
Pulling fine ass when young

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 8:13 PM
There seems to be a prevailing consensus among most of the dudes that post on TUSCL that being young (20's and early 30's) automatically means being able to pick up fine honey's at will in a civilian environment. Now, I'm positive, as the responses to this post will surely show, that every one of you studs were able to easily pull 9's and 10's consistently from civie clubs. In contrast, I never had much luck pulling the really fine honey's from the clubs. In fact, I only actually knew just a few guys in my entire life that could it. The rest of us were left drooling and settling for the remainder. So, does youth actually equal being able to consistently pull the finest ass or is it the exception rather than the rule?


  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Lone_Sheep: "There seems to be a prevailing consensus among most of the dudes that post on TUSCL that being young (20's and early 30's) automatically means being able to pick up fine honey's at will in a civilian environment." Um, sorry Lone_Sheep. Nobody said "automatically" except maybe in your own imagination. Why don't you argue with the imaginary person who said it in your imagination instead of starting a thread here to see if there are any bitters?
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    The reason you only knew a few guys in your entire life who could pick up gorgeous women is because doing it is a very difficult task. MOST guys (even ones in their 20's and early 30's) in this world AREN'T good with women. In other words, they aren't good at attracting women. The ones who can do it are few and far between. Women are flakey and complicated as hell. To answer your question, it is the exception rather than the rule.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Lone_Sheep: "In contrast, I never had much luck pulling the really fine honey's from the clubs. " This seems hard to believe considering: a) what a SNAG you are b) how we all know that 9's and 10's are attracted to SNAGs and only don't date them because SNAG have decide they only want P4P relationships with hookers c) how much 9 and 10's strippers have genuinely enjoyed their dates with you as you described in your early thread today I would say, go back and try the night clubs now. I'm sure your luck will be better. Oooops! Forgot. You don't even want it to be for free. Insist on paying just to avoid complication. Wise man are you!
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    "MOST guys (even ones in their 20's and early 30's) in this world AREN'T good with women. In other words, they aren't good at attracting women. The ones who can do it are few and far between." Agree 100%. My point (although not in the original topic) is we tend to rag on each other about how these beautiful women would never be with old farts if it wasn't p4p. So true. Another truth is, these beautiful women are out of reach for the majority of men regardless of age.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I'm in my mid 20's, and I've never had a problem getting girls. Confidence, personality, charm is all good, but the number one thing these honeys are looking for is good looks. For the most part hot girls aren't gonna be with average looking or ugly guys. Youth and money are also big factors.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    The stereotype that some dumber dancers maintain is that guys visit strip clubs because they can't get hot pussy in real life. Now in some cases this is true, but this is far from universally the case. Some guys just like the variety and atmosphere that strip clubs offer. Now could I pull hot young 22 year old girls at my age? Probably not and I am ok with that. But when I was in my 20s and early to mid 30s I fucked some pretty hot civvie girls and didn't have much trouble keeping my bed occupied. Sorry if you were hoping to hear differently, but there it is.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    "You don't even want it to be for free. Insist on paying just to avoid complication. Wise man are you!" I think that sums up a lot of reasons many gents on the board divulge in this activity, regardless if they can get hot civies (young or cougars) in bed or not...
