
Comments by wiffle shwaffle (page 17)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    Staxxx Cabaret is Arety’s Angels again?
    Unfortunately, I don't have any other information. The day before it shut down, one of the last messages in the group chat from the manager of when it was Staxxx said they were having the city come out to inspect the new pipes and a few other additions. Then the next day, last Wednesday, the staff told the girls to go clean out their lockers and go to Babes. Everyone was confused and nobody had any answers - only to go to Babes to work instead. A Facebook friend of mine was the old dj for Arety's and Staxxx and now seems to be the manager of the "new" Arety's now. It appears Arety's daughter has returned to bartending here and any of the staff that was here as "Staxxx" is now at Babes.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Off Day
    The manager that hired me ended up getting fired for stealing. I want to come back here to work as it's a much cleaner environment than LS, but I have no idea who to contact about going on schedule now. I keep hearing from my friends in that area that FC girls are... not currently up to par in appearances and performances.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Super Bowl
    Miami is going to be ridiculously oversaturated this weekend. Nicespice, if you go back through Pensacola to work, PM me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Where the hell is the money ?
    It's slow EVERYWHERE. I'm in several private Facebook groups with dancers from all over the US and two global groups. Literally everyone is complaining about their clubs being slow and business being bad. It doesn't help in the immediate moment and creditors and landlords don't care about business being slow, but know it isn't just you.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    After Japanese dudes get kicked out, then the fun began
    I love your writing style, but you ought to veer away from offering up entertainer names. Leave those to PMs for safety and privacy reasons.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I got a sweet tooth, might have a cavity.
    Someone just doesn't like being called out on being a forceful piece of trash. But whatever. 🤷
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Apparently none of you are ideal customers.
    It's complicated, but believe it or not, I, a stripper, didn't do anything wrong legally speaking. I don't want to put it all here because it's personal and completely off topic. But I did nothing wrong, yet the DMV made a big oopsie.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Dark clouds
    VIPs are definitely a thing of the past. The city won't let a club operate with curtains up. Tycoons had been given warnings to shut their extras down and refused. They closed late December and none of this is new news. I suggest reading the City Cabaret Ordinance over writing a stupid opinionated article.. It is all in the ordinance.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Apparently none of you are ideal customers.
    Plus I'm in a bad mood because the State of Florida decided to screw me over on my birthday weekend. So, again, super sorry.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Apparently none of you are ideal customers.
    Well, you tagged me. So it seemed targeted. I apologise.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Apparently none of you are ideal customers.
    I'm concealing my identity on purpose. Not all of us thots want to be out there openly or posting public photos. Everyone has their flavor. Clearly, I'm not yours. It's a mutual feeling, so no loss to me. ^_^
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Apparently none of you are ideal customers.
    Nobody from TUSCL is going out of their way to meet a dancer from the site only to not spend any money or buy one dance. I think the least I ever got from anybody from TUSCL or TwoSheds (RIP) was like $100. And many turned into repeat customers, too.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Stripper Notes
    I know a customer who does this and he keeps eerily detailed notes (amount spent, for how long, what was talked about). He tries to find Facebooks and Instagrams of the girls to add those to the contact info as well as a photo of the girl from Facebook. Another dancer said she accidentally snooped when he asked her to put her number in his phone. She told me my contact info was at the top (he had texted me earlier that day) and he had my real government first and last name as well as my current Facebook profile photo stored. It creeped me the fuck out and I refuse to talk to him and blocked his number and all of his profiles (we were never Facebook friends and I never gave him my real government name). Basically, if you guys keep notes like that, don't be creepy or weird about it. There's no reason needing that much info about an entertainer.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I got a sweet tooth, might have a cavity.
    Whatever you need to do or say to save face, dude. 😂
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    I am a lucky boy
    "maybe you and OG nicespice should go on a TUSCL USA tour or something." I would actually love that honestly. I have nothing going on for me right now other than working and paying bills. My birthday is this weekend and I am planning to make a surprise appearance in Pensacola. I'm also planning on finding my way to Pittsburgh for a week or so to join one of my favorite dancer friends from Legends Detroit. There's a new Facebook group I need to find that's basically like couch surfing/Airbnb for dancers with other dancers. I've only heard about it. That group would be handy in a country wide tour.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I got a sweet tooth, might have a cavity.
