Note to orange juice drinkers
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Save your tears so Puddy Tat can drink them, he's into that:…
I generally don't get within 100 miles of the border/coast, so hopefully my tires won't get slashed.
I generally don't get within 100 miles of the border/coast, so hopefully my tires won't get slashed.
I'm not going to argue that our immigration system does not need improvements, but this is some fucked up BS. It will start here, and wait until the dragnet expands to the next group our new overlords claim is a threat to America. Fix the shit but do it the right way.
All that aside, I agree - I can't wait to see all of the rich white people start to cry when their food supply chain, favorite restaurants, and all of the other services driven by immigrant workers start to crumble.
"The Border Patrol eventually asserted that it had conducted a four-day "targeted enforcement" operation aimed at undocumented immigrants with criminal records, ultimately detaining 78 individuals mostly for crimes such as drug trafficking, burglary and child abuse."
We need a more targeted use of resources, but it's not like child abusers and gangsters have CRIMINAL tattooed on their forehead. By definition, an illegal immigrant is a criminal, though a citrus picker with an otherwise-clean record doesn't help us. (Oh, and "undocumented" is hilarious; they'd be "undocumented" if they were legal and dropped their papers in the desert.)
I expect a lot more pearl-clutching and sob stories. In the end, one side believes America has an obligation to take on the world's poor (usually rich urban white progressives who want to assuage their own guilt), or views illegal immigrant rapes and drug trafficking as acceptable collateral damage to import Democratic voters, and the other side which says a border means something and we need to look out for Americans--native born or naturalized--first.
Illegal aliens are foreign criminals, not undocumented, not immigrants, not migrants.
If non-citizens have likely committed a crime, they should only be directly deported if there isn't enough evidence for a criminal conviction in the US. This seems to be all the CPB feels it needs to say about these mass detentions/arrests:… . Nobody should claim they believe in freedom if they think that's OK. Slashing tires, dumping people more than 300 miles from their homes, that's at least as bad as anything on this site about the TJ cops.
Regular police agencies probably have long lists of people that are probable criminals and illegal aliens, but they don't have enough evidence for a criminal convictions. Why doesn't Homeland Security deport those people first? Sanctuary laws don't prevent someone who's been arrested from getting turned over for deportation.
Why are you saying they should be deported only if there _isn't_ enough evidence? Are you saying that they should be deported if innocent? LOL. So they get punished on suspicion alone. Who's to say these illegals haven't "likely committed a crime"? I'm sure they traveled more than 300 miles to jump the border. Do we have sovereignty to drop them right off at their home? Do they have a right to get dropped off there, after they wandered off of their own free will?
Fuck sanctuary laws. That's the next thing I want to hear; you want to be a sanctuary, you don't get a nickel of federal dollars. Get with the program.
Yes, we need to go after probable criminals, but again, they don't have that tattooed on their forehead. This operation detained _criminals_, you seem to keep glossing over that fact.
We need to send an unequivocal message; come here legally or not at all. Yes, we need to expand legal immigration to fill our labor needs. IDGAF about sob stories; there is no intrinsic human right to live here and have the privileges thereof.
"Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent."
- Adam Smith
The identifiable victim of even the "innocent" is the American people, whose wages they depress, whose social services they strain.
Our duty is to fellow Americans, native or naturalized, who played by the rules to come here.
1. So I link to a whole article. You quote an assertation that is misleading at best based on the rest of the article. But I'm the one who's omitting.
2. Realistically, immigration has to be considered a privilege, not a right. So deportation is not a criminal penalty. Preponderance of the evidence would be a reasonable standard for deportation. After due process, as the Constitution requires.
3. The article says that people who were not deported were brought from Bakersfield to El Centro (more than 300 miles) and dumped there.
Preponderance of evidence that they committed the crime of illegal entry should be enough. You say it's a criminal penalty, then it's not. Can't have it both ways.
Seems like we shipped immigrants further than 300 miles in the name of goosing the census and the vote. Funny that, Dems not only want to ship them around, but remove every vote integrity safeguard.
Of course, I'd rather we go after the employers. Cut it off at the source. No need for a single raid if we do that. Win/win, except for bleeding heart liberals and "charities" who make money facilitating lawbreaking. Catholic Charities should be indicted on RICO charges.
Being in IT, legal immigration has likely had some negative impact on my income. But, trying to cut it back significantly would probably do more harm than good to the country as a whole.
If the deportations lead to less poverty in the US, without runaway inflation, I'll gladly eat my words. Not impossible, but very unlikely. But, in any case, the suffering of the deportees should be minimized. They have already suffered enough. If there's a Purgatory, they're going to get a lot of credit for time served in this life.
Illegal entry is a crime. The first violation is a misdemeanor and subsequent violations are felonies. What the criminal left calls migrants are not migrants, but criminals.
Refuted above. If illegal immigrants kept costs down, why did prices go up over 20% during Biden's term? Not to mention that sending the message that crime is acceptable and encouraging others to die along the way.
