
Comments by Mate27 (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    So what did anyone learn from this?
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Wrapping her Tits around your d*ck
    Please tell us what it costs you. Whenever I had it done it was the price of admission to vip, I added a tip, and didn’t have to ask for it.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Iowa Caucus results
    Ski being dumb, again! As if Jan 6 never happened. How stupid do you have to be to let that pass? Oh, that’s right, we are talking about the dumbest skier to ever live. I’m sure they could put a lift on his head and ski down the slope of his forehead, cro-magnum style.
  • review comment
    9 months ago
    Why does a busy club like this have such poor hiring standards, lately? I’m lucky to find a suitable dancer to fit my needs, hence the reason I go to other clubs. Was in there Monday and nobody was attractive, and that was a holiday.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Have you sucked breast milk out of a dancer's breasts?
    ^^ gotta concur with the Stud on this. Lactating mothers need to watch what they take in so it doesn’t pass onto their infant.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Iowa Caucus results
    It’ll be a rematch between Trump and Biden, with the same results except a wider margin of victory. I’m not a fan of Biden, however 70% of the population views Trump unfavorably. Biden is the lesser of two dummies.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    The Final Countdown
    ^^ count me in on your dance card if you cum to Phx!
  • review comment
    9 months ago
    Not the club of my dreams
    What I can’t believe is I attended this club once 20 years ago, and for whatever reason (sarcasm) I haven’t returned.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Iowa Caucus results
    Trump does well with evangelicals and those without a college degree. Polls predicted he’d win the way he did in Iowa so surprise. Fact is that the last two winners of the Iowa caucuses didn’t get the ticket. Think Ted Cruz and Michael Hucklebee, both losers in their campaign bid. Democrats will be happy to see trump get the nod, because he’ll easily be defeated since he polls poorly with college educated and more affluent republicans. Trumps last victory was ‘16 general election. Since then he’s lost ‘18 mid terms, ‘20 general elections, then the stolen election claims, and also most candidates who endorsed him during the ‘22 mid terms. Trump has been consistently branded as a loser, lately. That trend continues, fortunately. Interesting to see the polls for New Hampshire where there are more college educated and affluent republican voters. Trump isn’t polling well. I voted for him twice, but after January 6th, never again. That was real news.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Stick to the Basic Rules
    It’s simple, you’re a miserable self absorbed cunt who Fills the board up with self validating comments that provide no value other than entertainment to those of us who know better. And, you like the attention… In fact, you thrive on any attention, positive or negative. It’s your way of trying to stay relevant as you fade away to nothingness. Something you and that dumb skier have in common. Simply put, you never could shut up, even when you look and sound stupid.
  • review comment
    9 months ago
    Rockin' on a Saturday night!
    Did u happen to notice Local Hick’s correct adjudication?
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Stick to the Basic Rules
    If this happens to 2-bits (over counting) he would scream in agony how somebody ronged him, but if it happened to you or someone else he’d scream how cheap you are and the need for you to find a new hobby. #truth
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Does anything ever change?
    ^ it’s why my favorite title for him is SkiDumb. Post after post reflects his inferiority complex, the furthest fro being a Rick.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    Reading through these comments reminds me that relationships are complex, and nobody has the right answer for what someone else is going through. For me, I club with low expectations and find the girls who are comfortable getting to know me a little and comfortable in trying to get me off w/out exchanging bodily fluids. It’s my little rule that helps me deal with the hobby w/out too much guilt. Everyone rationalizes their behavior, and for me it’s like getting a massage for relaxation when I get dances from a stripper. Keep it in my budget and leave my feelings at the door, and if any perfume gets in me change into a new shirt or avoid others, including loved ones, until I clean up. To each their own. There’s even a demented dude on here that goes to clubs and is a cuck, letting his wife fuck other dudes. That’s how he deals with life. Quite strange but it’s his life, not one I’d recommend for a real man.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    The Ultimate Strip Club List: Where's Hunter?
