
How did the VinceMichaels controversy get reignited?

Avatar for flagooner
flagoonerEverything written by this member is a fact.

Seriously, wasn't this already played out? I like a good flame war as much as the next person, but I can't imagine anyone here condones predatory behavior.


last comment
Avatar for rickdugan

Flag, you're overplaying your troll hand now. Take the satisfaction in what you've accomplished and move on, lol.

Avatar for MackTruck

Yea Flag, ima dump a load in your basement

Avatar for twentyfive

There was a turd in the punch bowl that didn’t float, it was Duganesqe

Avatar for 4got2wipe

“Rick The Lion is a known predator.”


Avatar for 4got2wipe

I do have to give flagooner a “brilliant!” for this thread.

It was a perfect opportunity for rickdugan to avoid being an assclown. But he couldn’t resist! Why? Clearly, he is genetically predisposed toward maximum assclownery! ;)

rickdugan’s assclownery = a continual source of laughs for any TUSCL posters with at least 1/2 a brain!

Avatar for doctorevil

4G2W: I’m not sure it’s genetic predisposition. It could be brain damage. Maybe fetal alcohol syndrome? Childhood exposure to lead? Who knows?

Avatar for 4got2wipe

You could be correct doctorevil. Perhaps he drank pesticide as a child. Perhaps he still does!

Avatar for Trucidos

I was one of the biggest original perpetuaters of this bullshit before he passed away.

In all seriousness I had zero issue with him or his deeper character I jumped on the bandwagon with Rick and beat the situation like a dead horse.

In all seriousness it’s time to let it go. Anyone who ever met the guy said he was good people and I was one of the largest perpetrators of the flaming while I actively was looking at porn of 18-19 year olds screaming “daddy” etc.

Hardly a guy a judge or hold a grudge on.

Wish I could have apologized when he was alive but neither of us took this very serious to begin with so he’d likely laugh it off

Avatar for twentyfive

^ talk to RickiBoi he he is the pedophile monitor methinks he doth protesters too much

Avatar for pistola

STFU Stankytwat cuntspice. My question was legitimate, had nothing to do with VM, wasnt even posting when he was around. I actually posted that after someone was posting pics of barely legal gals in the VIP section and Infound it gross. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about most of the time cunt.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ wtf is a stanky twat cuntspice is it like curry ?

Avatar for doctorevil

Looks like Pistola doth protest too much also.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Like RickiBoi right ;)
I think RickiBoi is a fag lol

Avatar for rickdugan

It came up again because members off the Pedophile Defense Team, with hypocrisy knowing no bounds, had the audacity to question the character of others after defending his indefensible admissions. It's like a serial rapist giving someone else grief for shoplifting.

We'll all have this handy the next time these pedophile sympathizers misbehave, especially 25, who was the Pedophile Defender-in-Chief.

Avatar for pistola

Shoot I don’t know anything about VM or any of that all I know is this attention whore drama queen pussyworm riddled sour curry smelling skank keeps bringing me into it. It ain’t protesting it’s callin a whack job a whack job. No wonder she’s a stripper, she’s a loon. And she wants the D.

Avatar for flagooner

Is it like curry?
That was the post of the night.

Avatar for txtittyspice

Hmm...aware enough of board happenings to make digs at Juice related to being a redneck.

Recent example here. More could be brought up upon request.

And yet not aware of VM related shenanigans. Hmm.

Avatar for txtittyspice

But congrats on surviving those Rocky Mountain oysters after all. Foghorn’s prayers must have been answered.

Avatar for Clubber


You state, "In all seriousness it’s time to let it go. Anyone who ever met the guy said he was good people...", and I agree, let it go. I was also one that clubbed with him a number of times in S. Florida and emailed with him often. He told me the entire story about all this TUSCL BS and I believe him. He had no reason to lie to me. That said, I'll carry that conversation with me to MY grave. Yes he was "good people"!