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    "The rest of us were left drooling and settling for the remainder." Sounds like BS to me.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    What's the problem? You mean you don't walk into a regular bar and have hot girls hitting on you? Maybe you're gong to the wrong kind of bar. Some of the regular girls in some bars I think are crazy. If they focus on getting my attention, obviously crazy. When I was in college, I couldn't even sleep in some mornings because one of my roommates had some old high school female friends who wanted to skip school a couple of days. What did they do? They decided to hang out in my dorm room with me and my roommate. Then at one point I found out they were watching me when I was trying to sleep. I was wearing something like gym shorts which resembled short boxers. I wouldn't probably have noticed except when my roommate left for a little bit, one girl asked if it was ok to watch me. I was trying to sleep but that is next to impossible with two female visitors. One year one of my friends asked what kind of guys dorm is it when a girl always answers the phone? Well we only had one phone for the whole suite of 8 guys so we would just ask the girl closest to the phone in the hallway to answer it. Then we later got individual room phones. My old tv didn't have a remote. We yelled at one suitemate and he came over from is room. Then we asked him to turn the channel. He only did it one time without a smart ass comment. If you're young, I do not understand paying anything.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I had so many 9's I knew in college that I blew a lot of opportunities just trying to focus on classes. How would you like it if your lab partner was a hot 9? I had one girl who was a solid 8 or better get drunk and pass out in my dorm room. My roommate was out but we weren't drinking alone, she had other friends. They were concerned about leaving her alone with me in my dorm room so they carried her back to her dorm room. I heard she was mad when she heard. I guess maybe she wanted something to happen. It helps when you pick up on clues like this. Just a helpful hint.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Hint, if you drink with a girl, don't drink with a bunch of her friends too. Unless you like it when one of her female friends suggests playing strip poker. That was a different night. One girl wanted to but one girl did not. I do not remember why I was in a girls dorm. One girl probably got me to come over. The first naked stripper I saw was at a fraternity party where the guys reminded me of an old movie called animal house.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    There were a whole lot more girls at a sorority party I went to. They gave me a whole lot of beer. That's a real easy place to try to find a hot girl if you're the right age. I had girls coming up to me for months asking if I remembered them. I do not remember how or why I ended up there. It was a unique experience. About 90% girls at the party.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Im in my mid 20s and I prefer to fuck strippers than "civilian" girls. Maybe its the culture of Miami Beach, maybe its the people I surround myself with, maybe its the fact that people know I'm a trust fund kid, maybe its all these factors combined...but I've found that most 9s and 10s around here just want the same thing as strippers: money. It often ends up costing more hooking up with 9's and 10's that arent strippers because they want to get a table at LIV or Mokai which is already going to run %1,500 just to sit down and that doesnt guarantee anything.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I wasn't good with women until my 40's. I was clueless in my 20's and mostly clueless in my 30's. I'm now in my 50's and I have no trouble meeting and dating women. Not that I'm asking for OTC a lot because I don't; I already have as many as I can handle at the moment.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Call me a slut but I damn near will fuck anything under the sun. 18 to 80, blind, crippled or crazy. My dedication to getting laid is simple-fuck, fuck, fuck.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Slick! Slick! Slick!
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    "they aren't good at attracting women." You may have to explain more why? What do these do to turn-off women? I think this is an interesting topic because in the SC, some things are going to run a little different.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    @ shailynn- That's exactly it @ alabegonz- MOST guys aren't good at attracting women simply because they don't know what to do. Things that MOST guys do that turn off women is being too needy/available. Another thing that they do to turn off women is they don't approach them with confidence(something a lot easier said than done). Girls can smell this a mile away and it's one of the main things that women do not like. But a lot of these really are genuine and are just trying to get to know/take a girl they like. The problem is MOST women are so nice/polite, that when a guy who's interested in them romantically is trying to spark their interest, and the girl doesn't feel the same way about the guy, she'll just ignore him (like ignore his texts or make up an excuse(s) when the dude asks her out in person) rather than just say "no" which is obviously the logical thing to do. Women are too concerned about hurting feelings. They'll give you their number, although they had no intentions of talking to you at all. So then you have a dude who is wasting his fucking time trying to attract a girl who had no intention of talking to him in the first place. On top of all that, women pretty much have ALL the leverage over guys. In this world, certain things just are the way they are. Guys have to approach girls. That's how it is. So therefore, all a women has to do is simply sit back and say "yes" or "no" to a guy who would like to get to know her/take her out. GUYS are the ones who have to do all the work- by talking to to the girl, then working up his courage to ask for her phone number/ask her out to lunch. Women are the ones who have it easy. That's why most guys aren't good at attracting women.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I agree with GoVikings, especially the 'needy' part. As I got older and less needy, girls were a lot easier for me to hook up with. That goes hand in hand with confidence as well.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    LOL. This guy claims to live in a multi-million dollar house in a posh Miami community, with unfettered access to drugs and luxury automobiles BUT can only get sex with a civilian by dropping $1500 at a club?? Is the character in these stories horribly disfigured? Or perhaps incredibly obese?