    "Tried to use too much hands at one point. I grabbed them both and held them so she couldn’t use em. She needed to earn it right. " Nice to know you physically force women. You know you could have... oh, I don't know... Explained to her what you wanted rather than force her not to use her hands?! We're people, just like you. Shame on you for for being a degrading misogynist. And yeah, story structure using readable paragraphs and grammar would have been your friend.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    I am a lucky boy
    I missed seeing Nice Spice?! 😭 If you end up working there next month, let me know and I'll come back and work with you! Ft. Walton Beach is better than Pensacola, btw.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    A Winter Layover
    I work here and there is no way for you to see us coming in. We have a separate entrance. So, that part is made up at least.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Layover at Flight Club
    You should read my discussion post about working here and why prices are so high. It would help you understand a lot. The DJ rotates girls because that's how the stage rotation works. If we don't do it, we're fined about $100.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Tip Out Rates and Fees
    Fuck. Stupid voice to text. Anyway, everyone is taken to the local police department for cabaret licenses. Dancers pay $22 which covers their background check, while the club fronts money for the rest of the fees that go toward the license. unfortunately, that's all I could get out of the house Mom regarding the licenses and how they are obtained. for any dancer who's interested in this club, this is still a better bargain than what you would get working within the city limits of Detroit. Any club within the city limits is supposedly a strict non extras club and the permits cost almost $170 (including all fees) for the entire year and expires on your next birth date. $22 vs $170: your choice. I have one more night left at this club for now. If anyone else has any other questions, let me know; and if it is something I can't answer I will try to find the answer during my Saturday night there.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Tip Out Rates and Fees
    So, after night #2: There are more than 4 VIP enclosures. I believe there are seven free ones and the largest is still $20. Tonight, I went in the largest roo. There's a full length pleather couch. Honestly, that's all that's more special about it than normal size rooms with bench seats. The club was REALLY busy between 6:30pm-8pm. I got to meet Jackslash for a moment before I got pulled away. He's kind of adorable, seriously. I asked the house mom more about the Romulus permits. She said she's worked there for nine years and had only ever experienced one raid in that time (I don't know her shifts or schedule though). Basically, girls have to sign up in the locker room to report to the club around noon every Wednesday. Then (from what I gathered) everyone is taken to the local P.D. for caberet
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Tip Out Rates and Fees
    The customer pays for that room. And the customer tips the bouncer. It doesn't have to be a big sum. Even $5 or $10.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Deleting comments and Discussions
    ^^I concur. I used voice to text way too often on here and don't catch many mistakes until after. My fault for being in a hurry, I know. But still...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Tip Out Rates and Fees
    Also, not every girl does extras here. A regular customer told me it's pretty divided over extras and non extras girls. I was able to do two dances with that same customer. The VIP bouncer does keep track of song counts, too. So if a dancer or a customer have a disagreement on song count, the bouncer knows how many.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Tip Out Rates and Fees
    There wasn't any. The fabled "unionizing" for service prices doesn't exist and never will exist. There is always going to be one or two girls who would fuck it up and undercut everyone else. Girls were very open about talking about their own personal prices or what customers wanted, but nobody within earshot was arguing against prices or claiming anybody was being "cheap". There is a group here but I know from Legends. After Legends remove here curtains, that group stayed behind and did extras until the city shut the extras down there. I know that group, two years ago, was instructed by their "pimp" 2 never dip below $200 for anything. I don't know if they're abiding by that at LS or not. Girls also don't openly go and ask each other what each other is charging for things. That's how a dancer would get her ass beat. "Jezebel" might claim in the locker room that she sold full service for $500 someone, but in reality it was more like $300. Situations like that happen when a girl doesn't want to be seen as cheap or undercutting others, especially if other girls are claiming they're selling the same services for $500 or whatever other prices. If "Coco" hears girls are doing BJs for $250, but she did it for $150, of course she's going to say she's sold it for the same amount as everyone else (assuming she's the type to share that information openly with other dancers). I never believe when someone says they sold a service for certain amount or they made a certain amount of money in one night - especially if they openly volunteer the information to everyone around.