
Open letter to founder - SCPandit

Off again on again PL
Monday, March 11, 2019 1:39 PM
Founder, Thanks for keeping the forum going, I understand it can be a headache at times. Also I am not the biggest fan of the un-moderated nature I understand and can appreciate your reasons for keeping it that way. In fact last year I posted my experiences getting and using a fake ID, something that would be taboo to speak openly about anywhere else. However I do thing there are limits to what should be tolerated and in my opinion the forum member SCPandit has crossed that boundary. SCPandit has posted repeatedly about intentionally infecting sex workers with HIV, rape, and how to poke holes in condoms. Obviously this sort of behavior is absolutely deplorable. In the past I think most people in the TUSCL community assumed that SCPandit was a troll, however reviewing his account activity it appears that he may in fact be a real person. So I am humbly requesting you to remove the SCPandit account from the site. Additionally I would also request that you see if his IP matches other troll accounts. If the account was a troll that would be nice to know even if the account was removed. If you are not willing to step in as moderator and remove SCPandit are you willing to remove my account at my request? One day in the future if this sort of thing makes the news I am not certain I want to be associated with TUSCL. People will judge this community by the worst things that are said here. Past that there is a level of depravity I don't want to associate with regardless of whether it is in private or public. Thanks, PaulDrake


  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I agree - that SCPandit character is beyond your avg troll and really does not contribute anything - he's a net negative to the site
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Shit Paul, if your account was disabled, who would be left to blatantly shill for BBD and Bucks? Oh wait, they have dozens of shill accounts...nevermind. ;)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I agree with PaulDrake and Papi. The nature of his posts are abhorrent even if they are fictional. If they are real, then he's beyond pure filth. He has no business being tolerated or having a presence here. From a self preservation point of view, if the media ever has a reason to to take a deep dive into TUSCL (perhaps to support a story about bad things happening in the DC/Baltimore SC scene), and they come across his posts (all wide open to the public), then they'll race to broadcast them to the public. I suspect that claims that everything on this site is fiction or entertainment will fall on deaf ears. And I suspect the cops would also be less than sympathetic... But mostly, he should be removed because he's pure shit.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    For those not caught up... [view link]
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Had him on ignore since he first popped up
  • Evasparkling
    5 years ago
    @PaulDrake Totally agree with you. How sick can you be to even think about not only infecting Strippers & Escorts with HIV/AIDS But also very proud of removing condoms midway during sex in order to fuck Strippers & Escorts raw. Such Behavior are unacceptable & shouldn’t be tolerated on an open web forums. Even if we assume such events to only be a Fantasy, he is better off keeping it to himself as a Secret. Such Characters should not be allowed to post on TUSCL. We hereby call upon Founder to take immediate action to avoid the duplication of such characters in this forum.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    SCPandit's material goes beyond typical trolling. The problem with his posts is that they don't sound like satire or a prank. Even if it is a prank, its not very good its just concerning. Either that or maybe he's just playing his persona a little too authentically. The thing is though, the police, academic researchers, and journalists pay more attention to sites like these than people here think. This guy is dangerous.
  • founder
    5 years ago
    Honestly I haven't read any of his posts. I'll look into it. In the meantime, put him on ignore
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    That’s shit is just deplorable.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    If band, he'll just create a new account. And then it will take time to identify his new character. Let him stay and just click the ignore button.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    Yea he is or represents himself as a horrible human piece of garbage. Funny he pops up again right after DC is banned.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    DC got banned? What happened with that?
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Ignore that, saw what happened
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Of course it's possible that he'll create a new account. And then that one should be deleted as well. The point (or hope...) is that there's certain levels of horrific content that should not be tolerated even in a forum that is not made up of the most virtuous folk (ahem). I'd like to believe that glorifying / advocating / fantasizing about rape, intentional HIV infection, and condom removal during sex each on their own would cross that line. This great gaping asshole glorifies doing all of the above. This isn't a debate about using the ignore feature. That's fine for users that post annoying content. This goes beyond that, in my opinion.
  • TFP
    5 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I'm all for free-expression but this is the equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    Ban that mother fucker
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    The guy has like 25 reviews. Something tells me a troll wouldn't write that many reviews. The fact that he might not be a troll is actually more disturbing though.
