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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 64)

discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for JamesSD
olivia jade
Well the economy of the late 70s and early 80s was very different from the economy of say the mid-late 60s which was absolutely thriving.
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6 years ago
avatar for JamesSD
olivia jade
That figure was adjusted for inflation. The real price of an average home was $25,000.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for JamesSD
olivia jade
The same house that cost $100,000 adjusted for inflation in 1970 now costs $250,000.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for doctorevil
Evil Lair
OT: These 10 cities have the most aggressive drivers in the nation
Idiotic pedestrians are almost as much of a problem as idiotic drivers. Where I live there's a certain light that pedestrians seem to lose all common sense. Its not even jaywalking when all the cars are gone, I'm talking people who will literally walk out into the middle of the road right in-front of your car as you're going through the light. I always get nervous when I see a pedestrian approaching the "waiting area" because almost none of them even wait for your car to go by.
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6 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
OT: Jews finally rebelling from the antisemitism of today's radical left
I was saying that to counter the fact that many people say that because there's a difference in how much money black people make vs what white people make that there is racial prejudice. Yes there are advantages to having money. There are not advantages to being white.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Open letter to founder - SCPandit
You could say she's taking advantage of my desperation to get laid. I don't care, she can take advantage of that desperation to get easy money all she wants.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
OT: Jews finally rebelling from the antisemitism of today's radical left
There are no advantages to being a white male. The institution is biased against you and you're on trial 24/7 for racism/sexism even if you've done nothing wrong. You can't celebrate another culture because that's cultural appropriation, you obviously can't criticize anything about any minority group cause that's racism, and you can't simply ignore it because that's "being comfortable with society's inherent racism." There's no way to win, whatever you do, you're racist. They even say that. The PC media claims all white males are racist and don't even know it. Imagine if the media said all black males are potential criminals and don't even know it. There would be an uproar but they're allowed to be insanely prejudiced, stereotype, and spew hatred towards white males all they want. I do fully believe that there are advantages to being born in a certain socio-economic class. Being born rich, whether you're white or black, has advantages. But the idea that white people living in trailer homes out in bumfuck West Virginia have privilege over black people doesn't make any sense.
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6 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Changes Changes Changes
Wouldn't that be robosexual since the computer program is getting him off?
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Open letter to founder - SCPandit
Its a mutually beneficial arrangement. She needs her bills paid, I want to touch a cute girl. I give her money to pay her bills, she touches me. Where's the lack of respect in that?
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Open letter to founder - SCPandit
I'm not ashamed of going to strip clubs. I am a gentlemen in the clubs and always treat the dancers well. You're deliberately hurting them.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
OT: Jews finally rebelling from the antisemitism of today's radical left
I am well read in history as a general rule. I can tell you all about the battles of Salsu and Panipat. Social norms in Medieval Europe, Pope's Night/Guy Fawkes Day celebrations in Colonial America and Britain. One thing I cannot stand however is academia's obsession with race so unless its important and not shrouded in agenda pushing, I avoid topics that have anything to do with that when I can.
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6 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
OT: Jews finally rebelling from the antisemitism of today's radical left
If it wasn't for the PC media. Most people would just think of them as crazy nutjobs and edgelords and ignore them. But the media legitimizes their views by giving them excessive amounts of attention. I didn't even know who David Duke was before the Charlottesville fiasco.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for JamesSD
olivia jade
College admissions are already ridiculously fucking biased. http://asianamericanforeducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/sat_by_race.jpg https://foodyap.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/1490983303956.png
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Rate my bitch
I adore the cute, girl next door look. Even kinds of cuteness other people find excessive I really love. Like if I see a girl wearing cat ear headbands or has a really squeaky voice. Tattoos ruin that. The fourth image is kind of cute though.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
OT: Jews finally rebelling from the antisemitism of today's radical left
Yeah I agree with twentyfive. Racial tensions have undeniably been made a lot worse by the PC crowd and its determination to continue making race an issue. Related to the Virginia Northam case, in the same yearbook there was a photo of a black guy at a party surrounded by people in KKK outfits. When they interviewed him, he basically said that he didn't think of it as racist at the time, that nobody ever made him feel not included or discriminated against him because he was black. So basically, everybody just thought it was funny, they weren't trying to make a racial statement. The PC crowd, however, is determined to make sure that America cannot move past the issue of race and obsessively harps on it. Nobody gives a flying fuck about race except for extreme PC liberals and extreme rightwing neo nazis. But the PC crowd is determined to find the tiniest little things and call it racist like microaggressions and cultural appropriation. Apparently they're so determined to find racism in you that they will call you racist for CELEBRATING another culture. Its unbelievably absurd.
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6 years ago
avatar for JamesSD
olivia jade
I just can't Fuck girls who's values don't align with mine. I can recognize them as good looking but I lose the desire to actually touch them or have sex with them.
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6 years ago
avatar for nicespice
Walmart Parking Lot
^innovative af.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
OT: Jews finally rebelling from the antisemitism of today's radical left
I think this is one of the things that irritates me most about the left is how hypocritical they can be. Somebody can completely go against basically every liberal value but as long as they "support the party" and are not a white male they pretty much get a free pass to do whatever they like and liberals will just make excuses for them while every tiny thing a white male "does wrong" makes him an evil racist/sexist. A lot of liberals just irrationally hate white males.
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6 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Open letter to founder - SCPandit
Yeah immoral people don't seem to understand that being proud and "honest" about the terrible shit they've done doesn't make what they did better it actually makes it worse. If you've done something terrible you should be ashamed of it.
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6 years ago
avatar for Youngtrill31
Montreal Bachelor Party
You could hire an escort from one of the sites. They're actually kind of cheap in Canada and prostitution is decriminalized, something like $150-200 per hour. Unless you really want to just get OTC with one of the strip club girls.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Open letter to founder - SCPandit
Honestly I wasn't even upset about getting deleted. But if you're gonna delete my account, you should at least be willing to delete somebody who actually talks about doing things that infect people with an incurable disease for the rest of their life. But when it comes to that its just "maybe give it a rest?"
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6 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Open letter to founder - SCPandit
@SCPandit so essentially you're glorifying the attitude that you should just do whatever the Fuck you want no matter what the consequences to other people are? Can you see how that is not admirable at all?
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Open letter to founder - SCPandit
SCPandit and Toychaser sound like the same person to me. Both post shocking content, both live in the exact same area, they are both making the same justifications for their actions. SCPandit is claiming that Toychaser is essentially a poser. When one account pops up and starts posting, the other one shortly follows.
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6 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Open letter to founder - SCPandit
They didn't make a choice to get infected by your HIV though. At this point in your life, do the right thing and find another HIV positive girl to live the rest of your life with. Don't fuck around with girls who don't have it and brag about infecting them.