that’s for sure
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
And yeah I see a ton of transgender folks on seeking. Sometimes I even get fooled and shoot a message, in those cases I tip my cap.
I sympathise with young men that probably have to put up with this fucking Trans shit for the rest of their lives. There’s only ONE definition of a woman. End of.
avatar for Beat100
2 years ago
I agree. I thin this is a hard time in history for young mna. I'd like to add that nowadays most guys in the USA, UK..etc. Tend to grow up without father figures due to divorce laws...etc.

Imagine you are trying to "become" a man. You check out an apps like Snapchat and there's tons of LGBT content, promoting the gay lifestyle to young men. Again, I have issue with LGBT people but this sort of relentless content everywhere.

To make matter worst the place you thought you were the safest in to be heterosexual, the stripclub now has tons of trans dancers. Since the owners don't want to be called transphobic.
avatar for Beat100
2 years ago
*I have no issue with LGBT individuals living their lifestyle as they wish. But this type of relentless propaganda on every app is overwhelming.
avatar for Beat100
2 years ago
And nowadays some will not advertise themselves as such. Its hard to figure it out unless you see them in real life in broad daylight.
avatar for Beat100
2 years ago
Good comment. But I'm a bit more pessimistic/cynical than you in this regard. Nowadays, more young men are pressured to accept trans as just women, even that one's that have yet to get the full operation. Otherwise you get called "transphobic."

In fact, some of the dating coaches and younger Sugar Daddies I used to be acquaint with would openly talk about dating trans. Some of the 'wokes" will try to sell the idea as this is a "discrimination' issue you can't prohibit trans from working at the stripclub. Since that's discrimination. Thereby, the clubs will "liberalize" more and let more trans join. It's already happening. It will be up you as an hetero man to discern who is trans and who is not which is not as easy at first glance. They'll have to be smaller clubs which are more selective..etc.
avatar for Beat100
2 years ago
All I am saying is that it's one of the bigger clubs. I had some friends who used work there as security..etc hence, why I don't want to throw them under the bus. But I am dissapointed to be honest.
avatar for Beat100
2 years ago
I'd like to add that if they are letting in trans, its likely that other bigger clubs are also letting them in. Hence, why the only thing we can do at this point is be vigilant.
I disagree with just one thing you've said: not naming the strip club you saw the trans in. Just like we would include in our reviews about ROB's, I think we should also call out the clubs that are hiring trans. Nothing phobic about it. It should be public knowledge. Now I'm not saying to NAME the specific trans dancer, that would obviously lead to bad things. But I see nothing wrong in saying "Hey btw there are trans dancers in this club".
According to the CDC in 2021, 24.5% of high schoolers identify as somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum. Just six years prior in 2015, that figure was 11%. The left indoctrinating homosexuality and transgenderism on young minds has really had a negative effect on young people in this country. It has already destroyed women's sports.

I have never come across a trans stripper, but I would not be surprised at all if they start becoming a common sight in the next five years as this confused younger generation enters adulthood and the workforce. I can see a trans being denied a job at a strip club, only for the media and activist agitators bullying the business until it employs trans dancers. If the strip club still resists, the left will have them shut down or burn them out.
I have some proposals:
1) How about taking politics out this thread by listing ways one can tell a fully transitioned MTF from a biological female besides Adams Apple.
2) I favor naming subject dancer and club that would hire TS and allow them to pass themselves off as biological female (i.e. they don't disclose that they're TS) much like a place that sells counterfeit gold coins and pass them off as genuine in a consumer review.
Yeah, not naming the club makes me doubt the whole premise -- that there's big clubs hiring trans dancers. If a club were letting TS dancers pass, that's a pretty despicable thing to do to your fellow customers; I can't imagine a customer not naming the club for fear of "throwing the club under the bus". It just doesn't ring true that a man would just let this go. But the discussion is otherwise totally valid, there's been reports of trans dancers here and there through the years, and I wonder whether younger men are more accepting of it.
I'm with you Subra I don't believe it either, if large well known clubs were actually knowingly hiring transsexuals' (fully transitioned, or not ) even if it were unknowingly, it would be all over the MSM anyway, sounds to me like a rumour , or worse pure unadulterated bullshit.
Trans women are not women. I have yet to see one in a club. If the clubs started hiring trans women I would not go, for the exact same reason I wouldn't go if they hired men. I do not believe the illiterate OPs story either.
@beat: “ Nowadays, more young men are pressured to accept trans as just women”

Sure, but underneath they know. We all know. And most straight dudes want to fuck real women. Biology is 1,000,000 times stronger than socialization. If it wasn’t there wouldn’t be a gay in America after the fist 1/2 of the 20th century.

