Say yes to the sex industry!
Comments by CC99 (page 47)
discussion comment
6 years ago
The mustache makes the man
Nobody in real life has ever really referred to me as bratty or anything along those lines. I've been accused of being too moralistic, too obsessive about certain topics, and that I can be argumentative. That just about covers it though.
It's not really thread jacking. Every successful thread will organically move to new topics if that's the direction it is heading in. By your definition, all of my threads get "threadjacked" but I've never cared if that happened. You have to let threads take a new direction if that's where it's heading in.
I've had a lot of people, not just SJG and IceyLoco tell me they think I make a lot of good threads. Sometimes it's good to bring a kid to the dinner party because they ask questions the adults haven't thought of before.
discussion comment
6 years ago
The mustache makes the man
You guys consider SJG unwanted and going against the community though. To me, he is one of my favorite members here. Yes he challenges me but I honestly find myself looking forward to the time of the day that he posts to see what he'll say. Sundays are kind of boring because I know he never posts on Sundays.
The hatred towards him on here is unwarranted. He has his own opinions and he sticks to them, but that's about it, the "troll" designation isn't accurate. And believe me, through PMs, I have experienced the fullest extent of his stubbornness, but I still like him. I doubt anyone here has PMed with SJG as much as I have. This forum really wouldn't be the same if he left.
SirLDK... Is just very annoying. There's a reason he is the first person here I have put on ignore.
discussion comment
6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Lol crazyjoe wtf?
discussion comment
6 years ago
^Deserves its own thread tbh.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Somewhere in MO.
^I really like a girl's legs, I think its the first thing I notice besides the face. With strippers, the legs are very important.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Somewhere in MO.
Yeah I can't help but fall for the doey eyes.
discussion comment
6 years ago
The mustache makes the man
Although the bad things to say about their customers thing happens occasionally, I've found that its not as common in the service industry as some people think it is. I think what happens is that a service worker (or sex worker) will complain about one specific customer and then people sort of take it to mean they just dislike all or most of their customers when its actually just venting about that one specific person.
discussion comment
6 years ago
The mustache makes the man
I'm not really a troll, but I have done some pranking before.
SirLDK is blocked by more people here than IceyLoco or SJG is because he's actually a real troll. All he does is harass unpopular members of the board by copying and pasting the same personal attacks to irritate you without addressing any of your actual points. There's no point in having a discussion with him. He one time said trolls with multiple accounts are amateurs and that the best trolls are those who pass themselves off as contributing members to the forum. That's pretty much what SirLDK does, he looks kind of like a contributing member but make no mistake about it, he's a troll.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
That bitterness wasn't there until people tried to break my fantasy and insist that reality was better. The bitterness is the result of feeling that they have something I don't. I haven't been to a strip club in a long time because I have a very large car payment related thing that I need to pay off first. But during the summer, and many people here have said they liked me a lot better when I first started posting than they liked me latter. The reason is because during the summer I was happy. I was seeing strippers every week, often times twice a week. I was getting lap dances every time, I would hang out with my favorite strippers for hours. For the time that I was in the strip club, I felt like I was in heaven. It may be an experience bought and paid for, but feeling my ATF sitting in my lap nuzzling her head into my neck was an amazing feeling. Being able to look forward to having that feeling again alone made life worth living.
When the fantasy was gone I wasn't happy anymore. I got bitter again because I was forced to participate in reality without a fantasy world to escape to. Towards the end of the summer I had almost completely gotten over my bitterness. What I've tried to tell you before is that allowing myself to have a safe, fantasy world to retreat to makes it easier for me to do better in reality. When I'm forced to constantly "face reality" though, I just become bitter, resentful, and withdraw from people as much as possible. When I have my fantasy world though, I don't feel like I'm missing out or that the frat guys and party girls have something I don't. I actually prefer the fantasy world of strip clubs over the party lifestyle frat guys live because it feels more intimate. Even if I did join a fraternity, and even if I did become a stud that all the girls suddenly wanted to fuck, I would still feel the stress of relentless peer pressure if I wanted to keep living that way. At all times, I would need to act in a way that they approve of. Being able to have fantasy girlfriends instead of real girlfriends allows me to feel independent of people's approval. I don't feel like my happiness is dependent on doing what they want me to do and that freedom is very liberating for me. If a girlfriend is going to be "real" then I want her to be a real girl who won't destroy that freedom for me. I don't want a girlfriend that is only dating me because I have high status and she wants to show off to her friends, I'd rather pay a girl and have it mostly just be between me and her than do that. So much of what a lot of the normal, popular people do in college is a show put on for other people. Even a lot of the "fun stuff," is just a show. The show is what I object to most.
I think I feel jealous that popular guys seem like they can have any girl they want, but my mom one time told me that she thinks I've always had the ability to attract girls and that I'm just doing something that is putting them off. In the end, I know what would probably get me laid a lot, but I'm discovering that the trade-offs that I would be required to make in order to be one of those guys is not worth it to me. I would probably become more bitter and resentful if I did go down that route because I would feel like no girl authentically likes me and all the guys were still douchebags who expect me to act a certain way to get their respect. I've seen some guys online who described being former loners who decided to just suck it up and become popular and they said it has actually increased their resentment for exactly this reason. Completely keeping my distance from that lifestyle is the healthy choice.
