Comments by san_jose_guy (page 49)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Counter cultural projects take work, but so many have been real. SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Sniffing out fake strippers, nationwide
    I have a theory
    Monitoring RickDugan, have to do this, because he continues to exceed all expectations. He is going way beyond what you can glean from sitting in hotel lobbies pretending to read a newspaper. SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California to make mentally ill homeless accept treatment
    Critique of Mental Health and Thomas Insel looks like we get one free LA Times view per day: SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Going to a club while neurodivergent
    This book is mind blowing. It exceeds my ability to describe it here. It is also showing me that to really understand I need to avail myself of a lot more related books. Some of the works are buy Laurence F. Nixon, Chair of Religion Department, Dawson College, Montreal Quebec. He writes: "When I first encountered the theory of positive disintegration, I was struck by the fact that the stages articulated closely fit the process of mystical development as described by scholars of mysticism, the authors of mystical manuals, and the autobiographical writings of mystics themselves. My interest was further aroused by the fact that the author of the theory provided not only a systematic description of the underlying personality structures at each stage of development, including the connections between the structures at different levels, but also further further identified a set of causes for the growth process--developmental potential and external frustration combined with some measure of environmental support. Nixon subsequently applied this to a review of meditation in his own M.A. thesis. Andrew Kawczak was the lawyer turned philosopher associated with Dabrowski. Text references D. D. Palmer, Kierkegaard for Beginners, 1996 Kierkegaard for beginners / written and illustrated by Donald D. Palmer. (1996) ** Palmer writes books, like this, 150pp. They are fun. No L. F. Nixon 0 Irina Starr (1991) Eight Rungs on the Ladder. A personal passage (Ojai CA) Coming out of Ojai, she might have been with the Theosophical Society. Here they are calling her non-denominational Christian mystic. " The theory of positive disintegration hypothesizes that the interaction between heredity and environment activates certain autonomous inner forces called dynamisms." (Piechowski) Overexcitabilities five channels of perception: psychomotor, sensual, intellectual, imaginational, and emotional. I would add that as the book develops this some narrow it down to intellectual, imaginational, and emotional, especially when looking at mysticism. SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    We know that the so called vaccine was not intended to work against Omicron. But it was still correlating with high case, hospital admissions, and death rates. And it screws up natural immunity. Natural immunity gives you broader protection, more likely on new strains. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California to make mentally ill homeless accept treatment
    This SacBee article from yesterday, it makes no sense. It is a hard story of a man who lost his eyes at the age of 24 and now lives on the street and has “schizophrenia”. But consider, he should have been hospitalized right away and then in assisted living facilities from then on. But he sets fire to trailers, so they took his housing voucher away. Well if he does that he should be in prison. And if he is out, he shouldn’t need a housing voucher, he should just be put in a convalescent home. But all of this is happening, he is a product of the mental health system, Psychotherapists and their talk therapy, and Psychiatrists and their drugs. So this was written by someone who clearly supports Care Courts and the real estate industry, Newsom, Steinberg, Eggman, Insel. They are acting like Care Courts means you don’t need prisons. It was like Gavin during the heights of the COVID hysteria. I said that Gavin with his Grandstanding and Gaslighting, he is trying to make California into a 40 million bed mental hospital. Now with Care Courts they are indeed saying that our entire society is to be both prison and mental hospital. It is with the drugs, and with the cell phone checkins with Thomas Insel’s therapist call center. Gavin Newsom etal are trying to make all of California into a Prison - Mental Hospital. And they believe they can do it with medications and having people using their cell phones to check in with the Auditors in Thomas Insel's call center. SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    nice SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Data from Israel and the EU is pretty compelling. People in the UK asking to be "unvaccinated". By the time they had started jabbing people, we were already pretty close to herd immunity. SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Stripping: rehab for meth
    I don't go along with the ideas of Recovery and Rehabilitation. If people want to get clean, then they will. As far as working a strip club, nothing wrong with that. SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    Anyone else like strip clubs for the atmosphere and don’t care about extras?