Avatar for Clubber


You state, "In all seriousness it’s time to let it go. Anyone who ever met the guy said he was good people...", and I agree, let it go. I was also one that clubbed with him a number of times in S. Florida and emailed with him often. He told me the entire story about all this TUSCL BS and I believe him. He had no reason to lie to me. That said, I'll carry that conversation with me to MY grave. Yes he was "good people"!

Avatar for Clubber

Time for a new mouse, it seems.

Avatar for pistola

@Fuckitytwatfacecurrypuss - oh I’m aware there was some dude that was a pedo and some people took sides, that’s obvious enough by hearing it just like it’s obvious Juice is a redneck (nothing wrong with it in general) from NC. That thread I started had nothing to do with it at all, it was it’s own thread. I mean just how fuckin retarded are you? You post a link to a thread started by juice trying to troll me to complain about what I said to said troll? What?! Did that just happen? Was I too mean to the troll? Lmao I can’t even comprehend your level of stupid except that I know you feel obligated to publicly stick up for your little troll buddy so you can keep manipulating him to troll while he is fine with that because he’s playing the long-game fuck you while the thing is you know that are taking advantage of it. It’s too bad bc I like Juice, I feel sorry he has fallen victim to your shenanigans.

Avatar for txtittyspice

Juice “fell victim” to my shenanigans?

Sounds like you have a jealousy thing going on. Maybe instead of taking out your frustrations on me, perhaps you could send him a PM asking if he has a Grindr account. Somehow I doubt it, but it doesn’t hurt to ask...

Avatar for pistola

^Go ahead switch the topic from how dumb you are by complaining about what I said to a troll account. Oooh the gay quips again. So soon? Yup, in your attention whore world where you think you’re queen of TUSCL (hint: you’re not) anyone that doesn’t like you must be gay. What’s next you ratchet monkey? After the gay jokes is it the copycat jokes or the oops wrong account jokes...

Avatar for txtittyspice

It’s not a mere quip. You’re the one providing the material for me to point out. Plus I noticed how much you want to spread a negative narrative about my genitals -right before- complaining about me supposedly manipulating Juice.

Also right before you made rude comments about my genitals you called me an “attention whore drama queen”

...but as we all know, you yourself love drama. After all “Drama is what drives good talk boards, always has been.“

That’s a pretty good indicator of your motivations. You view me as competition. Idk what to tell you there. Maybe you could buy Juice some Arby’s or something.

...But alright if you feel like the conversation has diverted too much, then back to square one then:

“I remember when pistola “accidentally” reignited it.

Avatar for CC99

I believe Clubber.

I think Clubber has a much better idea of what really happened. We don't know the full story so we can't be the judge and jury over this. If Clubber says he was a good man then I will believe it. Dougster had long hated VM and what his tactics really amounted to was brainwashing the board through constant spamming.

Avatar for CC99

Also, I do think the people who met VM in person are more credible than Dougster, who was known for being extremely malicious towards multiple board members.

Avatar for flagooner

You joined TUSCL in March but still chime in on this subject as if you are an authority on the topic. Only a complete jackass would do that.

Avatar for pistola

@Flag. Exactly. This applies to other Stanky members as well who weren’t around but act like they were.

Avatar for twentyfive

There’s really no controversy it’s more like a high tech lynching, by a single poster trying to relaunch his dying popularity.

Avatar for rickdugan

25, where I come from, being unpopular with a small (but vocal) group of pedophile sympathizers is considered a good thing. Unlike you, I'm not on here seeking out other weird creepy types to share tragic stories with in person. I'd have thought that you'd have enough shame by now to crawl back into your hole and pull the rock over the top, but I guess you'd prefer to keep doing this.

What a shame. We keep losing good posters due to trolling and snarky comments from a few very creepy old men who have treated this place like their sandbox for a very long time. Maybe it's time that you old pedophile sympathizers begin to understand that this place is not solely for you and a few other weird old fuckers to pat each other on the back and plan your in-person meets.

Avatar for doctorevil

Ricky Douchebag needs to ask his psychiatrist to increase his dosage. His paranoid fantasies are taking over.