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Jester I am neither disfigured nor am I overweight. For the reasons you stated (my house, my neighborhood, my cars, my money) - girls expect to be treated to certain things. This often equates to dinner at Barton G followed by a table at Mokai. That's already 2k in usually. I'd rather skip that bullshit and just do blow with some strippers and fuck them.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    must suck to be in a place full of gold diggers
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    @ime Yes, it does suck, and it's one of the reasons I find myself malcontent with life here. I don't think I've had a sincere human interaction in years.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    It doesn't suck to be me. Just looke into the mirror and gave myself a big thumbs up.👍👍👍👍👍
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    "I like myself!" "I like myself!" "I like myself!"
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Maybe LMN is here cuz he's lonely?...this will cheer him up Happy days are here again, The skies are clear, he's back again, Sing a song of cheer to LMN, Happy days are here again!
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    @mikeya02 I fuck strippers and post here because I'm generally bored and malcontent. Perhaps lonely. I never kept in touch with any friends from high school or college or residential treatment. I have an on again off again relationship with a girlfriend but she lives in south America, and we're "off" now because the last argument we got into she was so geeked she tried to stab me with a kitchen knife. I used to "hang out" with a lot of bar tenders, cocktail watresses, waiters, etc from clubs and lounges I'd frequent. But I got tired of their pseudo friendship sycophant relationships. When you have a lot, people see you as an easy mark and try to live off you. Especially around here.
  • mjx01
    10 years ago
    "they don't approach them with confidence" yes, chick dig confidence... but many also can't tell the difference between confidence and a-hole.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    ^^^^ mjx01,I've seen it and that is such a fine line.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^ A character like Clay Dice just came to mind
  • BlueLion
    10 years ago
    Call me a slut but I damn near will fuck anything under the sun. 18 to 80, blind, crippled or crazy. My dedication to getting laid is simple-fuck, fuck, fuck. commented 3 Hours Ago Slick! Slick! Slick! commented 3 Hours Ago "they aren't good at attracting women." You may have to explain more why? What do these do to turn-off women? I think this is an interesting topic because in the SC, some things are going to run a little different. commented 2 Hours Ago @ shailynn- That's exactly it @ alabegonz- MOST guys aren't good at attracting women simply because they don't know what to do. Things that MOST guys do that turn off women is being too needy/available. Another thing that they do to turn off women is they don't approach them with confidence(something a lot easier said than done). Girls can smell this a mile away and it's one of the main things that women do not like. But a lot of these really are genuine and are just trying to get to know/take a girl they like. The problem is MOST women are so nice/polite, that when a guy who's interested in them romantically is trying to spark their interest, and the girl doesn't feel the same way about the guy, she'll just ignore him (like ignore his texts or make up an excuse(s) when the dude asks her out in person) rather than just say "no" which is obviously the logical thing to do. Women are too concerned about hurting feelings. They'll give you their number, although they had no intentions of talking to you at all. So then you have a dude who is wasting his fucking time trying to attract a girl who had no intention of talking to him in the first place. On top of all that, women pretty much have ALL the leverage over guys. In this world, certain things just are the way they are. Guys have to approach girls. That's how it is. So therefore, all a women has to do is simply sit back and say "yes" or "no" to a guy who would like to get to know her/take her out. GUYS are the ones who have to do all the work- by talking to to the girl, then working up his courage to ask for her phone number/ask her out to lunch. Women are the ones who have it easy. That's why most guys aren't good at attracting