Depending on how you approach this question, it can be very philosophical or very mundane.
I just want to know what makes relatively attractive women want to get naked and dance for money. Plenty of dancers have told me this is a side hustle, but there are arguably other jobs that both have more consistent income and obviously are more "resume friendly".
Some of these women already have jobs like RN, Real Estate agent, etc. Wouldn't the proliferation of women in both education attainment and the job market lead to less women wanting to strip. Nobody turns down extra money, but you could argue low earning strippers would be better off working a night shift at a warehouse.
I love this hobby and honestly I would say I have a 70% success rate with most strippers. lt has just always been a curiosity.
Secretly, I think some women just like teasing men. They will never outright say that, but some women generally enjoy seducing men out of their money. It gives them power, something many women lack in their personal lives.
I would think also that the schedule for a stripper is more flexible than say if they took a second job at a McDonalds or a warehouse. You don’t show up for your shift at MnDonalds a couple of times and you would be fired. And maybe they like sitting at a bar, scrolling their phones for half the time they are there “working”. So you do say 2 sets on the stage in an hour then circulate for tips and get $10 or $12 each time and do maybe a lap dance an hour. That would add up to more than a $20 an hour warehouse job. Or a minimum wage fast food job. Plus it’s cash income, non of those pesky W2 forms! Or to keep somewhat legit, you declare half of your actual income.
A lot of them would not be able to pass a drug test to gain employment in many places. Many others incapable of filling out an application, creating a resume, writing a cover letter. Jobs requiring manual labor are off the table. They largely have no other skill sets outside of sucking cock. They are there not because they enjoy squeezing money from the simps as much as they don't have a lot of options.
Thank you all for the early responses. I think the problem is looking for consistency vs looking for quick cash.
It is notable that on Reddit for just strippers l, one of the most common topics is dancers telling babies (new dancers) to stop wasting money on multiple new outfits and booze, especially at the beginning.
Stripping is an easy job and dancers can make more money stripping than they can at other jobs. Usually they have only a high school education and have no marketable skills.
I knew a dancer who left the Flight Club to work a retail job. She came back 3 months later. She told me her retail job only paid $11 an hour and "they expected me to work all the time." Imagine that!
Strippers can show up late to work consistently and they get fined. I’m sure most think “well I just have to do 2 extra lapdances tonight to cover the fine.”
If that were a different type of job they’d likely get fired for excessive tardiness.
The naïveté of young strippers about the expectations of a job is not exclusive to just strippers as a lot of young people are that way. I think strippers get warped more than most other young people due to the allures of quick and easy money that comes to stripping, not to mention quick, easy and lucrative in some cases.
Like most things in life, it's a complex combination of factors, that varies with each stripper. Maybe biggest one is that, with things that generally cause people disgust, there will be a wide variation in the level of disgust. Stripping means feigning sexual interaction with people who are often fugly and often contemptuous of you. If you're someone who can face up to that and stay frosty, easier to strip. It's related to how there are people who take jobs that involve changing bed pans, when the pay is comparable to what you'd get at a fast food place.
Another big factor is the dubious benefit of being a "good girl". It's comparable to when your boss tells you you have to work Saturdays to be in line for a promotion.
For many months, after losing someone dear to me, I needed to bring my "water" bottle to work, to make it through the day. It's not like strippers are so unusual as far as prevalence of drug use at work.
Over the years we’ve covered the goods and bads from a stripper’s perspective ad nauseum. Why do strippers strip? Because they’ve made the decision that enough of the goods outweigh enough of the bads to address their individual situational need for money.
I don't think its that philosophical. Mostly its money. Some girls are hyper sexual and some have either an issue with substances or want to be able to use them while making money which they can't do on there regular job.
The unsuccessful ones are bellyaching, unsuccessful is relative and they wouldn't be there if being there wasn't worth their time all dancers say they are broke.
I'm not sure what "a 70 percent success rate with most strippers" could possibly mean? I have a 100 percent success rate, I ask for and then pay for what I want. The whole point is a sure thing. What will drop your success rate is actually asking dancers why they strip.
Nice tax free cash side hustle especially if they are hot and have the right temperament for stripping.
