
Comments by LMN (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    stripper/civilian threesome
    Typo in first line. Replace "bartender" with "threesome".
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    10 years ago
    mollies, strippers and vomiting
    @rentz2 Lol, are you some hipster loser mdma purist who takes offense at calling molly caps rolls? Give me a break, hipster. Rolls are supposed to be mdma. Go back to reading erowid.org and listening to skrillex.
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    10 years ago
    mollies, strippers and vomiting
    @jester214 I take it you have never heard of bottle service? Or perhaps just cannot afford it? Unclear what I've been inconsistent about as this is actually my life, lol.
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    10 years ago
    mollies, strippers and vomiting
    I am the real LMN. The parody of me is "LNM". This actually happened saturday night/sunday morning. Since then I have been so burnt out and fried from the mdma I haven't done much except sleep. I just had a good recharging steak dinner at prime 112 and feeling a bit better.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Offtopic The Pitchforks are coming for the 1%
    @tyres My family being wealthy and my upbringing/financial situation has little to do with the point this thread is addressing. Its the same reason why raising minimum wage is a bad idea...in the effort to create better living wages for people on the lower end of the income food chain, it cannibalizes the creation of jobs by making the barrier to entry too high in small business ownership and business expansion. The issue with the job market in this country is also created by the student loan industry. If you want a good paying job you should have to get a degree of higher learning to obtain technical skills warranting the income. Now, though: the market is so overly saturated with degrees because people with average grades who would never be able to afford college are entering thanks to student loans. College should only be obtainable with paid in full tuition or scholarship. That would fix a large part of the job market.
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    10 years ago
    Offtopic The Pitchforks are coming for the 1%
    Sharkhunter Your idea about tying CEO pay to employees is both inane and un-American. Its short sighted and anti-capitalistic to suggest such a structure. Forcing higher pay from the bottom up will do nothing for long term economic growth except hinder small business and make it more difficult to create new jobs.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Do you tell your favorite when she is screwing up or just move on?
    You're an easy mark.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Pulling fine ass when young
    @mikeya02 I fuck strippers and post here because I'm generally bored and malcontent. Perhaps lonely. I never kept in touch with any friends from high school or college or residential treatment. I have an on again off again relationship with a girlfriend but she lives in south America, and we're "off" now because the last argument we got into she was so geeked she tried to stab me with a kitchen knife. I used to "hang out" with a lot of bar tenders, cocktail watresses, waiters, etc from clubs and lounges I'd frequent. But I got tired of their pseudo friendship sycophant relationships. When you have a lot, people see you as an easy mark and try to live off you. Especially around here.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
    What exactly is the debate here? Miami prices are going to be higher than Seattle prices and I have no doubt there are strippers here (in Miami) that will fuck for $150. I'm personally not interested in them, but they exist and it's a believable statement. Also re: mikeya02's point, I am upcharged practically everywhere I go. I learned that lesson fast and hard. I once slept with a bottle service girl who looked in my wallet and found my name, used social media to find my girlfriend at the time and threatened to tell my girlfriend unless I paid her rent.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
    What exactly is the debate here? Miami prices are going to be higher than Seattle prices and I have no doubt there are strippers here (in Miami) that will fuck for $150. I'm personally not interested in them, but they exist and it's a believable statement. Also re: mikeya02's point, I am upcharged practically everywhere I go. I learned that lesson fast and hard. I once slept with a bottle service girl who looked in my wallet and found my name, used social media to find my girlfriend at the time and threatened to tell my girlfriend unless I paid her rent.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
    @dougster Thanks for clarifying what I said. It IS an expensive hobby relative to the average American. Lets say you had sex once per week with a stripper/hooker for the low price of $150 that we discussed. That's $600/month, $7200 per year. Given the median income is around 50k, we're talking about spending about 14 percent of the median gross income on hookers. Most people could not comfortably do that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Pulling fine ass when young
    @ime Yes, it does suck, and it's one of the reasons I find myself malcontent with life here. I don't think I've had a sincere human interaction in years.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Pulling fine ass when young
    Jester I am neither disfigured nor am I overweight. For the reasons you stated (my house, my neighborhood, my cars, my money) - girls expect to be treated to certain things. This often equates to dinner at Barton G followed by a table at Mokai. That's already 2k in usually. I'd rather skip that bullshit and just do blow with some strippers and fuck them.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    cumming inside your Atf