TL;RD: I'm not missing out on anything by choosing to participate in fantasy worlds instead of reality. In-fact, I have discovered it is the better choice for me. So please respect my decision to make that choice and stop insisting that I go out and be a normal college student.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Well it's not really about grasp on reality or not. I have a good grasp on reality actually and that's specifically why I'm choosing something else. I'm okay with the fact that I can't attract a gorgeous girl without paying her because I'm not looking for some sense of accomplishment out of this. I just want the sensual experience of being intimate with a girl that I think is adorable in a physical and mental sense. For that reason, the fantasy of being intimate with a girl like that is just as good as reality. It's actually better because I know that if I'm stubborn about insisting that it be real that I may never have that experience I'm looking for.
discussion comment
6 years ago
That's really sad. As long as you personally were good to her though you can take comfort that it had nothing to do with you. Some people are just destined to go down certain paths it seems.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Or when people are constantly trying to tell them reality is better. People love fantasy for a reason, just let people have their fantasies. If a fantasy makes them just as happy as reality then why is one better than the other?
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Well I guess I'm going to be waiting for a long time then. But when I do meet her, she's going to be very special though.
In the meantime though, I can be perfectly happy with pure fantasy. I've spent most of my life in fantasy worlds, whether through TV, video games, or books. Fantasy is what feels familiar to me. Even a fantasy of real life. It's what I'm used to, I am perfectly happy getting to experience a simulation that is realer than real. I have a very vivid and active imagination that is good at filling in the holes.
I know that the world of fantasy holds a better life for me than most of reality does and I've accepted that. But you know, it's kind of a buzzkill when you're constantly going around trying to remind people that their fantasy is fake. It's not the fact that it's a fantasy that makes people dissatisfied it's when other people are constantly trying to break their fantasy and remind them that it's fake or not the real thing. If you really want to help people, stop trying to ruin their fantasy, help them improve it and make it feel more real even if it isn't.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Why is it so important to you that I act like the kind of guy you think I should be acting like?
discussion comment
6 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Pretty ironic name I will say but I'm not sure if it actually means anything.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
I think you've got me confused with pistola.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Lol @Subraman
Never actually met a stripper named this, but I think mocha would be a perfect stripper name.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Anywhere there are Titties.
Yeah some guys say they don't like it but I like when a girl has glitter and a bit of a paint up around her eyes. Not too much of course, but glitter in particular makes them look very girly and cute.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Anywhere there are Titties.
Facial beauty is incredibly important in my opinion. It makes kissing a girl much better when she has a gorgeous cute face.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Anywhere there are Titties.
Flagooner why you gotta go spilling our secrets to the rest of TUSCL? I was trying to protect you.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
What do you mean by looking for the lowest common denominators?
discussion comment
6 years ago
Anywhere there are Titties.
I'm not sure actually. I've never had a blowjob that really blew me away. They have all just kind of been okay.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Girls look for different things depending on what their culture raised them to look for in a guy.
Its almost entirely unsuccessful guys and other women who are the ones telling some women to lower their standards. Probably because a lot of girls' have extremely high standards. I think you have really high standards when you feel like you have to meet in a certain way or it isn't romantic enough.
I make the effort when I'm already in a relationship. Once I'm in one, I'm great at listening to people, I am very affectionate to girls, I constantly think of things that would make them happy. If I was in a relationship I would constantly be thinking about vacations we could take together, dates to go on, gifts to buy, all sorts of stuff. I would be extremely good at being a boyfriend, but my seduction skills are absolutely abysmal. Unless I find a girl ready to overlook that, I have no chance. There are girls who will overlook that but so far all the girls I've met who would have already had boyfriends or weren't looking for one.
discussion comment
6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
The most pathetic of all are men who's self-esteem is so tied up in their sexual success with women that they feel the need to constantly brag about it and criticize guys who aren't successful, choose to pay girls, or whatever.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
"Why should they sacrifice who they are?"
Why should I sacrifice who I am?
Its always the man who's expected to make the sacrifice in every situation. Whenever a woman can't get a boyfriend people tell her to never settle and that she deserves her George Clooney or whatever. If a guy can't get a girl he's expected to lower his standards until he can. No matter how low those standards might have been to begin with. Now I'm willing to make sacrifices in some situations but I just can't on this one, its too important. My standards really aren't that unreasonable. All I ask for is this...
- Decent looking girl 5+ in looks.
- Accepts me for who I am and looks past my shyness.
- Sweet, empathetic, and nurturing.
- Has a cute personality.
That's it, that's literally all I ask for. A year ago, all I asked for was for a girl to be 4+ looking, make her affections obvious, and not be a bitch. All the other stuff came recently. If a guy who's looks are a 6 on most days, 7 on good days, from a high income family, who has a very gentle and disarming personality in real life can't find a girl willing to meet those standards then there's something broken about the majority of females' standards and I'm not going to participate in a system that is rigged against me because I'm male. I'm not the only guy who's decided to opt out. Guys are opting out in droves now and the number of guys opting out of the system is growing all the time. Society is going to have to address this eventually or we won't be able to reproduce. As for me, I'm fine with spending the next year or even three-four years relying on hookers and 2D girls to keep me happy and sane. If nothing has changed by then, maybe I'll consider moving to another country and seeing if things are better elsewhere.