NOW, here a big question: if Trump's "No Tax On Tips" goes through (Congress will stuff in a LOT of rules), how will that affect strippers? They can take their cash and deposit it as Tips, and would be able to declare it as tax-free income so they can get a mortgage, car loan, credit cards, ect.
It's good quick money. If your hot, that is one EASY ass job. You got men stumbling over each other to pay them. And in some of these towns in boonies, it's really that or fast food. There's not a whole lot of options.
It isn't just as simple as the money being good. There are plenty of very attractive women working jobs that pay under $40K per year. Most haven't tried stripping, not even for one shift.
The surface answer is easy: For many it's the money and the scheduling freedom.
If you're seeking a deeper answer as to why some girls are OK with stripping while so many others are not, I'm sorry to say that I'm not remotely qualified to plumb those depths, lol. I've definitely noticed some patters in the veteran strippers I've gotten to know over the years, like high levels of resistance to authority and other traits which make working regular jobs very unappealing to them. But beyond that I've got nothing, zip.
Then of course there is a subset of strippers who do it because they have limited alternative options. Over the years, I've met quite a number of strippers with criminal records of various sorts. It can be very hard to get a decent paying regular job when you have a conviction for assault or theft, by way of two examples.
Feeling Of $Showing Da' Body. She Can Bring In $Good Dollars, Feel Good Bout' Her Body, Be Her Sex Ad, Be Pampered, Have Stage $Dancing Exercise & Like Being Watched Naked In 1 Kitten Kaboodle! It's Da' Hot Sweep Win For $Strippers!
Love strippers who also have civilian jobs lmao. I've met a real estate agent, Lane Bryant associate, interior decorator, mailwoman, astrophysicist, a fire dancer, Popeyes manager, interior decorator, and many waitresses. A teacher would be nice to cross off the list...
Easy money without needing much qualifications seem to be the main motivation. Lots of single moms . Also good second job with flexible hrs. Good job for those going to college to help with finances. I have met some pros who travel from city to city and work for several months before moving on to my amazement. How long can that last ?
I think Dugan’s feedback is intriguing - some of these girls just have a pathological aversion to authority.
If I had to guess the most common denominator I suspect that many of these girls don’t have an abundance of quality mother/father figures in their lives. Obvious perhaps but must apply to most.
It's basically the only legit job a woman can do without any formal education where she can realistically make 100K+, and more or less choose her schedule. (That, and other sex work).
This is why it's a decent option for a lot of college students and women with kids who have to work around those kinds of schedules. And yeah, it could also be a second job for some extra money.
No, it's not resume-friendly, but it allows enough free time that if a dancer wanted to do a side gig to build her resume, she'd be able to (part time job, internship, etc). Sometimes you can network with regulars into a job. Also, some strippers strip for years and save money to open up a business, they don't need a resume for that.
🤑 @ NinaBambina, Opening Up Pole Dance Studio Sounds Cool Since $Strippers Is Pre---Dance Qualified. Dat' Would Be Fun For Business $Dollars. It's Good For Women's Social, Home Pole & SC'S. Heck, I've Seen Pole Dance In Public & Party Performance Locations Where It's Not Even Da' SC ! Music, & Food Variety In Da' SC With The Likeing Of Public Mingle & Seeing Big Cock's Could Be More Reasons Why $Strippers "Strip" 🤠
For many strippers, money is the only answer. But beyond the money, I do know what some favorites told me. I do remember my old favorite Angel once saying she did it to convince herself she was beautiful. I would actually say for her she had nymphomania issues stripping helped to alleviate. I remember my more recent favorite Terra saying she liked performing for an audience (she was also a punk rock singer). There was the one fat stripper I remember who enjoyed fulfilling every guy's fat girl fantasy.
Good summary. I had some Type 3's tell me they did the day job for benefits, health insurance and something to be a steady paycheck. It also gave them a chance to take a break from stripping and still have income. Also, as one put it, she can't really build a resume by just stripping.
I think for some of them the stripper money was their mad money for vacations, shopping, etc. One told me she spent most of her stripper money because it was off the books, and she could not really put it in a bank. Boy, is that ever a rationalization!