    "Student of the pick up arts" Lol. You lived with a hooker and paid all her bills. Sounds like you're a real stud.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
    @Dougster You raise an interesting point that perhaps a hooker who charges such a price may be so consumed with believing she can get by on her looks that her "skills" may be less than one who has honed them with numerous $150 transactions. Regarding Miami culture, much of what's going on here with the young money party culture is because of the influx money from South America. The bad political environment there for the ultra wealthy combined with the eb5 and e2 visa requirements for expedited US citizenships are bringing in major money - and their kids - To Miami. I've partied in NYC a bit and found it a lot tamer than Miami. It seems most of the people - save a few - are full time employed, working for the money they are spending which leads to a different environment. In Miami, it barely appears that anyone even works.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
    @Dougster Very valid point(s) but you must admit that a stripper who will only have sex for $500+ is likely seeing less guys than the $150 variety. This general concept is why I prefer the specific stripper I see. The amount of money she receives from me, while inconsequential to me, is so much to her that she does not even work at the club any longer (as long as my cash is flowing). Compounded with the fact that the first time we did p4p otc she was visibly nervous and inexperienced, leads me to believe she's receiving less penises than the median hooker. Truthfully, if I asked for sex itc or otc and was quoted anything less than $700 I wouldn't be interested due to my notions about her likely traffic.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    cumming inside your Atf
    Anyone who goes bareback with a hooker is an idiot.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
    @Dougster Fair enough but regardless of location you must concede that a hooker who fucks for $150 is probably having sex with many, many men. While they are all hookers, I prefer being inside a lower volume vagina.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    stripper drug of choice
    @ujay "The girls that do "extra" may make up to $100k/month, provided she is beautiful and sexy." You are absolutely delusional if you think a stripper is pulling in 7 figures annually by sucking dicks. Back to the original topic of this thread, I think the "drug of choice" of most strippers is "whatever they can get." I know one that got popped for coke possession so shes getting drug tested regularly and is desperately taking every possible drug they dont test for. She is chugging bottles of cough syrup before work, etc.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Another amazing OTC date
    Every one of this guy's posts is some weird, pathetic story about paying strippers to hang out with him and not even have sex.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
    Ok..regarding the "free pussy" comments - as I posted in another thread just now, most attractive "civilian" girls around here want to go to nightclubs, get bottle service, etc etc. Thats already $1,500 in a high end night club like LIV or Mokai just to sit down. And you aren't even guaranteed pussy. @jester214 I don't particularly agree with Dougster that the "hottest" girls can be had for $150 OTC. Maybe if they are in an absolutely destitute circumstance and they needed the money NOW or something. Or maybe they are just a very attractive higher volume hooker. But for an extremely attractive stripper who doesnt do much OTC/p4p, I highly doubt $150 would work. Especially in areas like NYC, LA, Miami, etc. I don't know where Dougster lives so perhaps his location has something to do with it if he is not in an area with a very high cost of living. While they are all hookers in the end, I prefer the variety of hookers who aren't sucking a million dicks per night, which often means they cost a fair bit more.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    How much do you pay for BBBJ or Sex in VIP?
    The first time I had sex in a strip club (last year), I paid $2,000 for it (bj and sex) plus like $750 or whatever it was for the VIP. Obviously I ridiculously overpaid but I was pretty fucked up and had not done it before so I assumed that it would cost a few grand. I don't really have sex in strip clubs any more. I do OTC for which I pay between $900-$1,200.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Pulling fine ass when young
    Im in my mid 20s and I prefer to fuck strippers than "civilian" girls. Maybe its the culture of Miami Beach, maybe its the people I surround myself with, maybe its the fact that people know I'm a trust fund kid, maybe its all these factors combined...but I've found that most 9s and 10s around here just want the same thing as strippers: money. It often ends up costing more hooking up with 9's and 10's that arent strippers because they want to get a table at LIV or Mokai which is already going to run %1,500 just to sit down and that doesnt guarantee anything.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
    Low IQ posters like mikeya02 seem to be unable to grasp the concept that median income here is skewed because we are surveying a niche demographic - specifically a niche dedicated to an expensive hobby. Its like posting on a ferrari owner forum about median income - it's going to be higher than the national average. Of course you will have the outliers who are stretching themselves to finance a decade old model (or in our case, the mikeya02's who save up their pennies to buy one blowjob per month).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: How much money do you need, monthly, to maintain your lifestyle?
    Dougster hit the nail on the head. There arent 2 million top executives in this country. That statistic is grossly skewed because they are clearly including people who have no such position close to being a "top executive."