Avatar for twentyfive

Ya talk about creepy old men treating this like their sandbox, and this is not the place for weird creepy fucks, then what the fuck are you doing here, you are one of the weirdest, creepiest, sand flies posting, talking about ankle biters, that's a category that you created by yourself and seem to have elevated to an art form.
Why don't you head on back to Stripper web and creep on there you perverted psycho, that appears to be about your speed.

We keep losing good posters due to trolling and snarky comments from a few very creepy old men<
That comment alone would be comedy gold, but considering the source, all I can say is WOW< WOW<WOW

Avatar for doctorevil

The Douchebag: “ . . . this place is not solely for you and a few other weird old fuckers to pat each other on the back and plan your in-person meets.” This tell you about all you need to know about the D-bag. Talks big anonymously from behind a keyboard but is afraid to meet anyone in real life. Heck, he’s even afraid to send anonymous messages directly. /app/discussion.php I suppose it’s theoretically possible to be a bigger pussy, but it’s hard to imagine a real example.

Avatar for BrotherFogHorn

Txtittyspice said "But congrats on surviving those Rocky Mountain oysters after all. Foghorn’s prayers must have been answered."

This is incorrect. Pistola did not survive. He is mad as hell because he is stuck in the server. That is why his comments can still be seen. The devil will soon be here to get him. He does not have such luxuries as those like Dennis Hof. Denis Hof was straight and went down with the ladies. Dying with balls in your mouth is a whole nother deal.

Avatar for shadowcat

OK Dugan, I've had enough of your lip. I've tried to stay out of out this for the sake of civility. I have met doctorevil, Clubber, Papi and over 60 other TUSCL members. I'm 77 years old and have 2 grand daughters. If I live long enough, I may become a great grandfather. I love little girls. "What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and everything nice". That does not make me a pedophile or sympathizer.

I've also met VinceMichaels(Pat) on several occasions. Platinum Plus in Columbia SC and at Follies. I knew him well enough that I was able to find out the details of his passing and reported them on here. I knew him well enough that he had on 2 occasions spent the night at my house.

How well did you know him?. Did you ever met him or talk to him? Do you know the circumstances surrounding the happenings with the 14 yo girl on his sailboat? The police did! You sound like a Democrat at the Kavanaugh hearings.

You fancy yourself as some kind of hot shot reviewer on here and yet you have been to Atlanta and did not visit one of the most talked about clubs on this site...Follies. I guess you consider that to just be a place for creepy old pedophiles to hang out at.

Maybe you're trying to cover up some defect in your own persona by attacking others. Maybe you should just pack it in and let it go.

The man is dead!

Avatar for rickdugan

Yes he is dead shadow, but the culture that made him feel so comfortable on here that he gleefully posted, over and over, about young teen girls lives on. I'd happily piss on his grave if I could, but my focus is not really on him anymore. Now it is on the creepy fucks who tried to make talking about sticking his old dick in the mouth of a 14 year old girl somehow ok. Don't expect me to shed a tear for a guy who says this stuff anywhere.

Oh, and I think I've mentioned that I've been to Follies and for me it sucked. After I finally managed to score a seat at the bar during my night shift visit, I saw almost nothing but hood rat 6s. However, since I didn't like it and did not stay long, I refrained from trashing it - something your boy doctor could take lessons from.

Avatar for Clubber

shadowcat has spoken and very well, I might add!


Avatar for twentyfive

You know something Dugan this crap has gone on long enough you’re a liar and a coward, you should have shut up a long time ago, but you keep doubling down on your slanderous statements,I too have met many posters here most are fathers a few are grandfathers, I pity your children if you really have any, I suspect that you really don’t, I couldn’t imagine a woman that would tolerate you, I’ll bet IRL you are a friendless unhappy demagogue whom no one care whether you live or die.

Avatar for rickdugan

25, you think that telling us that you are fathers and grandfathers makes condoning a pedophile somehow ok? Sadly, it makes you even more horrible. You are not the normal father, because any normal father, myself included, would find what he said in this thread horrific:


But clearly not you, as you made eminently clear in this thread:


You can keep claiming slander all you want, but what he said and you're ardent defense of him is all in black and white.

