
Comments by SirLapdancealot (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    A strip club saved my life....
    "My 5 year relationship ended... ...But then came the lies. She started fucking other guys for coke. And she ended up with a broke ass bum wannabe pimp junkie. She called me controlling and obsessive for finding everything out and wanting her to come back to me. When I found out she denied everything. Now 4 months later she still denies it. She pretends to have this perfect life on imstagram. Showing off designer shit I gave her. Pretending like they're in love. When he sells her pussy so they can get high." ^^^Iceydodo post 6/24/21 "What I'll never understand is trucks who think they're somehow special or exclusive to a hooker. They're on as many sites as possible. And take vegas for example. The same girls working in the club or on apps are the same ones walking the strip. It's the tricks who are delusional" ^^^Iceydodo post 1/16/23 šŸ¤­šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
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    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Ignore, Attack or Leave ???
    Fun fact: Whenever Iceydodo creates an ALL CAPS troll thread, she's feeling especially miserable in her personal life and trolling TUSCL is the only way she can feel better. @Warrior I will likely keep trolling Iceydodo back as long as she's going to continue to be a troll. Also there is hope. She's downward spiraling worse into her drug addiction(s). She can no longer type coherently with her misspellings and she is limited to short and basic sentences. We are literally witnessing the deterioration of her mind as she becomes a bigger and bigger junkie. Her health is also deteriorating with her needing a respirator at her age. And ultimately IMO she's going to hit rock bottom and that's when her posting will stop. So have hope that this is soon. Until then, I'll say it again... The point of Iceydodo's existence here is to elevate herself above others. She does this through straight up bragging, aggrandizing and embellishing debacles with stripper whores, denigrating others that pay sex workers, and passive aggressively playing the victim of trolling. Just look at any thread that she posts in and the examples supporting this are numerous. It's predictable. And the core reason she's doing this is because of her own inner guilt and self loathing of using and abusing desperate junkie stripper whores. Deep down she knows this but she doesn't want to face it. So what does she do? She finds targets to blame for their faults and again elevate herself above them. And somehow through this she feels better about her pathetic self. Again it's evident in nearly all her posts and the pattern is there in every thread.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Open letter to founder
    "There will never be a blocking option. If you post something on a public forum then the public should be able to read it." @founder thanks for this and keeping TUSCL an unmoderated and free forum. I agree with everything 100% and that ignore is all anyone needs to shut out a troll.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Iceydodo so what you're saying is that you like trolling your trolls. Which makes you a bonafide troll, dumbass.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Iceydodo you should create another thread. Three troll threads are clearly not autistic enough. Nor do they prove you're not butthurt enough. šŸ¤­šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    @Vicfl a few days after this one goes away, Iceydodo will create another ALL CAPS troll thread. It's what she does. She loves to see posts like yours because it gives her attention. Of course she'll claim to be a victim of trolling in the process because that's all part and parcel of what she does here. She likes feeling superior to PLs. šŸ¤·
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    @Moneyman she doesn't like extras simply because as a (cosplay) pimp, she gets cut out of the action. Extras stripper whores can pocket all the cash without a pimp knowing. Also they can give a cut to the club. Either way, the pimp loses out. This is the only reason she's against extras.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    LMFAO the bigger question is...will the obviously easily triggered troll create yet another troll thread only to claim she's not a troll?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    A real local yokel club
    "Nope just stating the obvious" ^^^Me too. You love gloating here. It's so obvious.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    A real local yokel club
    I was in NY visiting an old family friend and it was at the time I only knew of gentleman's clubs. He takes me to his normal haunt which is the absolute most ghetto strip club that I have ever been to. Not one stripper was above a 6. Some had bad teeth like meth heads. Many were out of shape. Cornrows everywhere. And every one of them gave the stripper handshake introduction. The customers were also local looking. Wife beater tee shirts on some. Gold chains and sneakers. Track suits. The ones getting open table dances were getting grinded on two way LDK style. When I saw that I knew the private areas would allow anything. And the club itself was a mess. Everything worn out and permanently dirty looking. Anyway we get a table and my buddy gets table dances with a 4 and since he's preoccupied I get hounded by just about every available stripper there. My buddy knew I wasn't into it so we left after he got a handful of dances. It was an interesting visit and I definitely experienced NYC ghetto clubbing that night.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    A real local yokel club
