
Comments by NinaBambina

  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    I love boobies
    What's the deal with "Free lunch" needing TWO drinks?
    Because they are offsetting what they would pay to actually give people free food, and then some. It's a marketing tactic. They're making you pay for the food by spending 20+ on overpriced drinks that have a much higher profit margin than food anyway, and then telling you the food is free. There's no such thing as a free lunch in a literal sense in this case.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    Looks like Khelif is taking legal action against some publications and public figures who continued to fuel the lie even after they found out she isn't trans. Good for her.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Gulf Coast. I’m not your boss.
    I got hired at Hooters over a decade ago when I was 18 or so. They had strict standards back then. The standards were so strict that after orientation, I felt uneasy and didn't even ever show up for my first actual shift. The pamphlets they gave us at orientation were hilarious, one of the rules was that we had to be "camera-ready at all times," and we were required to carry mascara and lipgloss with us in our little Hooters aprons. We weren't allowed to dye our hair any unnatural colors, our nails couldn't be anything other than neutral or french manicure (there might have been an exception for pink or red, don't remember), no facial piercings, no visible tattoos. It was funny. I've never eaten at Hooters by the way. Obviously quality has dipped since then, and Twin Peaks seems to be the favorite now where I'm from. I've only been to a Twin Peaks a couple times but I actually like the food. The women there were attractive, but they definitely had a few thicker but still fit girls who would not have gotten hired at that Hooters back then. This Twin Peaks had more variety in girls than the Hooters had, for sure, and from everything I've heard in the last decade or so, the quality of Hooters girls has been on a decline. Never the less, they don't have to pay waitresses much but they still have to pay them something. Strip clubs get paid by the dancers. That alone is going to create a dip in overall quality. Kinda like how at a lot of clubs, the waitresses and bartenders are hotter than the strippers. It's pretty easy to get hired as a stripper at most clubs.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    Congratulations on not being able to provide one single definitive true sentence on why Imane Khelif is not a female. Color me surprised.
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    a month ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    So quiet*. That is why Gammanu is so quiet on real issues of women getting raped, he's fine with it. He hides behind the anti-trans movement so people don't realize how completely obsessed with trans people he actually is. Much like he's obsessed with women who turn him down which is why he has such contempt for strippers who won't fuck him. This type of man is always dangerous. Gammanu has NO business being left along with strippers, even if strippers are all that he has... #ProtectWomen
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    By the way, it is very obvious at this point why men such as Gammanu hyperfixate on women who don't meet western beauty ideals. It's for the same reason he hyperfixates on people who are trans: he is obsessed with them. He is obsessed with trans individuals to deflect from the fact that he has proven, which is that he's fine with rapists. As long as they don't question his agenda, Gammanu95 is fine with rapists. Gammanu95's are the Steven Van de Velde's of the world. They rape in plain sight and then hide behind the anti-trans movement. That is why they're so loud when it comes to trans issues and so quite when it comes to men actually raping women or children or both. Gammanu represents the Van de Veldes of the world.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    Rickdugan - I asked for actual proof beyond the intentionally vague statement from the corrupt IBA who made the initial intentionally vague statement knowing that crazy folks would run wild with it. Can you provide actual proof that Imane Khelif is anything but a female? (That's a rhetorical question btw as she is a female and you will find no such proof, I'm just highlighting the comfortable stupidity of these statements, where you don't really care if you're wrong as long as you're spreading hate). Gammanu - you're still the same old jealous, miserable, grump. You still have nothing of substance but only whatever random insult you can come up with for me as if you're grasping at any possible branch, with your hard on for me that literally never goes away. Only an insecure little man would try to put down a woman for having been a stripper, while FREQUENTING a website about strippers. Would like to ACTUALLY make an attempt to refute what I've said, or are you just too comfortable being a little butch? You're still whining, bitch, with your fucking upside-down flag you loser. And I can guarantee I'm now richer than you, my primary residence is way nicer than anything you'll ever have so please continue to frequent this website and get absolutely Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered the few times a year I resurface and inevitably put you in your place because it's just too easy and you're just too obsessed with me. You wish, honey. You wish.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    Rickdugan, can you show me some proof that Imane Khelif has XY chromosomes? Or are you just going by the intentionally vague statement the corrupt IBA put out when they disqualified Khelif RIGHT AFTER she beat a Russian to advance to the quarterfinals last year? Furthermore, women with rare XY chromosomes have actually given birth before and men obviously cannot give birth. But nevermind that inconvenient factoid, let's talk about this Imane Khelif woman and her chromosomes. The Russians said it -- well, not really, but they alluded to it -- so it must be taken at face value as being true! I guess it doesn't matter if things are true if they fit the conservative agenda. Who cares about the truth, right? Who cares about protecting women? Some Russians knew that most conservative Americans will grab their pitchforks and run with anything that challenges western feminine beauty standards. And it seems you fell for it, hook line and sinker. You bought it and you can't return it, so now you must continue on making yourselves look even dumber. Better to look dumb and proud than to admit you were wrong and apologize. It's the American Conservative Way.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    I do ACTUAL real volunteer work with rape victims, as I've been sexually assaulted myself and there are women who have had it immeasurably worse than I have, and I work for free and give my time and money towards helping this cause. You sit on your couch complaining about BATHROOMS on a post about a female boxing another female even though you do absolutely nothing to help the women you pretend to care about in the name of your weird western culture war drama. You're a fucking idiot with an upside-down USA flag as a profile pic. Sit this one out.