"The brats in grown bodies, who feel victimized, are only victims of their own temper tantrums."
That's your opinion. The strain in social services and budgets is undeniable.
"Being in IT, legal immigration has likely had some negative impact on my income. But, trying to cut it back significantly would probably do more harm than good to the country as a whole."
Legal vs illegal. The H1B visa program needs some reforms, but America does well by skimming the best from around the world.
"If the deportations lead to less poverty in the US, without runaway inflation, I'll gladly eat my words. Not impossible, but very unlikely."
Opinion. Again, why did prices rise so harshly even as Biden allowed in so many illegals?
"But, in any case, the suffering of the deportees should be minimized. They have already suffered enough. If there's a Purgatory, they're going to get a lot of credit for time served in this life."
God can handle Purgatory; let America handle illegals. Deportees, ship them to the border, then they're on their own. Enforcing the law against criminals is not "suffering," it's justice. Misplaced sentimentality is not an argument.
The flights have been documented. Of course they're humane when Biden did them and evil when DeSantis did them. Democrats' opposition to voter ID, automatic registration when you get a license are well known.
Inflation occurred in many countries. Why did inflation in the US drop precipitously starting in 2023, long before Biden throttled way back on immigration last summer?
It makes more sense that post-COVID inflation was driven by factors somewhat similar to post WW2 inflation:…
The GDP increase was artificial; COVID was a deflationary shock which artificially suppressed it. The economy bounces back from such things if you don't fuck with it.
Look man, they're clear: they want anybody here illegally gone. They don't give a fuck about the rest....mainly because it's not "them." They rationalize it as saving the country and decreasing strain on SS's (I happen to agree with the problem on strain on SS's). There's about 51% of them (well, maybe more if you think that people near the middle still went democrat....but agree with this style of immigration enforcement).
I agree with Puddy's (ooohhh fuuuuck....) position on just going after employers to get the job done faster, more humanely, and without the inevitable expensive lawsuits that will come from profiling the eighth generation American they "swore" looked like a zero generation immigrant. You know, when that guy gets fucking pissed about it, and the agents slam him into the ground for resisting them and stuff.…
A lot of the PLs here admit to getting extras, so they're criminals too. But special rules apply to them. It's OK when they commit crimes, but when Juan who picks strawberries for 14 hours a day is only a "criminal" because he's documented, that's a problem, even though he is positively contributing to our economy and helping to feed Americans.
These idiots also don't understand how the agriculture industry and its economy works and how even Trump supporters who are farmers admit that a lot of their workers are undocumented. There was a dairy farmer in Nebraska who voted for Trump and said at least half his workers are undocumented. He runs that dairy farm 24/7 in order to make a profit. When asked why he voted for Trump even though his business relies on cheap undocumented labor, he simply said that Trump isn't actually going to deport his workers, because if he did, his shelves would be empty in two days.
Certain groups of people who are too blinded by hate to educate themselves, have no idea how much our agriculture industry is reliant on undocumented workers' labor. So not only will there be shortages on fresh food of many varieties, but even the staff at restaurants (cooks, bus boys, etc) will be at risk of deportation as well. The cost of food everywhere will go up, from grocery stores to restaurants. Some fresh produce and even dairy simply won't be available in many locations for long periods of time, and when they do become available they will cost significantly more.
Only progressives are all about kumbaya and love. Everyone else bases their politics on hatred. Of course, it is possible that progressives, always being wrong, has made them all ignorant haters and as such they assume normal Americans are like them. We're not. As far as Juan picking strawberries? Get a green card and welcome. Sneak over you fucking go home. Happy to spend more on produce farmed by former welfare recipients who had to take jobs. Juan is not undocumented. Juan snuck in and is an illegal alien and a criminal.
You seem to be under the impression that Green Cards are given out like candy. It is actually incredibly hard, if not nearly impossible, for Juan to get a Green Card, since he comes from an impoverished nation, doesn't speak much English, didn't go to college, and isn't qualified for a job that would magically grant him a Green Card or even a temporary work Visa. But Juan lives in a dangerous area. He can either stay in Mexico and possibly die or watch his kids die, or he could enter the US and work his ass off without a Green Card, minding his business and giving his children a better life while contributing to our economy. I know giving poor children a better life is a foreign and dirty concept to you, because you neither have children nor empathy, and you'll never have either. But believe it or not, there are billions of people on earth who weren't lucky enough to have been born in a first world nation and they are striving for better for themselves.
If only there were a word for something that violated a black-letter law.
Oh wait, there is! The word is _illegal_.
God bless ya Trump for letting the nitiwts rage impotently.
First, I agree that rioters who assaulted cops should still be rotting in jail.
How many cop-assaulters got pardoned?
How many illegals are in this country, whose very presence is a crime?
How many of those are serious criminals who are getting rounded up?
Not sure why you'd compare those. It's not very favorable to you.
