While the fake racist online veterans are mad, hear it from a real one 😎

avatar for WavvyCain


last comment
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Who produced and posted this video ? The veteran’s viewpoint may be “real”, but somebody put a lot of professional effort into using his viewpoint to help their agenda.

Your subject line indicates that you believe anyone who disagrees with this Public Relations effort is not a genuine veteran, and racist to boot. That’s similar to Joe Biden declaring that anyone who doesn’t support him “ ain’t black”.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Either think my way or you’re a racist. Got it. Great intellectual argument.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Well when y’all stop changing the narrative and making it more about the flag than about injustice against black people then I’ll shut up. What’s your view on injustice? I never hear u guys mention it, only the flag. I’d like to hear y’all views?
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
I’m against any injustice perpetrated against any person regardless of the person‘a race, color, creed, national origin, sex, or sexual orientation. So, I am I still a racist?
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
When you take a knee t a ceremony specifically designed to honor the flag (facing flag, hand on heart, etc.) you naturally set yourself up for that assumption. All the mental gymnastics and rationalizations in the world won't change the prima facie appearance issue. If they had taken a knee in protest in front of the local police station we wouldn't be having this discussion.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
All individuals deserve fair and equal treatment. All individuals should be treated with respect and dignity. All individuals should be held accountable for their actions. That’s justice.

Choke a civilian. You should be held accountable. Burn a building. Accountable. Looting. Accountable.

Group guilt is the very definition of racism. The concept of white privilege is racist. Declaring that anyone who disagrees with you is a racist Is, in itself, a racist statement. And dumb.

Want to protest by kneeling ? Fine, no problem. Good for you, even if I disagree with your viewpoint. Want to kneel during the national anthem ? Fine. Don’t expect me to agree with you. I might even use my freedom of speech to disagree with you. I might boo. I might turn the TV off. I might boycott the NFL. That’s justice.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
If Fantasy sports didn't exist, pro sports wouldn't be on my radar. No college sports mean zero to me other than betting March madness. I will support MY community, not the community I see on tv committing crimes at the behest of Democrats.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
And, just for the record, Colin Kaepernick was never more than a mediocre quarterback. He last played 3 years ago at age 29. He was already showing decline from what was, in his most productive season, a marginal skill set.

He used the flag controversy to get a lucrative endorsement deal with Nike. Much more than a player with his skill level would have typically gotten.

Now, after 3 years away from the game, there are still people demanding teams give him a chance. He already had his chance and never rose to the challenge.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
I'm willing to be there will be some teams scrambling to sign him now just to prove how woke and non-racist they are.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
Blacks not only are responsible for most violent crimes, they also resist arrests at higher rates than any other demographic. Those kind of encounters will invariably result in unfortunate outcomes.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
So u white boys don’t commit mass murders that kill innocent kids and people in general? What’s your excuse for them getting a slap on the wrist and not executed? Y’all racism and bias shows each post.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Black men are getting killed just for pulling out a drivers license? Are u kidding me? Gtfo
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
@doctorevil yes u still sound racist because u are still not focusing on the injustice going on and that is against black people. U really said every race like white people are getting filmed being killed by cops and the cops are walking away from it convicted. What is wrong with u people
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
U know what I find funny on this site. U men will go to a strip club and have a black woman sit on your lap but you hate black people. The shit shows each time y’all post. Buddy up there really said “ I won’t give my money anymore to a club that’s urban”😂 we don’t want your red ass in there anyways. Y’all stink 😂
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
So I can only prove I am not a racist by showing favoritism to black people. Ok. Got it.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
No not favoritism but u and your crew shy away from the issue at hand and keep deflecting it. It’s sad, that’s why this country is shit.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
When liberals say they want to have a conversation about race, what they mean is they want other people to grovel while they lecture us and virtue signal.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
“we don’t want your red ass in there anyways. Y’all stink “

Now, that’s racism.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
“I'm willing to bet there will be some teams scrambling to sign him now just to prove how woke and non-racist they are.”