women. commented 2 Hours Ago I agree with GoVikings, especially the 'needy' part. As I got older and less needy, girls were a lot easier for me to hook up with. That goes hand in hand with confidence as well. commented 2 Hours Ago LOL. This guy claims to live in a multi-million dollar house in a posh Miami community, with unfettered access to drugs and luxury automobiles BUT can only get sex with a civilian by dropping $1500 at a club?? Is the character in these stories horribly disfigured? Or perhaps incredibly obese? commented 1 Hour Ago Jester I am neither disfigured nor am I overweight. For the reasons you stated (my house, my neighborhood, my cars, my money) - girls expect to be treated to certain things. This often equates to dinner at Barton G followed by a table at Mokai. That's already 2k in usually. I'd rather skip that bullshit and just do blow with some strippers and fuck them. commented 1 Hour Ago must suck to be in a place full of gold diggers commented 1 Hour Ago @ime Yes, it does suck, and it's one of the reasons I find myself malcontent with life here. I don't think I've had a sincere human interaction in years. SlickSpic Joined: Dec 2012 Clubs Reviewed: 7 Total Reviews: 23 commented 1 Hour Ago It doesn't suck to be me. Just looke into the mirror and gave myself a big thumbs up. commented 1 Hour Ago "I like myself!" "I like myself!" "I like myself!" commented 50 Minutes Ago Maybe LMN is here cuz he's lonely?...this will cheer him up Happy days are here again, The skies are clear, he's back again, Sing a song of cheer to LMN, Happy days are here again! commented 40 Minutes Ago @mikeya02 I fuck strippers and post here because I'm generally bored and malcontent. Perhaps lonely. I never kept in touch with any friends from high school or college or residential treatment. I have an on again off again relationship with a girlfriend but she lives in south America, and we're "off" now because the last argument we got into she was so geeked she tried to stab me with a kitchen knife. I used to "hang out" with a lot of bar tenders, cocktail watresses, waiters, etc from clubs and lounges I'd frequent. But I got tired of their pseudo friendship sycophant relationships. When you have a lot, people see you as an easy mark and try to live off you. Especially around here. mjx01 Joined: Nov 2009 Clubs Reviewed: 33 Total Reviews: 49 commented 19 Minutes Ago "they don't approach them with confidence" yes, chick dig confidence... but many also can't tell the difference between confidence and a-hole. commented 13 Minutes Ago ^^^^ mjx01,I've seen it and that is such a fine line. commented 3 Minutes Ago ^^^ A character like Clay Dice just came to mind Anyone Have Anything To Worry About? LOL by DoctorPhil San Francisco Escort Site [view link] Seized by Feds [view link] ... Google phone by Caprisun69 Is this free and can u also use it for like Facebook accounts to get started?... the ultimate strip club list Pulling fine ass when young Welcome back, BlueLion Standard Member - Go VIP Now! Messages | Hotlist | My Profile | Logout search Home | Clubs | Reviews | Top 10 | Discuss | Articles | Add a Club | Free Girls on Webcam 18+ | Social Sex Get the full story! Read all the Reviews. Go VIP Now! 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  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    LMN: "Jester I am neither disfigured nor am I overweight." That's one of the things I've found very "strange" about jestie. He is the only guy on here who seems to be hung with what other guys look like. Combine that with his knowledge of teen retailer Abercrombie and Fitch and I'm sure the conclusion is pretty obvious. Guy is a complete homo!
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^^nice homo blast, this thread has everything
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I can think of a few things missing. Like do you guys get suspicious when a girl you don't know hits on you out of the blue whether or not it is a dancer or a female in the strip club? Do you get suspicious if she only talks or hints at sex and nothing else? I suppose if she already danced for you even if it was only for a few minutes, you got to know her a little bit. What if you've only seen her for a second and she starts suggesting sex? Do you get suspicious or just ask questions? I think it's been a year or two since this last happened to me so much younger guys must be getting a number of girls trying to have sex with them right?
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