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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 62)

discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Do you Ever see Girls Looking at you?
I am really oblivious to their signs. I one time went on a cruise and participated in one of their teen clubs, I think there was like 25-30 kids in it. Apparently a couple of the girls had a crush on me and I had no idea until I had a video-chat with everybody afterward and they were like so and so liked you. What's weird though is that she spent most of the cruise flirting with this other dude so I figured she was just into him.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Do you Ever see Girls Looking at you?
Yeah nightclubs are a different story. I guess I just meant like at school, work, out in parks, on the street stuff like that.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Do you Ever see Girls Looking at you?
^I think that doesn't count lol.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Cristobal
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Coolest Pick Up Place
Well its like, at house parties when they are drunk sometimes girls do come up and start grinding on you or making conversation with you, or just making out with you. But out in normal daylight hours when nobody has alcohol in their system?
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Yeah from what I've seen, very few people will make massive waves in their opinions. Opinion changes tend to be more subtle than that.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Cristobal
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Coolest Pick Up Place
"1- I got seduced by a worker at a Vegas weed dispensary. She kept staring and put her hand in mine when she handed over the weed, blushed and gave me her number. We texted and hooked up after her shift." Since when do girls walk up to random guys out in the daylight hours and seduce them? This sounds like something only an anime girl would do.
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6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Yes then he will say something about his privacy wall.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
I don't think SJG has ever said the privacy wall thing with me other than this one time in PMs when I asked him how old he was. He does sometimes change his opinions. I don't want to share our conversations but he will sometimes shift his opinions on things. Its very subtle though. He doesn't do it overtly in terms of "I stand corrected" and you won't make massive waves with him but he sometimes seems to recognize his viewpoint on something might've been too extreme. I do agree that he can be pretty stubborn sometimes though.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for tbot1102
HK in Tijuana - Do you balance your mileage from a girl....say she does not kiss
I always got the impression girls at TJ were pretty open to DFKing. In that case I wouldn't ever go arriba unless a girl DFKed me in the front room.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
"And by your own admission you are having a positive emotional experience as you "argue" with san_jose_creep. You contradict yourself in saying you don't have some emotion in your discourse but yet you *might* connect with him on an emotional level. To me it clearly biases your opinion of him." That's interesting, I hadn't thought of it that way. In that case it could be a matter of positive emotions felt vs negative emotions. There are ways to get somebody to agree they're wrong. It is definitely a lot more difficult in a public forum than it is over PMs though. "which is a game where the solution is a tie unless you are an idiot that lets the other win." That's why its more interesting to argue thinking that you are right but understanding that you could not be. Losing can be interesting too. It could just be that I want to test the ideas in my head early on because its much easier to move forward once you've either confirmed that idea to be true or are able to dismiss it as false. "By the way it's not that "deep" to understand that emotion should never play a role in an argument. I think you assume that." Its more about the fact that there seems to be a large disconnect between the way that SJG and I communicate vs the rest of the forum. So I'm trying to figure out what exactly that is and why I relate to SJG. I agree with some of his opinions and disagree with others, the same could be said for several other people here. But for some reason I feel I relate to him much more strongly than others and I don't know why. Another weird thing seems to be that I, for whatever reason, don't care if he judges me for buying lap dances or smoking weed. Weirdly enough, I do seem to care though when someone judges me for being a young PL who hires hookers and goes to strip clubs. So why the double standard? What's going that makes me perceive what SJG is saying as not being an attack.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
I am definitely open to the possibility that it is because I relate to him on an emotional level.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
The game is not determined by whether or not your argument is better or not, it's about whether you can make the other person see that they are wrong and so far nobody has beaten SJG and he hasn't beaten anyone else.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Cristobal
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Coolest Pick Up Place
Also the number of people in the environment can be a problem. Too many people and the girls who can pretty much fuck whoever they want get option paralysis and won't choose you, too few people and you have too few options.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Cristobal
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Coolest Pick Up Place