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    The Dutch man who raped the 12 year old is not non binary, he was born male. And he didn't rape a boy, he raped a girl. Bringing up bathroom regulations is a deflection, as those would have done absolutely nothing to stop this rapist. He is a straight man who raped a girl. That's why no one here cares. It doesn't fit the culture war narrative. Even thought he is an actual convicted rapist.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    No, everyone was too busy attacking the fucking drag queens in the opening ceremony to PROTECT THE CHILDREN, and so busy attacking Imane to PROTECT WOMEN, even though Imane is a female who fought another female. There's no smoke at all for the ACTUAL child rapist. None, whatsoever. At least the French crowd had the decency to boo him during his matches. His name is Steven Van de Velde, and he's the man who raped a 12 year old and is *actually* a danger to women and children. But drag queens and women who don't look feminine enough is where the line is drawn.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    The Weed
    We are talking about the skunky odor, not a specific strain. Indicas, sativas, and hybrids can all have a skunk smell. However, Indicas tend to be a bit skunkier smelling, generally, as I said. A simple Google search will show you this. Either way, it's nothing to argue about. Almost all strong weed is going to have strong smell. That's the answer to the original question. Weed smells stronger now because it is.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    Imane Khelif has been defeated many times before, she's not some superhuman force, she's a female boxer who has lost to other female boxers before. It takes a lot of fueled hatred along with a complete suspension of disbelief to go on thinking that a nation which banned the Barbie movie is going to send some trans woman to represent their very conservative Islamic country where even being gay is a crime. But let's believe the IBA even though we know they cheat, lie, and are backed by Russians and even though they could not substantiate any of their intentionally ambiguous claims. The American Christian way.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    The Weed
    Also, both Sativa and Indica strains can emit a "skunky" smell as it is just a characteristic of a lot quality weed strains, but Skimbum is a bit high right now because if anything, Indica is generally the "skunkier" of the two and sativa is more fruity smelling. In general. Plenty of hybrid strains, too. Indica = body high (relaxed, calmer high, great for people struggling with nausea as it will increase appetite and great for insomnia and pain, too.) Sativa = head high, when you don't care about anxiety and need to do something productive, can also help with creativity and coming up with new ideas.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    The Weed
    PSA: Skibum means Sativa, not Saliva.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    The Weed
    It's because the weed from the past was lower quality and had much less THC. As legalization and more people having access to better grow resources increases, so does the quality. What you're smelling now is the good stuff. It's much stronger, more potent, and so the smell is much more pungent than that crap you were smoking decades ago.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    ^Yes, because it would dispel the myth that there are only two sexes. Even if it only happened 1 in 1 million times, it would still prove that sex and gender can be fluid and it's not just a black-and-white issue. But it is actually much more common than 1 in 1 million, as it is estimated that around 1.7% of people are born with intersex traits. At any rate, the Algerian boxer in question seems to be a cis female (born female at birth and not trans). She also comes from a very conservative Islamic country where it is a severe crime to be gay, let alone trans. Algeria would not allow a trans individual to freely play sports, and they certainly would not send a trans person to represent their country in the Olympics. Imane Khelif was born female and is still female.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Inflation: You’re Never Going To Move Again*
    "the prediction is the Feds may not lower interest rates at all this year." That is not even a definitive statement let alone a prediction. Just keep your eye on inflation. Other indicators of economic growth are looking positive so far this year, for example employment numbers are strong and also the S&P 500 is up around 10%. Just a couple indications that things are moving in the right direction. But the Fed officials are not going to cut rates unless they feel confident about inflation. When those numbers go down, we will see rate cuts. The first will probably happen later this year assuming the economy cools off and inflation follows suit and cools off too. So you're looking at July 31 (if we are being optimistic and inflation eases by then) or November 7 if we're being less optimistic but still not pessimistic. I'll be disappointed if rates still aren't cut after their November meeting. As far as "many people" saying that soon interest rates will go down to 2020 levels (record lows, under 3%), who do you know that is saying that? I don't know a single person IRL, from Economist to Realtor or anyone in between, who predicts rates to drop back to 3% within the next couple years. Seriously, I don't know a single person who knows/follows the market and actually thinks that. Even the most optimistic lenders I know are not predicting anything under 5. I personally am predicting rates to be around 5.5% by Q1 2026! Anything lower than that would pleasantly surprise me.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    First Time for Everything
    The clubs I worked at where this would happen often had bouncers who'd pick up the fallen singles and round them all up for the dancers. I'd always count out about $10 singles or so to hand back to them as a tip each time. Some dancers do not like reaching on the floor for money, and I totally get it - I do not like it either. Some don't mind, and I get that, too. Money is money.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Black hip hop club
    I haven't been to this club, but my understanding is that their day shift and night shift are very different. Night shift is as described, while during the day shift it's a "normal" club with a mix of different kinds of dancers. Totally different. Might go in for a drink with my man next time we're nearby and I'll report back.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    OK You People, On A Scale Of “1 To 10" Question: How Racist Are You?