@Gordie how do you explain it that most or at least a big percentage of strippers won't do extras? I stick to the idea that people tend to have an aversion to mimicking sex/foreplay with people they don't find attractive. Like all typical human aversions, the level of it in each person varies. As well as the will power or motivation to attenuate the aversion by repeatedly forcing oneself to what triggers it.
I agree with everything you posted. I honestly think the next big hurdle will be how this country handles the post Roe v Wade abolishment.
There are many women who are protesting it, go on any pro women forum on Reddit or similar sites. Some outright saying they will stop having casual sex with men for a durations of time until they know contraception is guaranteed.
I have a feeling this will impact our hobby to some degree. Most of the women angry about this are Type 4. They aren't stripping or doing any form of sex work. The ones that do strip will be further discouraged from sex with customers.
However, we have to keep in mind that putting food on the table and keeping bills paid is the number one motivator (particularly Type 1 and 2) so I think the hobby is relatively safe for now.
@GB so what stops you personally from being a stripper? Even if I weren't old and fugly, I'd still feel an aversion to doing it. I don't think it's primarily due to social pressure, that I wouldn't want to.
@Owl - We've handled Roe v Wade for a couple years now. Even with bans, the number of abortions performed in America has gone _up_.
We heard the "sex strike" talk after Dobbs, and now the "4B" talk after the election. Here's why IDGAF. 1. Women enjoy sex too, and would be depriving themselves. 2. Look at the ones calling for a sex strike. They're fucking cows, man. I doubt most of them were getting fucked as more than a "slumpbuster." Half of them look like they "aren't all woman," if you catch my drift, or just aren't into men in the first place. 3. Strippers and escorts know what they are; if they didn't use contraception, they'd be pregnant petri dishes. It's dumb bar sluts who let guys nut inside them and get one past the goalie. 4. The initial fit of anger has passed, and whatever their initial resolution, 1-3 still apply.
Didn't women try to organize a sex strike to protest the Iraq War back in 2003 as well? Fat lot of good that did them.
I agree with you, I only mentioned it to prove that there may be unintended consequences. You can say that about all political movements and actions.
1. This is the main reason why this will fail. How often do women have sex with Chad who impregnates her, then leaves her as soon the relationship gets tough. It's not even a joke anymore, it literally happens as much as healthy relationships. Women don't pick the best partners because they live in modern society, where any drawbacks are taken care of by government programs and societal pressure.
Didn't think you'd hear that from a Democrat, huh?
2. Yeah not all women have the same options. It's the same for men too. The only reason women have it easier is that collectively, men desire sex more. Also an attractive male will sleep with an average woman just to avoid mastrabation.
3. I agree with you about contraception. Most extras Strippers and escorts carry their own supply. It should also be noted that what GB said is true: most strippers don't have sex with their clients. I get refused all the time at Extras heavy clubs.
4. This is the unfortunate reality of most political movements, even MAGA isnt safe from this.
I honestly think the war against conservative men has been going on since 2016. Do you have any idea how many dating profiles I have seen that state: If you voted for Trump, please skip.
@Owl - it's funny, a friend just sent me a meme on Facebook with a woman that said "I can tell if a man watches porn," followed by a man saying "yet you can't tell who's going to be a responsible man before she becomes a single mother." That's your #1. Doesn't say you're a Democrat, it says you're living in the same reality as regards government and female behavior.
As for #2, we're in an age of delusional women. But I blame men for that. The younger generations in particular have forgotten how to interact outside of a computer screen, and so guys fall for thirst traps all the time. Average or even below average women think that because Chad or Tyrone Thundercock will fuck them one night, they can land him long term.
I saw it well on a Facebook reel. A man's sexual market value is in how good a woman he can get to sleep with him. A woman's is in how good a man she can get to commit to her.
MAGA has lasted 10 years, with ups and downs, but it's at an all time high. Trump is more popular than ever. The whole Republican party, with or without Trump, is MAGA. It's more than a phase. Yeah, things always turn, but you can't equate a bunch of green hairs going on a sex strike with the dominant political movement in the country.