    Yeah @Iceydodo it's just like you gloating about paying a lot of money and drugs to get a ratchet coke junkie stripper whore like you're better than most TUSCL PLs that pay a lot less than you for better pussy. Yet you're here around them... šŸ¤­šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    20fags vegas meetup
    @drew you have to remember that Iceydodo is incapable of acknowledging her own trolling. She truly doesn't think she's a troll. Her mind is stunted and cannot conceive of this as being the reason she's trolled by others. Which is why she's a dumbass.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    20fags vegas meetup
    If this thread goes on long enough, twentyfive and Iceydodo might become married by common law.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    ^^^projection from an unbeknownst dumbass troll
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    "Now repeat yourself again" Post 1 - Rick claims his daughters are hot. And I'm sure he grooms them to be like the non hooker he pays for sex Post 2 - But can you imagine Rick grooming his daughters to be like the hookers he likes Post 3 - Rick's daughter has bad teeth so wtavhout for that bj. But he's grooming her to expect to marry a man like him Post 4 - Rick do you want your daughters to marry men like you? Will you explain to them its okay and they can still be loved even if he cheats on them with hookers. That it's no impediment to a happy marriage Post 5 - do you want your daughters to marry men like you? Will you explain to them its okay and they can still be loved even if he cheats on them with hookers. That it's no impediment to a happy marriage Post 6 - So I take it you don't want yoir daughters with a man like you in a marriage like yours Post 7 - Rick. You mean I shouldn't talk about the real life situation you force on your lids. That you cheat on their mom with hookers and pretend it's a happy marriage. Of course you don't wish them a marriage like yours nor men like you Post 8 - Rick you cheat kn your wife with hookers. Deprive your family of time and money. And you know damn well you don't want your daughters marrying someone like you Post 9 - Do you want your daughters to be like the girls you coerce to fuck you for money? If they're ever short on rent will you tell them to prostitut Post 10 - Rick you pull yoir family into it. You pretend to be a family man while gloating about the desperate hookers you coerce to fuck you. Do you want your daughters to be like the women you Pay to fuck or for their husband's to be like you? ^^^clearly there's an autistic troll repeating herself in here. And this isn't even all of her repetitious posts šŸ¤­šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    20fags vegas meetup
    Let me get this straight. Iceydodo has filed legal documents to serve 'twentyfive'. Ok but don't the documents need an actual person's name? And how will the server know who 'twentyfive' is? Is Iceydodo supposed to be there and point him out once the meet up starts? Yeah, not buying this. Iceydodo is bluffing. @twentyfive and @founder please show up!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    20fags vegas meetup
    @twentyfive and @founder please show up!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Iceydodo couldn't even keep a desperate coke junkie stripper whore and she's judgemental of someone else's family life?!?! There is much irony here.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Stripper Interviews on YouTube
    ^^^go watch some of them
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    20fags vegas meetup
    All day, every day. Live on TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Stripper Interviews on YouTube
    There's some interviews on that channel that give good insight on pimps and "boyfriends" too. How manipulative and abusive they are. Shows their real side rather than the embellished version by TUSCL's resident cosplay pimp.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    20fags vegas meetup
    It would be typical of Iceydodo to create a call out troll thread like this and then not show up herself. Maybe @founder could show up too. @twentyfive maybe you can parlay this into a meet up with founder? When Iceydodo doesn't show up then you guys can go to a club? šŸ¤·
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Extras in Fargo, ND
    ^^^Sorry wtf wrong thread. My bad.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Extras in Fargo, ND
    It would be typical of Iceydodo to create a call out troll thread like this and then not show up herself. Maybe @founder could show up too. @twentyfive maybe you can parlay this into a meet up with founder? When Iceydodo doesn't show up then you guys can go to a club? šŸ¤·