    I'm not a racist, but I agree that nearly everyone is "racist" in some way, even if it is often subconsciously. Subconscious racism is quite common. So most people claiming to be a 1 are not really 1s. A lot of people have implicit biases and are not even consciously aware when they're being racist and/or contributing to racism. A lot of people think that a person can only be racist if they're doing something malicious and purposely discriminatory like shouting the N-word. That's not the only form of racism that exists. And I'm not sure what I'd give myself. Given my background I've been exposed to and identify with multiple cultures/ethnicities which gives me an advantage in being able to look at this objectively, if I choose to do so (which I try to). I also think all cultures have wonderful and interesting aspects to them so I don't think that certain races are inherently inferior or superior. However, going back the unconscious racism thing. I'm also mixed (black mom, white dad) but I usually wear my hair straight because I like it that way and it's easier to manage. My skin is also pretty light compared to most people, and colorism is a big deal which I profit from for the people here who don't know what it is). So, I can often be viewed by people who don't know me well as being non-black, and occasionally, I can be "white passing." I'm sure I have some subconscious beliefs shaped by my experiences with that. While, CONSCIOUSLY, I understand that no race is superior, it's a social construct anyway, and I really do my best to not be racist and I do my best to combat racism even against people who are not of any race I am mixed with. I guess if I'm being honest, I'd give myself a 2 or so. I do not except this to become a nuanced conversation though, this is tuscl.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    OK You People, On A Scale Of “1 To 10" Question: How Racist Are You?
    ^That's a very honest answer.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    DATY in the Club
    It is crazy how many customers I've danced for who would have loved to eat my pussy if given the chance, and would've paid for it. I've had some high offers for that and it's a red flag to me because if these guys don't know me like that and are wanting to do this, what else have they done recklessly with other girls? All this to say, some people really must not mind contracting an STD. I'm semi-retired at stripping but as I'm saving to eventually become a wife and mother with a bunch of money, there's one club I'll dance at from time to time because it's close to me so if I have the free time to make some cash, why not? I'm not married yet lol. But anyway there's a dude there who apparently LOVES to do that, and to several of the dancers there who he finds attractive. I've turned his offer down so many times that he understands not to ask anymore, but he still gets dances from me and tips me very generously. But he had just been in the private room with a woman I'm sure he had just ate out so it was gross. Another guy at this club who I haven't seen for a while is a paranoid crackhead who wants to eat women out because he's incapable of getting hard so he can't have sex (he told me this). He shelled out a bunch of cash even though I said no. Then he pulled out a fucking crack pipe and started to smoke it in the room and I told him not to, so he went to the bathroom to do it. After he gave me a bunch of money, and the VIP ended, he told me he still wants to eat someone's pussy so I told him to give me a $100 finder's fee and I'd find him an attractive girl who will do this. He complied and I found him a girl and helped her negotiate a decent price. She was thankful because she hadn't been making money, and he was thankful to me for finding her and thankful to her for allowing him. Win/win/win. Haven't seen that guy in a while, maybe he went to rehab or something.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    What’s your normal outfit?
    I've been channeling 90s chic / Y2K aesthetic lately. And no, not how the Gen Zs born after that era even happened do it for their IG and trendy tik-toks. I am a millenial, I was alive and remember this time. Think like how Aaliyah used to dress. I love mid/late 90s styling. I could look good in anything though because when I go to the local Walmart to grab a few items, I will dress bummy. Sweats, big t shirts, no makeup, I do not care at all, especially if it's a day off after a grueling work week and I feel accomplished enough to run errands looking like I stepped out of an East 8 mile trailer park. But when I put effort in, I clean up very nicely. I have a very good sense of fashion. Even my vanilla career outfits are great.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Michigan Wolverines Win!!!!!
    ^But adding to that, I felt bad for Penix because he was just completely beat up by the end of the game. It was hard to watch him go back to locker room. He looked like he was literally trying to hold his body together.