stripper/civilian threesome

avatar for LMN

Has anyone had a bartender with a p4p stripper and an unpaid civilian? Specifically, the civilian being unaware the stripper is paid?

Theres a large breasted (seriously natural DDs) bartender at a yuppie lounge I frequent whom I know I could fuck - mostly because she wants a piece of some of my trust fund, but whatever. I've smoked weed with her a couple times and on one occasion saw her hook up with a cocktail waitress we were smoking with. So, I know she is at least somewhat into women.

I'm 99 percent sure I could easily have sex with her but I would really like to involve the usual stripper I hang out with. They both actually look pretty similar, though the bartender has about 5 years on her and has natural breasts. Since I know she is into women, and I know the stripper will fuck women for money it seems like a great match.

However, I don't want to freak the bartender out by suggesting she have threesome with a hooker. So, has anyone successfully pulled off such a scenario? Pretending the p4p stripper is just an unpaid willing acquaintance?


last comment
avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago

Typo in first line. Replace "bartender" with "threesome".

avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

Once again....thou shittest moi

avatar for jester214
10 yrs ago

Really poorly thought out. Not up to your usual work, reeks of desperation. C-

avatar for gawker
10 yrs ago

My ATF and I have done 3somes with civvies a number of times but never as you describe. She has always done the recruitment and the issue of money has never come up. I don't know if her "friends" are aware of her primary source of income. What difference does it make?

avatar for shailynn
10 yrs ago

Like I suggested before, remove douche from your pussy and place in your asshole.

Why do you come here? Are you banned on Xbox live because you harassed too many 12 year olds playing call of duty?

avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago


I think it would be slightly offputting to the average slutty gold digging bartender to have sex with a hooker. Maybe I'm wrong.


Never been a fan of video games.

avatar for trickystick
10 yrs ago

I think your best bet is pretending that the hooker is just a friend of yours. If the hooker looks like a hooker she may figure it out, but you have better chance of success that way in either case by not specifically saying it.

You could do the bartender first and then bring up the idea. I think the first time with you also being with a hooker would freak her out even if she might be into it.

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