And as far as consequences of political movements and actions, women holding to a sex strike is way down the list.
I'm taking a break from dating right now, but even in this ocean-blue state, there's no shortage of women willing to date and fuck. I see the ones that state "if you voted for Trump, please skip." Most of them are obviously ugly and mentally ill; not the kind I'd date even if they were staunch conservatives.
I used to have the same impression as you. That as a man it was in bad taste to pay for sex. But then I realized in the working world how most adult relationships work. Men typically are expected to pay for dates, gifts, etc. The irony is that doing all this over the course of months doesn't actually guarantee anything.
I'm not being a doomer. I'm just rationalizing that all men pay for sex. The only difference is how we pay for sex and the context of it.
You have societal approved ways: dating, marriage, etc.
And Disapproved ways: escorts, porn, sugar dating (albeit this is just the logical conclusion to modern dating involving consumerism). Strip clubs, and sex work in general.
Single men are hated today because we don't "play by the rules" that consists of getting married, supporting a family, and effectively paying into the modern economy so the government can get more tax dollars. Having a family also acts as both a motivator and anchor. Married men are more likely to lock into a job and stay beholden to an employer.
I honestly got my answer, and multiple different perspectives on it too. I think the truth could be determined by going to 50 of the most popular strip clubs (Distributed by the different regions in the USA, that is where I go to most often). And taking at least 1000 to 2000 surveys asking questions (and promising not to reveal identity, just age, race, sex, etc).
I honestly think we end up with the same conclusions as this discussions. Honestly, if being a sex worker are more tolerated (Germany, Mexico, etc ) it makes me wonder if some of the cultural problems
I'm actually surprised NOBODY has thought of this.
Ilbbaicnl does that to everyone, so don't feel bad, LOL.
I think it comes down to personality type. We took the Myers-Briggs personality test at work one time and out of the sixteen personality types almost all us accounting people tested as the same one type. The tester said that type of thing is common. If there is an accountant type there would be a stripper type. Rather than introverted thinking types who like structure like accountants, strippers would be extroverted feelers who like unstructured environments. In all my years of going to strip clubs I only met one girl who was going to college to be an accountant. We had a discussion of the business aspects of strip clubs. I told her she would make a very good accountant and she laughed and said she was a very bad stripper.
Various Cuban strippers have told me they worked in the following fields before coming to the US:
Florist High School Math Teacher Music Teacher Engineer Cigar Roller Allied Health
Since stripping is a job you learn on the job, a bigger variety of people are going to end up doing it. Relative to something like accounting, that takes years of formal study to get into. But I would agree that extroverted people have a leg up in stripper, and are more likely to stick with it for many years. Committed relationships are a big wild card. It's unpredictable when people decide they are ready to make hard compromises to make a committed relationship work. Sex work strongly impacts romantic relationships, even more than jobs that require a lot of overtime.
last commentJust met a chick the other week who was a dancer/Popeyes manager. She makes way more stripping than managing.
It is notable that on Reddit for just strippers l, one of the most common topics is dancers telling babies (new dancers) to stop wasting money on multiple new outfits and booze, especially at the beginning.
I knew a dancer who left the Flight Club to work a retail job. She came back 3 months later. She told me her retail job only paid $11 an hour and "they expected me to work all the time." Imagine that!
If that were a different type of job they’d likely get fired for excessive tardiness.
The naïveté of young strippers about the expectations of a job is not exclusive to just strippers as a lot of young people are that way. I think strippers get warped more than most other young people due to the allures of quick and easy money that comes to stripping, not to mention quick, easy and lucrative in some cases.
Another big factor is the dubious benefit of being a "good girl". It's comparable to when your boss tells you you have to work Saturdays to be in line for a promotion.
For many months, after losing someone dear to me, I needed to bring my "water" bottle to work, to make it through the day. It's not like strippers are so unusual as far as prevalence of drug use at work.
The unsuccessful ones are bellyaching, unsuccessful is relative and they wouldn't be there if being there wasn't worth their time all dancers say they are broke.
I'm not sure what "a 70 percent success rate with most strippers" could possibly mean? I have a 100 percent success rate, I ask for and then pay for what I want. The whole point is a sure thing. What will drop your success rate is actually asking dancers why they strip.
