
Comments by Mr Johnson

  • review comment
    4 days ago
    A dead Saturday night
    Thanks for the review, Larry999. I'm can't do the $50 a song unless I have intel on the dancer that will have a return on my investment. I know at least one dancer here that has a pretty good grip, but the 3PM open time and having to drive I-205 during rush hour keeps me from being a regular. Their Instagram account keeps pretty busy with posting dancer pictures and some posting their schedule. I didn't have an ID check or bouncer/cover on my weekday visit. I like this place and wish I could spend more time here to get to know some of th dancers. Thanks.
  • review comment
    4 days ago
    Make sure you have Google Translate...
    skinnywhiteboy, a couple months ago on a weekday afternoon, I had the rack all to myself. Of the eight dancers, two took their bottoms off, but then they wanted more tip for doing so. lol. There were also a couple dancers that had the hard hustle on. All were Cubans from what I could tell.
  • review comment
    6 days ago
    A slender goddess appears
    A fun review and read, m0nkeyb0ne. At 67, things for me don't work as good as they used to. Also, being married 44 years, a weekly romp at home is about as good as it gets these days. I have a fun and understanding partner when it comes to between the sheets, and that is half the battle for me. I had a recent experience, after leaving home that included a little morning fun. I ended up at The Venue that afternoon because I was in the area. I had no intention of doing any dance given my morning romp, but when a dancer grabbed my junk at the rack, I couldn't resist. She continued her fun under my shorts while in the booth and to my surprise, got a round two on the same day. That had been a long time. This week, on Wednesday, I was at Scarlet Lounge and caught up with a dancer that I had gotten some intel from, and she had me done before the first song was done. You gotta luv a gal that knows her way around a man's fly and can spit in her hand. The same monger gave me a tip on an AMP and I ended up there the next day, Thursday. Although, it took a little more work with a few options she offered, round two was completed. I said all of this, as part of my home problem has to be in my big head, besides the age. They do make pills, but I prefer not to go down that road yet. Well, I think I will retire from mongering if I have to take a pill to have fun in a club. I got a cbj at the Gold Club last summer that cost me $400 with a very beautiful and sexy lady (most likely, the hottest dancer I have gotten extras from). During the moment, my little head was in heaven. On the way home though, my big head was kicking my ass for spending that much for just a bj. I might commit suicide (jokingly) if I spend $500 for a legal lap dance, but that is what makes the world go around or different strokes for different folks, and I'm sure she appreciated it as well. I have found a lady at Dv8 that I like have repeated with, but all legal and nothing more from me then the $100/three dances, but I really like her. Glad you had a good time for the money spent and thanks again for writing the review.
  • review comment
    6 days ago
    Hidden gem worth a visit
    Nice review. I never been there for two reasons; Astoria is way up in the middle of nowhere on the Oregon coast and every other reports state "no touching" in the lap dance booth. I couldn't see making the drive and not being able to have a little touching fun. I'm assuming your experience was different, but I'll wait to see what other reports are reporting. I generally don't grope at the rack or if a girl is sitting with me as I don't want to get my face slapped. I had to laugh at your fish comment. I've been in a few lap dance situations where I thought I was near a fish factory. One dancer, oh man, I didn't smell it on her until we got to the booth. I had to go out and change in to my second pair of clothes right afterwards, and isn't for the perfume. Hence, the second set of clothes if needed. Thanks for the review and if I find myself up in that far west corner of the state, will have to check out Annie's.
  • review comment
    6 days ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    TA TAs Tuesday
    As always, great review and details. I was wondering if you were taking a booby hiatus from your favorite club...lol I hope more mongers turn down the $30 dance request. I would hate to see this club get to the Portland price level and take-away from some of the charms, with the $20/$25 dances, one song sets, and the above average in body/looks. You may have stopped in to take a break from the heat, but sounds like the temperature was rising with Ambrosia. Thanks!
  • review comment
    11 days ago
    Afternoon at Desire
    Thanks for the review, Ajaj9. Some guys on here think they run an English class and for me, your review was very coherent. Because this club doesn't open until 3PM, and I'm a morning/afternoon monger, it is a challenge for me to visit. If I get a later afternoon window, do I really want to drive the length of I-205 during rush hour? My one visit awhile back, I found a dancer that proved to me she wasn't afraid of the male anatomy at the rack and she even got more personal in the lap dance booth. They do have cameras, but she made good use of her body. We exchanged digits at the end that included some other discussion, but I never followed up, even after she sent me a text. I do have some regrets in my life. I would definitely be in the club more often if it opened earlier. I was seeing a regular dancer at Club Tease, but she was generally always there before noon. I wish there was an astrology sign for "Will I get lucky today?" Thanks.