Avatar for twentyfive

If you have a problem with me show up and face me, until then crawl back in your hole.
I’m done with you.

Avatar for AZFourTwenty

This has been an interesting thread.

I remember when I first stumbled upon TUSCL somewhere around 2007. There was a member that I remember as someone who wrote about visiting "jack shacks". I don't remember his username, but I do remember he was acquainted with many of the old timers and if I am not mistaken had even met Shadowcat. I always thought he was kind of creepy, and wondered about his TUSCL acquaintances who seemed to interact with him on a regular basis.

My memory is still fuzzy on this, but I do seem to remember he was incarcerated for child pornography. I stopped following TUSCL for a while because my impression of the few people who post 24/7 was that they were sketchy and I did not have any inclination to interact with them on any level.

Today, I still seem to have misgivings about the people who post 24/7.

That aside, from what I have gleaned from this discussion, I tend to agree with dufus Dugan.

Avatar for nicespice

Shadowcat said it very well.

I also agree with CC. I know almost nothing about this guy but because many vouch for him, and I have a good opinions of the individuals who have, is why I won’t harp on the memory of this man.

I will instead use this thread to focus on what is currently relevant: the fact that pistola is sexually frustrated because he wants the Juice in his mouth.

Avatar for flagooner

^ Is my infatuation with your boobies relevant?

Just wondering.

Avatar for nicespice

^It is if pistola wants to fuck you as well.

Avatar for pistola

Stanky just wants the D. She is upset when a male on here doesn't kiss her ass. It's ok little one, one day you may get the lovestick. We all know your fake bf ain't giving it to ya.

Avatar for txtittyspice

I appreciate the offer, but I will have to decline. Unlike mr foghorn, I hold many values that are typical of a millennial—such like that it’s okay to be gay.

So even if you’re being called out for being gay, there is no need for you to panic and make sexual comments towards me and pretend to be straight.

(Why even use me as a cover anyways, when you have been attempting to circulate that I have a vagina that is sour and curry-like?)

Good luck on your journey out of the closet!

Avatar for pistola

^Wasnt an offer currycooch

Avatar for pistola

Now fuck off with your alt profile

Avatar for txtittyspice

Ooh look at that backtracking again. Did you not just say “It's ok little one, one day you may get the lovestick.“

And nah. You go fuck off. In a gar bar to relieve all the pent up tension making you all grumpy.

Avatar for pistola

'Its s ok little one one day you may get the lovestick' is not an offer. What kind of 2nd grade reading comprehension do you have? Oh that's right it must be all that Harry Potter literature. What a dumb ass cant even comprehend a sentence. Why dont you just quit bringing me up out of the blue. Cuz your currycoochie WANTS THE D.

Avatar for nicespice

Thanks for the the thread, flag. It was entertaining.

Avatar for jester214

Sadly it's clear that Rick just wants to use this as a tool in arguments. "He can't be right he didn't condemn that guy who was a pedophile".

By the way, pedophile's are exclusively attracted to kids who haven't had puberty. They wouldn't tend to hang out in strip clubs and fuck adult women.

Avatar for flagooner

I know, right. Would it have been more accurate if he had said rapist instead of pedophile?

Avatar for jester214

Statutory rapist doesn't carry the same weight as pedophile.

It's interesting I've never seen Rick have any vitriol for the people who cheer 30 year old teacher's fucking 14 year boy students...

Avatar for twentyfive

^ That's because RickiBoi is a legend in his own mind, he's just a broken down old alcoholic .

Avatar for rickdugan

Do we really need to keep reliving one pedophile's decision to sexually assault a 14 year old child and 25's inexplicable need to gloss it over in any way possible?
Do you really believe that continued musings and repetition will make either of them look any less sick? Good luck with that, however many accounts you have. I'd say it's long past time to let this sad chapter die, but you'll post what you want I suppose.