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    I'm all for moderation but really don't like the idea of banning (especially permanently). I'm reminded of an AMA on Reddit from a serial (date) rapist. It's been taken down, but I feel Reddit was a better place when it existed. Even if something bad were to happen, I think any negative media attention towards the site would be good for it in the long run.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    No it wouldn't. Keeping this site relatively anonymous outside of PL circles is best in the long run.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Liwet said "Even if something bad were to happen, I think any negative media attention towards the site would be good for it in the long run." Right. Because all the media attention worked out great for Backpage...
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    I always assumed SCPandit was full of shit because the stuff he said was so outrageous. I really don’t want to believe anyone could be that awful. Since he’s in my backyard I will say that he posts enough accurate details about local clubs to be pretty creepy. I support the unmoderated nature of the site but agree his account should be deleted and the content removed. The content IS the problem. I’m fine if he creates another account. As long as he stops posting deplorable crap he will keep the account and nobody will care. We don’t need to ban the individual for life. As I said, it’s the content that needs to disappear. No harm to him if he can get his behavior in line with allowable levels of perviness accepted by Founder.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    His reviews and review comments are more detailed than anyone trying to game the system. And you are correct. That fact makes the content he posts far more creepy, because he's not a persona. He's someone who legitimately does those things or at least glorifies / fantasizes about those things.
  • 501traveler
    5 years ago
    I also don't think banning him is the answer. He doesnt seem to be a troll. Looks to have posted 20 plus reviews that look detailed, so if they're accurate he is contributing something to the site. I do have an issue with his deplorable discussion threads. Even if they are fantasy or made up, take that shit somewhere else. I think most of us agree that what he talks about doing is not acceptable and they should be removed.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    "... Looks to have posted 20 plus reviews that look detailed, so if they're accurate he is contributing something to the site ..." IMO his contributions don't warrant him posting the disgusting shit he posts - we can all have differences of opinions in our posts, but there should be a limit
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    If he *is* doing the douchebag shit he's doing he's probably committing a felony(s)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Not 'probably'... definitely.
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    *OBAMA VOICE* "LET ME BE CLEAR", I'm NOT trolling. This is my lifestyle choice, I enjoy this hobby. I'm one of the top enthusiast in my state and this type of community, call it a lust, love or and addiction. I will not stop this hobby, I knew the RISK when I started this and I have suffered the consequences. YOU mention felony on some HIGH HORSE as if you were unaware that this type of thing happens when you participate in EXTRAS and OTC activity. Im honestly not sure How I contracted the disease, whether it was from a HJ, a BJ
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    Continue, kissing or any other activity and frankly and this point in my life I DO NOT CARE, I never solicited a prostitute, I hung with these women long enough at these clubs and took them on dates. Any money I gave them was because they were my girlfriends, some relationships lasted half a day, a day or even one hour. It is no ones business not law enforcement or any other agency and like I said I knew the RISK when I joined the lifestyle. So if I have to catch diseases or go to jail then so be it, im not asking anyone to live this life with me. Every woman has CHOICES, the choice to work at strip clubs, the choice to do lap dances, the choice to do VIP, the choice to sell bottles, the CHOICE, its all a CHOICE, If you were willing to have BBFS or BBBJCIM then so be it. As for those who haven't blocked me you know all the hotspots which I will list below. cause I want you to understand that this is not a game, and ANY account that I am banned from I will continue to post, more accounts and detailed stories, my discussion post yesterday was for me to post up around my area. perhaps instead of writing someone off you should listen to their detailed accounts of events so you don't end up losing your life or endangering yourself. If your just looking for club dances and a conversation you don't need to be on this site. I however will continue to make folks in my area AWARE of this lifestyle the GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY. If you don't want to be in this GAME, as a trick or PL then don't do it. go to the bar ( lol not the casino bars in AA Mills ) find you a nice girl, date her and get married
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    They didn't make a choice to get infected by your HIV though. At this point in your life, do the right thing and find another HIV positive girl to live the rest of your life with. Don't fuck around with girls who don't have it and brag about infecting them.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Being against the activities you glorify is not being on some high horse. It's being human. It's a quality you lack entirely. You're a fucking horror show. I still believe that the SCPandit account should be wiped. And any account that posts such content should also be wiped.