  • review comment
    11 days ago
    Good titties, burgers and beers
    Nice review Artcollege. I've made this club a regular stop on my hunt (no hunting here though) because of the decent rack action/quality of ladies. I still get dancers in my lap with boobies in the face and/or come around the back of me to do a little massaging/playing. I generally never get any stick shifting at the rack. I did have one dancer completely ignore me on my last visit as she was giving all her attention to a couple of young guys she was sitting with at the bar before her set. I got up in the middle of her second song and didn't tip anymore to her. If I'm tipping I expect a little interaction from her. Your private dances mirrors mine as far as the action. Great advice on clarifying the song count before you say yes. A question like, "If I want to get three dances from you for the $100 offer, does that include the short interim song between dancers?" That happens a lot with or even without a dj. I'm adding that to my small list of questions that include touching and totally nude. Thanks!
  • review comment
    13 days ago
    Friday night at Casa Diablo
    Okay, I was going to pass on this, but with all the AI comments. Artificial Insemination? lol I don't possess enough intelligence to know how/who and would/could create an AI review, but if it is the owner, at least I would give it all 10s! Speaking of all 10s, anytime I see a review that has that, I'm mentally passing judgement knowing that there is no such place or dancers. There is a CoolhandLuke guy on TNA.. We all have personal preferences related to clubs and dancers and at least the above review has some pricing information. Speaking of personal preferences, the comments about the "VIP experience, totally worth it, totally nude" with a spending range of $500-$1000, would be in question for me. We had a review of Sweet Illusions the other day that was only about a paragraph long that got enough green thumbs to pass. I think that review was much worse than this one.
  • review comment
    14 days ago
    The Midas Touch
    Thanks for the review Pdxispdx. Sounds like a fun time and glad the dancer knows how to drive a clutch. I have got the $40/song or 3/$100 and $50/song or 3/$120, but never the 15 minute room option. That was a good choice and I will have to check it out. The unmonitored/no cameras in the booths puts this place on my radar. From my early afternoon visits, the place doesn't really get going until after 2PM. I have sat there waiting for dancers to come up in those first couple of hours. I was there last Sunday at around 3PM and there were only two dances and no customers. It was hot and the last day of the 4th of July weekend. They did get up and start dancing as soon as I sat at the rack, but neither made an impression with me to take them to the back. It was a quick stop. I admit my dancer scale is pretty liberal, but for me, most of the Gold Club dancers are on a higher level compared to Scarlet Lounge or Dream On for example. Probably lower than some of the downtown club, but at least there is an opportunity for a little fun. I enjoy the hunt and there has to be something to hunt for to get me to walk through the door. Nice review, thanks.
  • review comment
    15 days ago
    Was better pre-Covid, but I’d keep it in rotation when visiting the area.
    There is a documentary/movie titled Client 9 about the attorney general and then governor of New York, Elliot Spitzer. The Luv Gov as he was then called. Anyways, he was known as the sheriff of wall street and some policing of escort businesses. He had a little secret, he was a frequent user of an escorts agency. He made powerful enemy's with his sheriff work and it is rumored that those enemies hired PI(s), but he got caught by the way he making the payments. There is an interview with a guy that helped arrange meetings with escorts. He says something like the difference between a $200/hr. escort and a $1000 escort with a two hour minimum is like the difference between ordering a hamburger vs. lobster. Now I have never had a $2000 hooker, but I have to totally disagree with that comment. It can't be there is more discretion with a higher price agency as the Luv Gov got caught. That ended his future ambitions for running for president. It is an interesting watch and a follow up movie titled Zipper also got its inspiration from the Spitzer scandal.
  • review comment
    15 days ago
    Was better pre-Covid, but I’d keep it in rotation when visiting the area.
    Nice review and details. A monger can get an idea how much cash he needs to have a little NC-17/R rated fun, so it is appreciated. I get the impression that single lap dances are not an option here given the 15 minute price. For me, that is one golden pussy for the take-out offer of $900, but guys must be paying it. I've seen some prices on The TNA Board that have made me question the provider/hobbyist sanity, but wasn't even that much. To each their own and that is what makes the world go around. Thanks again and with keeping this club on your rotation, glad you had a good time.
