Changes Changes Changes
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Seems the Reviews view has changed a bit - Founder is now publishing the approvers (the 3 that approved) - only part I don't like is that the review stats are displayed at the end of the review instead of the beginning - i.e. you have to scroll to the end, or read the review, b/f you can see the stats such as day and time of visit.
I looked at today's Tootsies review and was kinda expecting to see some SoFlo TUSCLers as approvers but it was 3-TUSCLers I've never heard from b/f - the review was worthy of approval and not saying "TUSCL no-bodies" shouldn't approve, just that seeing their TUSCL footprint displayed is helpful.
"Pulitzer Prize winning reviewer"…
Can you program the website to give me a blowjob?