OT: Jews finally rebelling from the antisemitism of today's radical left

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
A movement is forming called Jexodus, which encourages those of Jewish faith to question their loyalty to the Democratic Party. As those of the Jewish faith know all too well, antisemitism is alive and well in many nations on this earth and all it takes is the fanning of the flames to embolden bigots to commit unspeakable atrocities, like the recent killings in Pittsburgh. When a political body cannot even prevent or condemn antisemitic hate speech from one of its own members, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee no less, then how much longer will it be before that hate speech multiplies and turns into something dangerous on a massive scale?

The movement is kicking off in NY and FL and will then move to other states with substantial populations of Jewish people. Below is a link to their website:



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avatar for gammanu95
6 years ago
Holocaust deniers, flat earthers, anti-vaxxers... Those who forget the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them.

Our society, as a whole, has become too polarized in what we tolerate. Then you have the DNC, who tolerate anything one of their caucus has to say, but will not allow a single utterance from right of center to pass unchallenged. Aided by a criminally complicit media, none of this hypocrisy is reported.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Their loyalty to the Democratic Party has long baffled me.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Opposing Israel's genocidal policies and apartheid state isn't anti Semitism
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
I think this is one of the things that irritates me most about the left is how hypocritical they can be. Somebody can completely go against basically every liberal value but as long as they "support the party" and are not a white male they pretty much get a free pass to do whatever they like and liberals will just make excuses for them while every tiny thing a white male "does wrong" makes him an evil racist/sexist. A lot of liberals just irrationally hate white males.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Flag, the ties are historical. Many of the Jews who emigrated here from the 1880s through the 1940s were active in labor and socialist movements in their countries of origin before they ever got here. Then many of them settled in areas that were far more liberal (NY, MA, NJ, CA) and passed those views on down to the next generations. Also, sadly, for a long time the Republican Party was viewed as being influenced by neo-Nazis, Christian evangelicals and others who had no love for the Jewish people while the Democrats were viewed as the party of inclusion.

But the faces of the country and the parties are changing. The Republican Party has no tolerance for race hatred anymore, trying hard to make its base more diverse. Similarly, the religious right has become much sympathetic to those of Jewish faith since the rise of the radical Muslim menace over the last two decades. All of this has freed up Trump to do things like move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and extend the hand of friendship to the Jewish people. Conversely, as Muslim supporters continue to make inroads into the Democratic Party, it is quickly becoming a much less welcome place for Jews.

We shall see how this goes. For those Jews who view themselves as American first and Jewish a distant second, which sadly is a staunch majority of American Jews, I doubt that much will change. But the millennials and other younger Jews don't carry all of the same ingrained baggage and history that older Jews do, so this movement may be successful in swaying some of them to question their allegiances. we shall see.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
For a long long time the Republican establishment kept rich Jews out of the Halls of power. Med school quotas, country club bans, etc. Yes, most of the KKK was part of the old southern Democratic party that was pulled into the Republicans under the Southern Strategy.

On the whole old Jews love Israel unconditionally and young Jews in America don't feel that loyalty.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
It’s funny how a bunch of nonsense spews from the body politic, most of the antisemitism, emanates from the fringes, both left and right, but there’s one fact that is undeniable hate attacks are on the rise lately and there’s no question in my mind that it’s being driven, by this climate of divisive behavior
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Big surprise that Icey the moron piece of shit would be a jew hater as well. Genocide you fucking cum stain? The dirty rat jordanians you call palestinians have a population of 3x what they used to have. The breed like rats. The simple fact is that Democrats hurl around the term Nazi simply because their views towards Jews is exactly the same. Muslims sided with Hitler in WW2 and continue to believe the same as the nazis.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
Everyone with a brain is leaving the radical leftwing Democratic Party. That's why they are so opposed to Charles Shultz running for President. It will just accelerate the process.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
Yeah I agree with twentyfive. Racial tensions have undeniably been made a lot worse by the PC crowd and its determination to continue making race an issue. Related to the Virginia Northam case, in the same yearbook there was a photo of a black guy at a party surrounded by people in KKK outfits. When they interviewed him, he basically said that he didn't think of it as racist at the time, that nobody ever made him feel not included or discriminated against him because he was black. So basically, everybody just thought it was funny, they weren't trying to make a racial statement.