    Not so. I don't go along with the concept of 'extras". I do like women, and like to be able to move on them. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    The Organization is still in its infancy, just a handful of local people, no legal incorporation. But necessary work is underway to make it much more. And as far as drugs, it is an anti-drug, anti-psychotherapy, anti-mental health, anti-Born Again Christianity culture. SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    Anyone else like strip clubs for the atmosphere and don’t care about extras?
    F77 good topic. It is something that coming from different angles has been talked about a great deal. First of all, I have never really gone along with the "extras" concept. I just don't look at any of it that way. Usually it means some kind of an ejaculation service. I don't think that is really a good way to interact with the women. What you really want is to have the girl following you and relaxing her psychological resistance. Really just giving it up for you, giving herself to you. So I am not interested in dry humping, not beyond just a little big of horse play. And BJ, a little bit or preliminary when intending on FS, but not till completion with BJ. More interested in titty massage and sucking, DFKing, DATY, and FS. Now our local above ground strip clubs are very strict, no touching. So stuff like that can only happen in our underground circuit. But we also have AMPs. There the basic offering is usually HJ. For myself that is not that important. It is more DFKng, DATY, FIV, and FS. Maybe a little bit of preminary BJ, getting off on the girl's face, or 69ing her. Now what your talking about is much more casual touching. Our local above ground clubs cannot even allow that. But overall what i think is that going to strip clubs for 'extras' is not a good idea. If you mean just for alcohol, I don't think that is a good idea either. If you mean just to kill time or for light flirting, well yes I have done a great deal and I learned a lot about women and about myself. But that was because I was in a death trap of a marriage. A guy in such a state is the ultimate PL. But even though I lived it, I have never bragged about it. Some of the guys here like to brag about it. Viet Coffee is a lot cheaper than strip clubs. But even if money is no object to you, I still don't think it is a good idea to hang around there unless you have got your sights on one of the women. In that case you'll be getting her, either ITC or OTC and quite quickly. But just to hang around and not try to move on them, I don't think that is good. So I guess I am agreeing with you that the extras concept does not make much sense. But I am still coming from a different place than you are, not really encouraging strip clubs as hang out places either. SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Guy plays every part of the Star Wars Theme on guitars..
    Chromatism: So using the Eminor scale, they never use Fnat. BUt F# would be the only sharp. They do use C# and D# sharp, but its just a certain places in the chord progression. Now as for a melody chromatism, in popular music that is not that important. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Icee, that is a pretty bleak picture you are painting. But I believe you. The law prohibits these drugs, but if violation is so widespread the law becomes impractical to enforce. Usually substance abuse has been associated with street hookers. But I watch the videos from Figueroa Street, maybe those girls are cleaner than the Vegas Strippers. Looks that way in Tijuana, SG cleaner than BG. But I don't think Mexico even has much of the kinds of drugs you are talking about. It seems like our whole society is getting saturated with drugs, and that is has been like this for a long time. When you have people in that environment, and where what they are expected to do is not really impeded by drugs, I guess that is what happens. And then the girl's BFs aren't really expected to do much either. Seems like it will be like that in LA, and probably everywhere. All I can say is that in the Organization I am building, it will not be that way. There will not be tobacco, marijuana, alcohol, drugs, or psych meds. Really should not be caffeine either. And we don't even talk with people who believe in Recovery, Struggling, Psychotherapy, Mental Health, or Born Again Christianity and Salvation. No matter what people have for a history, we deal with them when they can convince us that they are completely done with all those things, and that they understand what we are about, and they want to live like we do. That is the point that formal instruction and preparation for initiation and the benefits of membership begins. This is not a claim of moral superiority, or that this should ever be the rule for the whole society. It is just that we want to live like this and we believe that this is better for the group. No one ever gets onto our premises until we have on computer file facsimile of government issued id showing that they are of legal age. This is not a moral issue either, it is a legal protection issue, and protection against being set up. As for the moral and intellectual standards, for the women and the men this is handled a little bit differently. The men are held to very high moral and intellectual standards. They don't get anywhere near our women or our events until they can convince us that they live up to this. With the women there is a little bit of leniency when they are still at the visitor level. Visitors still have to be invited and approved per visit. But if she is there and wants to do what the others are doing, okay. She won't be refused. They will likely need to see and experience all of this and see how our women live before they can really select that for themselves. A commitment to life long learning and willingness to live in ways that are responsible and conducive to the harmonious functioning of the entire organization. Those who thrive in the organization will enjoy a level of economic and social security which few people in the world can ever obtain. No one becomes a member until approved by a committee of the senior men and a committee of the senior women. At this juncture women will be prepared for their multi level initiations. And once a man is selected, the women will be tag teaming him until he is persuaded. SJG In My Dreams
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Guy plays every part of the Star Wars Theme on guitars..