Anyway remaining on-topic. I think house parties are the best option for trying to pickup a girl. Its a matter of balance between anonymity and intimacy that allows the best environment. Nightclubs are too anonymous, so loud nobody can hear anybody, and the only way you can communicate with people is through dancing/body language which is very difficult. House parties allow a higher level of communication while still providing the anonymity and stimulation that loud music gives. Its not quite as loud as nightclubs are though so people can still talk to each other if they are right in-front of them. However, other people will not be able to.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Cristobal
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Coolest Pick Up Place
Doesn't late teens mean 18 and 19? Early teens 13-14, mid teens 15-17, late teens 18-19. Logic rules that in the case of a remainder number in a series of categories, the middle category should be the biggest.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Honestly, SJG is not that bad, he just has a bit of an aggressive arguing style. Contrary to what some people think, me and SJG actually disagree on a lot of things but I still say that SJG is one of my favorite posters on TUSCL because we understand how the other communicates and its not as big of a deal to disagree with him as you guys make it out to be. In my experience he is stubborn in his point of view but that's about it. We argue all the time over PMs but I never take anything he says personally. Once you understand SJG better, you realize he is actually quite altruistic. His brain is just programmed so differently from yours that its very difficult for you to understand why he does what he does. One very important thing to understand about SJG is that, even though he believes his viewpoints to be correct, he's not actually that interested in lording it over you. Normal people think that all arguing is essentially a way to prove your superiority to somebody which is why they don't tend to like it. Arguing for most normal people is an emotional experience, perhaps a very emotional experience. For SJG and I, its not an emotional experience at all. Its more like playing a game of chess. You want to win, but when your opponent wins and you realize that your logical argument got checkmated, its kind of exciting actually because you've gotten so good at this game that you didn't even realize anyone could checkmate you. Its also exciting to play against somebody who's also very good at this because its much more rewarding to win against them than it is to win against somebody who's never given his opinions much thought and just went with whatever. The way arguments are done though, its hard for a lot of people to realize who really won and who really lost. In-fact, there may not be winners or losers until every logical argument has been perceived to be exhausted. For me and SJG, we essentially just keep the game going all the time. It looks pointless to other people but to us its exciting. We keep going on and on because we want to see who won the game. Normal people tend to prefer that everybody just respect everyone else's opinions and not try to change it because their opinions are attached to their emotions and being forced to reconsider an opinion is an emotionally difficult experience for them. Me and SJG don't feel this though, so its more like a fun game to us. SJG just believes himself to be really really good at this game on a subconscious level. Basically, you just haven't figured out how to beat his idea yet.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Maskath
When the stripper says she has a rule about not kissing
Yes! Thank you SJG. Somebody gets it!
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Maskath
When the stripper says she has a rule about not kissing
Do you guys not feel this feeling of absolute bliss when you makeout with or hug a girl really tightly? For me there's this incredibly satisfying feeling of bliss that overwhelms my entire body and I feel like I'm just melting into her mouth or her arms and being consumed by bliss. It feels insanely good. It feels so good that the euphoria and lingering bliss is still there for up to two hours after we've stopped depending on how good it was. Its the best feeling I've ever felt in the world and I've tried just about every drug you can think of besides meth and heroin. You must not be feeling this because I can't see any other explanation for why so many of you think a BJ is better than making out.
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6 years ago
avatar for Maskath
When the stripper says she has a rule about not kissing
That's why I don't mind going to non-extras clubs. I'd rather makeout than have a blowjob.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
If I get a boyfriend, what do u suggest I warn him.about?
For some guys, sexual and relationship inexperience might be a point in her favor. If Nicole went for a guy who is also very inexperienced when it comes to dating and relationships he would probably be perfect for her. I can guarantee though that none of the sexually experienced guys will be.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
So you just don't think it exists or happens? That's insane.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for shailyyn
Juice Crew Approved
Hey guys I'm back!
This is actually pretty good. I was definitely fooled there for a second. I seriously doubt Shailynn died. As others have mentioned, TUSCLers just disappear every now and then.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
So its retarded to stay faithful to a girl who loves you as opposed to thinking with your dick and boning her best friend and cousin because you felt like it? You guys have a lot of concepts completely reversed. You never know when a girl is going to love you again, hell it may never happen. You can't take that shit for granted and be stupid when you do find it.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
5.8 that's very specific lol.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Open letter to founder - SCPandit
No it's your fault. I do not subscribe to completely subjective morality and you are a great example of what I mean when I say some people take the concept way too far. Because some moral codes happened to be wrong some people act like we should ditch all of them but that Is completely wrong. Use your brain and the obviously immoral becomes clear. Just because some laws are wrong doesn't mean all of them are.