Then, when he reveals he can no longer play the game, the team will release him, Nike will give him a bigger contract, and someone will set the stadium on fire.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
“So u white boys don’t commit mass murders that kill innocent kids and people in general? “

Wow, you sure know how to win people over to your side of an argument. Remember when Hillary called people deplorable, then expected them to vote for her ? I didn’t think we’d see that level of idiocy repeated, but here you are.
avatar for oscarlomax
5 years ago
After the 1st time Kap took a knee, he explained how he consulted a teammate who was an ex-military man. That man told him taking a knee was something that both honored what the flag represents and called attention to the fact we, as a nation, must work harder at living up to the promise of that symbol. Somehow after this man explained in clear cut term what it was all about, all of these reactions that seemed to dismiss what the man said started flying around. He made it clear what he was calling attention to. In terms of the larger issue of systemic racism, you can't diminish the issue by copping out the comfortable, soft slogan, "All lives matter," because Black lives are disregarded. It's hypocritical. Why do you think so many people are upset? The steps must take are reforming the inequality that exists by reforming attitudes and then taking action by redistributing/investing money into education, business, and law enforcement (including re-thinking the concept of public safety) and both local and federal levels. It's not really an indictment of individuals as it's an indictment of a system that's been in place since slavery. I'm a student of History and currently I'm reading DEACONS FOR DEFENSE by Lance Hill. It ties in with the policing issue and deals with how black communities starting in Louisana had armed black men defending their residences against the KKK. The KKK were firebombing houses and brothers had had enough. The police force was standing around and being ineffectual. That's just the beginning. The actual problem started long before. Check out these authors---Ivan Van Sertima, Lerone Bennett, Jr., John Hope Franklin to help give you another perspective on a history not taught in a majority of schools. You will understand how shallow and stupid people like Candace Owens and Stacey Dash are. Just the historical record alone betrays the ignorance and distructiveness of that thinking. Also check out Tim Weiss. Knowledge is out there to give under-exposed folk a fuller picture.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Breh this country is going to shit because of assholes like you fucktard. By pulling out a license do you mean Mr. Castille, who despite being stopped 65 times, told the cop he had a gun and made a move towards? That stupid fuck who was shot by a hispanic cop? The true injustice is having to pretend garbage like George Floyd is a martyr.
avatar for Rickberge
5 years ago
We all have our natural biases and I respect that. There's white culture, black culture,etc... It's very challenging for a black man to fully understand white culture and vice-versa.

What black people are asking and bringing to attention is the human rights issue that blacks are not treated the same when it comes to police brutality. We dont expect change over night but more so to put yourself in the black community shoes....Can you honestly say that blacks are treated the same as whites when it comes to dealings with the police?

avatar for mark94
5 years ago
“Can you honestly say that blacks are treated the same as whites when it comes to dealings with the police?”

Last year, there were 1,000 people shot and killed by police during an arrest. Of those, 41 of the people were unarmed. 19 of these unarmed people were white. 9 were black.

Incidentally, there are more white cops killed by black criminals than blacks killed by white cops. Studies have shown that white cops are less likely to shoot a black person than a white person in similar circumstances.
avatar for Rickberge
5 years ago
So based on your post and your stats (not saying it's not true but would need a source) that blacks are treated the same when it comes to dealings with the police?

That may be the case coming from your upbringing or your community but it is different in the black community...I'm not trying to have a dick swinging contest on who has it worst or whatever but the overall message is that police brutality is major issue in this country & it's time for some things to change for the better.

avatar for mark94
5 years ago
From 1976 to 2005, 94 percent of black victims were killed by other African Americans.

So, if police brutality is a major issue, as evidenced by 9 unarmed blacks killed by white cops in one year in the country, where do you rank black-on-Black crime, where a dozen people can be killed in one weekend in the city of Chicago ?

I accept there are some racist cops. I accept that may put disproportionate fear into people of color. What I don’t accept is that it is the biggest issue in the country.

If the goal is to reduce violence toward African Americans, the solution is to do an even better job of weeding out bad cops while locking up violent offenders in the black community.