The deflections to speeding or buying extras are just stupid.
Cops bust speeders and johns all the time.
Hey, wonder if the leaders of New York and Chicago would fill up my tank free for going 90 in a 65, or give me a room at the Plaza Hotel to screw strippers!
No shit, I bet you did, you ancient miserable fuck. You shouldn't have started with me if you didn't want me to finish with you.
Whoa, how did you get from not reporting tips to Alaska? That didn't make any sense.
"How about TUSCLers who get illegal extras?"
Anyone who does knows they're taking a risk. What's the relative level of harm to society of this, vs the aforementioned effects of millions of illegals--many of whom are gangsters and violent criminals? Where should law enforcement place their resources?
I KNOW, that was the exact same year you went to take a piss at that brothel and saw your future wife's number written on the bathroom stall, you built up the courage and called her for a good time. Her number was 867-5309, right?
The number of violent crimes in the US each year is probably well under 2 million. There are under 20 million illegal immigrants in the US. If 25% of them are violent criminals, and they commit 3 violent crimes per year, that would be 15 million violent crimes. If illegal immigrants are really causing such a big proportion of violent crime, they must be geniuses, because they have a relatively low incarceration rate:… .
By definition, illegal immigrants are lawbbreakers. Think it's a misdemeanor first time, felony if you come back. It's debatable whether it's a "victimless" crime, due to aforementioned strain on social services and encouraging others to make a perilous trip. I could invoke the Joe Biden "if it saves one life" with which he talked about guns but that's kind of stupid. Still, the acceptable number of illegal immigrants and crimes they commit is _zero_. Every one not arrested, is a concession to it not being worth the resources, not it being acceptable.
We'll probably end up allowing a lot of them to stay, but if you're here illegally, I would not support a path to citizenship until they leave a year then return. The immigration process is totally buttfucked. It needs to be merit, merit, merit, no matter if you're Yinjing the AI Engineer or Jose the strawberry picker.
But anyone who buys extras in a sanctuary city should get a suite at the St. Regis and another girl to screw. That's the analogue.
That look she always has on her face is a massive boner killer to me.
You kind of stepped into it with your refence to 1981 which happens to be the same year that song was released.
"you're a cunt taking the easy way out."
Ha. The same thing could be said for your geriatric wife when she married you.
Lmfao! Nina FTW!!
Your wife is more than three decades older than me. Why are you dogging her like this? LMAO. What did she do to hurt you so badly? Oh wait I think I know....
"When women get old, they get, well, old. Men age like fine wine. Women age like a glass of milk on a hot day."
Just because your vanilla wife aged like milk because she is a senior citizen does not mean all women will age like her... especially considering your wife is neither Black nor Asian, and those women generally age better than white women (scientifically speaking). That must be why you're so eager to fuck women who don't look like your wife who, according to you, has aged like milk. What an incredible self-own, but the unhappiness in your marriage sure does explain your constant misery and your "GET OFF MY LAWN!" mentality. Must be your insecurity about all the huge Black dick your wife takes that makes you speak so incredibly poorly of her. And as far as you asserting that men age like fine wine... well OK, what a great way to introduce your bisexuality here. You swing to all types of women and men, as long as they don't look like your poorly aged wife.
I already know why you choose the women that you choose. They fill the void that your wife never could and never will. That's quite obvious.
And I never took a "jab" at your bisexuality, I was just completely surprised that you would come out as bisexual on tuscl of all places. But trust me when I tell you that there are a plethora of things to insult you over, obviously, and the fact that you are bisexual is not one of them. Since I'm a Libtard, of course, I support your right to fuck other men.
"I Believe in a Thing Called Love" by the Darkness…
Can't explain all the feelings that you're making me feel
My heart's in overdrive and you're behind the steering wheel
Touching you, touching me
Touching you, God, you're touching me
I believe in a thing called love
Just listen to the rhythm of my heart
There's a chance we could make it now
We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down
I believe in a thing called love, hoo, ooh-hoo
I wanna kiss you every minute, every hour, every day
You got me in a spin but everything is a okay
Touching you, touching me
Touching you 'cause you're touching me
I believe in a thing called love
Just listen to the rhythm of my heart
There's a chance we could make it now
We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down
I believe in a thing called love, hoo, ooh-hoo
Touching you, touching me
Touching you, God, you're touching me, oh
I believe in a thing called love
Just listen to the rhythm of my heart
There's a chance we could make it now
We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down
I believe in a thing called love, oh-oh
Relax, that generation is ending "soon." If he didn't pass his bullshit to the next generation, take it as a win. Will there be others who think like him in the next generation? Of course, but their numbers will decrease over time. Play a long game (although we are dead to).
Three things will remain true: 1) America will never be progressive; 2) You will never make a rock a tree; and 3) Nothing any of you say is other than a response to my playing the tune of my choice. Now dance little monkeys and you all look so adorable with your little hats and tin cups.…