Avatar for jester214

No comment on your lack of judgement on guys who defend women who sexually assault 14 year men?

Avatar for twentyfive

^ That's what you took from my posts what an ankle biting, girly boy you are Dugan, I’m so so hurt that an idiot, and self admitted serial drunk driver thinks I’m a pedo, I’m emotionally distraught whatever will I do.
Dude you shouldn’t let the Whiskey do your thinking for you, I mean really.

Avatar for nicespice

Seriously, wasn't this already played out? I like a good flame war as much as the next person, but I can't imagine anyone here condones predatory behavior.

Avatar for nicespice

Oh shit...wrong account :(

Avatar for rickdugan

Nice posted: "I like a good flame war as much as the next person, but I can't imagine anyone here condones predatory behavior."

Clearly you lack imagination then. Acceptance is not the same as approval, but it can be horrible in its own right. Clearly there was a "bros before hoes" mentality in play here, even if the "hoe" in this case was a poor 14 year old child whose only crime was to misplace her trust with this seeming kind older man. The most skilled pedophiles never seem predatory and even convince themselves that they are the nice guy by giving their attention to a neglected child.

Just be grateful that you didn't run into 25's BFF when you were 14.

Avatar for doctorevil

“The most skilled pedophiles never seem predatory and even convince themselves that they are the nice guy by giving their attention to a neglected child.“. Seems to be talking from personal experience. Good thing NiceSpice didn’t run into Ricky Douchebag when she was 14.

Avatar for Clubber

Someone should get an expert opinion from biden!

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@rickdugan: The most skilled pedophiles never seem predatory and even convince themselves that they are the nice guy by giving their attention to a neglected child.

@doctorevil: Seems to be talking from personal experience. Good thing NiceSpice didn’t run into Ricky Douchebag when she was 14.

You know doc, some of your criticism of RD is valid, but this one goes too damned far.

The notion that pedophiles don’t act like pedophiles around non-victims, and the fact that they go unrecognized by “normal” people for long periods of time is pretty well documented, and born out by my own experience with a high school teacher nobody would ever have expected, of it weren’t for people coming out 20 years later.

So basically, this boils down to an ad hominem attack on your part because you don’t have any actual facts to present, so you attack him instead of the argument.

From my standpoint, vm’s statement is pretty damning, and I don’t see anywhere that he ever attempted to retract, amend or explain it. It could have been a misstatement, maybe vm was 14 or 15 at the time or something. Maybe he never bothered with a defense simply because he knew it wouldn’t fly with the one who raised the issue anyway, because frankly, it wouldn’t have. Dougster is mentally incapable of letting go.

So dismissing the issue as overblown by some of those who’ve met him doesn’t really fly with me because as stated above, pedophiles don’t act like pedophiles to most non-victim people. And intimating that Rick is a pedophile because he doesn’t like pedophiles is just plain stupid.

I met the guy once as well, apparently right before he died, and I didn’t pick it up either. So maybe he was, and maybe he wasn’t, but that statement of his is still damned damning, and right stupid of him to make in a public forum.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ So you want to wade right in as well, SMH, I thought you were a decent guy, apparently it's only OK for Dugan to attack folks with ad hominem bullshit, at least according to what I'm reading from you.

Avatar for rickdugan

Careful now gmd, you don't want to get on the "must troll" list for the Pedophile Defense Team, of which 25 is the Chair. ;)

Avatar for rickdugan

GMD, dudes like doctor and 25 have nothing but time and are utterly shameless, the two key ingredients in a classic troll cocktail. So shameless, in fact, that they will troll made up character flaws all day while defending a guy who stuck his dick in the mouth of a 14 yo because they liked him. Don't try to appeal to reason with them because they just won't care.