It is not an either/or choice. Confront violent offenders of all backgrounds.
avatar for oscarlomax
5 years ago
Why don't folk call it "white on white" crime like they do "black on black" crime? It's just crime. But the fundamental issue is why all of this is happening. It's systemic. It's not just a few bad apples. I have friends who are in Law Enforcement and they all have told me the pysch evaluation comes at the end. That should be at the beginning. But it's deeper than that. A policeman should not be asked to be a social worker and a shrink. That's not his job but his job is not indiscrimately harrassing folk either because of some faulty "profile." And all that is rooted in what we've been fed as a culture. If individual behavior is to change, we must first change the structure. That's what the protests are all about. The real protests.
avatar for sideshow_bob
5 years ago
My black friend says police brutality against the black community is real, but he's avoided it because his parents taught him to be respectful of the police and not antagonize them. Think about that. Mouthing off to cops is stupid. They're not going to let you win. If you resist arrest not only is it another charge, but the cops will beat your ass for making them do it. It isnt white privilege. It's just obvious. Once the cops are there it's over.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
All cops like being in control. That’s a personality you select for in the job. If you try to assert your personal control when interacting with police, it will not end well for you.

Refuse to produce ID. Refuse to stop your car. Refuse to follow directions. All Cops can always find a reason to arrest you. Is that fair ? Maybe not. It’s reality.

The Chris Rock video explaining how to avoid getting your ass kicked by the police is a valuable tutorial.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Structural change lol. Wtf does that mean? I've done, including bench and jury trials, between 400 -500 criminal trials and there are more than a few bad cops. Having said that my 38 years of going to Court indicates that the cops aren't perfect and that only 99% of whom they arrest did it.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
@Rickberge you and one other are the only ones that understand and get it, thank you brother. These fools caping and deflecting the issue at hand is what’s wrong, period. They are basically justifying these black men’s deaths, on the pigs side basically. It’s funny to see people show their true colors during this time, but respect to you for not being ignorant and not turning your cheek.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
“ on the pigs side basically. I”

Hard to believe that your interactions with the police don’t go well. I can’t imagine why they would pick on you.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Oh yea mark cause I’m black and have a problem with pigs shooting unarmed people on film for years. Way to show more of your racism. If you’re employed right now I guarantee your job wouldn’t like your racist remarks. You really think al black people are “thugs” and argue with cops. You racist dudes keep talking shit online and stay there. Lord knows y’all can’t fight in real life.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Pigs lol; my aren't we a hippie. Hey Breh you must be wicked fucking tough in real life lololololol.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Says the guys that get intimidated and calls black men “thugs” when they’re in the club with them or surrounded by them. 😂
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Lock them doors when we walk by white boy. Live in fear.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Yo Breh there’s a good book out there for you to read it’s called “How To Win Friends and Influence People” you should give it a try it might help you lose that chip on your shoulder.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Breh loves to call out the Vets on this site, I would love to see him join up and contribute. But we all know that ain't never gonna happen.
avatar for daddyfatsack
5 years ago
Fyi Breh (in case you already didn't know this) 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' doesn't work on "people" who have their mind made up and are committed to being your enemy
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ true dat
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
“Lock them doors when we walk by white boy. Live in fear.”

Wait, I thought you were a helpless victim. Now, you’ve got me confused.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Her enemy. You'd have to care to think of someone as an enemy. Breh writes like a white female dancer trying to be a tough black male. and succeeding at neither.
avatar for daddyfatsack
5 years ago
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Here’s your comedy video of the day. Black woman asks Chicago police if the fake ass Ramadan mother fuckers are allowed to have guns to protect their stores from looters.

avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Oh, the system needs reforming alright. Just not in the way you think:

“The man charged with the murder of retired St. Louis police Captain David Dorn was previously convicted in St. Louis County in 2014 but never served a day in prison.

Stephan Cannon, 24, was sentenced to seven years for felony robbery but he got a break. Cannon got probation under what’s called a suspended execution of sentence (SES). Court records show Cannon then violated probation—twice—and got two more breaks. He never went to prison.

Cannon now faces a first-degree murder charge for killing Dorn on June 2.”
avatar for Rickberge
5 years ago
@breh yea preciate it. We're all grown man here so we should be able to have a "man to man" or adult conversation about human rights issues. Its challenging if people are set in their ways though. But like I've said before, I respect that, if that's their position.

@mark yes there's always the "black on black" crime narrative which is no different than "white on white" crime. Its more about proximity and income. So yes the black people know this as an issue (trust me there is alot going on in the black community to address this, but it's not put on main stream media) but we expect more from our police. There should never be "bad" apples in the police force as there should be no "bad" apples in flying airplanes. Some professions are just designed that way.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
"Racism" has become the new witchcraft.
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