  • review comment
    18 days ago
    Basic Details
    Thanks for the review Blah. This place doesn't get much attention unless it is a homicide right outside the club. I have been to strip clubs in Minneapolis/St Paul, Denver, St Louis, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Reno, Sacramento, Seattle and haven't figured out the Portland stripper look compared to all these other cities. Okay, I have only seen strippers with armpit hair in Portland...lol. Wow, I wish more clubs would let the bartenders dance! There was an old strip club in Salem, The Main Event, where the bartenders were topless. I only drink in clubs when I'm buying a drink for a dancer I'm about to go to the back with. My last time was with a long-time dancer at The Venue last year that I had done several take-out sessions with. We did a couple of tequila shots and what I didn't realize until we were in the booth, she was already two sheets to the wind. We go back to the booth and she says, "I need an orgasm" and proceeds to lay me down and sit on my face. My one and only experience in the booth of "face sitting" activity and memorable. Generally, no hangovers for me any more. Thanks. Minnow needs to get back on his meds! What a fuckhead.
  • review comment
    18 days ago
    Hot girls with the Portland look
    Nice review. When I was there about a year ago, the homeless camps were still there. I have never been bothered by them, but I do stay clear of the ones screaming at no one. The three dancers I encountered were damn cute, but they stayed on their side of the stage. As I recall when I was checking out the place, there was a sign by the lap dance booths that said "No Touching Dancers." When I speak of a "No Touch" club, I mean only the customers can't touch the dancers. If I lived near Sassy's , I would frequent this place, but save my lap dance money for a club I can find my kind of fun. Another positive about Sassy's, it does have a parking lot, unlike most clubs in the downtown area. I'm still not willing to pull the trigger at $50 a song unless I have some intel or experience with the dancer.
  • review comment
    18 days ago
    Mr Johnson
    When you have seen one, you have seen them both!
    Cheap Thrills
    Until about four years ago, it wasn't unusual to get $20/$25 dances here and several ladies were good with their hands. I never got more then that here unless you count OTP mouth stuff. When they reopened after the pandemic, there was a minimum $30 dance price sign in the booth, but that is gone. There have been take-out options over the years as well as I met a dancer that moonlighted at a lingerie shop. Well I guess that is a take-out option too.
  • review comment
    20 days ago
    Checked out X-otic Tan but didn't stick around
    After your Just Bliss experience, I'm surprised you didn't jump at the opportunity with the Asian lady. $360 is not a bad price for what she offered at a lingerie shop. Oh yeah, you said she was not your type. There are a couple of hundred AMPs in the area that offer all the bases including a homerun for around the $200 and includes a massage. If ever interested, check out USA Sex Guide - Portland - Massage Reports for menu/$ options. I hear good things about Just Bliss and there is even a couple of ladies on TNA that advertise and use this place as their incall. I hope give it another shot. Thanks for the review.
  • review comment
    21 days ago
    Nice review and details, Lonely. Yeah, I have been "hustled" at the bar from dancers to buy them a drink that I never met before. They request the most expensive drink. I have learned to say no. Now, I'm glad to buy a drink for a dancer I have had "extra" experience with because I know what is coming up in the booth. It is annoying when a dancer starts her hustle before you even have a drink in your hand. I think the Beaverton Rouge is the newest strip club in the area and explains why it looks so "shiny." They also promote themselves as a high-end club and your comments remind me of how expensive these type of places are. Their motto should be, "Don't forget your VISA." I think my wallet would have been kicking my ass all the way home if I spent that kind of cash for that kind of little action. I avoid the expensive "hourly" VIP rooms if a club offers one and have got dozens of "extra" activities in the regular lap dance booths through the years. Well, my all-time favorite dancer at Club Tease (it is now closed, so I can make this statement) made me a 30 minute offer/$350, but it included, French kissing, daty, digit play, hj, cbj and cfs. For me, it was worth the price of admission and have been missing that place. Thanks again for your review and glad you had a good time.
  • review comment
    23 days ago
    Find an excuse to visit Springfield
    Thanks for the review Blah and SI is a fun club because of the one song rotation and $20/$25 dances. I'm not a fan of the communal room, but at that rate, I can enjoy myself. I was there in January and my first dancer I got a lap dance from only got topless. The room was busy and I just looked around until I saw a dancer that got totally nude and picked her next. I have yet to read from any review that there is much more fun in the $200 champagne room vs. the communal room. Thanks.
