Another amazing OTC date

avatar for Lone_Wolf

Yet another amazing OTC "date" this afternoon. Here's why I love taking these honey's out.

  1. They drink. Drink for drink and most can handle it better than I can.
  2. They eat. They actually order a meal and chow down unlike a lot of civie dates I've been on.
  3. They're fine. Really fine. Enough said.
  4. I've already had sex with them and probably will do it again in the very near future. No judging if I will be a good lifetime mate or father of their children. No guessing if she'll put out.
  5. We both know what they do for a living which makes for colorful, interesting conversation during feasting.

I'm telling you, it seems like they enjoy being taken out as much as I enjoy being with them. Really great times.

I'm usure why some of you studs are against taking these honey's out.



last comment
avatar for alabegonz
10 yrs ago

Never said anything about taking them out.

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

Lone_Sheep: " I'm telling you, it seems like they enjoy being taken out as much as I enjoy being with them."

Of course, Lone_Sheep, because SNAGs rarely show interest in them, you treat them like a real gentlemen unlike their deadbeat, druggie boyfriends. I bet 99.44% of them would date you even if there were no money involved just because of your niceness and what good times they have with you. Why don't you stop the money flowing to them sometime, and report back to us on how that works out for you.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 yrs ago

@alabegonz: Please note the word "some" in the last sentence.

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

"They're fine. Really fine. Enough said."

I take it, no black eyes then? :)

avatar for alabegonz
10 yrs ago

" We both know what they do for a living which makes for colorful, interesting conversation during feasting. "

Does that include conversation of jail time?

Was it misdemeanor or something less than that like DWI?

Yeah, agree these ladies have created an interesting life.

avatar for shailynn
10 yrs ago

"Why don't you stop the money flowing to them sometime, and report back to us on how that works out for you."

LOL - good point, no matter how much money you have, how polite you are, how good looking you are for your age you have to realize 2 things in this game:

  1. No matter what a girl tells you, you're probably at least 10 years older than her and she would rather be with someone her age, no matter how good you look.

  2. You probably get up and go to a job everyday and for a stripper may live a rather quiet, sane boring life. They are not used to this, most can't deal with that, they need arrests, drama, abuse, etc. in their lives because they probably grew up around it and do not know any different.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 yrs ago

Ha! Stop the money flowing in any relationship and see how long it lasts. Naive comments.

Guilty though, it is all p4p and I wouldn't have it any other way.

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

^^^ riiiiiiight.... Good rationalizer. Let me guess? You pay them leave, right?

avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 yrs ago

"1. No matter what a girl tells you, you're probably at least 10 years older than her and she would rather be with someone her age, no matter how good you look."

Shit. No matter how young and beautiful the lady is I'm with that day, there is always a better looking honey that would have been more fun. No matter how fine they are.

Not sure I get your point.

avatar for alabegonz
10 yrs ago

"No matter what a girl tells you, you're probably at least 10 years older than her and she would rather be with someone her age, no matter how good you look."

Argumentum ad verendiam. Stop this BS plz.

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

"you're probably at least 10 years older than her "

You young whippersnappers! Try 30+ years older (minimum) lol

avatar for goonster
10 yrs ago

Ten years older? Please... I'm hitting honeys that are younger than my daughter. It should be criminal.

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

^^^ LOL! Actually it is, unless you are doing it in NV brothels. :-)

avatar for shailynn
10 yrs ago

haha good laughs, sorry I was putting it in my perspective. Mid thirties banging girls in their early 20s. I forgot the rest home bus makes drop offs at the local strip club for you guys. Love it, hope I'm still doing that some day as well!

avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 yrs ago


Rest home? What are you talking about? My "home" is referred to as a senior living community and the bus only drops at the Home Town Buffet across the street from sc and I have to walk to it.

I'm just thankful you have time to post 50+ reviews of sc's in between getting all that fine 20 something ass. You are shitting in the same fish bowel as the rest of us.

avatar for rickdugan
10 yrs ago

I wouldn't do it too often, but every so often I find an outing with a sexy and charming stripper to be a fun novelty activity. Now I would never take them out just to have dinner - sex on the tail end of the night must be part of the gig - but the pre-sex outing with the right gal can be fun.

I've done it a handful of times over the last several years and I never regretted it. Two of those events involved taking strippers to other clubs first and then to the hotel after and I have to admit that those nights were a lot of fun.

avatar for ATACdawg
10 yrs ago

Funny, LW. I thought that shit came OUT of the bowel, not into it;-)

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

"she would rather be with someone her age, no matter how good you look."

Strangely enough, all the young women I've taken on OTC dates said they preferred older men, and thought I was cute and/or adorable. Are you implying they were being disingenuous?

avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago

Every one of this guy's posts is some weird, pathetic story about paying strippers to hang out with him and not even have sex.

avatar for Vin66
10 yrs ago

Hey LW I agree I've met some really fun and intrresting ladies. Those girls love to party. Your right they sure can drink. Lotta fun if you meet the right girls.

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