The PC crowd, however, is determined to make sure that America cannot move past the issue of race and obsessively harps on it. Nobody gives a flying fuck about race except for extreme PC liberals and extreme rightwing neo nazis. But the PC crowd is determined to find the tiniest little things and call it racist like microaggressions and cultural appropriation. Apparently they're so determined to find racism in you that they will call you racist for CELEBRATING another culture. Its unbelievably absurd.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I like Charles Schultz. Peanuts was a good, wholesome cartoon.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Does anyone seriously think that if racism wasn't a hot button topic thatrace baiters on both sides of the issue would actually have a job or power? What else so David Duke and Al Sharpton types have to offer?
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
Oops. Howard Schultz. I think I like Charles better anyway.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
If it wasn't for the PC media. Most people would just think of them as crazy nutjobs and edgelords and ignore them. But the media legitimizes their views by giving them excessive amounts of attention. I didn't even know who David Duke was before the Charlottesville fiasco.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I'm old so I used David Duke because I assumed everyone was well read about american history. Mea Culpa.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
I am well read in history as a general rule. I can tell you all about the battles of Salsu and Panipat. Social norms in Medieval Europe, Pope's Night/Guy Fawkes Day celebrations in Colonial America and Britain. One thing I cannot stand however is academia's obsession with race so unless its important and not shrouded in agenda pushing, I avoid topics that have anything to do with that when I can.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ Damn, another pseudo-intellectual retard.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Skibum, again, would you refer to Palestinians that way if you didn't have a faux sense of anonymity on here?

CC99, the problem is that American society has viewed being a white male as normative, everything in society has been portrayed through their eyes. The thing is you can't simply get rid of disadvantages without getting rid of advantages, and white American males don't want to give up their advantages.

As far as racial tensions being on the rise. The problem is that the US has never had a candid national discourse on race. White privilege allows whites to not have to know what minorities go through on a daily basis. That disconnect is the problem.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
It just dawned on me that the Democratic playbook on racism and how to use it is based on a theory written about in a book by Vincent Buglioisi called: Helter Skelter. Democrats are so useless and depraved they stole an idea from Charles Manson.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I have no need to be anonymous because I am open about how much I hate the fakestinian terrorists. Why don't you and I get together you fucking little pussy. I will take your white privilege comment and watch you chow down on it busta. Wah, wah, wah, little bnitch and your tough life. White American male advantage? Yeah going to school, working hard, just like Ben Carson. The country was foundedand built by white males. I will go out on a limb and guess that the history of Japan is not told through the eyes of white males.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I don't believe you're open about your views.

The advantages are institutional.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
There are no advantages to being a white male. The institution is biased against you and you're on trial 24/7 for racism/sexism even if you've done nothing wrong. You can't celebrate another culture because that's cultural appropriation, you obviously can't criticize anything about any minority group cause that's racism, and you can't simply ignore it because that's "being comfortable with society's inherent racism." There's no way to win, whatever you do, you're racist. They even say that. The PC media claims all white males are racist and don't even know it. Imagine if the media said all black males are potential criminals and don't even know it. There would be an uproar but they're allowed to be insanely prejudiced, stereotype, and spew hatred towards white males all they want.

I do fully believe that there are advantages to being born in a certain socio-economic class. Being born rich, whether you're white or black, has advantages. But the idea that white people living in trailer homes out in bumfuck West Virginia have privilege over black people doesn't make any sense.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Wow, there's a novel idea...

There are advantages to having money.

Fucking retard.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
I was saying that to counter the fact that many people say that because there's a difference in how much money black people make vs what white people make that there is racial prejudice. Yes there are advantages to having money. There are not advantages to being white.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Institutional advantage = I lied and cannot make up a fact you won't blow away. You're stupid Icey. Nothing but slogans.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Whiteness is normative in the US. How much more of an advantage can you get? Society is based perceived on white middle class norms. Everything here is judged according to its approximation to or deviance from, said norms.

Also, keep in mind that historically, race has been a euphemism for social class in the US. Ie "white trash" is viewed as "trash" for not being middle class and accepting said norms. So their whiteness is tarnished by their lack of fitting into the myth that all you need in America is hard work to make it. Coz for the most part, American national identity is ideological, based on the myths of the American dream and the delusion of American exceptionalism.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ and you give the lie to the thought of American Exceptionalism GTFOH
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
You're an idiot Icey. Why not try thinking for yourself for a change instead of listening to why people who are losers are never at fault. Race has never ever ever been a euphemism for social class. Poor white trash has been part of the American lexicon since the beginning. White trash is viewed as trash for making the choices and decisions that create poverty. The American dream is real for those who work for it. I represent a lot of immigrants and one thing I have noticed is that legal immigrants understand the American dream far better than the lazy, useless, entitled, native born, expecially those born in blue states.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
White trash were poor Whites who lived among poor Black sharecroppers. That's what made them "trash" in those times.

The whiteness of poor Europeans was also questioned. Each new group of immigrants was portrayed as an "other" in contrast to Americans' perceived whiteness... Italians, East EUropeans, Jews, the Irish....all were viewed as non white at one point due to their different religions and most importantly not fitting in with White Anglo norms.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I think I will take 25's advice and put you on ignore. All you do is spout left wing slogans and lies. Buh bye loosah.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Skibum, you come across like an alt right PR guy doing a bad job...
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Almost all American Jews below 30 were born here, and those below 40 were either born here or immigrated as children.

For old Jews Israel is The political issue. For young Jews it's a issue and complicated.

Based on demographics the Kushner era of Republicans and Jews may be a blip. And Israel has reason to be worried about the future of American support.
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