Deez Nutz
Comments by Salty.Nutz (page 9)
discussion comment
4 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
I concur with what nice & blah are saying, however, the way you get the girls to fuck you that think would not do it for under 1K is you give them cocaine
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4 years ago
I am changing my approach. I will probably stop drinking due to less traffic. I used to drink a lot and had the benefit of hiding in plain site due to rush hour. i will be more selective, i will only be buying dances from strippers with flat tummys and a thigh gap. i will go less about once a month but with a limit of $2.5K per visit. my limit was 750 pre-covid.
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4 years ago
The real problem is police do not have the tools to arrest and safely transport people that are high on fentanyl. Due to the shut down expect more people to be on this shit.
White priveledge ended in the 90s with the OJ Trial, everyone thinks its a race war when in reality its a class war.
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4 years ago
USA is the greatest country on Earth because guys like George "high on fentaly, violent criminal" Floyd deserve their day in court. Once the cops put you in handcuffs it carries a certain liability where they have to protect you from self harm.
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4 years ago
After watching the video the police has to adjust. Police have to recognize that theres a real drug problem and policing techiques have to adjust accordingly to deal with the heavy scum drug users. these drug users are freaken zombies, i propose police units have transport vehicles (trucks) that can safely tranfer these idiots to local jails. Police cars are not equipped to transport drug zombies. mr. floyd could not fit in the drug cruzer because he was riding high.
this would work
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4 years ago
Outsourcing is already happening,higher%20hourly%20rate%20than%20Mexico.
If you have the money you are probably going to have lots of funny when strip vlubs open up
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4 years ago
we arent going back to buisness as usual, theres going to be a shit load of poor people.
Everyone thinking they have it good because theyre teleworking. Corporations/Companies are going to eventually outsource your $25 hour job to someone in a third world country to someine thats going to do it for $5 an hour.
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4 years ago
Strip clubs are going to change, all the money that was made on the floor is gone. The bozos that like to make it rain are probably going to take their stacks to regular clubs due to limited contact. All the money will be in the VIP. Days of going to the club and poppin bottles are probably over. Times are going to get tough, theres going to be an influx of young hot talent but its going to cost you money. During tough times women resort to what they do best, monetizing pussy by marriage or by selling it.
men restort to violence, suicide and/or selling drugs. If youre a man doing okay you wont be able to flaunt your money in a SC without getting robbed, takeout or VIP.
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4 years ago
Atlanta suburb
For clarification purposes im refering to her adult entertainer license, not thr ID she presented to identify as an adult
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4 years ago
Atlanta suburb
The SC turned a blind eye, did they hire her without a license too? I dont think the SC has a leg to stand on unless she forged the licences too. She probably should quit stripping too if she was able to forge the license with the seal.
discussion comment
4 years ago
Too much of a good thing is never enough
town __> tone
discussion comment
4 years ago
Too much of a good thing is never enough
The strippers set the tone on the types of extras that happen ITC. Extras are illegal, so the stripper with the most value (mother hen) decides whats allowed. if the mother hen is getting finger blasted in the backroom then its ok, however, if the mother hens thinks youre over doing it she sets the town. the strippers that dont comply to the mother hens standards are ostrasized untill they conform, other wise these strippers will go into a hostile work envirnoment untill they quit.
If a strip club is actively pushing or advocating the strippers to sell pussy or do extras they would have a massive law suit. Read the room
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Collateral Deaths lol...well duh, a lot of people dont understand the economy
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5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Mask dont do shit, you have to be sick so when you sneeze or couch your boogers dont get all over the place
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5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Nickifree thats my point, schools are closed because they are considered "not essential."
The only people that have access to school are people that can afforded it, charter schools.
Public school will continue to get funding as long as kids log in, thats counts as attendance.
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5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
if you dont think lackamoney is an actual disease check this out,those%20who%20retire%20at%2065.
Men need purpose
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5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
A bunch of dumb and poor kids, and if you grew up in the ghetto, theres a belief that the only ways out of proverty is to commit crime and sell pussy.
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5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Theres another disease lurking in the background thats going to kill more people than COVID especially the poor its called, "Lackamoney."
Who cant telework? the poor
who cant honeschool? the poor
Its crazy how grocery store workers are still going to work because they are "esentiall" but teachers are saying no.
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5 years ago
On a serious note, you cant be "Alpha" in a strip club because youre simping.
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5 years ago
Im a nice guy i try to wear real soft pants and no underwear. i care about a strippers skin and dont want any chafing. If i feel like begining extra nice, sometimes i bring natural moisutures lubricants on my pants.
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5 years ago
I've got a bad feeling about this.
Pre Covid i didnt think Biden would win but now it will not surprise me if Trump loses. im pro trump but this pandemic has shown that the left and right are on the same side. Confused, divided citizens are easiest to govern. The reality is Government knows there wont be a cure, vaccine, masks dont do shit. Government gives you false hope to make us comply, and thats how they play both sides. If they straight up said no cure, vaccine, all hell would break lose
discussion comment
5 years ago
I commented yesterday that there was over 1 million recovered
If you guys are lost and need help navigating through this pandemic. I can answer your questions regarding money, the future of the USA, and why your marriage failed.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Dam Desertscrub, when this pandemic started i predicted we would all be wearing mask and you said no, that i was dumb and gave the ears, nose and mouth spill. If you have the virus it not a death sentence you will be all right. The numbers are high but i will bet theres more then 1 million recovered. This virus is contagious and deadly, but start worrying once you see the homeless start dieing on the streets. The homeless are the most vulnerable and they dont have access to proper sanitation. or you can start doing crack, i still see plenty of crack heads in downtown phoenix. disclaimer: doing crack was a joke
discussion comment
5 years ago
Are men really so pathetic that they need anthother man to tell you what to do? no wonder society is crumpling, men lack independant thought.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Why is Doucey getting the blame for a you blame doucey if you get cancer? Do you blame doucey if you get AIDs after fucking a crack whore without a condom, i hope not.