Why do some clubs tolerate extras, while other clubs discourage/prohibit extras?
I suspect that the answer is more complex than "it depends on enforcement practices of local LEO." While that might be correct, that answer then leads to the follow up question-- why do some cities/municipalities tolerate strip club extras while other cities devote extensive resources to regulate/suppress extras?
Do "extras tolerant" clubs attract more customers and generate higher profits for the owners and more tax revenue for the local municipality? Thus, there might be some balancing between risk and benefits by the owners and by the municipality.
Why do some municipalities tolerate extras clubs (they generate tax revenue?) while others do their best to regulate or close down strip clubs? Does it depend on active citizens groups (concerned about property values, religious ideals) who pressure local politicians?
What are the key factors that influence your local clubs to tolerate or suppress ITC extras?
LE activity can either increase or decrease. When they are strict, it does suppress things to a certain extent. But once they do things like make grinding the equivalent to a blow job as far as what is considered prostitution, I think that also encourages a certain amount of activity too.
w.r.t. why some clubs offer them and some don't, IMO 9 times out of 10 it has to do with local enforcement - if LE is lax then most clubs will likely allow extras bc:
+ oh IDK - maybe sex $ells (sarcasm intended)
+ extras offer more revenue for both the club and the girls (many clubs charge $100+ for just 30-minutes, that's way more than just about what any hotel charges on a per minute rate)
+ club can offer more varied services - PLs that just want dances can usually just get dances, and PLs that want more can get more
There are some clubs that may choose not to offer extras even in areas with lax LE I assume bc:
+ they may wanna go for an "upscale" gentleman's club theme
+ even if LE is lax prostitution is still illegal and they rather keep their noses clean
IMO clubs in extras-areas that choose not to offer extras are often the minority bc they are then losing the extras- busine$$ to their competitors
As to why some cities allow it and some don't - I guess that's more complicated - there are cities that allow gambling and cities that don't; etc - I guess part of it has to do with:
+ revenue and some areas needing it more than others
+ perhaps they figure best to allow it (sex biz) in a controlled isolated environment vs it spread out and perhaps onto the streets
+ perhaps in an area which was non-extras, perhaps at some point-in-time one particular club-operator decided to be "extra entrepreneural" and made it happen for his club (bribes, etc) and it took hold
e.g. South FL is extras-heavy I assume in large part bc it's a heavily services & tourism area.
Clubs made up by the quality of dancers and quality of clients. Extras vary by how they are obtained. Day/night shift heavy, corner vs VIP only, certain girls/managers tolerate etc.
It's about management. When a club becomes known as a hoe club or even as a club where guys get robbed. Its because the general manager gets a cut. That has been what ive seen.
The one truth seems to be that it will never last. LEO, neighbors, bible thumpers, other dancers who don’t want to compete with the extras girls, local elections. At some point, it all comes crashing down so enjoy it while you can. RIP The Wheel in BMore, Treasures in Houston (maybe a comeback?), Penthouse Detroit, Playhouse NJ, Follies, HiLiter. Get to Diamond Dolls before it joins the list.
If that’s sarcasm it’s whooshing over my head so I’ll just answer seriously. Pompano Beach, which I’m guessing is Covid shutdown for the time being. Look at the 1000 reviews Scrubby.
If money was the only factor, wouldn't all clubs be offering extras?
I think that Papi has the correct combination of inducements and risks.
I might add that some dancers seek out an extras-friendly club so they can make more money. They may nudge the club towards an extras-friendly stance, but I'm not sure how much influence they have over the club managers/owners.
Other dancers seek out strict no-extras clubs so they can compete on even footing with the other dancers who elect to NOT offer extras. I can only imagine how challenging it must be to be a no extras dancer who is trying to compete for customers in an extras-friendly club.
Now if we can just tip the scales to make it more tempting and safer for all clubs to offer extras!
Many non extras dancers reap the benefits of working at extras clubs. The extras girls bring the customers in along with their money. The non extras girls get their cut by doing dancers from customers hoping for more. I think that 10% of Follies dancers did not do VIP or extras.
Busts are expensive. On top of that our local strippers sued for how they were treated after a bust and won and got a settlement.
My understanding is clubs without booze are often more tolerant of extras as it's easier to yank a liquor license than close a business.
Some owners have deep pockets and can fight. Other clubs are hanging by a thread. And some owners frankly enjoy battling city hall more than others. And some pay bribes and know they are in the clear.
Shadowcat-- I hadn't considered that perspective-- that the "no extras" dancers might ride the coattails (how's that for a mixed metaphor) of the extras dancers to get more customers.
JamesSD-- I think you are correct, every case is a special case.
I would also speculate that a club that flies under the radar with respect to illicit drug sales, fights and other public disturbances might be in a better position to allow extras.
Said another way, if you're going to break the law, break only one law at a time.
Social centrism is the greatest friend of the strip club. Areas the veer too far right are typically dominated by bible thumpers. Places that veer too far left are often heavily influenced by Femi-Nazis and victimization assumptions. Neither extreme likes strip clubs and both are more likely to restrict them however they can.
Places like Miami and Pasco County FL get away with it because their governments have long been accustomed to being socially flexible in order to keep tourist dollars flowing.
Detroit itself may be a little to the left, but the surrounding areas, where some of the best clubs reside, are definitely centrist.
COI is very lightly governed, which is why it is the home of so many chemical and other manufacturing businesses that no other city wants.
I could go on, but you get the picture. It plays out the same way all over the country. In some places the states themselves are fairly extreme (like MO), which results in statewide issues and state level police involvement. In others, it plays out city by city or county by county. But at whichever level dictates strip club policy, social centrism is the ultimate friend, while extremism are the clubs' ultimate enemy.