This clip from "the 40 year old virgin" must have been deleted from the version that I have on DVD.…
Problem solved: don't use sugar sites, and only go to clubs where they take their bottoms off.

but really, if "half" the dancers are trans, well that just means that half of the customers want that. Just like there's girls at the club that aren't your type, doesn't mean you have to take them all to the VIP.
avatar for Beat100
2 years ago
Guys, I think you are being too hard on me.I already gave you a big clue that one of the bigger stripclubs is hiring trans dancers or at least one trans or two trans dancers. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out which clubs or club. If you are a regular at this big clubs and visit their social media and start looking around you'll figure it out.

I think naming the club in a public forum like this would jeopardize me. As I said I still have few contacts there that I might still end up hanging out there to see friends. They could easily blacklist me or spread the word to other clubs that I am "hurting" their business etc. I had an similar experience before(nothing to do with stripclubs) were I was "too honest" and then the people there wanted "payback" against me...etc.

Why would I put myself in that vulnerable position just to prove something to you guys? It wouldn't make sense. Regardless, I am happy I created this thread since at least they'll be other guys who read this and be much more "alert" and won't victims of this type of practice, I'm satisfied with that.
avatar for Beat100
2 years ago
100%, that's what's already happening.
Beat, a club hiring trans strippers who are not openly identifying themselves is absolutely despicable, potentially traumatizing to the men who do dances with those dancers if they figure it out, etc. This is a basic human decency thing -- the notion you didn't want to throw the clubs under the bus given the potential damage to customers is perplexing. That said, I see what you're saying now, you don't want your friends or yourself to get in trouble with the club... though how would anyone know it's you posting as Beat100?

In any case, valid topic. I believe in general trans strippers could be out there
avatar for Rob1115
2 years ago
I dunno, but in my area (Philly) I haven't seen any trans dancers at any of the 6 or 8 clubs that I frequent nor have I seen any ads for trans night. The first time I encountered it was in the mid 60s at a taxi dance hall (dime a dance - actually it was $0.25) in NYC. Went to the back with what I thought was a girl and got a surprise. The next time was in NOLA years ago.
Along the lines of @Sinclair’s post; if our society keeps going in the same-direction it’s going; part of me wonders if it’s only a matter of time that:

1) trannies start invading SCs

2) a club can’t even ask (nor assume) if she is/isn’t a woman b/c in our current times a tranny *is* a woman so asking would be offensive if not illegal/”discriminatory”

We already have boys using girls’ bathrooms in schools – convicts demanding to be sent to women’s prisons b/c they all of sudden “identify as a woman” (and subsequently impregnate female-prisoners); men using women’s locker-rooms b/c of “how the identify”; etc.

The Left is in power-now and the are seemingly fighting tooth-and-nail for there to not be any distinction b/w a woman and a man identifying as a woman – as long as this is the trend one would assume SCs are not safe and SCs themselves may be powerless to stop-it against the power of a Leftist/Progressive government – hopefully I’m wrong.
I'm suspecting OP is full of shit here. If a club hires trannies, he's not the only one to have seen them there; it's not like they're keeping them chained in the back. Unless they know his identity on this board (and why the fuck would you tell offline friends about your identity on this board), no one is compromised.

@Papi, don't forget the left's broader war on masculinity, especially straight white males. I've seen TikToks of trans activists singing (horribly offkey) "if you don't date trans people you're a transphoooooobe!" Couple that with bizarre spectacles like Drew Barrymore kneeling before Dylan Mulvaney and you see being down with all things trans is the left's latest status symbol.

One trans dancer in a club (outside a trans night that I would not attend) means they've lost my business.
For me trannies in the club would be a double-whammy – given my pref for ebony-dancers; running into an ebony-tranny would also mean a high-likely-hood of “her” junk being way bigger than mine adding insult-to-injury
^I don't think "double whammy" means what you think it means.
My comment/observation has nothing to do with politics.

I’m very confused as to how a trans (not fully transitioned) dancer can work a club that is known to have female only dancers? I visit clubs in NJ, and they require bikinis (if alcohol is served), and I would know if there is a bulge in their g string. So, how are dancers able to hide their junk?

Also, the poster Beat100 has posted discussions and no reviews. So, is he telling us what a buddy has encountered? Or does he have direct experience seeing trans dancers?

If he was actually approached by a trans dancer, what were they wearing? Was the dancer fully transitioned?

As far as I understand it, strip clubs that employ trans dancers without providing notification to customers, are setting themselves up for many issues. The idea of a guy having a few drinks - then taking what he thinks is a sexy dancer to a back room for dances - and discovering the she is really a he - is not good.
If the DJ in any club plays shania Twain "man, I feel like a woman" I'm getting out of there pronto. Who would have thought that song would be a foreshadowing of things to come when it was getting frequent airplay.
If there is a dancer who begins her set with a Cher song - I’m out! Lol!
Hey guys what is a trans person's favorite music genre?

Trance music.
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