    Never goes beyond 3 note chords. Sharp keys G F# D F# C# A F# C# G# E F# C# G# D# B F# C# G# D# A# Only sounds the Minor Triad in the Em chord. Seems to be the tonic chord, but otherwise it never uses a minor triad. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Guy plays every part of the Star Wars Theme on guitars..
    So I've got the Eminor scale and those for pitch notes. So what about the actual chords in the tabs? Em = E G B ( uses G major scale) C = C E G B = B D# F# So I should be able to follow the chord progression D = D F# A A = A C# E G = G B D So I should be able to follow the chord progression Yeah, seems right to me. Lots of notes connecting from one chord to the next in the progression. SJG
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Unusually quiet
    Well ginger, in light of some of your previous review accounts, we will have more to look forward to. SJG
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    Like the Club. Meh Experience with this one Girl.
    Interaction with that girl a little rough. But still a good set up. Question though, would this club be a place for OTC if you wanted it? And where did you stay the night, even if alone? SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    5 vehicles shot up this morning 8/15
    There have been other shootings at that location. Hard to find videos about the current incident. Maybe because they don't know of any injuries. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Seeing our nation go berserk and precautions that destroyed retail business was traumatic. And there was no reason for this. COVID was never that dangerous, and the precautions did not work anyway. But COVID has been an epidemic of superstitious and irrational fear. And this is not over until we have that so called vaccine off of the market. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Guy plays every part of the Star Wars Theme on guitars..
    So I listen to this an I really like it. In My Dreams -- School of Rock She plays a 4 note keyboard sequence in the beginning, seemingly for vocal pitch. So that would be Do Re Mi Fa. So on C that would be C D E F. Intervals Whole Whole Half. But this seems to be minor mode, so C D Eb F Whole, Half, Whole. But then this does not seem to be on C. Seems to be on E, the E minor scale. Everyone can hear relative pitch, but very few can hear absolute pitch. So you have to have something handy to play along with them. Look what I found: So E major scale has 4 sharps. But E minor has a relative major in G major, which has only F sharped. So just play E F# G A just type "E5TY", and try doing it quickly. I know there is ambiguity in the upper end of minor mode scales, but just go with that RM G major, only F# and play an entire scale and maybe two octaves worth. They want you to hear the E F# sharp interval of minor third right off. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    The correlation of the so called vaccine to higher hospitalization and death rates in Europe and Israel has been highly consistent since they first started needling people. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I hereby transfer the “Grumpasaurus” title from Phoenix tusclers over to…
    I saw some of the discarded programs from when Shailynn and his mom were with the West Texas Christian Glee Club at the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts. He has a huge following. Mostly old ladies. Seem to be of a Jim and Tammy / Paul and Jan type. Always got their prayer hankies with them, and they need them for listening to Shailynn. They are making Shailynn into someone like another Librace. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Invermectin no. But HCQ works according to RFKjr and the doctors he cites. Berenson has shown all his EU and Israel data sources. COVID has made our population neurotic, or at least it has exposed that this is already so. SJG