The strippers set the tone on the types of extras that happen ITC. Extras are illegal, so the stripper with the most value (mother hen) decides whats allowed. if the mother hen is getting finger blasted in the backroom then its ok, however, if the mother hens thinks youre over doing it she sets the town. the strippers that dont comply to the mother hens standards are ostrasized untill they conform, other wise these strippers will go into a hostile work envirnoment untill they quit.
If a strip club is actively pushing or advocating the strippers to sell pussy or do extras they would have a massive law suit. Read the room
Some clubs are adept at allowing just what is tolerated. Look at HighLighter in AZ. They pushed the envelope to far and the chain got yanked back hard.
If it was al about money, why is it that some of the extras friendly clubs don’t seem to make bank while a nearby non-extras club is killing it?
In Southern California, most of gge non nude clubs offer at least very good regular mileage (with the right girl and sometimes some patience getting to know her) even if they don't offer VHM or UHM (which some do).
The topless bars usually offer nothing extra in the club and many just air dances. So the difference is my area is mostly if they are bars or just nude. It seems like the nude clubs don't bother to open or don't stay in business in cities that are too restrictive. It wouldn't be worth their while. It seems to come down to the liquor code enforcement in SoCal.
Dave that's a good point. Non alcohol nude clubs need some draw to make money.
I will note some bad clubs here in San Diego county are propped up by closeness to military bases. Girls can sell a lot of air dances to young military dudes at midnight on a Saturday night
In general "local control" rules. Florida is a perfect example Orlando area (extremely lame and a top priority of LE go to Miami is wide open. Unless there are statewide laws that are strictly enforced "activities" inside the club are left up to management and local LE priorities and in many cases LE doesn't care because of the tax revenue as long as the clubs aren't a constant drain on police calls. Some Mayors love the tax revenue base also. Covid 19 gives local LE plenty of more clout to enforce laws if they so desire as "social distancing" is an oxymoron at most clubs.
last comment+ oh IDK - maybe sex $ells (sarcasm intended)
+ extras offer more revenue for both the club and the girls (many clubs charge $100+ for just 30-minutes, that's way more than just about what any hotel charges on a per minute rate)
+ club can offer more varied services - PLs that just want dances can usually just get dances, and PLs that want more can get more
There are some clubs that may choose not to offer extras even in areas with lax LE I assume bc:
+ they may wanna go for an "upscale" gentleman's club theme
+ even if LE is lax prostitution is still illegal and they rather keep their noses clean
IMO clubs in extras-areas that choose not to offer extras are often the minority bc they are then losing the extras- busine$$ to their competitors
+ revenue and some areas needing it more than others
+ perhaps they figure best to allow it (sex biz) in a controlled isolated environment vs it spread out and perhaps onto the streets
+ perhaps in an area which was non-extras, perhaps at some point-in-time one particular club-operator decided to be "extra entrepreneural" and made it happen for his club (bribes, etc) and it took hold
e.g. South FL is extras-heavy I assume in large part bc it's a heavily services & tourism area.
If money was the only factor, wouldn't all clubs be offering extras?
I think that Papi has the correct combination of inducements and risks.
I might add that some dancers seek out an extras-friendly club so they can make more money. They may nudge the club towards an extras-friendly stance, but I'm not sure how much influence they have over the club managers/owners.
Other dancers seek out strict no-extras clubs so they can compete on even footing with the other dancers who elect to NOT offer extras. I can only imagine how challenging it must be to be a no extras dancer who is trying to compete for customers in an extras-friendly club.
Now if we can just tip the scales to make it more tempting and safer for all clubs to offer extras!
My understanding is clubs without booze are often more tolerant of extras as it's easier to yank a liquor license than close a business.
Some owners have deep pockets and can fight. Other clubs are hanging by a thread. And some owners frankly enjoy battling city hall more than others. And some pay bribes and know they are in the clear.
So almost every case is probably a special case
JamesSD-- I think you are correct, every case is a special case.
I would also speculate that a club that flies under the radar with respect to illicit drug sales, fights and other public disturbances might be in a better position to allow extras.
Said another way, if you're going to break the law, break only one law at a time.
Places like Miami and Pasco County FL get away with it because their governments have long been accustomed to being socially flexible in order to keep tourist dollars flowing.
Detroit itself may be a little to the left, but the surrounding areas, where some of the best clubs reside, are definitely centrist.
COI is very lightly governed, which is why it is the home of so many chemical and other manufacturing businesses that no other city wants.
I could go on, but you get the picture. It plays out the same way all over the country. In some places the states themselves are fairly extreme (like MO), which results in statewide issues and state level police involvement. In others, it plays out city by city or county by county. But at whichever level dictates strip club policy, social centrism is the ultimate friend, while extremism are the clubs' ultimate enemy.
If a strip club is actively pushing or advocating the strippers to sell pussy or do extras they would have a massive law suit. Read the room
If it was al about money, why is it that some of the extras friendly clubs don’t seem to make bank while a nearby non-extras club is killing it?
The topless bars usually offer nothing extra in the club and many just air dances. So the difference is my area is mostly if they are bars or just nude. It seems like the nude clubs don't bother to open or don't stay in business in cities that are too restrictive. It wouldn't be worth their while. It seems to come down to the liquor code enforcement in SoCal.
I will note some bad clubs here in San Diego county are propped up by closeness to military bases. Girls can sell a lot of air dances to young military dudes at midnight on a Saturday night