    ^^ dude needs to lay off the Ozempic cause that shit makes you angry. Lay off all the fatty sugary foods too and stop eating your emotions, then you won’t need to swill the Ozempic to keep your fat ass alive!
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    NFL puts playoff game on pay network
    ^^i don’t know bruh, maybe you’d cry like a Little bitch all the time too if you were estranged from your children.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Is anybody else curious about Snerzy’s perspective?
    2-bits and SkiDumb are the biggest trolls this site has witnessed. Combined they have over 30 years of stupidity unmatched by any other dual of morons. Truth!
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    NFL puts playoff game on pay network
    ^^ whodey you are writing in response to someone like they’re an objective rational human being, yet realize it’s just an over emotional, Ozempic swilling, self aggrandizing blowhard trying to stay relevant thinking he should get a reward for pointing out what’s rong with this new world we’re living in. As many others tried pointing out, things evolve and you can choose what to purchase with your time and money. I’m glad to not watch one single nfl game this season, but I still have made several bets each week and read the headlines about the games. Debating whether Peacock should or shouldn’t be doing this is a big nothing burger.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Fall of Minneapolis
    Is it a conspiracy theory to state Libby ape spends countless hours daily of his life commenting on tuscl threads because he lacks validation and meaning elsewhere? Also, he self admits to paying women half his age for companionship and sex while being a hideous fat ass, so is it a conspiracy thinking that variable adds to his attention seeking affirmations to justify his political bias? Maybe, maybe not; it’s just an opinion so who gives a fuck? Liz Collin is the reporter and lead investigator of this documentary. She also happens to be married to the Minneapolis police Union leader Bob Kroll, who was known to overtly racist and an adversary to all local politicians like attorney general Ellison, Governor Walz, police Chief Arrendando, and the Judge pressing over the trial. So it can be said that there is a huge political bias in how this documentary came about while showing the other side of the story from the police’s view. The biggest thing to point out is Liz Collin tried to stick to the facts as much as possible, and did a great job. Minneapolis has a very polarizing political climate for years, and they used mob mentality to their advantage. That’s Libby ape’s justification to cry “conspiracy theory”, because he is in the side of the mob. Now we can officially close this discussion, and I mean it now!!
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Fall of Minneapolis
    At least the documentary exposed how much of a cult local politics is around Minneapolis. Now this discussion is officially closed, Libby ape!
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Fall of Minneapolis
    I mean it this time, the discussion is closed! No more comments.
  • review comment
    9 months ago
    Nice first time full service
    Club ad of the day from first time reviewer!
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Fall of Minneapolis
    I’m serious now! No more comments. This discusion is closed!!
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Fall of Minneapolis
    By the way, this discussion is officially closed! No more comments.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Fall of Minneapolis
    I won’t say how I know this other than I have close friends who have worked with Chauvin, and as is typical in public safety work you get personality types that can seek a power trip. It is such a common trait that it is known in the circles as a given, everyone has a level of power they want to hold. Floyd ran in the same circles as Chauvin, even working security together briefly. In their neighborhood they crossed each other often and it was known Floyd was dealing in the neighborhood Chauvin patrolled. Anyway, they were opposites profession-wise, but similar proximity wise. Floyd took it personally to be able to get around the law, and Chauvin took it personally when Floyd interacted within the same neighborhood, dealing. This happens to everyone, regardless of ethnicity. What ended as a bad result (death)from two men who hated each other really had norhing to do about race, because it was about 2 men who had a long standing rivalry with each other and bitter feelings towards each other. Somehow the media and local officials let this misfortunate occurrence become more than what it was, 2 fucking ego-maniacal freaks engaging in battle. They both got what was coming to them. Did Floyd deserve to die? No. Did Chauvin deserve to get stabbed in prison? No But they both made decisions that put them in a bad situation. The media loves to create a narrative, and the summer of covid was very ripe for something to do since the world was in lockdown. Many stars had to align to allow this unfortunate incident to transpire. Through all the bad, it did create awareness for race relations and consequences for thug behavior. When you get older, you tend to avoid stupid drama that the media hypes.