Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser…
Best analysis of tye US response to the pandemic that I've read.
Best analysis of tye US response to the pandemic that I've read.
No solutions whatsoever, about what I'd expect from a guy who lives in the womb of academia and never ran anything.
This type of virus almost always mutates into a milder and more transmissible form because of evolutionary pressure. A virus that mutated into a more virulent and less transmissible form would kill its hosts before they could pass the disease on to others. Covid is joining the 1918 Spanish flu, 1957 Asian flu and 1968 Hong Kong flu as something most people don't need to worry about. Only people over 65 still might want to consider getting the vaccine. For others, the long-term risks of the vaccine likely exceed the benefits. Insurance and funeral industry statistics show an increase in mortality among the largely vaccinated U.S. population. This may not be due to the vaccine but the reluctance of U.S. government health agencies to investigate this lead one to think they are afraid of what they might find if they did investigate. Many younger people have already had Covid and have natural immunity so it would be especially unwise for them to get the vaccine, especially since the boosters have decreasing effectiveness the more that are received while the negative side effects increase the more boosters that are received.
Skibitch thanks for showing what you are
In My Dreams - School of Rock
Viruses mutate. There's no cure for the flu or the common cold or HIV either. It's going to keep mutating, and we're going to have to go about our daily lives. It's all in hindsight.
shit. covid was started by government action. i’m not going to live in fear of living life. still going to party, mingle, visit and enjoy the pleasures of life. I don’t wanna live forever in this body anyway. cheers!
Then thanks to business sector pressure. The gov caved in and portrayed people as lazy and undeserving of said benefits. And the push to get rid of all benefits and mitigation efforts began. While the gov did nothing against those profiteering from the pandemic and cheating the system with fraudulent ppp and other business loans. It's a huge lesson and setback in the class war
I suppose that's why the CCP sent out drones in Shanghai telling people to "control their desires for freedom."
Hint, Icee. Whenever you feel compelled to talk politics, just bite it back. Smoke a J until the urge subsides. You never make a lick of sense.
for unreliable information
Guess what. The more money gets tossed about, the more politically-connected hands are going to catch it. Amazon and Wal-Mart set revenue records during the pandemic, while small businesses got the shaft. I know Pimp Logic(TM) doesn't distinguish between the two as "Evil Corporations," but trust me, the former didn't need the help.
China has shown how unfeasible and totalitarian a "zero COVID" policy is. Viruses don't have borders.
We've done all the shutdowns we need, except those needed to keep SJG off the internet.
Small businesses gutted and defrauded the ppp program. And were more guilty of price gouging. And now try to work with skeleton crews to fuck employees over for a few bucks. Businesses are not the victims.
A million Americans have died _with_ COVID, not of COVID. We've got car accidents marked as COVID deaths because the deceased had tested positive.
Small businesses took it on the chin while Amazon and Wal Mart posted record profits. Government rewards size. Never thought you'd be cheerleading for those two as champions of the little guy, but your logic has always been incomprehensible.
You're just repeating right wing talking points and sounding like sjg
You posted some idiot academic's fact-free rant. Don't post dumb shit here if you don't want it criticized.
Bte profiteering off of basic needs I'd theft. Pandemic price gouging is theft. Corporate welfare is theft
Cope harder.
Icee, snowflake, get it? Lulz
In the time since I have learned with a number of these that they are on psychiatric medication. And there does seem to be some relation to how they are thinking.
In My Dreams -- School of Rock…
Look what I just found:…
So for the whole country 10,000 deaths per day. COVID has never made a significant increase is. And right now, with this newest strain, it is not doing much of anything.
Want to lower mortality? Well Anthony Fauci takes vitamin D supplements, but he never recommends that.
Vitamin C and D supplements, and loose some weight.
People outside the CDC found good treatment drugs, stuff used for other illnesses which are known safe and very low cost. They believe that they could eliminate all hospitalization and COVID death.
Universal Health Care to bring down the rates of the big chronic conditions, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease. Universal health care increases life expectancy and reduces infant mortality.
And that so called vaccine, correlates to high case, high hospitalization, and death rate. It's just that the US suppresses the data.…
In My Dreams -- School of Rock…
Look what I just found:…
Nope. And finding one blogger that agrees with you doesn't make it so.
Ivermectin and HCQ don't work in actual clinical trials.
Stop spouting nonsense just because you're sore that your internet access got disrupted.
Berenson has shown all his EU and Israel data sources.
COVID has made our population neurotic, or at least it has exposed that this is already so.
I can point to a million peer-reviewed studies that any scientist can make a big name for herself by refuting.
You've got conspiracy theories.
Look, I understand losing internet access was traumatic. But life continues.
But COVID has been an epidemic of superstitious and irrational fear. And this is not over until we have that so called vaccine off of the market.………
I'll take the New England Journal of Medicine over the first guy on the internet that supports you.
Back to the shelter for the night.
By the time they had started jabbing people, we were already pretty close to herd immunity.
In My Dreams…
Pick up a biology textbook alongside the statistics textbook, rather than post everything you've read on the internet here. It might make you a more interesting person, too.
And it screws up natural immunity. Natural immunity gives you broader protection, more likely on new strains.
The plaintiffs, a group of more than 30 professors and scientists from universities including Yale, Harvard, UCLA and Brown, filed suit in September in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, seeking expedited access to the records. They say that releasing the information could help reassure vaccine skeptics that the shot is indeed “safe and effective and, thus, increase confidence in the Pfizer vaccine.”
representing those injured by the so called vaccine:…
Dissenting FDA Official……
Aaron Siri……
In My Dreams…
Read the New England Journal of Medicine rather than conspiracist blogs.
And the vaccines have made this worse.
The best response to these viral infections like Mono, Flu, and COVID, common cold is sleep.
But they also do now have a host of treatment drugs which are very effective. It is just that the CDC is not supporting their use. And it should be with doctor's supervision. These are drugs long proven safe. So if you can get to a doctor who prescribes them, do so.
In My Dreams…
But deaths that are caused by COVID, very very few.
In My Dreams…
The overwhelming majority of so called COVID deaths were to nursing home residents. The average life expectancy of nursing home residents is 6 months.
Our response to COVID was one of irrational hysteria.
In My Dreams…
COVID did not make a big increase in this, very small.
The risk to most people from COVID was about the risk of getting struck by lightening, or getting killed crossing the street.
If one wanted to still better manage this risk and the risk to elderly and the very sick, Medicare For All.
And those doctors who disregarded Fauci and developed treatment regimes largely eliminated all serious COVID cases or cases requiring hospitalization.
3 Courts Rule Against Newsom Lockdowns (COVID)
COVID hysteria is not gone until that so called vaccine is off the market and until that idiot Gavin Newsom is out of office.
Either he resigns shortly after the Nov election and the Lt. Governor takes over, or he will be recalled.
And how could this be, an election going one way and then another right after going the other way. It is because of low voter turn out. It is not how people vote. There are not that many people who could vote either way. It is because of who shows up to vote.
Cruz Bustamante would have been a fine Governor. But in a recall against Gray Davis the voter turn out was such that he could not win.
COVID is not a health threat, just an example of public idiocy.
1. COVID madness
2. Care Courts Psychiatric Police State.
The way to get him out without his seat going to a Republican will be when he resigns.
School of Rock…
School of Rock…