I can't see doctor's most recent posts, but I haven't blocked 25...yet. They are kinda' my board entourage now - just look at how many of their last 100 or so posts are dedicated to lil ol' me. ;) This whole thing reignited because I called out 25 for his hypocrisy in trolling me with made up misdemeanors after putting on such an ardent defense for his pedophile BFF. This was even after his bestie threw the meetup crew under the bus by implying that they were guilty of similar crimes, again proving that reason has little room for them.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Let's clear the air shit for brains, I haven't defended anyone, motherfucker, that;s purely an insinuation, that you keep repeating, over and over as your variation of the big lie, I refused to participate in your little shit festival, and met Vince 3 times over a 4 year period, you little pathetic pussy, why do you think hounding a man on a strip club website is the way to go? If you really wanted to protect some little girl why didn't you actually do something that might have worked, like calling law enforcement, you have no fucking answer, typical, you are as full of shit as you always are.
BTW as jester rightly pointed out, if the story is true and he wasn't just posting out of his ass, which happens here a lot, it was statutory rape, not pedophilia. Now shut the fuck up, or back up your big mouth with facts, not your usual keyboard bluster.
I am done with you I was addressing GMD !

Avatar for nicespice

Flag, you're overplaying your troll hand now. Take the satisfaction in what you've accomplished and move on, lol.

Avatar for rickdugan

^Well tx, in 25's very limited defense, if there is one to be had, I have maintained that it is not fair to assume guilt by association. But it does make you wonder what the hell was being said at those meetups that their BFF considered his pals lucky that the statute of limitation had passed for their crimes too...

But anyway, that's speculation. What we do know is that 25 is happy to troll me for having the audacity to negotiate with grown women, eagerly making up stories of drug addicts in support of his contentions, yet suddenly becomes a criminal defense lawyer after his BFF admits to sticking his dick in the mouth of a middle school child.

Avatar for doctorevil

GMD: " So basically, this boils down to an ad hominem attack on your part because you don’t have any actual facts to present, so you attack him instead of the argument."

So you have a problem with me suggesting that the Ricky Boy may be pedophile, which he may well be given his abnormal fixation on the subject (he is the one that continually brings it up), but you don't have a problem with Ricky Boy and his retarded little brother tittyfag calling me, 25, and others defenders of pedophilia because we didn't jump on his anti-VM bandwagon trying to get VM banned from the board? Ricky Boy is entitled to his opinions, as stupid as they may be, and they are usually pretty stupid, but he isn't entitled to force everyone else to adopt his opinions, and he and Dougster weren't entitled to relentlessly spam the board to try to force everyone else to join in their anti-VM crusade.

The bottom line is, I don't give a shit what VM said or didn't say. I don't know him, didn't know him, never met him, never talked to him, never PMed him. He said some stupid shit, but so have any number of posters on this board. I haven’t advocated and am not going to advocate banning anyone from this board. Refusing to join Dougster and the Douchebag’s anti-VM campaign doesn’t make me or anyone else a defender of pedophilia.

By the way, the anti-VM crusade, as I recall, started out with a stupid stolen valor accusation because VM made some stupid post about having served during Vietnam, then later said he served by protesting in the streets. I served a lot of years in the military, including multiple deployments, and I don’t give a shit what he said about serving, and it wasn’t stolen valor. It was stupid joke that fell flat, just like his sailboat story may well have been. I don’t know and I don’t care. I also happen to know that some of the others who didn’t join the anti-VM stolen valor crusade are vets also and didn’t give a shit about his stupid joke. I wonder how long Ricky Boy and the others that jumped on the stolen valor bandwagon served in the military, and how much combat time they have? When that didn’t gain any traction, they went through old posts and dug up this pedophilia claim, and then went crazy spamming the board over it to the point Founder had to ban Dougster, and they still don’t want to let it go. Their obsession with VM, first with the stolen valor claim and then the pedophilia thing is just plain weird. Remember the old Shakespeare line: “The lady doth protest too much.”

Whatever, you're entitled to you opinion, too. I don't have a beef with you, or anyone else on the board, except Ricky Boy, because he is an arrogant prick. But I do think it’s pretty funny that you are offended by an ad hominem against Ricky Boy, the number one initiator of ad hominems on this board.

