Comments by geunther
discussion comment
4 years ago
Anywhere there are Titties.
In the city, 5 over is the max for me. I am not worried about myself, but every other driver is texting, reading, jerking off, etc. On the highway 9 over, everywhere. I still worry about the other drivers and their phones, but they seem to be less intensely focused on the phones when they are hurtling down the freeway.
I truly hate every person who puts puts their ass in the middle lane, passing no one. I see so many who should be in the right lane, but refuse to move over. This fucks up the whole system of a three lane highway. If you are on a standard four lane highway, and driving in the left lane not passing anyone, you are the asshole we all hate. Move your dopey ass over.
discussion comment
5 years ago
mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
Many municipalities (City, County, township etc) set the minimum age requirements for employees in establishments that serve alcohol. States may set the age of consent, but they rarely set the ages for employees, except for the minimum age to work.
In my state the age of consent is 16. You can be married at age 16, drive at age 16 and you can work at age 16. The local cities set the age for employment in a business that sells alcohol (in my city the minimum age is 18 (they may not handle any alcoholic product. They must get another person who is 20), but if the business serves alcohol, they must be 20 to serve alcohol).
The city I grew up in, the minimum age to work was 15. No one under 18 was allowed to work more than 20 hours a week, unless they had completed high school.
That being said, 18 is considered adulthood in our country. This is the age to vote, serve in the military, age required to carry insurance (under the ACA) and so on. Anyone less is considered a child. Occasionally you will see some heinous crime committed by a juvenile and the prosecution indicates they will be tried as an adult. Anyone younger is a child, legally. Now imagine a club owner who employed a very hot 16 year old stripper. He would be putting himself out there for child pornography, and well as a mountain of crap for exploiting a child in a sex industry.
I don't know of any state that would allow a child to dance topless. Perhaps in other countries, but I don't know about that. At my age, I would be reluctant to pay for a dance from a child, no matter how hot, or how cheap.
discussion comment
5 years ago
The mustache makes the man
My unicorn has changed dramatically over the years.
25 to 30 years ago, I wanted the California girl stripper. It was all about appearances. Young, tall, energetic, a great set of tits, and a nice round ass that fit in my hands. I didn't need a lot of personal connection, just wanted eye candy with a bit of high mileage in the couch dances. Back then I would get wood when the wind blew. It didn't take a lot to make little Geunther happy.
Now (age 55), I am more interested in enjoying my time in the club over a longer period. I want attractive and fit, but don't need young, or tall, both are nice, but not as important to me as personality. My standards of beauty have changed over the last couple of decades. A smart woman, with a sense of where she is headed in life is always hot. I love having a woman who can discuss topics outside the normal stripper shit. I will gladly discuss almost anything, but hate when the only discussion topics are based in reality tv or other trivial crap. At my current age, little Geunther wants a bit more attention to be happy. So our unicorn has to allow or encourage more contact. I have gravitated towards the higher mileage clubs, where my current unicorns tend to thrive.
I am convinced that part of the reason for the change is the difference in lifestyle. A younger man has more interaction with the world. As I have aged, my circle of acquaintances is smaller, and I crave more interaction from my strippers. Sure hot is always great, but I want someone who can stimulate both heads. I expect my standards will change again as I age. Time will tell.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Please no more Mercedes, Passion, Lexus, Diamond, etc.
I would also avoid some of the more ancient mainstream names, ie. Gertrude, Ruth, Betsy, Bertha.
Express yourself. You seem to be very intelligent, vivacious and educated. A rose by any other name... I think 'Anytime' could be cute, depending on the club. Since you are considering a memoir, make it memorable, so perhaps your loyal custies can recognize you once you are published. Probably have to keep it somewhat reasonable since the other dancers may dislike anything too bold. Have fun with it, you have time to decide while you are finishing your grad work.
And tell us the name when you have made a decision.
review comment
6 years ago
I don't know what other details Maverik could have provided. No dancers were interested in earning anything, and last I remember there is not a rotation, for a PL to even evaluate the talent. I guess he could have given a more informative description of the parking lot, but otherwise, I think he gave us what he had.
This club had a shooting outside in the last week, and I am sure the pressure from LEO has been increasing. I don't think that the club or it's customers were involved, or even lead to the news event, but I am sure local police are increasing their presence.
