avatar for Mindwanderer

Comments by Mindwanderer

discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for booty_lover92
Somewhere in the Carolinas
End of and Era
But you are correct that every skinny girl complains about having a small ass. They all want something bigger.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for booty_lover92
Somewhere in the Carolinas
End of and Era
I pray to all things holy that you are wrong. I thought society was moving back in the other direction — i.e. the slim thick days are over. I think my tastes are the opposite of yours.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Sj999917
Maybe next time?
2:00 not 2:09
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Sj999917
Maybe next time?
Having just left there, I tend to agree that the quality was way down. But better looking girls came in the day shift as the day went on. I think, in other words, that the problem might be getting there right when day shift begins. Better to wait until 2:09 or 3:00 if possible — at least that was my experience.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for pikane
Very average club
10 pm on a Saturday and most girls were a 3-5? No way. I’ve never seen it at Treasures. $20 is still the norm but there are many might girls who try the 3 for 100 or other BS. Sometimes you just have to say no.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for Muddy
How often do you lie in a strip club setting?
I don’t lie much. Just about (1) my name; (2) my occupation; (3) whether I’m from [insert club city]; (4) my age; (5) whether I really want them come back in “30 minutes”; and (6) whether I’ve done OTC with anyone else in the club. Beyond that, I am entirely above board.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
Rhode Island
DEBATE TOPIC: *ANY* Use of Dancer Names in a Review
The idea that we are reviewing the club and not the dancers is puzzling to me. Personally I don’t care about anything in the club (food, furniture, drink prices) other than the girls. While I realize others may disagree, I have to believe that most pervs on this site are not trying to find the club with the best food or that is the most “lavishly appointed.” Most of us care about the girls and little else. (Or am I just projecting my own views?) Following from this, I originally thought that this site would provide more information on the dancers themselves. Indeed, if law enforcement/safety of the girls wasn’t an issue, I would want that information. But the wise men of this site have correctly pointed out to me (as they have in this thread) that law enforcement and safety are legitimate issues. Thus, as much as it pains me, I understand the rationale behind “no dancer names” for most purposes. But I agree with Muddy and others above that there are times when the above concerns are not implicated, so I wouldn’t say that names should “never” be used.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for Mindwanderer
Escort Photos
Thanks everyone. After a night of self-loathing, I will now choose to count this as a “life experience” — admittedly one that I could have done without. And the one millionth reminder that one does not think clearly when drunk or horny.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for Mindwanderer
Escort Photos
PS. She was white and I guess she was trying to look like a much hotter version of a white girl. She claimed that she didn’t pick any of the pictures. She sent pictures into the agency and they chose completely different pictures of a completely different human being.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for Mindwanderer
Escort Photos
Thanks for the feedback. First, she was “verified” on Eros. Apparently that means absolutely nothing. Second, her pictures were basically hot blond weighing about 120 pounds. The reality was reddish-brownish hair weighing, I would guess, at least 150 pounds. Now the 25,000 question: why didn’t I leave? The main reason is that I’m pathetic and had worked myself up into a horny frenzy before I arrived. The distant second reason was that I mentally liked the “thrill” of seeing an escort for the first time. Of course, now I’m basically disgusted with myself and I’m a few hundred dollars lighter. What a life. I think I’ll stick with my much-preferred strip club hobby.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for goldmongerATL
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
What is your worst "You might be too uptight to work here" moment with a dancer?
This evening I asked a girl to pause for a second in the middle of a dance because I needed to “straighten” myself. I put my hands down my pants for .5 seconds to accomplish the task. Out of nowhere she pulls a bottle of purel from what seemed to be the air and insisted that I use it liberally on my hand. Admittedly I have many open sores down there but she didn’t know that … Just kidding, but that is obviously what she thought.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for TimJo
NYC vs Chicago vs Houston
This is not an interesting debate. Houston for sure. Houston versus Detroit? Now that is interesting.
article comment
3 years ago
avatar for bigoledick9204
Alley wank in Chicago
This definitely happened. College girls in an alley with dumpsters who are positively delighted to see a guy whacking it to completion. So delighted, in fact, that they invite him over later. Those crazy alley-walking, dumpster-loitering, masturbation-observing coeds!
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Mindwanderer
I’m Broke, but I’m Happy
Went again tonight. Met a different smoke show. Went VIP again. Jesus I would never make it here. Tech man — dances were quoted to me for $30, and I met one beautiful girl who only did dances with no extras. But she is the needle in the haystack here. Dances are largely pointless.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for BuckMcNutter
Do you have a little Italian in you?
Houston Scene
Full nude? I’ll have to let others respond because the main clubs (Men’s Club, St. James, Chicas Locas) are topless only. I went to bucks wild recently and you can pay $30 for all nude dances there. It is BYOB. A little trashier than the Men’s Club or St James, but I had a good time.
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for Mindwanderer
I Love This Place
You are correct that the HJs offered were all from Cubans. One wanted $100 plus the cost of the dances. I declined. One wanted that crazy $400 plus the cost of some room. I declined. I fell in massive stripper love for the third and tipped her $100 because she was very very good. Although i usually ignore the broken record that is Desert Scrub, I must admit that when I quickly banged out the title of my review, I thought to myself “this is going to trigger a desert scrub comment.” The man is consistent.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for wapartist
What’s the deal with Suki, Andrea, and Alyssa?
I thought Alyssa was a knockout and I had a good time with her in VIP although she would not budge off of her higher-end price. I spoke to Suki for 30 seconds and she gave off bitchy vibes. I would go back and see Alyssa again for sure. Sky too.
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for Dadbodgod
Best daytime dance ever
Given these numbers, why would anyone pay $100 for 15 minutes — especially if, as you say, songs are longer than at most clubs? That’s some bizarre stripper math.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Mindwanderer
Why no Dancer Names in Reviews?
Ok. This is very helpful. Thanks for the comments. A follow up: is it your impression that club management is on here reading reviews and taking action in response to those reviews, or who knows but that is what we are worried about?
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for roosta
NYC and The World
Dancers Still Working?
^ Brilliant. I’m still laughing.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
Put alil Jayne in your life....
In Houston, I regularly pay $300-400 for full service plus the cost of the room. I have occasionally gone to $500 for someone new and/or someone I am particularly lusting after. I would not be able to get anyone who I find attractive for $150 — much respect to those who can.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
A Double Header
I rarely laugh during a review but living in Houston and frequenting Centerfolds often, your comments were spot on. Good stuff.