Knight of the Round Table Dance
Comments by SirLapdancealot (page 198)
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
@twentyfive and @Ishmael and if you can take the leap of faith and see IceyDodo as the actual person as her persona, it's actually more pathetic than being an impersonating troll. Think about it...
The only way he can get a relationship is through paying and giving drugs to stripper whores. He can't even conceive of how to go about having a true relationship with a civie woman and pursue a stripper whore through those methods. His "methods" require so many things that are already a part of being a PL/trick and the business of stripping, including the shady parts, that he doesn't even know anything different.
For example he has equated giving a stripper whore money to get her nails done as something common to what normal guys do with a civie girl. I don't know about anyone else but I've had a few hot girlfriends and my wife is hot but I've never doled out money for them to do anything like that. He thinks this is normal. Most normal BF-GF relationships aren't based on doling out cash and drugs.
Then he's been saying to be dominant over them because that's what women want. That's so untrue from a universal standpoint. A lot of civie women just want a balanced relationship and sure maybe in bed they like to be submissive but not always.
Imagine all the things he recommends doing to be tried on civie girls, including strippers that want a civie relationship - they would fail in epic proportions.
And he doesn't even realize any of this. It's sad and pathetic.
So whether a troll persona or real person with the personality of said persona, she's a pathetic one.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I love golf too, skibum. LOL my boss calls it a colossal waste of time.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
The only time I've ever high fived another TUSCLer is if they had a great time LDKing with a hot stripper. It's because I can relate to it.
And putting down folks for doing things with strippers that one doesn't do themself is just trolling, pure and simple. This is what I see IceyDodo do much more than anyone with the exception of san_jose_creep.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
And I get a kick out of using one's own "logic" and posts to highlight their own illogic. It cracks me up.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
LOL I'm just commenting on her delivery and embellishments moreso than the validity of them. And it's based on the premise of being "true" only for purposes of highlighting the blatant contradictions.
For example she says she's not paying for GFE but yet she admits to paying stripper whores both money and drugs. Whether or not she actually is doing this IRL is less of my point than her actual statements being contradictory.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Rhode Island
The drip that keeps on drippin'
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
It's hilarious that IceyDodo can't just state the things she does with stripper whores without making a point to contrast herself with how she assumes others would do it.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
like I said nobody is high fiving anyone except IceyDodo high fiving herself for getting GFE from a stripper whore and pretending it's the same thing as a civie relationship rotflmao
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
"You high five each other when one of you pays a hooker to fuck them and brags about it, but attack me and troll me when I actually cuff a stripper hoe LMFAO"
^ LMFAO another example. I've never high fived anyone here for paying a hooker to fuck them. And I don't read many posts by others doing that as well
But for sure I read many posts by IceyDodo that are brag posts about GFE from stripper whores and at the same time telling others doing the same thing they are being tricks.
Which is all why she's a hypocritical trick bitch.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
@Subra It's hilarious that IceyDodo can't just state the things she does with stripper whores without making a point to contrast herself with how she assumes others would do it. For example she posted this:
"But even picking up strippers from clubs in Vegas is pretty easy. Its not what a lot of guys make it out to be."
Note the phrase "Its not what a lot of guys make it out to be."
^ LMFAO who has made any statement besides herself that guys think it is hard to get GFE from a Vegas stripper whore? Answer: Nobody except IceyDodo!
Another example:
"Its a much better accomplishment than what you guys brag about....... scoring with hookers ROTFLMFAO"
^ LMAO I don't read many brag posts besides this one regarding scoring with a hooker.
IceyDodo clearly needs to contrast herself as much as possible from a trick. LMFAO it's as if she wants to stay in a fantasy that she's not.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
high key trick bitching lmfao
discussion comment
6 years ago
Unlike san_jose_creep we aren't using preaching on TUSCL as a defense mechanism.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
LMFAO IceyDodo can't fathom his own delusion that he's not P4P but yet he's posted all this about "dating" stripper whores (LULZ!):
"I don't mind spending money in the club."
"If I fuck a stripper...... "
"I offer to pay the house fee, tip out and fine for leaving early) and smoke some weed."
"I don't mind doing normal things like giving her weed, alcohol if she can't buy it, or some money to get her eyebrows or nails done... a bill here and there..."
"Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke."
"Don't care where I met her and have no problem spending the money, its not an issue."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$. You'd think she'd want to push it. And at this stage while I know itll hurt in the long run, Id be down with it. She knows I'll spend it on her.It was pretty much like we were living in a hip hop video...materialistically, it was there for her. Designer shoes, bags, clothes, the best weed, expensive restaurants. She grew up poor and likes fast money..."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"... I'd even be fine with it just being about money if she just stays and acts normal."
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Your point is so painfully obvious it doesn't need to be pointed out. It's referred to as common sense.
Besides the fact that you are still paying your stripper whore for GFE and are delusional that she's "going for" you other than providing a service.
If you can't get a real civie girl just as hot doing the same EXACT things as you do to get a stripper whore just as hot, then you're just an RIL trick bitch to the stripper whore in denial.
LMFAO all the things you preach about "dating" stripper whores are either painfully obvious or simply part of the P4P business.
And you still don't see your own delusions.
(And you still pretend to ignore me. ROFLMFAO!)
discussion comment
6 years ago
I don't see it as an idea of paying for it. I pay for the full contact lapdance and whether or not I LDK is my business and so to me it's free.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Off again on again PL
Introduce yourself when she dances in front of you and then simply ask her where she is from or what is her ethnicity.
discussion comment
6 years ago
What if she has no idea you LDKed?
discussion comment
6 years ago
If a stripper strokes your cock OTP and makes you LDK during a dance is it an extra or full contact?
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Look good physically and she just might find you physically attractive.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
LMFAO and convince yourself that the money you give a stripper whore is not the same thing as the money a trick gives a stripper whore.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Wow that's deep. Go for girls that tend to like you and they just might like you. Find a girl you can connect with and you may be able to connect with her. Who woulda thunk?
discussion comment
6 years ago
Not everyone wants real sexual intimacy when they get dances, san_jose_creep.
For some it's not a substitute for anything. It's exactly what they just want.
But you're incapable of comprehending this.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
^ yeah and to get maximum ego boost from a stripper whore to do this for you, you need to pay in money AND drugs according to this thread.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
"Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke."