
Rate my bitch

Avatar for Icey
IceyI put your ATF on a winning team


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Avatar for Warrior15

Nice tits. But I get distracted by that huge tattoo on her chest. Are you trying to tell us this is your girlfriend ?

Avatar for Icey


The tattoo is a heart.... I love it, has hearts and our initials. Yeah

Avatar for JohnTitor

Looks 5/10

Persona 0.4/10

looks like she's annoying

Avatar for JohnTitor

Looks annoying & fake. Probably has self-esteem issues and some excess baggage.

Too high maintenance.

Just my opinion.

Avatar for Icey

How do you come to that conclusion? Just interesting

Avatar for skibum609

If you pay her, she will be your girlfriend too.

Avatar for Icey

She dances but doesn't hoe.

Avatar for Icey


Avatar for JamesSD

She does have a high maintenance look

Avatar for skibum609

When you get her pregnant and paying for her next boyfriend's xbox habit you will feel different.

Avatar for Icey

We want to have a baby....

Meth head spice, go turn some tricks for your man...

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Icey, she's great!

I also like that friend she has with her in one of the pics.


Avatar for BoytoyOfNicespice

Fuck you icey! Because I listened to your legal advice, my $500 ticket got dismissed. Why? Because I’m getting deported to Mexico!

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

Living proof we are headed to to an Idiocracy. Idiots breeding idiots.

Avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)


Nice pics, but she is not Marilyn Monroe...

Just kidding, she is your woman for good reasons.

To rate a woman in the scale of 1 to 10 to define how good looking a woman is; it is very offensive, so I won’t.

Thank you for sharing her pics.

Avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer

If that truly is your GF, not sure why you'd waste any time on this site. I'd definitely lap her if she was in Phoenix.

Avatar for Icey

I'm really not a fan of rating either. Namely coz its all so subjective. But what I find really interesting about it is how you can gauge a person's social attitudes based on it.

Avatar for Icey

I think the only viable ratings are the ones based on facial symmetry. That has some objectivity to it.

Just asking random people to rate a pic doesn't measure attractiveness, but rather social attitudes towards certain types of people.

As far as attractiveness go, we're all attractive to some, ugly to others. I've had women grab me and tell me they want to fuck my brains out and I've had women tell me I'm ugly. I can walk down the street and some will think I'm sexy, others will be afraid of me.... Its subjective.

Avatar for sshrfrsky

Interesting. Tattoo had intials then hearts(cover up.)

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

IceyLoco said "The tattoo is a heart.... I love it, has hearts and our initials. Yeah."

sshrfrsky said "Interesting. Tattoo had intials then hearts(cover up.)"

That's why I posted the "gullible as fuck" comment above. She obviously broke up a guy and got a shitty cover-up on a shitty tattoo. And that guy pretty obviously isn't IceyLoco.

Avatar for Icey

Ugh yeah and there are still initials there retard....

Avatar for Icey

Get over yourself.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

^^^ Snappy reply, sparky. Doesn't change the fact that you're full of shit about that woman dating you... or everything else you post on here.

You're a fake and a troll.

Avatar for Icey

Coz everyone has to be an old trick, otherwise they're lying. OK

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael


Because you picked some random Instagram model to be the pretend girlfriend for your troll persona. But, you weren't smart enough to know how cover up tattoos worked when you claimed that she has your initials tattooed tattooed on her chest.

Avatar for Icey

Ugh no. The cover up is for something thats none of your business dumbass.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Lol. You're really working hard to rationalize your fuck up. You claimed that they were your initials and that they're still there. They're obviously not and you don't know how tattoos work.

Aside from stealing her images from Instagram, you've never been near that woman.

Avatar for Icey

work on your language comprehension.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

No, it's fine. You messed up and now you're struggling to explain it away. I'll let you get on with posting your fake bullshit.

But it's still pretty obvious that pulling an act, and not a very good or entertaining one. I'll never understand what trolls of your variety get out of this pointless stuff.

Avatar for Icey

1- Work on your language comprehension
2- Not being a one trick pony or an old trick doesn't make me fake
3- Go take some viagra and pay a bitch to make you cum in your pants

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

LMAO IceyLoco seeks rated input on "his" bitch from the old tricks he puts down using a rating system that he believes is subjective and only an indication of one's social attitudes.

In other words, "he's" a babbling idiot.

Avatar for Icey

Nah I'm interested in your social attitudes. They're very telling. As is your indictment of others' veracity.... Its interesting virtual people watching.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

You should be interested in your own posts then since you indict others' veracity by virtue of them responding to your thread.

LOL in other words, you're doing the same thing - passing judgement on another's judgement.

So yeah, you're just proving that you're a babbling idiot with your own posts.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

SirLapdancealot posted -> "LMAO IceyLoco seeks rated input...

...using a rating system that he believes is subjective and only an indication of one's social attitudes."

IceyLoco (aka the hypocritical trick bitch) posted -> "Nah I'm interested in your social attitudes. "

^ I just want to point out that "he" disagreed with what I said but yet said the same thing as I said.

Ergo, "he" once again proves, through "his" own posts, that...

...wait for it...

... he's a babbling idiot. (And a hypocritical trick bitch!)

Avatar for Icey

I'm not passing a value judgment. I'm interested in people's social attitudes. Who and what you're attracted to says a lot about people.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

^ and repeating exactly what someone else says as if you are contributing more to the point made says a lot about the babbling idiot that still doesn't understand that "he's" repeating the exact same point being made.

ROFLMAO you can't make this shit up any better!!!

Avatar for Icey

So sharing an opinion, unless its yours, makes a person a babbling idiot. OK

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

^ reread what I posted, idiot. It has nothing to do with sharing an opinion regardless of whether or not I agree with it.

What makes you an idiot is the point I made earlier and now it is further supported by the fact that you still don't understand it.

LMAO you prove everything I'm saying with your own posts!

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

LOL so I take it that you saw the part where I stated exactly what you stated earlier and then you disagreed with it but then you also repeated it. And then I pointed out that you were an idiot for doing that, but then you came back and made a completely irrelevant point.

^All of this is why you are a babbling idiot. You can't read and comprehend what's written in your face!

Avatar for Icey

No but just letting you have the last word so you STFU

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

Well you should still reread it all because it's pretty explicit on exactly where and why you are a babbling idiot.

Oh and another thing that makes you a babbling idiot is that by replying with "OK", it's actually you trying to get in the last word. If you don't want to get in the last word, DON'T REPLY, idiot!

Avatar for rickdugan

I like the elegant sexy girl next door look and there is none of that there. She's gonna' regret that tat in about 10 to 15 years, though I regret seeing it even now. Otherwise way too stripified in an obvious way. I'm guessing the tits are fake too, which is another turnoff. Hard pass.

Avatar for Cashman1234

She's got that hot trash look - which I like a lot! Definitely worth a few rounds in VIP to see if she will play dirty...

Good luck with her. It can be tricky dating a looker who works the pole.

Avatar for CC99

I adore the cute, girl next door look. Even kinds of cuteness other people find excessive I really love. Like if I see a girl wearing cat ear headbands or has a really squeaky voice. Tattoos ruin that. The fourth image is kind of cute though.

Avatar for Icey

Rick, she's been stripping since she was 18...

Cashman, been dating strippers for years. its tough but addictive. i love them

I like cuteness too. I think she's adorable. just the way she is and does everything

Avatar for Nidan111

She is beautiful, but I personally like the all natural look. She has An enhanced look and ink on nice tatas destroy the look for me.

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