  • ToyChaser
    5 years ago
    @CC99, THEY TOOK THE CHOICE TO PERFORM EXTRAS FOR MONEY ? Why would you ever trust a stranger , ESPECIALLY one that COULD put your health at risk ?
  • ToyChaser
    5 years ago
    Sc Pandit is a sicko though, I have similar antics though I must admit
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    @Pandit sounds psychotic in his last two posts. I did a quick check and failure to disclose HIV is a misdemeanor in the state of Maryland. We also have members (like @Dugan) who post about driving under the influence which is also a misdemeanor (depending on the situation) and almost certainly carries a higher probability of injuring or killing innocent people (including children). For the sake of consistency I would say chill out and put @pandit on ignore. Not @Founder's responsibility to delete his account.
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    Coming from a troll like yourself.... your fantasy “antics” .... are ...... my ....... real....... life
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    You have 3600+ comments and only 18 trust, shit your mouth dude
  • ToyChaser
    5 years ago
    Kid yu R splashing thots wit aids then you log in on random member and post comments on your post . Homo
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    SCPandit and Toychaser sound like the same person to me. Both post shocking content, both live in the exact same area, they are both making the same justifications for their actions. SCPandit is claiming that Toychaser is essentially a poser. When one account pops up and starts posting, the other one shortly follows.
  • ToyChaser
    5 years ago
    You an al the other charie sheens like you just need to go drink yourself into coma s n heroine demon Lombard’s
  • ToyChaser
    5 years ago
    @cc99 for real cuz did you not c random member post
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    His posts glorify wilfully trying to infect others with HIV, rape, and fucking women raw without their knowledge. I'm pretty sure that if you stack up all these acts, it's more than a misdemeanor. But that's not the point. I don't care how he compares to Dugan or how his behavior stacks up legally. What he advocates and glorifies is vile beyond reason. He should be removed. And content like this shouldn't be condoned or ignored.
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    HOW IRONIC, ON A WEBSITE WITH A DICTIONARY OF VOCABULARY WE USE AS A COMMUNITY. I’m the only one glorifying this lifestyle I DONT THINK YOU UNDERSTAND WHY IM GETTING SO MAD, LOOK AT MY POST HISTORY. I was running wild and only in DECEMBER OF 2017 did I post about the HIV. You’ve got to be kidding me, before that it was all sunshine and happiness. I’m glorying the reality of this LIFESTYLE, and HOW FAR IVE DOVEN INTO THIS. THIS IS A GAME TO ME, THESE GIRLS ARE JUST A WALL AND MY MONEY THE CANNON FODDER
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    What I glorify is a man who partied, caught something and still kept going. YOU really think your gonna stop living your life because you got unlucky and caught something ??? I knew the risk and made decisions, IT IS WHAT IT IS now man. I’m just being real and continuing to post about my life, that’s all I’m sharing is the fiction, all fictional stories about my life.
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    If you stupid enough to believe me and start talking about law enforcement and this and that law and felony, that’s up to you man but I’m gonna continue to post about this fiction, if you or anyone else don’t like it . Don’t read it
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    I’m really up at 11:30 trying to justify some fiction, you either believe it or you don’t Sc NOOB. Your in the presence of greatness and don’t even know it.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I don't care how angry you get. You're abhorrent and entirely unhinged. Every successive post proves it. If there's any truth to what you post, then this is one of the singular instances where I wish that HIV didn't have such a long survival rate. And your account here should be deleted. I'll gently point out that accounts have been quickly deleted in the past for posting fake reviews and hacking/pranking the site (DC9428). And I think those decisions are completely justified. But, it seems a bit unbalanced that writing a fake review gets instant account deletion, but SCPandit posts serially about rape, spreading HIV by intent, and fucking women raw without their knowledge and a bunch of people here are suddenly "Hey, live and let live!" Sorry. That's absolute bullshit.
  • founder
    5 years ago
    Maybe give it a rest, SCPandit
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    @SCPandit so essentially you're glorifying the attitude that you should just do whatever the Fuck you want no matter what the consequences to other people are? Can you see how that is not admirable at all?