NOW, here a big question: if Trump's "No Tax On Tips" goes through (Congress will stuff in a LOT of rules), how will that affect strippers? They can take their cash and deposit it as Tips, and would be able to declare it as tax-free income so they can get a mortgage, car loan, credit cards, ect.
30 minutes in VIP earns them more take-home pay than a full day at their real jobs.
@goldmonger, is there a particular club that hires most of these elementary school teachers and waitresses. I have a working woman fetish.
If you're seeking a deeper answer as to why some girls are OK with stripping while so many others are not, I'm sorry to say that I'm not remotely qualified to plumb those depths, lol. I've definitely noticed some patters in the veteran strippers I've gotten to know over the years, like high levels of resistance to authority and other traits which make working regular jobs very unappealing to them. But beyond that I've got nothing, zip.
Then of course there is a subset of strippers who do it because they have limited alternative options. Over the years, I've met quite a number of strippers with criminal records of various sorts. It can be very hard to get a decent paying regular job when you have a conviction for assault or theft, by way of two examples.
Feeling Of $Showing Da' Body.
She Can Bring In $Good Dollars,
Feel Good Bout' Her Body, Be Her
Sex Ad, Be Pampered, Have Stage
$Dancing Exercise & Like Being Watched Naked In 1 Kitten Kaboodle!
It's Da' Hot Sweep Win For $Strippers!
Love strippers who also have civilian jobs lmao. I've met a real estate agent, Lane Bryant associate, interior decorator, mailwoman, astrophysicist, a fire dancer, Popeyes manager, interior decorator, and many waitresses. A teacher would be nice to cross off the list...
If I had to guess the most common denominator I suspect that many of these girls don’t have an abundance of quality mother/father figures in their lives. Obvious perhaps but must apply to most.
This is why it's a decent option for a lot of college students and women with kids who have to work around those kinds of schedules. And yeah, it could also be a second job for some extra money.
No, it's not resume-friendly, but it allows enough free time that if a dancer wanted to do a side gig to build her resume, she'd be able to (part time job, internship, etc). Sometimes you can network with regulars into a job. Also, some strippers strip for years and save money to open up a business, they don't need a resume for that.
It's Good For Women's Social, Home Pole & SC'S. Heck, I've Seen Pole Dance In Public & Party Performance Locations Where It's Not Even Da' SC !
Music, & Food Variety In Da' SC With The Likeing Of Public Mingle & Seeing Big Cock's Could Be More Reasons Why $Strippers "Strip" 🤠
I think for some of them the stripper money was their mad money for vacations, shopping, etc. One told me she spent most of her stripper money because it was off the books, and she could not really put it in a bank. Boy, is that ever a rationalization!
I agree with everything you posted. I honestly think the next big hurdle will be how this country handles the post Roe v Wade abolishment.
There are many women who are protesting it, go on any pro women forum on Reddit or similar sites. Some outright saying they will stop having casual sex with men for a durations of time until they know contraception is guaranteed.
I have a feeling this will impact our hobby to some degree. Most of the women angry about this are Type 4. They aren't stripping or doing any form of sex work. The ones that do strip will be further discouraged from sex with customers.
However, we have to keep in mind that putting food on the table and keeping bills paid is the number one motivator (particularly Type 1 and 2) so I think the hobby is relatively safe for now.
We heard the "sex strike" talk after Dobbs, and now the "4B" talk after the election. Here's why IDGAF.
1. Women enjoy sex too, and would be depriving themselves.
2. Look at the ones calling for a sex strike. They're fucking cows, man. I doubt most of them were getting fucked as more than a "slumpbuster." Half of them look like they "aren't all woman," if you catch my drift, or just aren't into men in the first place.
3. Strippers and escorts know what they are; if they didn't use contraception, they'd be pregnant petri dishes. It's dumb bar sluts who let guys nut inside them and get one past the goalie.
4. The initial fit of anger has passed, and whatever their initial resolution, 1-3 still apply.
Didn't women try to organize a sex strike to protest the Iraq War back in 2003 as well? Fat lot of good that did them.
