What if gravity stipped working?

avatar for Chilli_Powdurr
Would I fall off the earth and get abducted by aliens?


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There is not an alien ignorant enough to attempt such a feat.
so, as part of the question does gravity just no longer exist for the whole universe, or just for earth, or just for you? I think we'd probably all freeze to death, but maybe we would just float off the earth, it's spinning at basically 25,000 mph, we'd basically be on a big merry go round. but no gravity in the solar system means the earth would just continue traveling on it's path and not wrap back around the sun, the sun wouldn't be holding all it's hydrogen together, so it would all just fly apart, so freezing to death seems likely, but i'm not totally sure.
Indeed, what would happen if gravity stripped naked?
Tits would no longer sag.
Chilli_Powdurr, don’t listen to Nidan111. I’m sure there is an anal probe in your future, regardless of whether or not gravity continues to function.

But a more brilliant question is “how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood - and then gravity stopped working?” ;)
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
I’ve always been a big fan of gravity;)
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
Gravity keeps me grounded
Next time you wacked one off you'd get to the moon. See ya
Myntits mightnfloat away
This would be a neat trick
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
(1) Breast implants (to achieve that look that defies gravity) would no longer be necessary for the older babes.

(2) I could finally win the men's Olympic high jump.

(3) It would provide an immediate solution to global warming. In fact that fusion reactor in the sky would extinguish, and we would freeze to death pretty quickly.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
I think it best to message John Mayer and ask him.
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