  • ThrowawayAccount
    5 years ago
    So basically, you can be as morally depraved on TUSCL as you want but you better not write a fake review or down comes the ban hammer.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Honestly I wasn't even upset about getting deleted. But if you're gonna delete my account, you should at least be willing to delete somebody who actually talks about doing things that infect people with an incurable disease for the rest of their life. But when it comes to that its just "maybe give it a rest?"
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I’m surprised SCPandit posted a reply here. I’m not sure I understand what he’s saying, or if he knows what he’s saying, but it appears he is being truthful, which is frightening. One point he makes is valid, and that is in relation to addiction to this lifestyle vs having a conscience and control to stop if becoming hiv positive. I don’t think we are being two-faced when condemning his lack of conscience, as he seems proud of his actions, and that compounds the horrific actions.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    ^^^ He's not wrong.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    Sadly, he's created a discussion to make it seem like he was trolling and it was all a joke. We might be a bunch of old perverts, with low morals, and a minimal grasp of reality - but even we won't fall for that shit!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    If this site ever gets wrapped up in a media event (particularly in the DC / Baltimore area), the claims of "fiction" or "works of entertainment" will mean nothing, legally or otherwise. But that's also not the point. What he posts is off-the-charts in terms of actionable / vile content.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Yeah immoral people don't seem to understand that being proud and "honest" about the terrible shit they've done doesn't make what they did better it actually makes it worse. If you've done something terrible you should be ashamed of it.
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    Lol if your ashamed of the low morals you have of going to strip Clubs. Why not just go to them and keep quiet ? Why come on Tuscl and get excited about the situations ? Why give a rise to people if you don’t care so much dude. Your sitting at your desk right now typing some hypocrisy, you need to be very ashamed of being a fellow PL, some of us like me are just more Pathetic than others. I dare you to go in to work tomorrow and tell your boss your a pathetic loser and you spend your hard earned money at strip clubs
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    I'm not ashamed of going to strip clubs. I am a gentlemen in the clubs and always treat the dancers well. You're deliberately hurting them.
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    @CASHMAN, I addressed you in the other post. I said it was sarcasm. And if people can make a post about me, I can make a post about me, I’m no troll. An as to why the community felt so pressed to tell founder on me and try to get me banned for NO GOOD REASON, is beyond me. I’ve done nothing against the rules, and I’m soon going to post 10 different articles and about 8 more reviews. I’ve been very busy this week, either dig my stories and be upset by the fact. But you honestly aren’t about to sit behind a computer and treat me like I’m the lowest of the low , plenty of PL are doing the same exact thing as me. Only difference is I consider myself a pillar of the community , a role model of sorts as to what a PL should be. So stop hating on this loser, loser.
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    Lol @CC99 with respect ? Your literally DISRESPECTING them by just looking at them naked, I mean seriously where is the respect in the $1 tip you leave after a 3 dance set or the $20-30 Lap dances you buy. Or the $25 drinks you purchase just to talk to them, your such a PL you can’t even see that your not a gentleman
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    Your just as awful as me, you offer young girls who have no idea who they are, who grew up with no money, or greed or have low self esteem or boyfriend issues or are being pimped and trafficked, and you STILL choose to participate in anything they do at those clubs. So don’t sit on a pile of trash and point at me cuz I’m at the bottom.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Its a mutually beneficial arrangement. She needs her bills paid, I want to touch a cute girl. I give her money to pay her bills, she touches me. Where's the lack of respect in that?
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    It’s in the “she NEEDS her bills paid”, your a PL who is taking advantage of a situation involving her, remember women are the weaker vessel of life
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    You could say she's taking advantage of my desperation to get laid. I don't care, she can take advantage of that desperation to get easy money all she wants.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    ^^^ You keep convincing yourself you have moral equivalence of any other person that walks in a strip club. You justify your actions as if there is some kind of fundamental moral crime in just walking in one which absolves you of any other evil transgression. I really think you are the equivalent of smearing shit on the walls here by trying to make this whole place stink as much as yourself. No buddy it's just you. You present yourself as a sick minded scumbag or a sicko troll. Do the world a favor and off yourself.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I’m not taking the high ground, I’m stating a fact. You have posted about a very sick desire to infect unknowing dancers with HIV. There is no high ground, or holier than thou attitude here. My condemnation of SCPandits acts is entirely warranted. His acts are horrific. I’m a self admitted pervert, and strip club patron. I’m honest about my mistakes, and I own up to them. I believe Call Me Ishmael said something in the past - relating to SJG’s calling us chumps. His statement was akin to - stop telling us we are having fun wrong. I agree, it’s not SJG’s place to tell us we are having fun wrong. However, in SCPandits case, he is having fun wrong. He has now posted a discussion as a last grasp effort - stating he has multiple accounts - and he was trolling us and he made up the HIV positive story. This is simply drawing more attention to his horrific acts. No one believes him.
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    No no no, the HIV story is true. How I got it is a mystery but that’s honestly what I was doing, during that time. I’m as you described a pervert, I like young girls. Preferably 18,19. I’m going to date them forever, most of the women I trick with as a PL, I do GFE even before I found out in Dec 2017 about my HIV status. That being said, why would I stop now that I have HIV? Why not keep going , I already have the “worse” disease so to speak. So why would I even care about catching Gono and needing a shot or something, I’ll go get a shot and that will be the end of it.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    All of us are pervy guys who like young girls, that's why we're on TUSCL. But that's not an excuse to intentionally infect them with HIV. At the very least you have to disclose your status to the girls before fucking them, or at least find another girl who's HIV positive herself.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Well I guess its not pervy for me to like them cause I'm their age but I suppose going to strip clubs in general is considered kind of pervy.
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    Life is all about having fun as long as you're not hurting anyone else in the process. SCPandit you've talked about knowingly infecting dancers with HIV, having sex with women and trying to remove the condom without her knowing, rape, and all kinds of other sordid shit. So yes, you are having fun wrong. Your actions are disgusting and horrible and you absolutely know it. You said why should you stop now??? Because you are putting EVERY WOMAN you sleep with unprotected at risk at this point! I'm sorry you caught the disease but it's common knowledge how it spreads. Yet you took the risk when you slept with known high volume dancers unprotected. That's on YOU! And if whichever woman it was who gave you HIV knew she had it and still slept with you unprotected then she's just as much a piece of shit as you are.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    I don't care how real his reviews appear he is 100% a fear monger troll. His modus operandi is to spread fear and doubt about the hobby or the dancer career. Every time he brings up how he got it he says from a HJ or a BJ which is absurd while he posts about bare backing dancers. Why does he say that stupid ignorant non-scientificly probable shit? Because he is trying to scare naive PL's or dancers from pursuing any kind of extras because he/she has some kind of opposition to it in general and smear the board. Make no mistake about it though this is a sick minded fuck. It may even be some kind of crazy puritan fanatic.
  • SCPandit
    5 years ago
    ^ dude I’m am 100% a PL, who likes to pay for tricks I take pride in that, sometimes I feel a bit of power getting girls to do stuff for $100. Why do I have to disclose a girl doing GFE, she knows the risk. She prolly has it herself. Why else would she offer that commercially to random strangers. An just cause A LAW says something doesn’t mean you have to do it, all you PL are seeking arrangements whether directly or indirectly and if directly that’s against the law too so tough tootles. If I was a civil guy I would disclose it but not on this game of cat and mouse, you ever seen Tom and jerry. The cat doesn’t always win , and it’s not my fault these girls have dad issues and got no instruction on how to do this or live civil. If there willing to do GFE with randoms, it’s their fault NOT MINE ..... PERIOD
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    No it's your fault. I do not subscribe to completely subjective morality and you are a great example of what I mean when I say some people take the concept way too far. Because some moral codes happened to be wrong some people act like we should ditch all of them but that Is completely wrong. Use your brain and the obviously immoral becomes clear. Just because some laws are wrong doesn't mean all of them are.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    ReD between the lines....FAKE PROFILE
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    ReD = Read
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Possibly fake. But quite possibly not. I *still* believe that the SCPandit profile should be deleted. And any profile that posts similar content should also be deleted.
  • Liwet
    2 years ago
    Deleting his profile would punish him for violating a rule that doesn't exist.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Liwet, you need to start looking at dates on threads.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Sounds like he's trying to be a parody of some guys on here. Just brutally honest about what they really do
  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    OP is disturbing. If already with AIDs then catching COVID is almost end. So, is the original poster still there? As per profile, last seen is June 2021. But very scary, people in his area has to stay away from clubs for a while.
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