I agree with you, I only mentioned it to prove that there may be unintended consequences. You can say that about all political movements and actions.
1. This is the main reason why this will fail. How often do women have sex with Chad who impregnates her, then leaves her as soon the relationship gets tough. It's not even a joke anymore, it literally happens as much as healthy relationships. Women don't pick the best partners because they live in modern society, where any drawbacks are taken care of by government programs and societal pressure.
Didn't think you'd hear that from a Democrat, huh?
2. Yeah not all women have the same options. It's the same for men too. The only reason women have it easier is that collectively, men desire sex more. Also an attractive male will sleep with an average woman just to avoid mastrabation.
3. I agree with you about contraception. Most extras Strippers and escorts carry their own supply. It should also be noted that what GB said is true: most strippers don't have sex with their clients. I get refused all the time at Extras heavy clubs.
4. This is the unfortunate reality of most political movements, even MAGA isnt safe from this.
I honestly think the war against conservative men has been going on since 2016. Do you have any idea how many dating profiles I have seen that state: If you voted for Trump, please skip.
As for #2, we're in an age of delusional women. But I blame men for that. The younger generations in particular have forgotten how to interact outside of a computer screen, and so guys fall for thirst traps all the time. Average or even below average women think that because Chad or Tyrone Thundercock will fuck them one night, they can land him long term.
I saw it well on a Facebook reel. A man's sexual market value is in how good a woman he can get to sleep with him. A woman's is in how good a man she can get to commit to her.
MAGA has lasted 10 years, with ups and downs, but it's at an all time high. Trump is more popular than ever. The whole Republican party, with or without Trump, is MAGA. It's more than a phase. Yeah, things always turn, but you can't equate a bunch of green hairs going on a sex strike with the dominant political movement in the country.
And as far as consequences of political movements and actions, women holding to a sex strike is way down the list.
I'm taking a break from dating right now, but even in this ocean-blue state, there's no shortage of women willing to date and fuck. I see the ones that state "if you voted for Trump, please skip." Most of them are obviously ugly and mentally ill; not the kind I'd date even if they were staunch conservatives.
@PT no form of birth control is 100% reliable, and (non sex worker) people often have sex impulsively.
I used to have the same impression as you. That as a man it was in bad taste to pay for sex. But then I realized in the working world how most adult relationships work. Men typically are expected to pay for dates, gifts, etc. The irony is that doing all this over the course of months doesn't actually guarantee anything.
I'm not being a doomer. I'm just rationalizing that all men pay for sex. The only difference is how we pay for sex and the context of it.
You have societal approved ways: dating, marriage, etc.
And Disapproved ways: escorts, porn, sugar dating (albeit this is just the logical conclusion to modern dating involving consumerism).
Strip clubs, and sex work in general.
Single men are hated today because we don't "play by the rules" that consists of getting married, supporting a family, and effectively paying into the modern economy so the government can get more tax dollars. Having a family also acts as both a motivator and anchor. Married men are more likely to lock into a job and stay beholden to an employer.
I honestly got my answer, and multiple different perspectives on it too. I think the truth could be determined by going to 50 of the most popular strip clubs (Distributed by the different regions in the USA, that is where I go to most often). And taking at least 1000 to 2000 surveys asking questions (and promising not to reveal identity, just age, race, sex, etc).
I honestly think we end up with the same conclusions as this discussions. Honestly, if being a sex worker are more tolerated (Germany, Mexico, etc ) it makes me wonder if some of the cultural problems
I'm actually surprised NOBODY has thought of this.
Ilbbaicnl does that to everyone, so don't feel bad, LOL.
High School Math Teacher
Music Teacher
Cigar Roller
Allied Health
Since stripping is a job you learn on the job, a bigger variety of people are going to end up doing it. Relative to something like accounting, that takes years of formal study to get into. But I would agree that extroverted people have a leg up in stripper, and are more likely to stick with it for many years. Committed relationships are a big wild card. It's unpredictable when people decide they are ready to make hard compromises to make a committed relationship work. Sex work strongly impacts romantic relationships, even more than jobs that require a lot of overtime.