avatar for Rickberge
Atl to NC

Comments by Rickberge

review comment
2 years ago
avatar for MrUnlaced
Good time at wax
Good update. Haven't been to this club since 2020.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Rickberge
Atl to NC
Back on the scene!
@thacoolguy yea Follies was the shit. Very good variety. Sometimes I'm in the mood for thick, chocolate sistas or I may be in the mood for some thick white dancers. And Follies never disappointed... Vivide has the potential. Not counting them out because I've only been there once. I'll see how it goes next time. I've been to Blaze but from my experience it's more of a OTC club. VIP is not that private.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Mr_Magnificent
Little Havana
Good review. Haven't been to club scene in over 2years but now that I'm back traveling I might check this club out. Around what time did you go? I'll be done with meetings around 4 just trying to see if I can get good value between like 5-7pm on the weekdays.
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for smoove1881
Good Time as Usual
Thanks for the detail. Did she offer FS in the VIP? You can DM me if you don't want to explain it here. I will be up that way in a couple of weeks.
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for MrUnlaced
It’s 100% worth it
Did she offer just a BJ? Bout to be in town in a couple of weeks. You can DM me if you don't want to explain the details.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for nickifree
Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.
@PC I understand your point and how you may feel that there is no Racism in America but come on man. Maybe not to you because you dont or wont experience it but it's there. But I do agree that people get racism and prejudice mixed up. We are doing better with racism (systematic approach to keep one from striving based off of color and culture) but it's not 100% gone.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for nickifree
Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.
@PC we are not talking about the black community and crime going on in their community right now. We are talking about police brutality on blacks. Like I said, people always bring this up to change the narrative. And as you may know there is "white on white" crime as there is any other type of crime. Crime happens according to proximity. So yes a black community will have crime within their community just like a white community. Also, there are programs and people addressing this issue. You may not see it because either (A) you dont live in the black community and (B) the efforts are not portrayed on TV. But trust me, it is happening.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for WavvyCain
Degenerate gambler and virgin
While the fake racist online veterans are mad, hear it from a real one 😎
@breh yea preciate it. We're all grown man here so we should be able to have a "man to man" or adult conversation about human rights issues. Its challenging if people are set in their ways though. But like I've said before, I respect that, if that's their position. @mark yes there's always the "black on black" crime narrative which is no different than "white on white" crime. Its more about proximity and income. So yes the black people know this as an issue (trust me there is alot going on in the black community to address this, but it's not put on main stream media) but we expect more from our police. There should never be "bad" apples in the police force as there should be no "bad" apples in flying airplanes. Some professions are just designed that way.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for nickifree
Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.
Lol the Black on Black crime argument. The go to move for every person that dont want to discuss police brutality among blacks.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for WavvyCain
Degenerate gambler and virgin
While the fake racist online veterans are mad, hear it from a real one 😎
So based on your post and your stats (not saying it's not true but would need a source) that blacks are treated the same when it comes to dealings with the police? That may be the case coming from your upbringing or your community but it is different in the black community...I'm not trying to have a dick swinging contest on who has it worst or whatever but the overall message is that police brutality is major issue in this country & it's time for some things to change for the better.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for WavvyCain
Degenerate gambler and virgin
While the fake racist online veterans are mad, hear it from a real one 😎
We all have our natural biases and I respect that. There's white culture, black culture,etc... It's very challenging for a black man to fully understand white culture and vice-versa. What black people are asking and bringing to attention is the human rights issue that blacks are not treated the same when it comes to police brutality. We dont expect change over night but more so to put yourself in the black community shoes....Can you honestly say that blacks are treated the same as whites when it comes to dealings with the police?
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Kap kneeling wasnt intended for the average white man to get on board. He knows that people will always have their opinion on how they believe the world (or America)should be. It was more geared towards people of influence who can pass laws and policy to assist in the miss treatment of black people in regard to police brutality. The people (who are set in their ways) that did not want to hear the message, turned the issue into the "flag".
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
@ brehnamedwavey yep. It's sad that some people will not like you solely on the color of your skin.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
@Muddy I respectfully disagree. A lot of young people are seeing this as a human rights issue in where blacks are treated differently especially when it comes to interactions with the police. They white kids may and will never know what it means and how it feels to be black in America, but they do have a sense that blacks are treated differently in certain situations (police brutality).
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Like I said. People over 35 are set in their ways and views of certain aspects and I respect that. Hopefully the younger generation can get this right.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
@PC Drew Brees is not your typical white male over the age of 35. He is the quarterback of a NFL team and a leauge that is 70% black. He has black teammates that during this time, do not want to hear your opinion on the flag... so this is all relative. He can have his opinion but dont be surprised from the backlash during this time.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Smh...the Flag means different things to different people. I respect Drew Bree's opinion on what the flag means to him. But he's smarter than that to answer that question at a time like this. In his defense he had the same stance back when this issue was first brought up. This was just a case of bad timing, I'm not sure if he still understands why Kap was protesting or even why his teammates are upset.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Absurd martyrdom of George Floyd
@mrorange I get what your are saying. But why even bring up his pass? Nobody is making him out to be a saint. The media brought his character into question. Black people deserve the right to be treated the same when they are arrested. This incident was just the tipping point in where we seen a man's life pass way right in front of our eyes. The protest are not just about George Floyd but about police brutality among blacks. The media always try to change the narrative, and one way to do that is to bring up the person's character which shouldn't even be an issue.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Absurd martyrdom of George Floyd
Anytime a black person dies by the hands of the police, people always try to rationalize the death by bringing up the person's past...smh. The issue is not about the person's past but about EVERYONE having equal rights and protection from police brutality.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Now Drew Brees is getting shit for standing up for our country
Young white people are starting to see that blacks lives are different than theirs in the sense that "we (blacks and whites)" are not always equal. It's one of those things in where, "if it doesnt happen to me then I dont really care"... Young folks are starting to see it now. They may not fully understand it yet but I think we (as a country) are moving in the right direction to where we can start to get some serious dialogue on racism and prejudice in this country. And like I said, people (or most) over 35 will not be equipped to have this conversation because they're set in their ways. Which I respect. And we are not talking about the black community and their failure to strive. That's a WHOLE nother conversation that can get real deep. But I'm talking specifically on how blacks are treated by the police. Young white people are seeing that something is really wrong.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Now Drew Brees is getting shit for standing up for our country
Damn its 2020 and some people still dont get it. I'm glad that young white people are starting to have empathy for how blacks are treated. Maybe things will change in the future. Anybody over 35 is not going to change their ways, and I respect that.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for Ironranger2009
To Hell with Pep boys.
What about parking in the Planet Fitness Parking lot?... if I go workout first, then just walk to follies, will my car get towed?
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for packin
Another enjoyable visit
Dang so VIP is back? I'm hearing mixed reviews on this.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
OK Time
I got an idea of who the older chick was lol... if it is the same one she doesn't mind doing VIP either with extras.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Newtothislife
I think shes mad
I'm thankful for this site. It never fails to remind me how stupid we look when we try to rationalize a stripper's behavior.