  • review comment
    23 days ago
    Amazing, but expensive
    One other comment about my $50 Mustang experiences, it was before AIDS. Everything was uncovered!
  • review comment
    23 days ago
    Usually not worth it... But sometimes it is.
    Thanks for the review, Iwilltelly. I'm surprised of the two-way touching since they post a "no touching" sign by the lap dance booths and have cameras. You got lucky and the dancer put her contract at risk. Geez, $120 three song, no touching dance is my nightmare no matter how cute. We have different opinions about what makes a "hot" dancer. I find them hot related to their actions and not their beauty myself. Example, I was at Scarlet Lounge yesterday and their was one dancer that bordered on the upper-end HWP, with a totally shaved head. Since there is no rail at the stage, she was on her knees, using her double ds or bigger to give me some serious russian action while staring at me with her cute eyes. She was fucking hot! I didn't do dance with her as I know that they are just a legal dance, but I wanted to. Thanks again. Minnow with his minnow dick has proven he is mentally challenged. Ignore.
  • review comment
    23 days ago
    Amazing, but expensive
    I also paid $50 at the Mustang Ranch in the later 70s for half and half. My first time, I had to ask what half and half included. I wish I would have kept my souvenir menu. Nothing like getting your junk washed and inspected by a beautiful woman.
  • review comment
    25 days ago
    Expensive, but would return.
    Thanks for the review, Peterino. It is good to get information on the lingerie shops. I agree with you, $340 for a 30 minute hj is expensive. There are shops in town where $300 total will let you hit a homerun. Several ladies on TNA advertise that as well and use lingerie shops as their incall, plus you can read their reviews and see their menu. I get hjs at strip clubs for the 3/$100 plus a small tip. At the over 200 AMPs in this town, you can get that kind of fun for around $150, which will include an hour massage. It sounds like you had fun for the money you spent. Would you repeat? Deepthinker has to have that handle to make up for his shallow mind! Ignore.
  • review comment
    a month ago
    Great Night at Club 205
    Thanks for the review, gregorovich6. I hangout at the rack here as the girls on my scale start where the ladies across the street end, for the most part. I like the two song sets with every dancer topless on the first and totally nude on the second. Many will come over the rack and get in your lap and share some of their body parts. There are two problems with the lap dances booths, too damn uncomfortable, and never have experienced any extras. The small wooden bench that your butt can hardly fit on and then the cement brick wall against your back, makes it difficult to get a good grind from the dancers. At most clubs with small couches, the dancer has you move down some to get that perfect grind angle, can't happen at Club 205. It is too bad, as I would even do a legal dance here once-in-awhile, but I head across the street where there is fun to be had in the booth. Thanks.
  • review comment
    a month ago
    Fun at the Venue.
    Thanks for the review of one of my favorite clubs, gregorovich6. Your experience mirrors mine for quite a number of years. I have to admit, I have a list (social media and/or digits) and haven't ventured from those dancers for quite awhile. At times, I feel a personal pressure to go with one of the ladies I know, but sounds like I need to break away from that. The club used to have a website and did a good job of listing a weekly dancer schedule, which could help me schedule my trips when certain dancers would not be there. They let their website go. I have never done the champagne room and still found some active lips. I like the rack action at Club 205 and then go over to The Venue for lap dances (a number of times, just walk in, find a dancer I know, and head to the booth). I've been doing most of my hobby activity at a particular AMP lately, but you have encouraged me to make a stop at The Venue. Thanks.
  • review comment
    a month ago
    Pretty girls, good prices, bad lap dances for the money
    I have never to the Kit Kat Club and sounds like I haven't been missing much. Thanks for the information.
  • review comment
    a month ago
    Laid Back Monday
    Thanks for the review Brad2you. I have a half-a-dozen visits here or so and two-way touching has always been allowed in the curtain booths. The house takes $25 from the dancer. I had a dancer give me an under my boxer's hj once, but that is the only extras at this club for me. Dancers can ask for a tip, but if she didn't meet my expectations, I just walk away. Certainly a "no touching' dance would never get a tip from me, but I always ask that question along with totally nude and price upfront before agreeing to a dance. I like this club, but a bit of a drive to make it a regular stop. IMO, the best club in Salem. but I like dive clubs and the dancers that work at them.