And finally, yes, as others have pointed out, even if the sailboard story is true, it’s not pedophilia. It might be an indicator of hebephilia or ephebophilia, but it’s not that either unless VM’s primary interest was younger girls, and those who knew him said that didn’t appear to be the case. It might be statutory rape, but then again maybe not, depending on how old VM was at the time, where this occurred, and when. So by all means, let’s stick with the facts.

Avatar for doctorevil

The Douchebag: "dudes like doctor and 25 have nothing but time and are utterly shameless." So says the guy who wears a suit and pretends to be a chemical engineer to try and pick up crack whores. /app/discussion.php

The Douchebag: "I can't see doctor's most recent posts, but I haven't blocked 25...yet." Yeah, I'll bet. This is the guy that lurks offline so he can see my posts and then sends messages through a third-party like a teenage girl. /app/discussion.php That's assuming the third-party isn't just another one of his aliases, which it may well be.

Avatar for Icey

20fags trolling and Nicespice's manipulating of certain tricks and trolling are behind most of the "controversies" on here.

Avatar for CC99

Yeah the word pedophile is really overused. I've seen people get called pedophiles for being attracted to a 17 year old which is just silly. Also, many people forget that the age of consent in most states is actually 16, not 18.


Avatar for nicespice

“manipulating of certain tricks and trolling”

Oooh really? I don’t think that’s true, but I’m still flattered.

Avatar for Icey

You're the biggest troll on here. 20fag and the rest tell you shit then you repeat ad nauseum as "fact" and stir up drama. They're too stupid to see that coz they're happy you're a woman who talks to them without charging them for it.

Avatar for nicespice

So if I’m repeating things that 25 tells me ad nauseum...then wouldn’t that technically make me the one manipulated?

Avatar for Icey

No, you manipulate him to tell you his trollish bs then you blow it up.

Avatar for CC99

What? Icey that doesn't make any fucking sense.

Avatar for Icey

It makes sense. She listens to these losers' delusions and blows them out of proportion to create the drama she gets off on

Avatar for flagooner

^ "Ricky Boy may be pedophile, which he may well be given his abnormal fixation on the subject"

The TUSCL adaptation of "Whoever smelt it dealt it."

Avatar for doctorevil

“No, you manipulate him to tell you his trollish bs then you blow it up.” NiceSpice—I never realized how truly diabolical you—manipulating others to say what you want them to say then repeating what you manipulated them to say to make it appear like they originated it and not you. But what if they are manipulating you to make you manipulate them into saying what they manipulate you into manipulating them into saying? Or . . .

Avatar for rickdugan

Flag posted: "Ricky Boy may be pedophile, which he may well be given his abnormal fixation on the subject"

Right. Pedophile sympathizers and ambivalent sociopaths are the normal ones, while those who have a visceral reaction to the pedophiles and their defenders really just have closeted issues. Good luck selling that one. ;)

Maybe whoever wrote that could go to his/her next Lay Council meeting at the local church and float that same theory when they come to the Protecting Our Children agenda item come up for discussion. Or at the next PTA meeting - wouldn't he/she be a real hit there.

Only in a place like this could a bubble of comfort exist for a guy to admit child rape and then have a group of buddies continue to yuck it up with him and even defend him after the fact. Well, they can reap what they sow now, at least those who continue to troll with made up character issues after they went ahead and accepted the unacceptable and defended the indefensible,

Avatar for doctorevil

“Maybe whoever wrote that could go to his/her next Lay Council meeting at the local church and float that same theory.” Yeah, I bet Ricky Boy goes to church wearing the same three piece suit he wears to dive bars while lying to crack whores about being a chemical engineer because he thinks it will make it easier for him to fuck them (unbeknownst to his family at home asleep). /app/discussion.php Ricky Douchebag is the last person in the world who should be lecturing anyone on morality.

Avatar for MackTruck

Lol Icey. What were you smoking?

Avatar for Icey

Rick is right. I was shocked at some of the comments in VIP about underage girls...and we're not talking 17 year olds. We're talking old men bragging about fucking girls younger than their grand children and alluding to how basically if she menstruates she's game...

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