For some reason this location has struggled over the years, no matter what name has been on the club.
review comment
6 years ago
Thanks for the review. I have avoided this club due to the parking issues. I don't mind a valet, but I wasn't sure if there was one here or not. There are lots of No Parking signs in the adjacent lots, so I have been concerned about having my car still there when I was leaving. Will remember the side street.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Make sure to pay yourself every paycheck. I saved something out of every dime I have ever earned. Started at age 21. By the time I was 50, I had enough put back to relax and enjoy. At 51 I retired. I don't drive a new car, only had one in my entire life, what a waste. I paid an extra 10% on every house payment, and paid it off in 17 years instead of 30. Didn't waste money on stupid shit (Boats, ATVs, Cigarettes, Drugs). Did waste too much money golfing, bowling, gambling and other pursuits. Still made sure to pay myself before all others (some into 401(k), some into investment account(always re-invest dividends). Relax and let the money work for you. If you don't know enough to invest it, find a local financial planner willing to help. Conservative is the path forward.
Lastly, Avoid giving all of your money to strippers, some is ok, but keep it in moderation.
Don't worry too much about expenses past 70 or so. By then you will not be interested in most of the things you think are so great right now. After 70 or perhaps 75, you only need to cover the monthly bills and your medications. Your'e not going to be spending 5 days a week in the SC, you just wont have the interest.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
My frequency depends entirely on available extra cash, and of course the desire. As I have aged, I find the desire less frequent, but the funds more plentiful. It has been different since retirement. (early 50's) Another limiting factor is the retirement of my favorites at my favorite club. Three down in 8 months. I was never in enough to be considered a regular, but was in often enough to be recognized and remembered by my Faves. My usual stay is about two hours.
The replacements at my favorite club are woefully inadequate. Some downright fat, most ugly. I can't tell if this is the real situation, or I am holding them to a mental standard that cannot be attained. I have tried several other clubs in the area, but none as good as my regular club. I can't decide if I should stop entirely, or just lower my standards. On the bright side, one of the replacements is more than happy to provide any extras, even if you don't ask.
I am hoping that the club will get back to it's former lineup of hotties, but if not, perhaps a higher end club, but less often. The local 'gown' club has so many cameras now, that you have to spend a fairly large sum to not be in front of one. Tough decision, as this is definitely a seven up factory.
Time will tell.....
discussion comment
8 years ago
layin low but staying high
Am with Papi_, 'I get more' always leads to bad dance, and bad time.
review comment
7 years ago
Northern Kentucky is no place to visit a strip club. Lexington, or Louisville in a pinch is the only way to go. Definitely Not Newport, Covington, or any other club in the Cincinatti area of Kentucky.
review comment
7 years ago
wiffle shwaffle
I wish more of the dancers would post like this. It takes so much guess work from a visit. I will make sure to remember this next time I am in Motor City.
review comment
7 years ago
That is a shame. The only reason to enter Diva's was the high mileage. If they are indeed cracking down, then this club will be on the endangered list.
review comment
8 years ago
Not a bad review, but for the wrong club. Deja Vu is a non alcoholic club. You can't buy beer here. I wouldn't mind knowing which club you were in, but I am sure it wasn't the Vu. It sounds more like Diva's, as they have only a single stage, but the dance price for 15 min is $80.00. There are 3 clubs, all in the same general vicinity, Cowboys, Deja Vu, and Diva's. Cowboys has two large stages, so not Cowboys. Glad you had a good time in Lex.
article comment
8 years ago
Just a point or two.
If he is not smoking, don't sit down and light up. He isn't smoking for a reason, and doesn't want it in his face/lungs
A little contact is great. You don't have to put your hand on his junk, but don't be afraid to touch, or be touched. Of course if he gets a bit too handsy for you, say so.
Don't be afraid to open up a bit. Talk about something, don't just sit there. Fake interest in what we are saying, or provide a topic of some interest to discuss. Anything is better than silence.
It is a shame you don't work in the Lexington area, you would make a killing. The AA dancers in this area are for the most part thick and a bit too ghetto for my taste. The couple of AA dancers I have seen in the area that are not thick and seem to be a bit less ghetto are so busy, I can't get them away from the regulars.
Best of luck!